Chapter 21
Alex's POV
"Ok you ready?" I smile at Naya. The excitement really shows in how I struggle to get the key inside the lock.
"Yess!" she yells in a whisper. Her beautiful smile warms my heart as I open the door to my new home.
I let her walk in first and I can't help but stare at her ass. The ass I got to fuck last night. The ass I got to slap this morning on her way to the shower. The ass I got to touch this morning in a tender loving 'good morning' kiss.
"Oh my gosh!! This place is perfect." she looks over every inch her eyes would allow her too.
It's not the biggest place but it's perfect for me. The living room and kitchen is a big open plan area. There is a big window with a bench on the left side looking over a small park area. Definitely where I will do my stretches. The morning sun shines through that window and is hopefully going to warm up the whole downstairs area.
Right across the front door, past the kitchen is a staircase that leads upward to the left. It leads up to an open area where my bedroom will be. There is also a bathroom that is not an open area. My bedroom is almost like a deck area. There is minimal walls in here.
At the bottom of the stairs is a door that leads to the guest room and next to that is the guest bathroom.
As I place our coffee on the kitchen counter Naya makes her way upstairs. "Baby I have so many ideas!!" she yells from upstairs. I look up and she leans over the railing looking down at me. She looks so happy and excited.
I quickly make my way upstairs as she makes her way into the bathroom to scan the area for more ideas. "It seemed smaller on the phone." she says coming out behind me while I was looking out the window.
"Yeah it's so perfect" she squeals and wraps her arms around my neck. "I am so happy"
"Me too" I smile and kiss her.
Oh how I love kissing her. Her lips are so soft and it fits perfect with mine. I hold her tight around her lower waist and hold her in a hug.
A knock on the door interrupts us from our moment. "We have a guest" I laugh and she smiles kissing my cheek before we walk down the stairs together.
The moving truck arrived just on time along with my mother. She and Naya took my laptop and picked out some of my furniture already. I didn't even have a say. So while they were busy I carried all the boxes upstairs to my room.
I started to unpack but I thought I can do that tonight. I would much rather spend time downstairs with Naya and my mom. To at least look at what I am getting.
"Ok honey your new bed is going to be here in an hour. The lounge set is coming tomorrow and we got you some chairs for the counter. That is also coming tomorrow." my mother informs me but they are still looking at something.
"Just like that huh? If it doesn't fit or it looks like shit. You are paying for it to go back."
"It's not going to look shit. Just relax and trust me" Naya winks.
I take a deep breath and slide down against the side of the counter. There are not many boxes to unpack but I am already tired just looking at it.
"Baby, your mother and I talked. We are going to do some other shopping on Saturday. Then afterwards we can have a nice dinner at my house. My parents are coming through tomorrow and Lara is here this weekend so I will ask her to come too."
"What if I say no?" I laugh.
"You can say no. Just know that I might say no to something else when you really want it"
I can hear the smirk in her voice and my eyes go wide. She is absolutely talking about sex and that would be the hardest punishment of my life.
"I am not saying no. I just wanted to see what the consequences would've been" I laugh.
"Don't test me Woods"
I hear my mother laugh and I know she would pick Naya's side over mine. She always does and all the times I deserved it. I smile at the thought of their relationship. They are actually so close. My mother would call her all the time and sometimes I don't even get to talk to her. Rude right? But it makes me so happy. Melissa and my mom barely talked. Sometimes I want to kick myself for being with her but then I think how I met Naya. If we weren't together then she wouldn't have cheated on me and then I wouldn't have met Naya on the pier that day.
I am so lucky to have found her and I will do everything in my power to keep her.
"Alex!!" I feel a shoe drop in my lap. "I am talking to you. Come here please"
I laugh and take her trainer with me as I stand up. I walk around the counter and stand behind her. "Sorry" I whisper and kiss her cheek.
"What were you doing?" my mother asks. I stand behind Naya and show her I was thinking. She sends me a wink and I smile.
Naya is so concentrated on the screen she didn't even notice our little conversation. She enjoys this so much. It makes me smile and I kiss her shoulder. She pops her foot up against my legs, indicating that she wants her shoe back.
I laugh but run my hands down her back, over her ass and down her legs in a teasing slow motion as I move down. I can hear her take a deep breath and I smirk. I put her shoe back and move back up.
I give a playful smirk at my mom and she laughs.
"Alex! Stop it!" Naya laughs too. I wrap my arms around her and give her multiple kisses in her neck.
"Sorry ok. Show me." I smile and give her all my attention.
She shows me all her ideas and it's actually really good. Everything is my style and I impressed. Suddenly I am excited to see what my new bed and lounge set looks like.
After about an hour, right on time they brought my bed. We move to where it looks best. Again Naya and my mom took over and I don't mind at all.
"That's a big fucking bed." I laugh.
"It's a normal king size Lex. It's not that big." my mom objects.
