Chapter 3
Alex's POV
I wake up to another beautiful summers day. And like every morning i do my stretches to keep me flexible but after my stretches I feel a stiff pain in my wrist. I take off my cast and try to move it around a bit but it's actually really painful. The pain also moves up till my elbow. It must be the muscles. Maybe it's from surfing yesterday, i had a pretty hard fall but at the time I didn't think much of it.
I put my cast back on and decide to out the sling on as well. The doctor said if i have any pain I shouldn't use it at all. He also said I should go to him but guess who is not in the mood?
I sit on my bed looking at my arm in the sling. This is not what my life should've been like.
Just go to the doctor Alex. Come on you need to get better.
So I call up the doctors office to make an appointment. I need painkillers.
Well I don't have a car so longboard it is.
Naya's POV
This morning I parked Alex's car just across the street. I thought she would want to surf this morning and I assume this is where she surf's. And also I wanted to see her, so it was more for me than for her.
But it's already 3pm and her car is still here. Maybe she had other plans. Oh well but Lara and I decided to stay indoors just to die down the rumours. We spent the day next to the pool and it was really relaxing.
So right now we are sitting on the front porch enjoying a glass of wine looking over the ocean. I took a shower so my hair is wet and I finally have a day without make up, wearing comfortable clothes and my slippers.
We sit and watch the people walk by. Everyone is definitely here for the sunset.
"Isn't that her?" I hear Lara say and my eyes immediately scan the sidewalk.
Then I see her on a longboard coming this way.
"What happened to her arm?" Lara says almost reading my mind. I furrow my eyebrows thinking the same thing.
"I don't know"
I watch her get to her car and it seems like she has a extra key. I didn't lock it though but anyway. She puts her longboard in the back of her car and opens her driver's door. I left her a thank you note on the seat and I can tell she is reading it. There is a big smile on her face as she puts in the pocket of her jacket. She then does something on her front seat which I can't see what but it seems like a struggle and she is definitely getting frustrated with only her one hand. She then throws back what I assume is a handful of pills and shallows it down with water. She locks her car again and takes a seat on the bench right in front of her car ready for the sunset.
"Go talk to her" Lara says pushing me halfway off the chair.
"I can't go like this" i say motioning to my clothes.
"You look cute. Just go" she says rolling her eyes.
I leave in two days I might as well take this chance to see if I actually maybe like her or was it just a sympathy thing.
I stand up and make my down the driveway to her. Now I am nervous as the bench gets closer and closer.
"Hi" i say stepping in front of her and when she sees me she almost falls off the bench but recovers very smoothly.
"Shit" she mumbles under her breath. "What are you doing here?" She says still trying to catch her breath but her eyes wonder up and down my body as she takes in everything about me. I blush a bit and step closer.
"Can I join you?"
"Uh yeah sure" she says moving up a bit.
"I just wanted to come thank you again for last night. That was really sweet of you" i smile.
"You're welcome. I just hope you know it wasn't me who split you."
"No, i didn't even think it was you" i say assuring her. Shame she looks relieved.
"Ok that's good. Thank you for not stealing my car" she says laughing a bit. She doesn't seem that nervous around me anymore.
"I was tempted though. You have a really nice car"
"Thank you. My pride and joy" she says looking back at it. "Uhmm how did you know I was here?"
I smile at the ground. "Uhmm well trusting you again with secret information. My parents live right across the street" i say pointing to the house where Lara is staring at us.
Alex also sees it and gives a polite wave. "Ok that is a very nice house"
"Yeah it's beautiful"
"Lucky for you, you didn't have to drive far for a parking lot" she says laughing.
"No, but I was getting worried you forgot about your car"
"Oh no. I was planning on looking for it this morning but I had to go to the doctor" she says lifting up her hand.
"I saw that. Are you ok?"
"Yeah I am ok. Just a bit of pain and numbness around the scar but it will be better in a couple of days." She says nodding as if she is convincing herself.
"Can I ask what happened?"
"Uhm yeah. I am or rather was a synchronous diver and one day I was just practicing and then when I hit the water palms out. I tore a few muscles around my wrist and up my arm. So they had to operate and now it's still recovering" she says while looking at her hand. I can tell she is sad about it and it's a touchy subject.
"Oh wow. I am so sorry"
"Yeah me too but it's all good. One day I hope to get back in the water" she says smiling.
"I believe you will"
She just nods. "Oh wow. I don't really talk about my fucked up hand. These painkillers must be really strong. This can be very dangerous" she says now looking nervous.
"I was wondering why you weren't shaking talking to me" I laugh.
"Believe me I am screaming on the inside but my words come out all smooth"
"You don't have to be nervous around me Alex. I am just a normal person"
She shakes her head and looks away from my taking a deep breath.
"What?" I ask
"Nothing. I think I should go" she says standing up.
"Please don't. I just want to talk."
She rubs her eyes and sit back down. "That's what I don't understand"
"What?" I ask frowning.
"Why would you even want to talk to me?"
"I don't know isn't that what people do?"
She sighs. "I have probably embarrassed myself too the limit in front of you so what's the point of stopping now." She says shrugging her shoulders. "So please don't take this in a creepy way"
"Oh fuck I can't believe I am going to say this to you but, you are not a normal person to me. You are a goddess that walks on earth. You are every guy's well and girls dream. You have the most beautiful heart, soul, mind, face and body. I have the stupidest fucking lovestruck smile every time I see you on my tv screen. You are my biggest crush. And I fantasize about marrying you and having babies with you just like every teenager does in this town. It just doesn't make sense that you, Naya Rivera would even want to talk to me. I don't even understand how I got to meet you. That shit doesn't happen. And what I don't understand is how every time I saw you something embarrassing happened to me. First I was talking to myself and crying like a little bitch then I see you in the restaurant drenched from the rain and now. You probably saw me smiling like an idiot because of that note." She pauses to take a breath.
