Chapter 6
Naya's POV
It's been 4 weeks. Finally these 4 weeks have passed. It was the busiest 4 weeks of my life. We had the premier of season four and that ment a lot of press conferences, red carpet events. We had a two weeks tour across the country to meet our fans. Interviews on talk shows. Every host asked me about my Cinderella moment. Just like Alex said. It was all over the news. Everyone wanted to know who she is. I wanted to tell them but it's not fair to her and besides we aren't even a thing and I don't even know her surname. So it wasn't my place to say anything.
So here I am finally having my summer break as well. Driving down the coast to see my parents and hopefully finding Alex there, keeping her promise.
I haven't stopped thinking about her. Every day she was on my mind. What was she doing right now? Did she enjoy the episode last night? How does she feel about finally graduating? I didn't even care that she was in school but she did and I understood why. The media would get out of hand and for a moment I didn't even care, but she did.
I eventually turn and I see that beautiful town laying in front of me. It's already dark because I could only leave late this afternoon.
The streets are busy which isn't a surprise because it's summer vacation and I can only imagine that this place is an escape for a lot of people.
Parking in the driveway my dad comes through the door to help me with my bags.
"Hi sweetheart" he says pulling me into a tight hug.
"Hey daddy, I missed you"
"Let's get you inside. Your mom has dinner ready" he says grabbing all my stuff.
After greeting my mom and taking all my bags upstairs we sit down for a homemade meal.
"Hmm momma. It smells amazing, what is it?"
"I have been trying this new recipes now that I have this amazing kitchen" she smiles as we all fill our plates.
"I am not complaining" my dad says and we all laugh.
We enjoy a nice meal with light conversation. They ask me about my life and what I have been doing and they tell me about their relaxing times her at sea. I am really jealous and they know it.
"Oh and every Tuesday we have either coffee or lunch with Elaine" my mom says taking away our plates.
"Who is Elaine?" I ask clearing out the rest of the table.
"Oh sorry. It's Alex's mom" she smiles.
"So everyone gets to be on milkshake and lunch dates with Alex except for me?"
"Oh honey relax. They have been through a lot and we are just trying to make friends in town"
I sigh and sit down on the couch. This isn't fair. I want that. I want to have lunch with Alex and her mom. I would love to meet her mom.
"Have you seen Alex lately?"
"Oh yeah she pops by every once in a while. She will probably go surfing tomorrow morning" my dad says all to casual. It's like it's normal for them. What the hell is happening?
I throw my head bad and close my eyes. I just want to build a relationship like that with her. Why is it so fucking difficult? I just want her.
The next morning I wake up to my alarm. I am so tired but I had to set one to see if Alex is coming to surf so I did my morning routine and packed a bag ready for the beach. I need to see her. I am going to do everything that I can to spend all my time with her.
I look out the window and there she is. Standing next to her car, talking on the phone. Why can't that be me she is talking to?
I hurry down the stairs say goodbye to my parents on the way out and make my way to the parking lot.
Alex is doing something on her phone with her back facing me.
Almost dropping her phone and hitting her head on the door as she turns around. "Motherfu-.....ahhh"
"Sorry" i laugh
She bends over resting on her knees catching her breath. "You almost killed me"
"I am sorry are you ok?" I say still laughing.
"Yeah" she smiles. "I was starting to think you aren't coming anymore"
"I had some things to take care of"
"Well you missed out, I had this whole thing planned but then you never showed" she says
"Ahh really? Fuck I am sorry" i say really disappointed in myself now. She planned something for us, that is a good sign. But now I missed it. "Can't we still do it?
"I don't know, maybe" she shrugs.
"Come on Alex please" i whine
She looks my up and down. She is wearing sunglasses just like me but I can tell her eyes are wondering. I am wearing my bathing suit with a white dress for the beach. Feeling that summer feeling.
"It kinda looks like you are going for a beach day" she smiles.
"Well yeah I thought I could watch you surf. If that's ok?" I blush.
"You are more than welcome to watch me surf but I owe you a coffee so I was thinking maybe we could go do that" she smiles and my heart is beating in my chest. I can't believe she is still up for it.
"And here I thought i was going to have to convince you again" i tease.