"And how much did I pay for this normal king size with a dark wild-oak headboard?" I laugh. I don't care about the money I am actually just curious.
"Uhmm" Naya laughs and changes the subject "so this bed is specifically designed to snuggled your body. Especially when you had a hard day at the gym. And your muscles are sore." she tries to sound really convincing.
I raise my eyebrow at her attempt to make it better. She did a good job but it's fine I will let it go. I only reply with a 'hmm'
She smiles and we continue putting on my covers and pillows. After we are done we all step in front of it and look at our handy work.
"Hmm. It looks really nice" I have to admit.
My mom and Naya share a high five at my approval. "Thanks baby. Thanks mama" I kiss them both as a thank you. "It's really nice. I can't wait to sleep in it"
"Ok since the guest room is mine for the weekend. I better go get that bed ready too." my mom says and walks away.
"I'll help you now mom" I yell behind her.
I wrap my arms around Naya's neck and give her a few kisses. "It's a really nice bed baby. Thank you so much."
"I told you to trust me. I know you better than you think." She smiles.
"Maybe, but there is so much more that you don't know" I whisper.
"Will you let me in?" she smiles.
"Maybe" I shrug.
She rolls her eyes and let's out a big sigh. "You are so fucking stubborn Alex."
"Yes but you love a challenge" I chuckle.
"I do" she laughs and I kiss her again. "And I love you"
My smile grows and I bury my face in her neck. "I love you too."
I leave soft kisses on her skin for a few minutes before she pulls away. "Ok baby go help your mom. I have to go anyway ." she looks at her watch.
"Ok" I smile and give her a long lingering kiss. I can tell she was surprised by that because she took a few seconds to open her eyes. I only smile and pull her downstairs towards the guestroom. She gives my mom a hug goodbye and I walk with her to the door.
"Thank you for being her today."
"Of course. I am so happy and excited. I can't wait for Saturday. This place is going to look fantastic" she squeals.
"I have no doubt that is will." I smile and wrap her up in another long kiss. "Call me when you get home tonight ok"
"Of course" she smiles.
"I love you"
"I love you too baby. Enjoy unpacking" she smiles and kisses me again before she leaves out the door. I watch her walk down the hallway and my heart just skips a beat at the sight of her. She is so beautiful.
"I love you?" my mother smiles as I close the door.
I look at the ground and smile like an idiot. "I have a lot to tell you"
After hours of unpacking the kitchen and having dinner with my mom. She went too take a nice hot bath and went to bed. I on the other hand unpacked all my clothes and everything in my room. I put up some canvases of me all over the house. Some of me surfing, me and my mom, one of me diving and in my room I have one of me and Naya. Is it too soon? Maybe but I really like that picture of us.
My mother got me into putting up pictures on a canvas rather than a frame. It's bigger and it looks nice. After our little vacation at the beach house my mom had so many canvases done and she gave some to Naya's parents, who had me put it up for them. She put up some of it in our house and one od me and her in her office.
She really enjoyed that vacation. It's usually just me and her and well we have a lot of pictures together. But that was different. I could tell she loved it so much.
After I was satisfied with me decorating I went to take a shower and got into bed. It's just past 11 now and I know Naya is still busy. She sent me a couple of texts all through the night and she has to get up early tomorrow morning. She is so busy, I know why celebrities take two week vacation away from everything. It gets way to much.
Me: Room is unpacked and sort of decorated. Fucking tired. I am never moving again.🙄 Just wanted to say goodnight and thank you again for everything today. I miss you and I love you. Sweet dreams ❤️
I quickly scan through my social media and reply back on a few sweet comments. I posted a picture of me today. One that my mom took of me sitting against the wall in my empty living room wearing nothing but my sports bra and some sweatpants. I had my arms and head rested on my tucked in knees, clearly with a 'caught of guard' smile. My mom really has the best eye for things like that. My apartment was actually quite warm and I was extra hot from all the unpacking.
And too no surprise Naya also left a comment.
Most of the comments was basically based off of that. The public has been really supportive of our relationship and I am really relieved about that. That was my biggest fear right from the start. Naya doesn't need any backslash because of me. I am definitely not in her league and she can do so much better but she chose me and I chose her. So from here on out we have to deal with whatever is thrown our way.
I close my eyes with Naya on my mind. She makes me so happy.
"Oh my gosh Lex. This couch is amazing." I hear my mom almost moan out as she stretches herself out over the couch.
It is literally the most comfortable couch I have ever sat on. It's an L-shape set, not to big and not too small. Naya definitely had cuddling on her brain when searching for this because we can easily get tangled up under a blanket watching movies. And that makes me love her even more.
"Naya did not disappoint. Yet again" I breathe out slowly as I push up into my handstand. I keep my balance for a few seconds and then do a split. My hand is definitely stronger. I can hold my stand for almost 5 minutes these days and I am happy so about that.
