Chapter 33
Alex's POV
With my eyes locked on the tv screen, fully indulged in this movie. I am almost at the edge of my seat. The popcorn has been in my hand for the last few minutes. I couldn't dare to take the bite. I can feel the suspense in the music. Something is about to pop up behind a tree or come out of the shadows and I want to be prepared. I don't want take the chance of choking on anything.
"Baby you're gonna have a heart attack"
"Sshhhh" I put my finger up and climb onto the couch with both my feet tucked underneath me.
I don't even bother looking at Naya. She hasn't been paying attention to the movie at all. As for me, I couldn't look away. Naya tried talking to me but she gave up after the first half hour.
The music starts building up a bit more and I lean back into the couch. "Ah fuck it's behind the rock." I squeal in nervousness. "Turn around asshole!" I yell at the tv.
"Alex" I hear Naya laugh beside me.
"Baby that fucking thing is behind that rock I swear." I point out to the tv.
"Put the volume down"
"Sshh" I put my hand over her mouth this time. She only laughs and softly bites my finger before she holds it.
"Aahhhh!" I yell in slightly embarrassing high pitch tone. "Fuck, I called it!" I hold my heart and calm my breathing. The popcorn in my hand is not there anymore and I almost had a cramp in my foot from my unexpected fright.
"What... the hell was that... scream?" she laughs so hard she can barely breathe or get a word out.
"Uhhmm" I laugh and bite my bottom lip in embarrassment.
She falls back to the other side of the couch and can't stop laughing.
"Ok you can stop laughing now" I laugh and roll my eyes but she just laughs even harder.
"Babyyyy" I whine for her to stop but she doesn't. She just keeps laughing and mocking my scream.
"Fine!" I get up from the couch, throw the blanket over her face and go sit on the other end of the couch.
It doesn't take long for her to miss me and she opens up her face. "No baby" she pouts but she still doesn't stop laughing at me.
She stands up and wobbles over to me but I put my foot out to stop her. "No go away" I laugh.
"Aleexxx" she whines and with me not trying to hurt her, I finally let her come closer.
"You don't deserve my love" I groan in laughter as she climbs on top of me. We fall down on the couch and she cuddles into me. She is still quietly laughing and I still blush for my embarrassing moment. But I can't resist her and I never will. Feeling her this close to me has always been my favorite thing.
Today is the first day that we are alone in the house. My mother and Naya's parents went back home two days after Christmas.
Naya and I will drive down to go spend New years with them. The plan was for them too stay here till after new years but Naya wants to get out of this city for a while and I am all for it.
We are planning to stay there for two weeks, she has to get some actual rest and then we'll come back and prepare to start the new year. I am only starting with training at the end of January but she has a few things lined up when we get back.
On Christmas day Naya went live on her Instagram, thanking everyone for the messages and support they gave her. There were so many people who watched and so many questions, she felt bad that she couldn't answer all of them.
She was scared to switch on her phone at first but when she finally went onto social media she saw how supportive her fans were. There was a picture going around about me and her. Lara took a picture when I slept next to her on the hospital bed. I didn't know she posted it because my phone was off as well but that was the first thing that went out to the public, letting them know that she was ok.
And now she has so many interviews coming up. Everyone wants her on their show because the world wants to see her again.
She has been doing great the last couple of days. She can walk up the stairs by herself and do daily things. The only thing she can't do yet is picking something up from the ground. She says her ribs still hurt when she bends a certain way. Her shoulder is doing fine, she can move it around but obviously she has to take it slow. The cuts and bruises on her face are slowly fading which makes me very happy. The cut on her head still looks bad. She still has her stitches and they'll stay there for a while. I clean her wound every second day and at night she sleeps with a band-aid, wrapped around her head. It's just to make sure the stitches doesn't rip on the pillow while she sleeps. But during the day she leaves it open but she is really careful though.
Then of course she still gets massive headaches. The doctor warned us about them but I still hate it. Sometimes she can't even open her eyes. I had to carry her to bed, switched off all the lights and closed the curtains. It had to bring completely dark. Then she would just fall asleep from the strong pain medication.