"I keep my promises"
"Well that's a good thing. Where do you want to go?" I ask looking around. There are actually so many people up and about this early in the morning. It's only 9am but still.
"Uhmm how about I go get us something and then we can drive out of town, if that's ok with you?"
"Hhmm this sounds like a classic kidnapping scene" i laugh.
"It kinda does right. Ok we can just go-"
"It's fine Alex. I am just kidding I don't mind going" i assure her.
"Ok, come on" she says and we get into her car. Oh the smell of her car is stronger now probably because she is in here. Her smell is amazing.
"Did you really get up this early just to watch me surf?" She asks as we pull out the parking lot.
"Well yeah, this is the only thing I know about you and where to actually find you. I couldn't exactly walk around town asking where you are"
"Wow!! that desperate to find me. I am flattered" she laughs.
"I am not desperate" i gasp hitting her shoulder but she only laughs making my blush.
My eyes linger a bit on her left arm. Those tattoos that makes me weak. I have never seen them up close like this. It is so beautiful and her skin looks so soft.
The drive is short as we park along the street in front of a diner. "Ok you stay here and I will go get us some coffee. Have you had breakfast yet?"
"Actually no but let me give you so money-"
"What do you want?" She cuts me off before I could get my wallet.
"Well since I am on vacation. Can I please have a cheeseburger?" I squeal.
She laughs and gets out the car. I watch her walk across the road. She is wearing jean shorts that shows off her very sexy toned muscles with a black t-shirt and just some flip flops. Her hair is lose like always just the way I like it. She looks so fucking hot I can't stop staring till she disappears in the diner.
My eyes wonder around to the beach and the sidewalk. There are so many people here. A group of guys on their way to go surf. A lot of people heading for the diner to get some breakfast. Everyone is so excited and happy to see what the day brings. Including me, I don't think I have ever been this excited for something. Especially since I don't know what to expect, I am a little nervous though but just happy that Alex wants to talk to me and spend time with me. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction.
After going through my social media and replying to some text it's about 15 minutes later when Alex comes back with so much stuff. I open the car door for her and she gives me the bags. "What the hell did you buy?"
She gets in and closes the door. "Well I got us some coffee and then cheeseburgers but what is a cheeseburger without fries and of course milkshakes. Then this place has the best cinnamon sticks for dessert" she ends with a big smile.
"Why didn't you help my pay for this?" I ask feeling bad for how much it must have cost. She just got out of high school how could she afford all of this.
"Oh would you stop. I know you have a lot of money but can you just let someone else pay for once"
She cuts me off by pushing a cup in my face. "Drink your coffee and keep quiet"
I roll my eyes and just drink it. Oh wow I didn't know how much I needed it till now. Maybe this will help me wake up.
We drive out of town listening to the music. I wasn't allowed to talk till my coffee was done. She said I am moody and I was a little offended but she was right. But only because I am tired. I can't believe she said that to me. Well that is one thing I have learnt about her so far. She is a very honest and straight forward person. I like it.
"So how was the tour you guys had?" She asks as we turn down a small dirt road.
"It was a lot of fun. Nice to see the fans. You don't even want to know how many people wanted me to throw them with my shoe"
She burst out in laughter and this is the first time I actually hear her laugh and now it's my favourite sound in the whole world.
"And that is all your fault." I laugh.
"I would have thrown my shoes at them. Maybe hit someone in the face"
"I wish."
"I saw us on the news. 'Naya Rivera has a Cinderella moment in the streets of New York' very clever headline." She smirks because we both know she thought of it first.
"Thanks for not saying my name for the whole world to know" she says with a sweet smile.
"You are welcome. It's not my place. Even though the search is on for the mistery girl"
"Ahh I saw that trend going on. Well at least you got some good publicity right?"
"Yes I did, thank you for that. You didn't have to do it"
"Of course I did. I don't need people saying shit about that. They didn't even know why you threw your shoe at me. I deserved it" she laughs.
"Yes you fucking did. I was so mad at you" i glare at her feeling the same rage building up again.
"Yeah I know. I am sorry about that. But just so you know I am not like that"
"I know" i smile because I believe her.
