Chapter 11
Alex's POV
I wake up with heavy winds blowing outside. The rain is coming down as if the flood gates are open. I turn around to check what time it is only to find a arms wrapped around my body.
Oh shit.....It wasn't a dream. I immediately smile at the sight of Naya next to me. It's dark but I can see the two braids on her head and her smell is very specific. She stirs a bit and I try not too move an inch. Fuck the time, hopefully it's only 12 so I can sleep in her arms for a couple more hours.
Oh no, now I have to pee. Why did you drink that glass of water Alex fuck. I slowly get out under her grip and walk to the bathroom.
"Alex" she whispers in a sleepy voice but I almost had a heart attack.
I walk back to the bed and hover over her body. "I am just going to the bathroom"
"What the hell is that noise?" She says obviously confused.
"That is the storm" i smile
"Oh wow you weren't kidding huh?" She laughs
"No I wasn't. I will be right back ok. Just go back to sleep" I say squeezing her hand and walking away. I really need to pee.
"I am not going to sleep with this noise" she says turning on her back.
I come back and I see her on her phone. The light shows her sleepy face and it's fucking adorable.
"What's the time?" I ask getting into bed again. It's actually cold but her body heat feels amazing as I movie closer to her and putting my head in the crook of her neck. I sneak my right arm over her stomach like it's the most natural thing. I feel so comfortable around her. Something that took me months with Melissa. She didn't like to cuddle with me but Naya loves affection just as much as me.
"Uhhmm 2am" she says resting her head against mine with a smile on her face.
I look at what she is looking at and she has so many notifications, messages and emails.
"Why haven't you read all your messages?"
"There are too many. I don't have the fucking time to reply. Most of them are my gold digger friends wanting to know what I am doing the summer. "
"I am sorry" i say kissing her shoulder.
"No it's fine. Sometimes I just wish I wasn't so nice" she laughs at her own compliment.
"But you do have real friends so fuck them"
"Yeah I do have Heather, Micheal, Lewis and Leah. They are my best friends." She smiles.
"Am I not your best friend?" I ask sarcastically.
She laughs and puts her phone away. She turns her body to me and I hold her tight against me. I feel her breathing on my lips as she strokes her thumb over my bottom lip.
"I thought it was a dream" i whisper and softly kissing her thumb.
"Do you need a reminder?" She smiles.
I nod and she cups my one cheek. She doesn't have to move much but she connects our lips. It's just a soft kiss before she pulls away. "No" i whine following her path and closing the gap again. We both smile into the kiss and this time I keep her steady not to break it.
"Convinced yet?" She asks against my lips.
"A few more seconds" i say kissing her again.
We break apart and we both smile. I can't believe she is here. In my bed with me and I get to kiss her.
"Turn around let me hold you" i whisper. She smiles, kisses me a few times before she turns around.
I wrapped my arm around her body and pull her against me. This feel amazing, having her in my arms. She will always be safe with me, I will protect her with my life.
I kiss her cheek and we both fall asleep with the rain still coming down hard.
My body wakes up at the exact time every morning. We are still in the exact position we last were, her in my arms and I couldn't be happier. Do I really need to go do my stretches? I just want to stay here with her the whole day.
No Alex you need to stretch and besides you can't waste a beautiful summers day in bed.
I slowly get out of bed and put on my bathing suit for the day. I go with the grey one today. It kinda looks like a sports bra and pantie but it's not.
Naya is still fast asleep as I close the door behind me. I walk down the stairs, grab a bottle of water and my yoga mat and head out on the deck. The sun isn't up yet but it's already light outside. The deck is still a bit wet but water doesn't bother me at all.
I start my stretches one by one. It still amazes me how one's body can bend in certain ways. The flexibility of a muscle is mind blowing.
After all my stretches I do a few push ups and sit ups. My hand is getting stronger everyday, I can feel it.
"Good morning honey" my mother says sitting down on a chair beside me.
"Morning mom" i say laying flat on my back taking a break from my sit-ups.
She is just like me early risers. She always joins my morning routine. It's our bonding time which i love.
"That storm was not friendly last night" she says looking at the ocean.
"Yeah it wasn't. I was woken up by the wind."
"Yeah me too"
I sit up and look at her. "Uhmm so I have to tell you something."
Her attention immediately turns to me. "I am listening"
I smile and blush a bit. "Naya slept in my room last night"
Her eyes and smile go wide. "And?"
"I told her I am not running anymore and that I want to be with her and.....then we kissed" i smile.
"Ooohhh honey" she says bending down to me. She kisses my cheek. "I am so happy for you"
"Thanks mom" i smile.
"You deserve this honey. You deserve to feel loved and happy. You deserve to hold on to someone like her. I can see the way she looks at you and they way you feel about her Lex. You deserve this so much. She is an amazing beautiful girl."
