The Real Me: A Short story
Dedicated to Airah274
This is a bit long...sorry. I like writing long stories what can I say? You guys know my content!
~-~-~Ten Years Ago~-~-~
??? POV:
"Of course sir, yes I will be arriving in two days my flight is tomorrow, I'll see you tomorrow," I told him as I shut off my phone sighing. Oh boy, I don't wanna go...I then stretched in my chair looking over the piles of paperwork I had yet to pack or complete for the week.
Oh no...Kokoro is probably asleep by now...hope Kokichi is sleeping fine-
"Papa?" A voice called out as I looked down, it was Kokichi holding his bear and a blanket rubbing his eyes tiredly, he was only six.
And it was also 11:30 and way too late for him to be awake, "Hey buddy what are you doing up so late?" I asked as he yawned, "I woke up!" he said with a giant smile as he continued rubbing his eyes, I laughed softly as I picked him up, "sorry if I woke you up buddy but we both have to get to sleep" I told him, "but I don't wanna" he said pouting.
"What if I read you a book?" I offered, he looked at me excited as we arrived in his room, "what book?" he asked I pretended to think about it, "any book" I told him grinning he looked excited as he headed over to his bookcase and pulled out one of the bigger books.
"Sherlock Holmes? You know how your mother feels about mystery books before bed" I told him then he looked at me teary-eyed, "but you said any book..." he complained and it broke my heart a little, "oh okay, but this is our little secret ok?" I told him. Kokichi smiled as he quickly headed into his bed and I grabbed the book from him.
"Do the funny voice!" he demanded, I smiled, "do you mean this one?" I asked speaking as high pitched as I could and he giggled, "I wanna be in the book!" Kokichi said, "oh really? Do you wanna be like Mr. Holmes?" I asked but Kokichi shook his head.
"Oh, then what do you want buddy?" I asked, "I wanna rule the world!" he cheered bouncing up and down as I snorted, "ok buddy, sure you can," I told him, "really?" he asked, his r's nearly sounding like w's.
"Course buddy, but if you're a thief or something like that someone like Mr. Holmes will come...and get you!" I teased as I tickled him and he laughed loudly as the door opened and Kokoro stepped in yawning, "what are you two doing...?" she asked, "oh sorry honey, Kokichi woke up" I apologized feeling myself blushing.
"Mama! I'm gonna rule the world!" Kokichi said excitedly, Kokoro looked at me confused before smirking, "are you buddy?" she asked and Kokichi nodded, "Papa said I could!" he told her proudly as she sighed, "my dorks, well ruling the world is going to have to wait till tomorrow ok?" she told him.
"Aww..." Kokichi complained as I got up and shrugged, "the queen's orders sorry buddy" I told him as Kokichi yawned and I waved goodbye as we closed the door. Kokoro looked at me sadly, "so you're going tomorrow still?" she asked.
I nodded disappointed, "there's no way around it, I'll be back in a week ok love?" I told her. She nodded, "just make sure to come back soon, you know he doesn't listen to me when it comes to not taking extra desserts," she told me.
"And you think I'm better?" I laughed, "I give him more! I'm the worst when it comes to his puppy eyes!" I joked, "on second thought then don't come back!" Kokoro teased as she leaned against the hallway's wall I walked back to the office grabbing the papers and suitcase before heading back over to her smirking.
"Ouch that hurt dear, right here," I told her as I acted out being stabbed, she laughed before punching me lightly in the shoulder, "you better bring me back some chocolate ok?" she reminded, "I promise," I told her. She just nodded as she yawned, "well I'm going to bed" she said before turning back to me waiting.
"See you later alligator," I told her, "in a while crocodile" she replied.
~-~-Killing Game~-~
You know when you reach a period in your life when you think, life can't possibly get worse, and then it does? Well, that's me right now. Ok, maybe that's unfair, for the past year my life has been pretty good! I've been having fun with DICE and life has been amazing.
