Chapter 26
Naya's POV
Friday comes by fast and I am excited beyond measure. I have been out of town since yesterday morning and I haven't
really seen Alex that much because she has been at the studio rehearsing her dance routine.
I am officially on Christmas break. We shot our last scene on Monday but we went for a photo shoot yesterday and now I can finally relax. Alex is also done with everything she had planned. So we are both free to spend some time together.
Alex's birthday is next week Wednesday, we haven't really talked about it yet. I get the feeling she doesn't really like her birthday because every time I bring it up, she says we can talk about it later. So we still have to talk about that.
I am planning to take Alex out on a date tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to that. She is coming over to my house the whole weekend and I get too see her the whole time but I just want to spoil her a bit. She has been under a lot of stress with moving here. We were both really busy this week so I think we both just need relax and blow off some steam.
We talked on the phone the whole week though. She told me about her going to see Casey and how relieved she is about that. I was really proud of her for going. It took a lot of convincing but I played the 'I would do anything for you' card. And it worked.
I walk into the studio building and there are people everywhere. This is place is always busy but I see a number of extra chairs placed in front of the televisions around the reception area. Normally people would be dressed and ready to rehearse whatever they are here for, but not today. Everyone is dressed in normal winter clothing just like me. I know why I am dressed like this. I am here to see my girlfriend dance, but why are they here?
I kinda feel lost, walking through the crowd. Alex told me which studio she was in, so I make my way there only to be more confused. I see a few people coming in and out the door I am headed too. It look crowded in there as well.
I walk through the door and my mouth falls open in confusion yet again. Inside is two big cameras placed on stands pointing towards the other side of the room. My eyes scan over the room and it finally lands on my girl.
She is busy stretching, like always. I can't even count how many times I have found her in some sort of position on the floor. Next to her is one of the choreographers talking to her. The talking doesn't bother me but Alex's choice of clothing makes it a bit harder.
She is wearing short spandex pants and a sports bra. She might as well not wear anything at all. I know we have had this talk multiple times and she needs to comfortable but in front of all these people? I don't like it at all.
But I guess I should get used to it. One of these days she will wear a bathing suit in front of a crowd when she dives. Doesn't mean I will like it though.
I believe we will have this talk a few more times.
"Hey Naya" I turn my head too look at the voice who shook my from my jealous thoughts. "We were just waiting for you" Brian smiles and guides me to a chair.
"Why are there so many people?" I ask him as I put my bag down on an unoccupied chair, right in front.
"This is what we always do when someone does a profile dance routine. But since it's Alex, there are a lot more people."
I look around the room with him and he continues with a big smile on his face. "We don't get to see her dance so we make use of our opportunities."
"I can see that"
I look back at where Alex is and I see her walking my way with a smile. She doesn't seem nervous at all. "Hey baby I missed you" she wraps her arms around my neck and falls into my body. There are about fifty people watching us but she doesn't seem to care. Maybe this is her jealousy coming out? Show everyone I am hers?
I don't mind at all. So I smile and pull her closer for a sweet kiss. "I missed you too. I feel like you should've sold tickets for this, we could've made money."
She laughs and steps away. "I only got one chair for you but when I came here, it looked like this." she shrugs.
"Are you ok with it? Do you want me to tell everyone to fuck off. I am actually not ok with everyone's eyes on your body" I say touching her stomach trying to sound playful but I am actually dead serious.
"No baby" she laughs. "I don't mind. As long as you are here then I am happy. And stop being jealous, I waited just for you" she smiles taking my hand and letting me sit down on the chair.
We'll definitely talk about this later.
She leans down to my ear and whispers. "Please don't freak out but this is all for you ok" she stands up kiss my hand and walks away.
"She's ready!" I hear someone yell from the back of the studio and everyone takes their seats. Some people are placed against the mirror wall at the back and people are hanging in the doorway.
Brian takes his place behind the camera set up, right next to me. Obviously they have to record this for her profile and I am guessing the people in reception are getting a live feed from the other camera.
Alex walks up to the middle, almost against the wall and I see her take a deep breath. She has the most beautiful fit body, she literally looks like a ballerina, just not as skinny. Her toned muscles is probably the first thing you see when you look at her.
The muscles on her back contract, showing every line clearly as she stretches one more time before she gives a subtle nod for the music to start.
(Play above song)
She spreads her arms, making waves to the music and slowly crosses them over her head while her hips turn in small circular motion.
Her one leg lifts up along her body with a pointed toe, till it goes past her head. In one motion she let's it drop to the floor and she leans her body to the other side. Her arms reaches out to the rhythm of the song, across all the planes of her body.
Then she suddenly bends to the floor and tuck her legs underneath her and cover her head with her arms. Then she stands up, turns around and moves her hands over her chest, neck and face to reach up to the sky.