We drive down the road and there are trees everywhere. Everything is so green and healthy. "This is so beautiful. Even though it seems more and more like a kidnapping in the woods where nobody will ever find me. At least it's beautiful"
"It's all about give and take. Make the victim happy you know" she says in a very serious voice and my head snap towards her, now not so sure but she only laughs.
"Fuck Alex don't make jokes like that" i say taking a deep breath.
"I am sorry but do you want to stop. I know your famous side wants to share this with the world" she smiles.
I grin. "Can we?"
"Sure" she says pulling just a bit off the road.
We get out and the fresh air hits my lungs with full force. I take a few deep breaths just to get it all in. This is not New York, this is heaven on earth. I get my phone and walk a bit into the woods not too far though and take a few pictures. I really want a picture of me but I am to embarassed to ask her.
I look back to her leaning against her car and she smiles almost as if she was smiling the whole time.
"Give me your phone" she says walking over to me.
"Sorry and thank you" i blush and smile.
"It will be my honour to be your photographer for the day" she says taking my phone.
She takes a few photos. I don't know how it looks but I just pose and smile.
"Ok that is great but can you at least look happy to be here" she remarks.
"I am happy" i laugh.
"Yeah sure. I will drive all the way back to town to get you another coffee to make you feel better"
I laugh and blush a bit. "I am fine. I am really happy to be here in this beautiful forest" i say looking up at the trees. There are birds chirping and the wind is blowing just enough to make the leaves rattle. "It's so relaxing"
I finally look back at Alex and again I catch her smiling at me. She is crouched down with my phone in her hand just looking at me and I can't help but blush. I have done hundreds of shoots with minimal clothing and did not blush one bit but here I am standing in front of Alex probably red like a tomato unable to stop my nervous laughter.
"We can go now" i say walking the few feet back that separates us and taking my phone.
We get in the car and start to drive again. I go through all the photos she took and my gosh every single one is perfect. The ones she took off guard are the best. I smile at myself because I look really happy and relaxed.
"Are you smiling at yourself?" She says making my jump.
"I am yes. These are perfect thank you so much"
"You are welcome. I know a thing or two about photography" she smirks.
"Oh really?"
"Yes, my mother is a photographer and well I take most of my Instagram pictures myself. Not all of them obviously but most of them" she smiles
"So when do I get to see these pictures?"
She laughs. "Still haven't found me?"
"I did find you but not on Instagram"
Oh wow was that a blush from Alex. Points for me. She smiles and looks out her window. "Alex Woods. My surname is Woods"
"Now I really think you are a kidnapper"
She laughs bending over her steering wheel. "That is ironic i will give that to you"
I take out my phone and search for her on Instagram. "Ahh Alex_woods. I found you" i smile.
I open up her profile. "Fuck....60k." i gasp at her followers.
"It's not 30 million" she rolls her eyes. But I don't even respond as I scroll through her page.
Oh my gosh. She is absolutely gorgeous. She has so many cool pictures. A lot of them are where she surfs or with her longboard. A few with her friends. A lot of selfies which makes her eyes even more beautiful. As I scroll down there are pictures of her exercising in the gym and boy is her body to die for. I feel a bit hot. Then there are pictures from her diving, in the pool. Action photos where she is busy diving. Trophies and medals. Pictures of when she was in New York and China.
I have been staring at her in a trans that I didn't even notice we stopped. Only when she clears her throat I look up at her.
"Are you happy now?" She smiles.
"Very much but I have some questions"
"I thought you might but come look at his first and then wr can talk" she says getting out the car.
I follow behind her and we slowly approach a cliff and as I look down it goes down almost three hundred feet. "Oh my gosh that is scary" i say instantly grabbing her arm.
"You afraid of heights?"
"Not usually but this is fucking scary" i laugh out of fear.
She pulls us back from the edge and she tells me to sit on the hood of the car. She brings out our food and drinks and joins me.
"This is amazing" i say looking at the ocean stretched out before us , as if it has no ending. It doesn't but it's just water.
"Yes it is"
"How did you find this place?" I ask
"My dad used to bring me and my mom here and now sometimes me and my mom come out here and just enjoy it" she says with a smile.
"I am sorry about your dad. This seems like a special place for your family are you sure it's ok me being here?"
"Yeah I wanted to show it to you. You know give and take" she laughs and it earns her another hit on the shoulder.