Till we finally decided to hit the road, two hours before our high school graduation- for dramatic purposes of course. Still, I am kind of sad thinking we took those finals for nothing... and eventually became DICE! The most infamous pranksters in the nation! It was pretty fun honestly, sure we didn't have much money or any real future in the eyes of most people, and we lived inside of a rundown van always driving around the country seeing where we would end up the next day.
But there was also the fun times, and then 'I'm going to kill you right now' times with my friends with dutch ovens being punishable by death, which meant Nao on multiple occasions was strapped onto the top of the van like a Christmas tree, friendship is magic kids. Friendship is magic.
So you can imagine my surprise when I'm walking down the street one day, minding my own business going to a nearby pharmacy to get...well that doesn't matter, the point is I was KIDNAPPED! I mean if you're going to kidnap me at least have the decency to bribe me with candy first am I right?
No, I just got a towel shoved over my mouth when I was walking through a cliche dark alleyway late at night with no one around to hear my screams...
Ok in hindsight that was a dumb idea.
"Hello?" A voice snapped me out of my inner monologue, and I turned to face a girl and a boy. So there are more people...huh. And actual humans that's good. The girl was blonde and had a white backpack and the boy looked like hot topic decaf edition.
"Oh thank you! Thank you so much! This guy has been chasing me around the room for twenty minutes straight!" the robot sighed in relief, snitch. "What really?" she asked confused, "wait a kind of look like a..." she trailed off as she looked at him shocked, he sighed, "yes I am a robot, I'm the Ultimate Robot my name is Kiibo. And don't worry! I'm not different from you guys just because I'm a robot, I was designed and programmed to behave like any other teenager" he assured.
Huh...ultimate? Isn't that the title for that fancy private school that like doesn't let anyone in? That's cool I guess...
"Oh, you're an ultimate to? I'm one as well, I'm Kaede Akamatsu I'm the ultimate pianist" oh so two ultimate...ok well that's a bit weird...I mean two ultimate in the same the same time...who didn't know each other before this...
It's probably a coincidence...yeah...coincidence.
"Saihara here is an ultimate too," Akamatsu said as she slightly nudged the boy next to her who seemed shy, he kept hiding underneath his hat. He shifted around uncomfortable, "Shuichi Saihara...the ultimate Detective," he told us.
HOW ARE THERE SO MANY ULTIMATES HERE? This isn't even funny! Am I the only normal person here?! Oh god...I'm a normal person...someone kill me, please...
As Piano Freak headed over to talk to Astro Boy the 2nd, I approached the emo. He seemed interesting enough even if he seemed to be trying to hide his entire face with his hat, "hello" I greeted.
"Oh hi...what's your name?" he asked, and this was when I made clear the best decision, the most logical decision, one that wasn't at all caused by just deciding 'eh why not?'. "I'm Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader," I told him.
"Ultimate supreme leader?" he asked questioning me. I nodded fully committing to the lie, "never heard of a talent like that before..." he mumbled, I grinned, "that's because I made that talent! People bow before me and my organization!" I bragged.
"An organization?" he asked, "yup! I have a super-secret evil organization with over ten thousand members!" I bragged. I mean it's not a's just my group...times a hundred...he laughed at that.
"What? What's so funny?" I asked pouting, "it's just...I never heard of an organization like that" he said, "of course not! It's a secret!" I reminded, "clearly," he said rolling his eyes, "and don't take this the wrong way but you don't seem to be the type to be some kind of evil supreme leader" he admitted.
"And I didn't think Ultimate Hot Topic could be a talent yet here we are" I rebutted, "ok sorry" he apologized. "Mhm, you better be sorry" I joked to make sure he knew I wasn't that mad about it...he'll pay later...hmm what would annoy him more...confetti or a hundred glass bottles around his house...hmm how will I get his address...
"Wait did you just call me Hot Topic? I don't think that's right I've never been there before" he told me, "and I drink strawberry soda" I responded, "strawberry? That's a nice flavor-" "Or is lemon my favorite? No definitely grape, that was a lie it's strawberry" I told him throwing him for a loop as his mind seemed to be trying to decode what I was saying.