But other than that, she is doing fine. She is back to her old crazy self and I absolutely love it.
"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" she breaks my chain of thoughts with a whisper.
I turn my head to her and hold her close. "What time do you want to leave?" I smile.
"As early as possible" she smiles back. "I can't wait to go back there. It's so peaceful"
"Yes it is" I lean closer and kiss her soft lips.
Our bags are packed and we are on the road. It took me a while to wake Naya up but after a few minutes she remembered where we are going.
The sun is already up and luckily it's not snowing today but it's still fucking cold. My beautiful girlfriend is sipping on her first coffee for the day so I am patiently waiting for her to actually wake up.
As we drive I can't help but think about Jamie. I haven't talked to her since she sent me that message. She doesn't know we are coming back to town but somewhere I'll probably see her. It's a really small town so it's kind of inevitable.
I actually don't want to see her. I don't want to talk to her. I just want to spend some some with Naya and my family. We haven't seen each other in months and I've made my peace with it.
"What are you thinking about?"
"What?" I look at Naya and she is frowning at me. "Sorry it's nothing" I smile and put my hand in her lap.
She leans to the middle and puts her elbow on the console box. "Tell me"
Sometimes I hate that she can see right through my lies. I don't mean to lie about anything, I just don't necessarily want to talk about it. It's a negative conversation and I don't want that in our relationship.
But I know she won't stop until I tell her.
"I was just thinking about Jamie. I don't want to see her but I probably will." I sigh.
"When are you going to tell me what really happened?" she says in a hesitant tone.
"It's not important anymore baby. She said what she wanted and that's it. I'm over it" I shrug.
"But you're not" she simply says and I take a deep breath. I also hate it when she knows me better than I know myself.
"I can see it's bothering you babe" she whispers and holds my hand in her lap. "I think you should talk it out. Maybe you can be friends again."
"She'll never be a fucking friend of mine again." I laugh in disappointment. "And she probably just wants to get closer to you. So no, that is not happening."
"Are you jealous baby?" she asks in a dramatic gasp.
"Maybe" I laugh.
"Awwhh" she leans over and kisses my cheek but I just roll my eyes. She always gets happy if I'm jealous and I don't know why.
"She won't get close to me because I don't want to meet her." she simply smiles and sits back in her seat. I laugh because she might be smiling but that is not a friendly smile. That smile right there is one of the deadliest ones you can get from her.
That's the whole reason I'm not telling her what Jamie said about me. She will literally go on a murder path and this moment made it clear.
"Aaah she will be so disappointed." I say in a sarcastic tone.
"She can go fuck herself" she mumbles under her breath as she looks out the window.
"She'll probably think of you" I laugh and she gasps, swinging a fist right to my chest.
"Naya, I'm driving!" I yell in laughter.
"Don't say things like that" she sighs and even though she is still smiling a bit I can see she doesn't like it.
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry" I lean over and put my hand on her thigh. She just stares at me but I can only glance at her every few seconds. "I'm sorry baby. Give me a kiss please" I whisper and lean a bit to her side, still keeping my eyes on the road.
She leans closer and gives me a gentle kiss. I sit back in my seat and decide to take it one step further. I haven't pushed my limits in a while.
"Can I still think about you when I...?"
"You better think of m.... No wait, when do you masturbate?" she raises both eyebrows at me. She hates it when I masturbate, she claims it's her job to satisfy me. Which she takes the gold medal for by the way.
"I-I uhmm" I pretend to stumble over my words. "Well the next two weeks I'll probably have too"
"The fuck you will!" she yells and I can't help but chuckle.
"Babe you'll be staying with your parents and I'll stay at my-"
"No, no, no" she cuts me off and sits a bit forward. "Alex." she takes a deep breath to calm herself. "You're staying with me. I don't care where that is but I will not sleep alone."
I can't help but laugh at her serious tone. Her facial expression makes it even better. It's a mixture between shocked, disbelief and anger.