"Can I ask what happened with your dad?" I ask a bit hesitant.
"Oh yeah. Uhmm he was a doctor, that's why I am so smart" she smirks.
"That explains it" i laugh
"I am just joking but I was only 12 years old so I don't really know what happened. My mom said he was stressed from work which I get but yeah I guess he finally had enough and then he pulled the trigger"
My heart stops for a bit as I just look at her. "Alex I am so sorry"
"It's ok. It was a long time ago. I am not sad anymore but it definitely has an affect on me today which isn't always the best" she says with a small smile.
"You don't have to talk about it"
"It will circle back because I know you have a list of questions" she laughs
"I do actually"
"Ok go for it" she says rolling up her paper taking the last bite of her burger.
"Are you sure?" I ask
"Isn't that why we are here? This is your only chance" she leans back on her hands and wait. Did she really mean that? Fuck.
"Ok that sucks but anyway. I will take what I can get. Ok who is Melissa?"
She laughs. "I thought that might be one of your questions. I can't believe you remembered."
"Not just a pretty face" i smirk.
"No you are not" she smiles. "Ok uhmm. So Melissa was my girlfriend. We have been on and off for almost two years. You know classic high school bullshit but she was there for me with my operation and my depressed phase which helped alot but I realised that she was with me because of the spotlight. Not too sound egotistical but I was kind of good at diving and after I wasn't that person anymore she kind of faded away. It's probably my fault but ....the day we actually met. You know me crying like a bitch.... was because of her. I went to her house just before that. I had a picnic and movies you know just to give her some TLC because I wasn't in a good place, actually still not but I tried. So when I got there, her head was between another girls legs"
I gasp and cover my mouth in shock.
"Yeah so that wasn't fun. I later learnt that she and this girl have been fucking for months." She laughs but not necessarily because it's funny.
"Oh my gosh Alex I am so sorry" is the only thing I can say.
"No it's fine. My mother never liked her anyway." She smiles
"Yeah but still. You feel like you aren't good enou-" i stop realising something. That's why she didn't want to start something. Because she doesn't feel good enough and worthy of my time.
She smiles and nodds her head. "You aren't just a pretty face"
"Alex" i sigh. "You know non of that is your fault right"
"Maybe but it still sucks. She could have just break it off"
"Yeah she could've. That was really fucked up. I am so sorry" i say again.
"It's ok. Do you still think I am a crazy person?" She laughs.
"A little bit yes but not because of that day" i tease.
"Fair enough. Next question?"
"Why didn't you want me to see your Instagram? Because of the DM's?"
"Partly that but...uhmm" she pauses and looks at her hand. "I assume you saw the pictures of me diving?"
"Yeah you are really good"
"I was" she smiles. "I was the National champion for 4 years. I was on top of the world. I was going places you know. I had big dreams but stubborn ass got me this" she says taking off her cast.
I look at her hand and there are three pretty big cuts around her wrist and forearm.
"I didn't want you too see the life I had. Who I was, big star athlete."
"Why not?"
"Because that person, even still with a very small chance and a lot of luck, could maybe have been worth your time. Not now"
Excuse me what?
"Alex" i sigh.
"I am serious. I am not the proud, confident person i used to be. Right now I am a loser with a longboard and a cool car" she smiles.
"Well I really do like your car" i smile but then take a chance to put my hand on her arm and luckily she doesn't pull away. "But Alex, your hand or your diving career does not define you. I didn't know you back then but I like this Alex. I like you now and to be honest I think you were the same person back then. Let me ask you this. Let say if I wasn't famous anymore. If my agent calls me right now and say Naya you are off the show and nobody will ever hire you because you got a bit fat or whatever" we laugh a bit.
"Would you still follow me?"
"Of course." She smiles hopefully getting what I mean.
"Alex, your hand will get better and you will dive again. I can see that is your passion and it's good. Your life isn't over, you are definitely not a loser and your are absolutely worth my time. You are also not just a pretty face" i laugh and she pushes me slightly obviously feeling a bit flustered.
"And I really like your car" i laugh leaning back against the window.
"I am sorry I gave you a hard time with this. I really wanted you to get to know me but there was just a lot going on at that time when we met and I was really depressed at one point in my life but I am starting to get better."