"Yes she is" i smile and I can see a tear in my mother's eyes.
Everyone is up and about getting some breakfast but Naya is not. I don't want to wake her but it's already 8 am and well I miss her. I know for a fact if I go into the room I will not leave. So I occupy my time making myself a smoothie. I had my shake this morning but there is nothing better than a crushed iced strawberry smoothie.
"So I can't wait for Naya to come down" Lara startles me. I didn't even hear her. "I saw her bedroom door is open and yours is still closed? So what happened?" She says excited.
"It's not my place to tell you. She would want to tell you" i smile sitting on the counter.
She rolls her eyes. "If she ever wakes up.....wait did you keep her up all night?" She smirks.
"No,no,no I did not" i object. "It's way to soon for that"
"Well firstly I don't know if she is ready yet. She might not be comfortable and I am not going to pressure her. And secondly I don't want her to feel like a fuck girl because she absolutely is not. I want it to be intimate and meaningful. And thirdly" I smile.
"Your parents are here and these walls are very thin" i wink and jump off the counter.
Lara laughs "they wouldn't mind you know" she yells behind me as I walk away.
"I mind" i yell just as I walk out on the deck.
"You mind what honey?" My mom asks and all eyes are on me.
"Uhmm Lara wants to wake Naya up and she claims she wouldn't mind but I would" i say thinking fast.
Lara comes laughing out behind me. "Bullshit that is not what we were talking about"
I sigh and drop my head. Thanks Lara.
"Don't worry that can be our little secret" she winks before she sits next to Jared.
"What secret?" I hear Naya behind me.
Lara laughs and points her finger at me.
"Of course you would walk in at this specific moment" i laugh looking at her. Oh wow she is absolutely gorgeous. She is wearing a very short black short and a red shirt with het bikini underneath. She has a black cap on with her hair curling more than usual. It's probably from the braids but it look beautiful.
"It's nothing sis. Me and Alex were just talking about last night" Lara says and it's like she is trying to embarrass me.
"You told them?" Naya sighs walking closer.
"No I did not. Lara is being a little shit right now" i glare at her but she only laughs. I swear there are tears coming from her eyes. I can't help my smile at her. She is enjoying this too much.
"Can someone please tell us what's going on?" Her mother asks.
"You really didn't tell them?" Naya whispers to me.
"No I didn't." I say in a sweet smile.
Her smile becomes wider and she yells out. "We kissed"
I almost drop my glass as I jump. Wow I don't think the rest of America heard you. Her mother, father and sister meet her excitement jumping from their seats and running to her.
They all hug us. It was just a kiss I didn't ask her to marry me my gosh. Just imagine that day, oh yes I can see it. That will be the happiest day of my life for sure. Oh no wait our wedding day, or our wedding night. When I get to make love to her as my wife. That is going to be a great day.
"Alex" Naya snaps her fingers in front of me.
"Mmmh what?" I shake my head, seeing I am holding onto the railing at the steps at the end of the deck. How did I get here? That is scary.
"Where did you go?" She asks. Everyone has gone back to their seat or inside. I didn't even see that happening.
Oh shit, what now? "Uhhmm nowhere" i smile feeling my cheeks flare up. She puts her hands on my hips and that makes it even worse.
"Tell me" she whispers now pressing her body against mine keeping her face only inches away from me. She is teasing me and she is fucking good at it.
"No, it's a bit inappropriate. I don't think you could handle it" i smirk. At least I didn't lie. She can't know that I was thinking about having sex with her on our wedding night.
She raises her eyebrows, shock written all over her face, clearly not expecting that answer.
"See I told you" i smile. "Go get yourself some breakfast. You are going to need it." I say cupping her chin for a quick but also deep kiss.
Once again she is shocked by my action but she bites her lip and blush. "You are full of surprises"
I play with a piece of her hair leaning into her body. "I told you, I am not scared. I am a little bit scared of your parents though"
"They really like you" she says running her hands up and down my back with is really nice.
"Yeah well I don't think your dad will like it when he finds out I stuck my tongue down his little girl's throat last night"
She laughs placing her head on my shoulder.
"I am serious" i also laugh.
"When you put it like that it sounds like you forced me"
"That's the problem. I don't know what he thinks. He was happy but I am definitely getting another speech I can feel it" i whisper looking around for him.
"What do you mean another one?" She frowns.
"I have had my fair share of interventions just so you know." i roll my eyes thinking about that.
She laughs as if I am joking, which I am definitely not. I wrap both arms around her neck and hold her in a tight hug. "But don't worry I know him. He has the same weakness as me. So we have a lot in common"
"Oh yeah what is that?" She whispers.
"You" i say kissing the side of her head. I can feel her smiling and she hugs me tighter.