"So...grape is your favorite?" he asked, "wow was it that obvious?" I asked pouting, but I was kind of impressed he could figure it out so fast. "I don't know, you just seem to be the type who would like grape-flavored soda," he said he was burying himself deeper inside of his hat out of embarrassment. Huh...I like this guy...he seems to have a brain..."Aww, you don't need to hide cutie" I flirted.
"C-Cutie?!" he stuttered, "yup! You're so cute Saihara chan!" I teased, "Saihara Chan?! You do realize I'm a guy right?!" He asked, "yup you're the cute ultimate detective Saihara Chan," I told him as he groaned.
"I'm not cute..." he mumbled, "don't lie~"
~-~-Three Years Ago~-~
"Hey, Kokichi!" Riko called running up to me, she had a wide grin on her face, "how did you do on the test today? I finally got a C on one of my tests this year! Miri said she thought I was a liar but it's true!" she told me enthusiastically.
"Really?" I asked raising an eyebrow as she nodded enthusiastically as she dug into her pocket and pulled out the crumpled paper with a C-. I had never seen her with such a high grade since elementary school.
I failed that test...
"Isn't it great Kokichi? I can't believe I managed to do it! I had to study like really really hard and I got really tired and nearly gave up like twenty-seven times but then my Mom said if I didn't she would ground me, my Dad didn't care though cause he said he already knew I was a dumbass-" Riko started when I felt myself growing more uncomfortable and finally she took notice.
"Hey is something wrong Kokichi? Oh no, don't tell me you had one of Chiasa's bento boxes! I don't think she made the rice right because she told me she put vinegar into it which made it taste like vomit! I didn't notice at first and Miri swatted it out of my hand after Chiasa left and-" "I do feel sick" I lied interrupting her as she looked at me concerned, "oh no! Get well soon then! You might miss the school festival if you aren't back in time! And Miri doesn't want to try all the candy with me Kokichi so you gotta come back ok!" she insisted.
"I will" I lied, promising her, as she grinned widely, "ok then! Get well soon! I'll try and bring you over some movies, me and Nao started a whole movie weekend, and- oh wait I'm distracting you aren't I? I'll go now! Bye, Kokichi!" she practically screamed as she skipped down the road looking for another person to talk to who looked at her boredly. She didn't seem to mind though.
You're making her worry.
You always make them worry.
Why? Why do you keep doing this?
It felt like my shoes were filled with cement as I trudged on home and the second I stepped through the door I dropped all of my stuff and headed upstairs and towards my bedroom and hid under the covers.
Why are you like this?
You're pathetic.
What kind of awful person lies to their friends?
You're useless.
"Kokichi?" My mother called, I didn't respond and just clung to my pillow tighter as she closed the door behind her, "Hey baby..." she mumbled as she brushed some hair out of my face, "how are you?" she asked.
I didn't respond as she just sighed rubbing circles on my back to try and calm me down.
"Rough day?" she asked. I nodded a little as she sighed, "do you want to talk about it?" she asked, I shook my head as she got up and walked up to me, "do you want to go to bed early? Or have some food?" she asked.
"I'll go to bed..." I mumbled as she nodded getting up, "ok, sweet dreams alright? Tomorrow I can take you out for some ice cream if you want?" she asked. "No thanks..." I mumbled. I didn't see her face, but I know she looked disappointed.
"Ok then, night," she told me as she turned off the light and closed the door. I frowned as I climbed further under the covers as I looked over towards my dusty bookcase with some photographs on top of them...I flipped over to the other side and tried to go to sleep.
"Hi, Mrs. Ouma! Can we see Kokichi today? He hasn't been coming to school lately! And I need to talk to him about Magia Record so much!" Takura asked, he had Nao behind him as they both seemed to move around trying to spot me, I looked towards the crack in the door frame and saw my mother there talking to them her frame blocking me from their view.
I'm sorry.