"I use to dream about the day that i finally meet you. I had everything planned out. I would go to Comicon, get your autograph and maybe a picture and I would've been the luckiest girl in the world just for that 30 seconds. That is all I ever wanted. I just wanted to see you in real life and now, I am sitting next to you on a bench watching the sunset. I just don't get it. I can not be this lucky. Not with everything that has been going on. I am just a stupid high school senior with basically no future. My life sucks right now so you being here doesn't make sense to me."
I see a tear slip from her eyes. She just basically told me everything.
"Aahh fuck well tomorrow i will definitely regret saying all those things. I am sorry if i freaked you out."
"Thank you for telling me" i smile. "I am glad I can make you smile at least. It sure beats the tears, that breaks my heart and I am sorry your life sucks right now. I am sorry you feel you embarrassed yourself because it's exactly the total opposite. I am flattered that you think I am beautiful, a goddess I don't believe so but that is totally your own opinion but I happy you feel that way. It's always amazing to hear people thinking that way of you. It always motivates me to live up to their expectations. So thank you for that, I am glad you have Santana on the screen to make you feel all those things. You don't need to feel embarrassed about telling me that ok"
She only nods and smiles.
"And for the reason I am here." I pause and smile. "Well I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."
She gasp "bullshit"
"I am serious. Even though I thought you were a bit crazy" i laugh but her expression stays the same.
"Look Alex. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about you. I just came down here without any make up and my slippers because I just wanted to talk to you. I want to get to know you and I still want to know why you were crying because I don't think you deserved that. I have been scrolling through my Instagram the whole day hoping to find your name just so I can maybe send you a message or something I don't know." I pause for a second
"I think your drugs is wearing off on me because that was a lot of truth right there" i say really shocked covering my mouth.
"You still look beautiful" she says and it caught me a little of guard. Did she even hear the rest.
"Thank you" i smile.
She rests her head back on the bench and looks at the ocean. "I am really shocked, like literally heart stopping shocked that you want to talk to me. I mean this is my dreams coming true but...."
She turns her head to me. "This isn't normal. You and I have totally opposite lives."
I sigh and look at the ocean.
"Just think about Naya. You go back to New York probably in a couple of days. Back to your life, back to reality. You will be shooting glee and do photoshoots. Travel around the world with your friends. You have this amazing life and you have to go do it because you being yourself and living your life makes me happy. And me....I will probably be here for the rest of my life, surfing my days away on the ocean."
She sits up and resting her elbows on her knees. "I am not worth your time."
My head snap to her. Did she just really say she isn't worth my time. She gives me a small smile. "These couple of days was weird and embarrassing and some parts I wish i could do over and I want to thank you for coming to me the other day to ask if I was ok. Because you turned one of the worst days of my life, to one of the best. I will forever hang on to this moment where I got sit with you and watch the sunset but you need to forget about me. And not for my sake but for your own. Just go do what you do best."
I feel a tear slip from my eyes. This is not how I wanted this night to be like. I basically told her I think she is beautiful but she doesn't believe me.
"I have to go. These drugs are making my see double and if I don't go now I will scratch everything I said and sit with you all night" she laughs and I feel a smile creep on my face.
"Maybe I should tie you down then" i smirk.
"Oohh I would love to be tied down by you" she smiles and I can't help but laugh and blush.
"Oh shit you see what is happening. I just gave consent to be your sex wait I take that back....fuck.....I am sorry this is definitely the drugs." She says scratching her head.
"Is it though?" I laugh at her embarrassment. She is so cute when she blushes.
She covers her face and takes a deep breath. "This is definitely my cue to leave before I embarrass myself even more" she says standing up.
"So I guess asking for your number is out the window right?" I ask just trying my luck one more time.
She smiles and shakes her head. "You are making things difficult but yes it is out the window and you won't find me on Instagram. I am good at hiding" she winks.
I stand up with her and smile. "I will find you." I wink at her and she just shakes her head.
We slowly walk to her car in total silence. She opens her door.
"Can I ask you one last thing?" I ask before she gets in.
"You said your life sucks right now and you don't want to talk about it which I totally respect. But if it didn't suck would you have been open to give me a chance to get to know you?"
"I would still be way out of your league. You deserve someone special"
"You didn't answer my question"
She thinks for a bit. "I don't know. I don't think so because I would still be living here and we are so different. I think I would still think you were wasting your time on someone like me."
"We are not that different Alex. So I heard but you said and I understand your reasons but I am not going to stop" i smile.
"You will eventually. I am not that interesting" she laughs.
"I wouldn't know." I wink
"I should go. It was really nice to meet you Naya. Thank you for this weird couple of days" she says holding her hand out to me.
I take her hand and shake it as slow as I possibly can, not wanting to let go. "It was nice to see you again Alex. Until next time"
I finally let go of her hand and I can see the same disappointment in her eyes as me. She didn't want to let go either. I got you.
She just shakes her head and climbs into her car. She rolls down her window as she back out the parking lot. "Enjoy the rest of your mini vacation"
"I leave tomorrow night" i say with a sad expression walking next to her car as she backs away.
"Then you should definitely go to the icecream shop on the corner before you leave. They have the best Vanilla custard icecream."
"Ok I will" i smile.
"Goodbye Naya" she says with a sweet smile but I can see the pain behind her eyes.
"Goodbye Alex" i say meeting her emotions.
Then she drives off leaving me in the middle of the parking lot in the dark.
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