"So does this mean I can kiss you anytime I want?" She smirks pulling away from me.
"If I ever reject your kiss I give you permission to slap my across the face"
She laughs throwing her head back. I absolutely love her laugh. It is now my mission to make her laugh every chance I get. She needs to be happy doesn't matter what it takes.
I pulls her closer and cup her cheek with me free hand. I place a soft and gentle kiss on her lips. "Good morning" i whisper and she smiles into the next kiss. "I didn't want to wake you this morning" i kiss her again. "You are so beautiful when you sleep" she smiles again when I kiss her. "You made it really hard to get out of bed" i kiss her. "I could stay in bed with you all day"
She doesn't even open her eyes to look at me anymore she just waits for my lips to kiss her again. And how stupid am I to ignore the expectation. I put my hand in her neck and kiss her again. This time a bit more passionate. She lets out a small moan just loud enough for me to hear.
Her hat hides us a bit from the others, they can obviously see us but I really don't care anymore. I will take the teasing if it means I can kiss Naya. Not even debatable.
"Go get some breakfast. I have a wetsuit ready for you" i smile against her lips before I give her one more kiss.
"I don't like to swim in the ocean. There are weird creatures in there" she whines.
"You sound just like your mother" i roll my eyes
She laughs and in that moment Lara comes and throws her arms around both our shoulders. "Can you two stop being cute. You are making me jealous and I want go learn how to surf"
"See that's the spirit I am looking for" i say lifting up my glass in a cheers.
"Ok fine" Naya rolls her eyes. "Mmh what is that?" She takes my glass and takes a sip.
"That is pure happiness blended into a glass" i smile.
"Oh my gosh this is amazing. Needs vodka though" she smiles and sticks out her tongue. Lara takes the glass and takes a sip. "Ooohh this is good. What is in here?"
"Ice, strawberries and almond milk."
"Hmm healthy. I like it" Naya smiles. "Don't drink everything bitch" she says taking the glass and taking the last few sips.
That was actually mine but ok.
"Let's go surf" Naya yells but I can tell she is sarcastic. She and Lara starts walking to the beach. Jared comes behind me with their towels. "Well now we are both trapped" he laughs.
"You can say that again" i laugh looking at them talking and smiling about something.
Jared and I got the four wetsuits and boards ready. Our parents are relaxing on the chairs after we all laughed and helped getting Naya and Lara into their wetsuits.
"Catwoman has nothing on you" i smile at Naya tying her hair back into a pony.
"Well hopefully the sharks in there feel the same" she says in a nervous laughter. "I am really fucking scared Alex"
I tak her hand and turn to the water "You don't have to be ok. There are no sharks here. Do you see that?" I point out far beyond the waves.
"There is a big reef over there and you will see the water isn't deep. And sharks like the deep dark waters. So you have nothing to worry about ok" i kiss her hand. I can tell she is still nervous but that's normal. Once she is inside she will forget about it. Well i guess taking her to the reef to go snorkeling is going to be a lot harder.
I bend down and tie the board to her ankle. "You ready?"
"Yeah ok let's go" she smiles.
I carry the board going into the water. She flinches everytime a wave hits her but we eventually get deep enough for her to get on the board.
"Ok so when the wave comes just hold onto it. I am going to takes below the wave ok"
"What? Oh fuck I am gonna die today" she laughs
"Ok here it comes just hold you breath and hold onto the board"
"Oh fuck..."
"Ok 1...2...3"
The was a light scream before we went under water. We come behind the wave and I immediately check if she is fine. She wipes the water from her face. "Ok that wasn't so bad"
I smile and we go under a few more waves till we get to the calmer water.
"Ok I want you to get comfortable first so lay on your back. I will hold onto the board so you don't drift off into the middle of the ocean"
"Alex" she whines in a nervous tone almost falling in trying to turn onto her back. I only laugh and hold the board steady for her. The water is up to my neck so she is a bit higher than me.
"This doesn't feel good. It feels as if something is going to grab me from below" she says looking around her.
"Just trust me please. I am right here. Nothing is going to grab you." I say holding her hand.
"Ok,ok I can do this. Just breathe Naya. There are no creepy sea animals here to eat me" she says to herself in slow breathing.
"Just relax" i whisper holding onto the board. She closes her eyes. I just let her floar on the board. I know she doesn't want to surf and I wasn't going to make her do something she doesn't want to. So here we are, I just want her to relax. I know this is my favourite thing to do. It makes me calm just floating on the water. Hopefully it helps her too.
I just keep my eyes on her. Her hand moves over the water and it takes everything in me to not take it but I want her to be in her own mind. Just thinking about whatever she wants. I don't want to disrupt her.
"Thank you for bringing me here Alex" she suddenly whispers. "You don't know how much it means to me and my family"
"You are welcome" i say back with a small smile.