"Oh uh, Kokichi is still sick so you're going to need to come back later ok?" my mother lied, "aww but he's always sick!" he complained, "I know but I think he needs his rest ok? I'll ask him to call you once he's feeling better and then you two can talk is that alright?" she asked.
"Ok..." Takura groaned as he headed off, the door closed and my mother glanced up the stairs and at me, as she sighed walking up towards my room. Her eyes were filled with pity, I was slumped in the corner of the wall and I think she could tell I hadn't been taking great care of myself as she gently pulled me up and dragged me to the bathroom which already had a bath drawn, "get washed up ok? I'll have some food ready for you when you're done alright?" she told me.
She looked tired.
I'm sorry.
Once I came out she led back to the kitchen as she watched and made sure I ate the food she gave to me, I could see the bills on the side table next to her as she noticed my staring she placed them back inside of the cupboard.
"So Kokichi...I saw your test, sorry I was looking for your lunch box" she started. I looked down and squeezed my hands tighter, "while it wasn't your best work you're not in trouble don't worry, I'm not mad ok?" she told me.
You should be.
"Why don't when you go back to school you ask your teacher for help on this subject? Or I can help you with studying for the next one? I don't know much about calculus, that was your father's expertise actually, but I can try and help you" she offered.
You don't deserve this.
I just nodded as she sighed in relief as she turned on the TV to some movie that I didn't pay attention to for a few hours, she would make attempts at comedy but I didn't laugh...
You're making her worry.
"Are you tried honey?" she asked when the movie had finished. I didn't reply.
I never replied.
Speak. Speak already.
She didn't get angry, just turned off the TV as she moved around the room gathering the dishes as she took me back to my bedroom and despite it still being early in the afternoon she tucked me into bed as she closed the door she said tiredly, "sweet dreams..." she mumbled, "maybe you'll feel up for going back to school tomorrow?" she asked hopefully.
I pulled a pillow closer to my chest she already knew the same answer I did. "I'll get a refill on your medication tomorrow alright?" she told me. I nodded as she closed the door.
I'm sorry.
~-~-Killing Game~-~
So turns out I'm in a place run by psychotic teddy bears. Also, a killing game, so that sucks. At first, I kind of thought I was dreaming still so that night when I found my dorm-which had a creepy picture of me on the top of it like what the heck?- so I pinched myself. And when I still didn't wake up I pinched myself again. And again.
Let's just say that night ended with a lot of bruises.
At least they don't look like hickeys. Thank you, god glad to know you're looking out for me. Except when it comes to killing games.
Everyone else here is also a really good liar or an ultimate and I'm kind of offended now that Hope's Peak never sent me a letter because I fit in great.
That was a lie.
But no one seems to have caught on yet to the fact I'm not one of the ultimate, I'm pretty sure the bear knows though cause he seems to always be watching me and they laugh sometimes, it's annoying but they're not ratting me out so I guess it's fine.
Most of the people here are idiots though, which makes things boring. Ok well, some idiots got their merits, like Kiibo who is so much fun to tease I will never get bored- this is like my childhood dreams come true. Only he isn't my butler.
We also got Gonta, who is way too innocent it's scary. Also apparently is Tarzan. So that's cool.
We also got scary not a child caregiver lady, she probably is an ultimate though just not a caregiver. She's a bitch.
Also, we got the blond slut, space idiot, Kirumom, depressed man, nyeh, most likely to kick your ass, avocado, Sunday school kid, and piano freak. They're eh. There is one person though that stood out to me...
Hot Topic boy. Emo. Saihara Chan, is one of the only people who have a brain in this place which I can appreciate and he's been hanging out with me which has been fun, we went to the library and found good books to read. He appreciated me making fun of the plot for seventy minutes.
Until it got to main characters- that's when it got personal. But besides that, we decided to have another one of our book clubs today, so here I am waiting in the library for him. Hopefully, he didn't ditch me for the piano girl.
What if he did?
What if he left you?