"Baby I'm just joking" I laugh but she is not impressed. She just glares at me and her jaw is clenched tightly.
"Maybe you should stay with your mother" she snaps at me and sit back against the seat.
"Baby" I laugh and try to touch her but she slaps my hand away. "Baby come on, I'm sorry"
She ignores me and just stares out of the window.
Still nothing.
"Naya Rivera!"
She finally turns to me and I still haven't stopped laughing but I try really hard too. "I'm sorry"
"You're a fucking asshole!" she yells in laughter and again she hits me on the shoulder. "I hate you"
"I'm sorry baby" I chuckle softly and put my hand out on her leg. "I was just messing with you."
The laughter dies down and she holds my hand again. "There's no way that we're sleeping in different beds." I say in a sincere voice and bring her hand up for a few soft kisses. "Don't worry about that"
"I still hate you" she laughs and grabs my nose between her knuckles.
"I will kill you if you touch yourself" she grits with a clenched jaw.
"I know!" I yell in laughter and pull her hand away. "Fucking hell" I look up in the mirror to see if my nose is still intact.
"I'm gonna tell your mom about this"
"You can tell her anything you want sweetheart" she laughs.
"No! You can't use sweetheart like that" I laugh in shock.
"Like what?"
"In a sarcastic way like that. You're only allowed to use sweetheart in a loving way." I say as a matter of fact.
"You are fucking ridiculous" she laughs and shakes her head.
"Say you're sorry!"
"No" she laughs.
I let my mouth fall open in shock and glance at her. "Do you even love anymore?"
"I can't even deal with you right now." she laughs and looks out the window.
I smile at our silly banter and reach over for her hand. "Hey" I call on her. She looks at me with a smile on her face. "I love you"
"I love you too but you are driving me crazy" she chuckles.
Five hours later and about three stops for coffee, we finally pull into the driveway of my mother's house. She immediately came out and caught Naya in a tight hug.
"I'm so glad you are finally here." she squeals and gives me a big hug as well.
My mom immediately took Naya out of the cold while I went to get our bags. After our little quarrel we decided on the sleeping arrangements. We're going to sleep in my mother's house for a while and then go over to her parents house. We'll probably all be together every night anyway we just need a place to sleep. And I miss being here, I'm excited to spend some time with my mom. It's the first time I'm back here after I moved out.
I get the last bags and take them inside. I took all the luggage upstairs to my room which doesn't look the same anymore. My mom definitely had some fun redecorating and it makes me happy.
"Awhh I thought there would be posters of me on you wall"
I smile as I feel Naya's hands sneak around my waist from behind.
"There was, but I didn't need that embarrassment the first time you came here" I laugh and lean my head back against her shoulder. "And I don't think my mother's other guests would particularly like a half-naked girl on the ceiling."
"On the ceiling?" she laughs.
I turn around and wrap my arms around her neck. "Well I wanted you to be the last person I see when I fall asleep and the first when I wake up." I say with a stupid smile on my face.
I see a shade of blush on her face and she pulls my body flush against hers.
"But now I get to have you in my bed" I lean closer and give her a passionate kiss.
"That's really sweet babe but that wasn't the only reason it was on the ceiling right?" she laughs with a raised eyebrow.
Now I'm blushing because she saw right through me. "No" I chuckle and hug her tightly.
The hug isn't necessarily for comfort but to restrain her from hitting me which came only seconds later.
"Ow baby" I groan in laughter and step away from her.
"That is fucked up" she laughs and traps me between the wall and her body.
"Come on baby this shouldn't be a shock to you." I say in a pleading laughter as she starts pinching me. "Aren't you happy that it's always been you? How would you feel if I had someone else up there?"
"True" she laughs and stops torturing me. I knew she would be more jealous of it being someone else than angry at me for using her like that.
I'm not particularly proud of it but I couldn't help it. At that time in my life it was only a dream to be with her. I could only wish to be with her, nothing more.
But now I have her.
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