"That's great news Alex" i smile
"Yeah well it's your fault" she laughs
"Please don't find this weird but I think I needed to meet you. Like you were like the thing that made the switch flip. You were a sign that my luck has finally changed and that scared me. I still don't understand how the fuck that happened, that I got to meet my....well you" she laughs
"But it did and I think there is a reason"
"Is that why you decided to give me a chance?"
"Well sort of. I knew I would give in eventually because well I would run through a brick wall for you and about two weeks ago your parents come over for dinner"
"Fucking hell. What is going on? When did all this happen?" I laugh
"No wait" she laughs. "So they came over for dinner or what I thought was just a dinner. It turned out to be an intervention. Mostly my mom but your parents also had things to say well because they know me by now"
"Lucky them" i roll my eyes.
"But yeah after that night I decided to give in. Hence the reason you know my surname now"
"Oh wow thank you for that." I laugh
"Yeah now you can stalk me" she smiles.
"Well I understand now why you didn't want to and it's ok. I just never met anyone like you before. And the day you helped me and my sister out the restaurant i knew you were different and I guess I needed that too. I haven't had anyone looking out for me like that before and not just the restaurant. I mean the Cinderella thing and why you did it. So there won't be bad publicity for me and I thank you for that because I wasn't thinking at the time. I was so focused on getting through to you that I didn't even care about my status at all. And I think most of the friends I have is just there because I am famous and they would have never done that for me. They would call people to take pictures just that they could be in the media. And avoid it and that means so much to me because you don't care about the fame"
"I really don't. I am sad about not have taken a picture with you yet but that's ok" she rolls her eyes. "I don't want you to feel like a celebrity on your summer vacation"
"Oh whatever I would love to take a picture of us" i smile.
"No,no not of us. This is for me" she says taking out her phone.
"Oh my gosh fine"
I sit up next to her and we smile for a photo. Luckily she knows not to just take one photo. So she adjusts the angle. I put my arm around her neck in the form of a small hug and she leans a bit back into neck. This is the closest we have ever been and I don't want to let go. This feels amazing.
After about 15 pictures she is finally satisfied. We are so much a like.
"I just had my 30 seconds with Naya Rivera" she screams out in pure excitement.
"Stop it" i laugh blushing a bit.
She laughs and gets off the car. "Do you me to take some more pictures of you before we leave?"
"Please" i pout and she smiles helping me off the car.
I stand as close to the edge as my fear will let me and she takes pictures of me. I can't help but laugh as she mimicks what the photographers do in a photo shoot. Bending down, laying on the floor, standing on top of her car, a close up, one where I sit with my legs hanging over the edge. I was praying the whole time but she kept my mind occupied. And then last a one from far away.
"Ok i think we got it" she yells from afar.
"Are you sure?" I tease taking the phone from her.
"Yes, now let's go, it's almost 3pm and I want to show you something else before we head back"
"Ok" i simply say getting back into the car.
The drive is long but I really don't care. I get to spend time with Alex so I am happy. We talked about all kinds of stuff. Our favourite food, season, movies and memories.
"Can I see your playlist?" I ask taking her phone as if it's normal.
"Uhmm yeah sure" she says a bit hesitant.
"What's wrong? Are you a heavy metal fan?" I laugh.
"No but we both know that at some point I will feel embarrassed. So let's just get it over with"
"How can a playlist be embarrassing?" I ask finally getting her iTunes.
"Oh trust Alex" she laughs.
The app opens up and her number one playlist is Santana Lopez. I smile and cover my eyes blushing a bit.
"See I told you" she sighs.
"No,no I think it's sweet. I am a bit embarrassed. I hate my singing voice" i confess.
"Excuse me?" She yells breaking a bit making me go forward and backward laughing. "You take that back"
"I just don't think I am that good of a singer"
She takes a deep breath. "Naya I swear I will leave you next to this road"
"No you won't" i laugh
"No I won't" she laugss "but take that back. You have the most amazing voice"
I smile leaning my head against the seat looking at her. "Thank you"
She gives me a smile back and looks back on the road. After a few minutes we come upon this small little town right next to the ocean. She parks the car and we get out.
"Are you ok with walking around a bit?"