"Ouma?" Saihara called and I immediately perked up, "hi Saihara chan!" I called, "What do you want to do today?" I asked Saihara shrugged, "I don't know do you have any ideas?" he asked, "why would I ask you what you want to do if I had an idea?" I asked.
Saihara looked down uncomfortable "I'm sorry I just-" "Aww you're to easy to tease Saihara chan, you're almost as bad as Kiibo!" I laughed. "Ouma don't tease me!" Saihara complained, "I will never stop!" I said dying of laughter as Saihara sighed.
"Ok...what about we played chess?" he asked, "oooh chess?" I asked, "yeah, I mean I guessed you liked it cause of your scarf but if you wanted to do something else I'm sorry I-" "chess is good," I said cutting him off as I walked over to the chess set and grabbed a chair for myself as I motioned for Saihara to come over.
"But I got an idea to make it more fun~" I teased, "what did you have in mind?" he asked, "every time we take each others piece, we have to ask them a question, and I guess to make it more fun for you I might tell the truth" I proposed.
"Hm...that sounds fun I guess," Saihara said agreeing, "I wouldn't get cocky if I were you Saihara! I'm good at chess" I boasted, "I can play to" he said as he sat down I was on the black side and he was on the white.
"White moves first," I told him, he nodded. The game began.
If I was ever going to pride myself on one skill, it was chess, I always won against DICE which is why we made our scarfs checkerboard to reference how I was a chess king, but Saihara was the first challenge I had for a while now.
He was the one who took the first of my pawns.
"Uhm...ok...uh, I ask a question right?" Saihara asked, "yup!" I told him, "ok um...what's your favorite color?" he asked. I couldn't help but blink a few times, "you literally could have asked me anything...and you choose to ask me what's my favorite color?" I asked.
"Well I thought I would ask the bigger questions as the game went on," Saihara said, I grinned so he's getting into this as well...
"My favorite color is orange," I told him, he looked at me questionably, "no really, it's orange," I told him. Saihara shrugged, "I was thinking it would be white or something" he admitted, "most people guess that," I told him.
I snatched one of his pawns, I looked at him mischievously "so Saihara Chan~ What's your biggest fear?" I asked, he looked down embarrassed, "oh come on I was nice with you Ouma" he complained.
"Haha! Doesn't mean I have to play nice" I told him, "I'll remember that...biggest fear? Like how you could be scared of spiders and stuff?" he asked, "just whatever you think is your biggest fear" I told him.
"I guess...I don't want to disappoint people...a lot of people in my life always have very high expectations for me, to be better, to do better...and I can't always meet their expectations and it makes me feel horrible" he admitted.
Oh shit, that got deep.
You're a bad person for making him remember that.
"Hey Ouma" Saihara called snapping me back to focus, I glanced down at the board...he had another one of my pawns in his hand.
Oh no.
"What do you do for fun?" he asked, I couldn't believe he was still being easy on me, "I like drinking tea?" I told him, "I like tea as well," he said smiling.
I took one.
"My favorite memory? I think when I went to London once with my parents"
He took one.
"My favorite band? I don't listen to bands I like Vocaloid though" I told him.
And another.
"Favorite food? Does cake count?"
And another.
"I don't like flowers that much, my friend is a florist so I guess she got me to like lavender"
Before I knew it I was losing, despite my best efforts of defense Saihara cut me down and in the end...
"Checkmate, does this mean I can ask one more question?" he asked, I nodded. It was fair since he won.
"Hmm....ok then...what's your biggest secret?" he asked, my eyes widened, "what? Remember you weren't nice to me this entire game since I won I decided to ask a serious question" he told me.
I got up and out of my seat calmly as I looked at him seriously, I could lie. I wanted to lie...instead, I got up right next to him and whispered a quick secret inside of his ear, I saw his eyes widened but before he could question me further I left the room.
~-~-Two Years Ago~-~
I wish it was raining today. But it wasn't, the mood didn't suit what was happening today, but I think she would have preferred it that way. No, there weren't any clouds in the sky today or any sort of it being dim instead the sun was shining bright and I could even hear the birds in the distance.