The bass goes faster and she bends down with her legs spread open before she stands up and kicks high in the air. She jumps and turn a few times in the air as she moves a bit forward. She moves her arms around in front of her body before she jumps up into an air split.
She then falls down onto the floor, tucks her body in and roll backwards till she ends in another split.
She stands up and moves her body around with her hands roaming all over her body till she grabs her head and tugs her hair a bit viciously.
She then throws both her arms side to side before she jumps and does an air cartwheel, landing on her feet again.
She bends her body backwards and let her upper body rise and fall a few times before she touches the ground and lifts off in a standing position.
I watch her jump in the air, moving her body to the music. She rolls on the floor then she is up and doing flips in the air. The way her body moves with so much power but also grace makes my mouth slightly fall open.
Never in my life have I ever seen someone dance with this much passion. You can see it on her face. The way her body moves with every beat. Every dance move is exactly on point. It's like she has been dancing her whole life, everything is perfect. Of course in my eye, a national dance judge would look deeper but seeing her dance takes me to another world.
My eyes are only on her and she is blowing me away.
The music goes slower again and she dances in a slow motion. Her hands and feet move in different directions as she slowly walks forward and look around her.
She reaches out for her body again, tugging at her own arms and neck before she lets her hands land on her neck and let her chest raise and fall with the words in the song.
She raises her arms in front of her and then back to her chest which makes her fall backwards on the floor.
She moves on the floor, using the beat of the drum in her movement. I almost want to stand up and see it from above. She turns around and slides along the floor, moving around with her feet.
She then lifts herself up slowly into a handstand till she is in straight line, with her toes pointing to the roof.
She stands like that a few seconds before she rolls forward and using the moment to jump high up in the air and landing on bent knees.
She does a one-handed back flip before she turns a few times on her one foot and pauses before falling down on the ground again.
There is so much emotion in this dance. The whole studio doesn't make a sound. We all just watch her move in awe. She is telling a story with her body and we all can clearly see it.
I can feel the tears building up in my eyes. Looking at Alex dancing is something I can't explain. Why doesn't she want to be a dancer? She is absolutely amazing. I get why everyone is here, I understand what her mother is talking about.
She captivates you with her body and her emotions that your mind feels kinda dizzy. With every jump and twist you can see how strong her body really is, how fit she really is. She is breathing heavy but I don't even blame her. She is using almost every inch of the space she has.
The last chorus comes up and this time she uses everything she's got. The music is powerful and so is her body. She uses every beat she with every movement.
This is where my heart is racing, my breathing gets shallow because I'm not thinking about myself right now. My entire focus is on Alex. She has pulled me into her story. She is dancing for me. She doesn't want me to let her go. How can I? Why would I?
This is what I want. I want her. I can never let her go. She means everything to me.
At the last few beats she turns around and comes to a stop with her hands on the wall, breathing heavily. The music stops and everything is quiet. Nobody moves or even make a sound.
I keep my eyes on Alex and her head falls against the wall. She is out of breath but I can tell she is emotional but she won't show it.
After a few seconds the whole studio erupt in cheers and whistles. Everybody claps and screams her name. Me on the other hand, I just sit there and watch her. My mind is still blown. I feel the tears escape from my eyes and roll down my cheek. I don't have the strength to get up, I am frozen in one spot, just looking at her.
She let's go of the wall and run her hands through her hair a few times. Her hands fall onto her hips and she turns around.
We immediately make eye contact and I can see the emotion in her eyes. She danced for me, this was a message for me and I heard it loud and clear.
In that moment everything goes quiet. It's like we are the only people in the room. Just me and her, staring at each other. We are talking to each other but nobody says a word.
A small smile creeps onto my face and I put my hand over my mouth. The overwhelming emotion hits me like a ton of bricks and I cry. I have the biggest smile on my face but I just cry.
Alex takes a few bows towards everyone and smiles. They cheers die down and she slowly walks over to me. I stand up and throw my arms around her neck, squeezing her tight. "Baby that was fucking amazing!" I yell in a whisper.
She laughs and just keeps her hold on me."Thank you but I am sweating"
"I don't care"
"Ok" she laughs and rubs a comforting hand over my back.
After a few more seconds I pull away and wipe away my tears. "Look what you did" I fake cry out in laughter and she helps me fix my make up.
"I am sorry" she smiles. "I didn't mean to make you cry"
"Alex you were amazing!" Brian comes from the side and steals her away from me. He picks her up in a tight hug. "You just keep getting better every time"
"No, no. Stop with that bullshit. This was a one time thing. We made a deal." she says with a raised eyebrow and a palm open, ready to receive something.