I hear a key fiddle in my door and frown a bit but it can only be Naya. But she is supposed to be on set. I keep my stand and watch the door from upside down.
"No, no, no that is bullshit and you know it" she comes in screaming on the phone. She has her handbag in one hand and another bag in the other. I don't think she has even seen me. She gives a small wave to my mom and she disappears up the stairs.
To my surprise again, her parents come walking in behind her. "Oh Hi you guys." my mom greets them both with huge smile.
I really want to stand up but I am only on 3 minutes now. I need 5 minutes. So I keep my balance and greet them from the window. "Hi mr and mrs R. I will be with you now"
With confusion over their faces they finally see me and smile. "Hi honey. No it's fine. You do your thing. The place looks fantastic!"
"Thanks mrs R. Not done yet but we are getting there." I smile.
"No Alex it looks really great. I love this picture of you"
"Thank you"
Naya's dad comes walking over to me just as I finish my last minute. I sit down into my split and wait for the blood to return to the rest of my body.
He sits down on the window bench and I turn my back towards everyone else. "What is wrong with Naya?"
"Something about her shoot she did in the week. Apparently they want to publish a very revealing picture of her. And she is not too happy about it"
"They can't do that without her permission right?" I frown suddenly feeling my own rage building up.
"No they can't but they are trying to convince her. Saying it will boost her modeling career." he rolls his eyes. "But don't worry she won't give in."
"She better not" I sigh standing up from my split.
"Alex!" Naya yells from the top of the stairs. I stretch out my back and arms. This was a good session for me. Everyone is looking at me and I take a deep breath. She sounds exhausted and it breaks my heart.
I walk past everyone in my sports bra and ski-pants. Her parents has seen me in these clothes way to many times for me to be shy now.
I walk up the stairs and find Naya sitting on the edge of my bed with some sweats and a hoodie. Her hair is in the most beautiful curls and her makeup is flawless. She is so beautiful.
She looks down at her phone and I can see the frustration on her face. So I graciously take her phone out her hand and place it on the bed. "Baby I am busy" she complains but I ignore her.
I climb on top of her and push her down on the bed. "I know but you need to breath." I whisper against her cheek before I kiss her soft skin.
"No" I cut her off. "Just hold onto my body" I put her hands around my waist and put my body pressure on her. "Take a breath and calm down." I whisper in her ear. "I know you are mad and you probably have a thousands things to do right now, but..." I pause and lay soft kisses on her neck. "Just take a few minutes and breathe."
I feel her let out a deep breath and her hands start to run up and down my back. "Baby what are you wearing?"
I lift my head and she looks down between our bodies. Her eyes go wide and then she looks at me. "Did you stretch like this in front of the window?" she almost yells at me.
"Yes but-"
"No absolutely not Alex. People can see through that window. You are basically naked." she cuts me off. Again she yells at me before I can explain.
I sit up straddling her waist and look down at her. Her eyes roam over my body and I can see the conflict in her eyes. She likes it but is also mad at me. She reaches out to touch my bare stomach but I grab her hand. "No, no, no. You can't have to both ways. You can yell at me and then secretly like it" I laugh.
She just smiles because she knows I am right.
"And stop looking for someone to yell at" I lean down and whisper close to her face. "I tinted the windows baby. This body is all yours ok" I lean closer and kiss her softly on the lips.
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Sorry" she whispers and wrinkles her nose at me in realization.
"It's ok" I kiss her again. "Ok now tell me what's wrong? What can I do?"
"I am just frustrated. I am so fucking tired and the shoot I did Wednesday wants to publish a photo of me which is too revealing for me but they are trying to manipulate me to approve it."
"They can't do that baby" I sit up again but she stays down on the bed.
"No they can't. I have a publicists dealing with them now but I get so mad. It's not the first time they asked me this. And I have to get back to the set. We have too shoot a scene tonight and I just want to cry. I am sorry. I wanted to come here to see you and now I am a mess" she mumbles and the tears are running down her face.
"No don't apologize. I was surprised to see you walking through my door but I am so happy you are here." I lean down and kiss her forehead. "That's why I gave you a key baby and I am so glad you came to me feeling like this. I will always be here for you. For whatever you need ok. And I am so sorry you are tired. I can see you are exhausted and it breaks my heart. It makes me want to lock you in my apartment and never let you leave. "
"Please do" she slightly smiles.
I gives her a few kisses. "Awwh baby. I am so sorry. It's the last night. Then tomorrow morning you can sleep in and we are having a nice dinner tomorrow night. You just have to get through the next couple of hours" I whisper into her neck. I can feel her wrapping around my body like she is holding on by a thread.
"Will you and your mom stay over tomorrow night?" she whispers in a pleading voice.
"I would prefer it if my mom didn't sleep with us but-"
She hits me on my back and I laugh. "Of course baby."
"I can't wait" she breathes out.
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