She loved birds, well not pigeons since they always picked at why on a beautiful she would have spent planting flowers or taking me out to get ice cream...on a day like this...was I attending my Mother's funeral?
No. Funeral is to nice of a word to describe this event.
There wasn't any sort of funeral home, people flocking in from all directions to pay their respects to her. We didn't have any fancy kind of ceremony to send her off, I couldn't afford anything like that so instead here we were...holding an urn with my mother's ashes surrounded by my friends.
The only black clothing I owned being a hat from my father and my school uniform. My friends wearing their own as for most of us is was the fanciest thing we owned, I could hear them behind me right now also, they looked concerned as I continued walking further into the surrounding forest looking for a familiar spot.
Finally...there it was.
It wasn't anything that could stand out, it was just a simple carving into a tree KO+AO. My parent's initials, apparently they were high school sweethearts who immediately got married and then had me, their only mom once told me they wanted to have one after me...but...
My father didn't live long enough for that to happen. Dying from a plane crash when I was young...I don't remember if he had a ceremony, but my mother did bring me here when I got older because apparently, this was the spot where they had eloped...
I removed the lid and dropped the ashes on the spot, no one was saying anything, I would have thought I walked here alone if not for the occasional cracking of sticks from behind me, my friend's occasional choked sobs.
I wasn't crying though.
Why am I not crying?
I looked at my shaking hands as I recapped on the lid turning back to my friends, they were looking at the ground and trying to console themselves...
"Hey, Kokichi...what are you going to do?" Nao asked, "hm?" I asked dryly, "I're parents aren't here anymore...and you still have to go to what are you going to-" "I'm dropping out," I told him.
"...What?" Nao asked, "you heard me, I'm dropping out," I told him, "but you have to go to school! We're about to go to high school Kokichi!" Chiasa reminded, "I know...but that's the thing...I don't know if I have aunts or uncles...and I don't have grandparents..." I told them turning back to them.
"I don't want to go to some kind of foster system, so...I'm running away" I admitted, "that's a horrible idea!" Kazue told me, "what should I do then...?" I asked, "like what the hell would be a better idea?" I shouted gripping the urn tighter, "I don't have anywhere to go! I don't have anyone left!" I told them.
"So yeah...just let me go...just let me go..." I mumbled.
"But Kokichi...that's not true..." Riko started, "how is it not?" I asked Riko looked down sadly and put a hand on my shoulder with a small smile, "cause you still have us, we'll support you and help you...ok? We'll protect you for your Mom...." she mumbled.
"Yeah you ain't ever going to get rid of us, did you honestly think that could ever happen?" Mirai asked sarcastically, "as if! Kokichi doesn't even know the definition of honest!" Takura joked and some forced laughter came out.
I chuckled..."Thanks...thanks, guys..." I told them, "no problem Kokichi! Hey, we can have a sleepover!" Takura said excitedly, "I can finally check out the new anime season with you!"
"Runaway Kokichi runs away," Genkei said groaning, "hey!" Takura pouted and this time we laughed genuinely.
You don't deserve their kindness...
I took a deep breath and smiled widely as I faced my friends.
It's all fun and games until someone dies.
Well, in this case, the one who died was Avacodo. Amami, who you know what seemed super sketchy with his 'I'm not a bad guy' thing but wasn't a bad guy so...yeah. I miss him a lot, and then it turns out Akamatsu sacrificed herself for us which kind of threw me for a loop cause I didn't know what I would have done if I was in her shoes.
Then she died.
I wasn't with my Dad when he died, or with my Mom, I didn't see them as they writhed in pain and agony or found their corpse on the kitchen floor. When I figured out what happened, they were already gone.
So I guess today was the first time I ever saw a dead body.
Today was the first time I saw someone die.
I don't know what I was thinking for the start of this, I knew this wasn't a joke but...I wasn't ready to see someone die. I hadn't made as many plans at the time- how stupid am I?! SO here I am, midnight maybe I can't tell what time it is in this place but now....there isn't time for games anymore.