"Fine, ok" Brian throws his hands up in defeat before giving her the memory card from the camera.
"Thank you. Now get all these people out, I want to leave"
He gives her a nod and a smile before he turns around and starts telling the people to leave.
"What was the deal?" I ask.
She smiles and hands me the memory card. "This is yours. I am not doing a dance for my profile anymore. But I wanted to dance for you so the deal was that everyone can see me dance. I kinda needed the studio and sound system." she scrunches her nose.
"So you rehearsed a whole song just for me?" I frown as I walk back to her bag with her.
"Yes I did" she smiles and I just shake my head in disbelief. She was busy the whole week, working till midnight, just for me?
"Alex you didn't need to do that" I sigh, feeling bad now.
She puts her hand on my cheek and gives me a soft kiss. "I wanted you to see me dance."
I smile and hold onto her arm. "Thank you baby." I whisper. "You are unbelievably good and now I can watch it over and over again."
"Only when I'm not there" she laughs and starts putting on some warm clothes.
"Oh definitely. Only when I am alone" I say with a smirk on my face.
"You are more than welcome to try but you will never cu-"
"Whoa baby. Shhh" I put my hand over her mouth. "There are still people in here" I whisper looking around us. Everyone is out of earshot but still.
She only laughs and kisses my palm before she finishes getting dressed. See this is better. Every part of her body is covered. Now this is how she can walk around in public.
Oh gosh Naya stop. You are taking this to far.
As we walk out she is stopped and applauded for her performance. I can see a few people taking pictures of me but it doesn't bother me now. Usually nobody is allowed to take pictures in here but I don't want to make a scene right now.
Everyone says well done and freak out about it. My eye catches Lilla coming towards Alex and embracing her in a tight hug. Alex however doesn't hug her back. She doesn't get the message and I just roll my eyes. I feel the wave of jealous building up so I decide to rather just look away, putting on a fake smile for the rest.
I feel Alex lace her hand with mine and basically drag me out the door without saying anything.
She takes my keys from my hand and open the passenger door. "You do know this is my car right?"
"Yes but you can't drive when you are angry" she smiles and urges me on to get in.
You are right. I am fucking angry. I roll my eyes and get in. She quickly runs and gets in the driver's side. I just stare out the window and focus on my breathing.
"Naya, I am sorry. I didn't know she would do that. I didn't want to make a scene."
I just take a deep breath and close my eyes. I shouldn't be mad at her, this isn't her fault. "I know" I say in a low voice and just look at the people walking on the sidewalk.
"Please look at me" she says, putting her hand in my lap to grab my attention.
I let my head rest against the headrest and roll it to look at her.
"I am really sorry. I can see you are mad and you have every right too be. She can't just do something like that. I don't even know her."
She kisses my hand and then starts the car, probably because she is freezing. "You can have the 20 minutes back to your house, to scream and curse at her but when we get there, I don't want this angry Naya. I want the smiling, happy to see me after three days, excited for Christmas break Naya."
I am still mad but I can't help smile. I really am excited about our time together. Just her mentioning it makes it clear that she doesn't even think about Lilla anymore. She is thinking about me and our life.
"I am happy to see you baby, you know that. And you are right, I have every right to be mad but I am choosing to not let her ruin our day." I smile and squeeze her hand.
"So if I asked you to fix me a nice bubble bath. Would you do it even though your still a little mad?" she grins as she drives us into the road.
"It depends if I can join you or not?" I smirk.
She looks out on the road and bites her lip in thought. "Uhhmm, you know what. I will shower it's fine" she shrugs.
I don't even hesitate as I punch her in her stomach. "Asshole!" I yell in laughter.
She groans and catches my hand before I can retract. "You are distracting the driver!" she laughs.
I pull my hand away and she still tries to touch me but I slap her hand away each time. "Don't touch me. I will fucking draw my own bubble bath. You can shower in the guest room."
She laughs and finally catch my hand in hers, pulling it to her lap. "Hold my fucking hand woman!" she yells in laughter.
"You are fucking ridiculous." I laugh but lace my fingers with her.
"Ridiculously sexy" she smirks my way in a quick glance.
"Not gonna argue with you there, my love"
"Oohh my love. I like that. It's very English. It's has this-"
She rambles on and I only stare at her while she talks. I don't even listen because I know what she is doing. She is just trying to distract me from what happened. And it worked. It works every fucking time. I was mad and jealous only a few minutes ago and now here I am laughing at her. She always makes me laugh so hard and I absolutely love that about her.
I love everything about her.
Once again, thank you to everyone who is reading and voting.💜
I had this amazing idea about the dance scene but it was really hard to describe what I saw in my head. So sorry if I disappointed you with that. It was a challenge for me and hopefully next time it will be better.
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