"When I woke up this morning it reminded me of when we were younger. Lara and I have been in the film industry since we were young. We absolutely loved the attention, cameras and reporters" she laughs a bit.
"But my parents always made sure we had a semi normal life you know. We went on vacation like this, away from everything and everyone just to breathe and it felt like that this morning. I don't feel like Naya Rivera the actress. I just feel like Naya Rivera the normal girl a missed so much. I guess that's why I wanted you so bad" she turns her face to me.
"The first time we met I felt this pull towards you. And because you jumped off the fucking pier"
We both laugh. "But there was something about you and I also didn't understand it. It wasn't just you who was confused. But you make me feel normal and that is so refreshing. I needed you and I felt it this morning. "
I grab her hand that she so graciously gives to me. I pull her closer to me. I kiss her hand and she smiles.
"And your car" she adds and we both laugh.
"I didn't think otherwise" i shrug my shoulders and give her a soft kiss in the lips.
"This is really relaxing" she says looking back up to the sky.
"I am glad you like it. That's why I brought you here" i smile. "I wanted to tell you my reason but you jumped ahead of me"
She laughs "i am sorry. Please tell me"
"No the moment is over. You fucking ruined it" i say in sarcastic laughter. "It was really good and it explains a lot"
She sits up and jumps of the board into the water. "Please tell me" she whispers against my lips hanging onto my neck.
"No, it's not going to work" i smile slightly kissing her.
She takes that as a challenge. She wraps her legs around my waist and sticks her tongue down my throat and of course I don't back out. Who the fuck backs out a make out session with your girlfriend. Oh wow she is my girlfriend. I haven't really thought about it like that.
I laugh and moan a bit in the kiss but she doesn't stop. She is totally dominant and I absolutely love it. She had been so scared to initiate anything thinking I wasn't ready of comfortable with doing certain things but hopefully now she knows that she has all of me and she can do whatever she wants.
My hands roam her back but it's really tempting to grab her ass. Especially in this position and especially when I am horny as fuck because of her dominance.
I need to stop this before I do something I am not supposed to. In front of her parents is a big no no.
I let myself slowly fall backwards into the water and that's when she pulls away from the kiss. I come back up and shake all the dirty thoughts from my head. "Not fair. You can't do that" i smile wiping my face.
"Will you tell me now?" She smile.
"Yes but come here" i say pulling her back in the same position. She hugs me tight as we float in the water. "The thing I like about water is the consistency of it. You can always float no matter what. The ocean will always have a current flowing in one direction. There is always waves, well not everywhere but that's the point when there is supposed to be waves it is there and when it's not supposed to be there it's not. Simple as that. That is why I brought you here today, i wanted you to float because no matter where you are in the ocean. You just keep your head up and let the water guide you. You will eventually get to shore." I talk as we just float.
"After my father died i lost that consistency in my life. My mom was there of course but it wasn't the same without my dad. It changed but it was a good change. Then it was me and my mom and I focused on my diving and gymnastics. So then that was my new normal. That is was I held on to as consistance. Then with my hand everything changed again. This time I didn't have the water, I couldn't dive , I couldn't do gymnastics everything that I held onto just fell apart. If it wasn't for my mom I wouldn't have been here today. It got that bad. " I take a deep breath.
"Everytime something bad happens in my life or I am sad or angry or whatever. I go to the pier and I jump. There is this thrill I feel when I fall, it makes me feel alive. A few months after my operation it didn't go well and I knew I had to pick myself up. So I took the chance with the bandages and stitches and everything and I jumped."
"Your mom told me about that" she whispers and I smile.
"The point of the story is. After the day I met you you were constantly running around in my mind. I tried to forget about you. I didn't even watch your show I needed to let you go but no. There you were, you got stuck in my brain. Then I realised you are the consistency that I need. Even if it was just thinking about you. It gave me something to hold on to. I thought about what you were doing, what are you watching, eating. Did you sleep well. Everything and it made me happy, i didn't mope around feeling useless because of my hand. I needed you to get more positive happy thoughts in my mind because you make my so happy. Everything about you make me smile"
She pulls away to look at me. She puts her forehead against mine.
"I can't stop thinking about you. You are like water to me. I need you"
We both smile. "So me inside the water with you. Is like a dream come true?"
"Ooh like you wouldn't even believe. I am the happiest person in the world right now" i smile giving her a passionate kiss.
"You make me so happy Alex" she whispers against my lips.
She pulls me in for another few passionate kisses before a starting wave hits us in the face. We both laugh.
"Come let's get out before the high tide comes in" i say helping her up on the board. "Ok just take the wave out as far as you can. Just go with the wave" i instruct and push her with the next wave. I watch her go almost on to the beach and then I swim out with the next one.
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