Because...if I don't figure out a way to get me out of here...I'm going to die. I'm not like the rest of them! I'm not an Ultimate! HELL, I DON'T HAVE IT IN ME TO BE LIKE AKAMATSU! I can't trust people, I can't rely on them to help me!
I'm going to die...I'm going to die...I'm going to die alone...
My mind was going everywhere, as I felt my sanity crumbling around me as I barged my way out of the room and headed outside, I needed to be outside I couldn't stay inside anymore I couldn't be here anymore.
I don't know where I was running, I just kept running as fast as I could until my feet finally collapsed onto the grounds. Inside of a dome where I couldn't a place where people were out for my life.
I expected myself to have cried at this point. I am such a weak would have made sense...but instead I felt numbness overfill me as I hugged myself trying to calm down, as I heard grass crunching behind me I quickly turned around to see...
Oh crap.
"Haha...did you fall for that act...?" I asked, my voice sounded weak as it cracked. Fuck. "Ouma...are you ok? You look scared..." Kiibo started. "No shit sherlock because guess what? TWO PEOPLE JUST DIED!" I screamed.
"So you're not ok..." he mumbled as he sat down next to me. I looked away, I didn't want anyone to see me like this. "I've been meaning to ask you this for a while...but Ouma are you ok? Like not just about today but mentally?" he asked.
"What makes you ask that?" I asked, "just...ok most of the time I see you smile, and you seem happy programming leads me to believe that your smiles aren't entirely authentic," he told me. I looked down.
" you know what clinical depression is...?" I asked, Kiibo looked at me confused, "I know the concept of depression...but I didn't know there were different types" he told me, I took a deep breath.
"Clinical depression is...well you know how when someone you lost? You're sad about that right?" I asked, "yeah..." he told me, "well for me, my depression isn't because of any sort of loss although I have had's because of a chemical imbalance in my brain it leads me to have sometimes effects me in bad ways and kind of messed me up in the head...usually I just take my medication which contrary to popular belief doesn't make me happy, just helps me deal with it more... but...well I think you can understand why I don't have any of that here" I told him.
He didn't say anything just looked at me concerned. "I'm sorry...hey Ouma...if you need someone...I'll try and support you" he promised, I looked at him and just nodded. It's nice to be able to have a friend in a place like this.
~-~-After Third Trial-~-~
Saihara's POV:
When I first entered this game I had two friends, Akamatsu and Ouma. But after the first trial, everything changed, I made friends with Momota and Harukawa after Akamatsu died and Ouma started becoming close friends with Kiibo they were practically inseparable.
I won't lie by saying I wasn't jealous when I caught them having fun in the library or when I overheard some of their conversations when they were walking around the halls. I thought Ouma and I were just closer than this is all...
But we didn't talk as much as we used to, just occasionally during our meals a few awkward exchanges. It felt like something had been changing with Ouma, he slowly stopped coming out as often or smiling that much, this wasn't to say he was crying or anything...he just seemed tired.
He rarely came out of his room and sometimes I would see Kiibo bringing him food from the dining hall, I didn't know what was happening but I wanted to help! But every time I knocked and asked to see him I would always be turned away at the door...
What do I do if my friend keeps pushing me away? Were we even friends in the beginning...I don't know. So...I guess I'm going to take the message and start leaving him alone. It's what he seems to want at least...
~-~-After Fourth Trial~-~
"OUMA LET ME IN!" I screamed banging on the door, "GO AWAY ALREADY SAIHARA!" he screamed. "Not until you tell me what's wrong with you!? OUMA LET ME IN I CAN HELP! JUST TELL ME WHY YOU DID IT! WHY DID YOU KILL GOKUHARA?" I screamed.
"GO AWAY! I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU! I DONT NEED YOU! SO GO AWAY!" Ouma screamed, I continued banging, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? JUST TELL ME WHY YOU'RE ACTING LIKE THIS! YOU NEVER USED TO ACT LIKE THIS OUMA! We used to be close! You used to be such a nice person! SO WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? WHAT HAPPENED OUMA?! Do you miss one of the others?! I DO TOO! Just let me in!" I screamed.