"Yeah sure" i smile and we start walking through the streets.
"So this little town is very cool. The main thing to do here is fish. Everyone here can fish but the cool thing about this place is they actually have this small rehabilitation facility for sea animals that they come across. It's not very popular and there isn't much funding because they aren't really qualified to do it but they just don't care."
"That's so cool"
"Yes it is. My mother is actually a funder for this project so we come here a lot to volunteer."
"That is amazing Alex." I smile from ear to ear as we walk and look around the town
There are cute little stores and bakeries. Everyone seems so happy even with the little they have. The kids play in the street and some of them wave at Alex and she gives them all high fives. Little does she know I took pictures of it. I just need at least one picture of her.
We get to the gates and they immediately let us in.
"So some of the animals are really hurt so I am going to look at it first before you look ok" she says as we walk into the building. She is so caring and protective
"Alex it's fine. I want to see them."
"I just don't want you to be sad"
"It's ok. I want to see" i say again and this time she just nods.
We walk along a hallway with all kinds of pictures of sea creatures and it's beautiful. The colours is amazing.
We come to a stop at a door. "Ok so we can start with a good one" she smiles and opens the door. We walk in and in the room is a big round tank and as I look into the water there is a beautiful stingray at the bottom. It's not deep but he can swim around.
"So this guy had a hook stuck on one of his fins but he is almost ready to go back out to the ocean" she smiles and I can see the passion in her eyes.
"He is beautiful"
"Do you want to touch him?" She asks and I frown immediately at her question.
"No I am good thank you" i object.
"Come on. Look" she says leaning over and slowly put her hand in the water rubbing him.
"Oh gosh he is going to bite you" i say in a panic.
"No he is not" she laughs. "Please" she takes my hand and my heart beats fast. "Do you trust me?"
"Unfortunately yes" i say in a nervous laughter.
She takes my hand in hers and she slowly puts it in the water. I close my eyes fearing for my life. Then my hand touches the skin and my eyes open wide. It's nothing like you can imagine. It's slimy but yet rough. She pulls my hand slowly across the fin.
"Oh my gosh Alex that's so cool. Can we take a picture?"
"Yeah sure " she takes our hands out. She takes my phone and stand ready to take a picture.
"No you have to do it with me" i shake my head.
"How will i take them pictures then?"
"I don't care but I am not putting my hand in there alone" i object.
"Naya come on just be brave. You are touching a sea creature. You can do it" she smiles.
I look at the water and cringe a bit.
"Ok how about I put your hand there and then you just keep it there?"
"Yes please"
Again she takes my hand and places it on the stingray. I can't help but smile but my nerves are making my shake. She lets go and I only stare at the thing. "Please don't eat me"
Alex laughs. "Ok look here" she says and takes a few photos of me. I take my hand out and smile with pride. "I did it"
"Yeah you did" she says giving me a high five. "Ok come one let me show you the others before she sun goes down.
We walk along the hallway again I follow her looking at my photos. I can't believe I just did that. I smile wide again just looking at the pictures.
We stop at various windows not going inside and I am glad. There were multiple birds that were injured and one was a sea turtle that almost broke my heart. Alex saw my emotions and immediately took me away saying she told me so.
"Ok we begin with a high and we end with a high" she smiles making me feel better.
We walk up some stairs and through a door. It looks like we are on top of a roof with swimming pools.
"Oohh cool"
She smiles and leads me around a corner to a specific pool. At first I don't see it but then it becomes clear as a baby dolphin swims to the top.
"Oh my gosh Alex." I say crouching down to take a few pictures.
"This is Alice. Her mother was badly injured but she was pregnant with this little one and unfortunately they couldn't save the mother but they saved her."
"Oh my gosh she is so tiny and cute" i say with tears in my eyes.
"Yeah I know right. They don't want her to get used to humans because she has to go back in the ocean and she has to survive"
"Oh yeah that makes sense" i agree standing up next to her. "This is amazing" i smile at her.
"Yeah it is" she smiles back. "Well we better get back before your parents think I really kidnapped you" she laughs.
"They would never think that. They really like you"
"Yeah I know" she smirks and begins to walk away.
"Bye baby Alice. Have fun in the ocean" i wave at the dolphin like an idiot.
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