"NO!" he screamed. I groaned as I finally stopped banging on the door, "do you want me to leave you?" I asked, "even after what you told me..." I mumbled. Ouma didn't respond for a while until he finally sighed "yeah...we can't be friends anymore Saihara...I'm sorry..." he said.
"Fine then. Bye"
~-~-Right Before Fifth Trial~-~
Ouma's POV:
I can't say I'm surprised things ended up this way. More than I'm just really disappointed in myself right now. I can't believe I was outsmarted this way, I didn't expect in a million years that I would have been shot in the back and was now marching towards my death.
I had just finished recording Momota and was about to slip inside of the press myself, my back was killing me and I could feel the poison spreading throughout my body like a slow acid. It was unbearable and I could barely feel my footsteps anymore and I had no doubt that I was shaking.
I'm going to die...I'm going to die...I'm going to die...
I took a deep breath and got under the press, the cold metal almost soothing my back's pain if it wasn't for the fear as I closed my eyes hoping it would somehow make the experience better.
How can you die better though? I guess there are worse ways to die...DICE....I'm so sorry...
"Go ahead and start it already-"
I quickly opened my eyes and would have sat up straight if it weren't for the press being so close to my face as I saw figures running into the scene,! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! MY PLAN! MY PLAN IS RUINED!
"OUMA!" Saihara screamed as he ran over to me, I kept shaking my don't do this to me, you can't ruin this for me...why? Why can't I win...?
Saihara grabbed me by one of my arms and started pulling me out as I quickly found my voice " can't do have have to let me die..." I mumbled, "I...can win...I can...I can..." I mumbled I could feel myself succumbing to the poison.
"Shut up and drink this" Saihara said as he shoved a bottle of what seemed like an antidote down my throat, I gagged a little on it as I groaned, "'re going to be alright ok...? You're going to be alright...." Saihara started as he looked at me scared. Kiibo on the meanwhile looked terrified at me.
"Hey....hey, don't you dare close your eyes! OUMA!"
Huh...? I opened my eyes confused as I looked up at the lights in the rooms fighting the urge to go back asleep...where am I...? I thought...didn't I die...? Then why...why am I awake...? I looked around at my side and saw a sleeping boy next to me holding my hand...
I immediately felt myself blushing as I guess my movement woke Saihara up as he yawned making eye contact with me staring for a bit before he shot awake, "Ouma!" he screamed as I groaned, "to loud..." I mumbled.
"Oh sorry! It's've been in a coma and I was really worried about you, I mean you were poisoned and I thought you were going to die your heart stopped working for a whileandIdon'tknowwhatIwouldhavedoneifyoudied-" Saihara muttered and I couldn't even understand him as I squeezed his hand.
"It's fine...I'm awake..." I told him trying to calm him down, Saihara looked down embarrassed "that's great but you should still be resting, I'm sorry I don't want to stress you maybe I should go-" "No!" I quickly told him waking up completely.
Saihara looked at me as I felt myself blushing more as I took a deep breath... "stay with me...please...I know...I know I'm not the person you met during the game...I'm not brave...or smart...I know I have my problems and issues...issues I know will be a burden on you...and I'm sorry...and the only thing I know how to do is lie...but I want to be with you...if you can learn how to stand me..." I mumbled but before I was able to finish Saihara pulled me into a tight embrace.
"Saihara Chan... you're strangling me..." I told him as he quickly pulled back scared of hurting me but still gripped my shoulders tightly, "Ouma I want that to...I want to stay by your side...we went through something horrible together...and I want us to be able to support each you help burden my pain...and I'll help you carry yours, no matter what!" he promised.
"Thank you...Saihara..." I mumbled, "Shuichi," he told me. My eyes widened before I took a deep breath, "thanks Shuichi..." I told him.
Let it be known I could have written an angst ending. I had permission to destroy you all. But I spared you guys.
Your welcome.
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