Chapter 9 - Frozen Peas
A/N: Shoutout to the super talented @sadistfied for making this edit of pink haired quarterback Kellin!!! It's so beautiful I can't even handle it.
I sat on the foot plank of the wooden bleachers that stood at the edge of the Lacrosse field. My legs dangled underneath me, floating above the dead grass. I leaned my elbows on the seat plank, letting my chin rest in my hands as I stared dreamily at the sight before me.
My eyes felt heavy but my head was in the clouds. I watched Parker run across the field, his sandy brown hair curled and dampened with sweat against the nape of his neck. He stopped suddenly in the middle of the field, turning to wave as he shot me the biggest smile.
I felt my cheeks flush as I winked at him. Parker and I had just smoked a bowl with the guys and a few of his teammates. I was feeling extra giddy and extra flirty.
He had sat against a tree with my head leaning against his chest, weaving a dandelion in my hair. My hand reached up and touched the soft yellow petals.
"Well someone is looking quite bashful." Tony knocked his shoulder into mine gently, causing me to rock backwards a bit.
I smiled and kept my head forward, my eyes glued on Parker, "Oh shut up. I'm happy. Let me live."
"You should be, you smoked a shit ton." Jack, who was lying on the bleacher in front of me, sat up and teased.
"Parker had good bud. Real good."
Jack tossed a handful of grass at me, "You sure it's not just the weed but Parker that has gotten you so smitten?"
"Tony, please stop teaching Jack all these big words. It's going to get to his head." I deadpanned.
"Hey! I have to at least pass the SAT's next month."
"It's going to take a lot more than Tony pulling out his dictionary and reading it to you for you to pass the SAT's." Jaime teased, causing us all to break out in laughter at Jack's expense.
Jack frowned, "You boys are just lucky that we've been friends since kindergarten or I'd drop your asses. Vic, since you're new to the squad, you're on thin ice."
"Oh is that so Jack-ie poo?" I leaned forward, making smooch sounds as I tried to kiss Jack on the cheek.
"Ew get away from me! You're not Alex. Speaking of which, why did I agree to come with you guys and miss out on some Alex G action?" He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Because we stick together. Ride or die. Brothers for life." Jaime answered.
"Yeah well you're not going to let me blow you." Jack replied almost immediately causing Jaime to make a fake vomiting sound.
"Damn weed makes you horny too." I giggled.
The bleachers suddenly shifted, signaling that someone had just climbed onto them. I slowly turned my head to see a pink haired Kellin and a green haired Alex Gaskarth shuffling towards us.
"What's pretty boy numero uno y numero dos doing here?" Jaime groaned, picking off some of the dead wood from the bleacher seat and flicking it onto the grass below.
Kellin sat down beside me with no hesitation, while Alex stepped down one seat and plopped next to Jack.
"Hi Jack." Alex smiled, straddling the bleacher seat and facing Jack.
I shot Jack a look, grinning, "You were saying something before about missing out on some action? What was that again? Al -"
Jack interrupted me by waving his arms in front of my face, "You shut your mouth, you're high as fuck. He doesn't know what he's saying!"
"You're high?" Kellin asked.
I turned to look him in the eye's for the first time all day since he left the cafeteria so abruptly earlier. His cheeks were flushed, his pink ends still slightly damp from a shower, and his lips turning slightly red from the sudden drop in temperature. He was wearing a grey hoodie underneath his maroon letterman jacket. The hood was up making his hair stick to his cheeks. He looked good. And I annoyed myself for thinking that.
"Don't listen to Jack. I'm fine. I should be asking how you are though, with how dramatically you left us all during lunch."
Kellin's eyes left mine as he leaned back against the bleacher, "I forgot to bring my notes with me. I had Sanders' test after and needed to look them over as much as I could between classes."
"Thanks for clarifying. Hey, why are you here right now? Don't you have practice?"
Kellin laughed, "Well we actually take our sport seriously, so we don't spend the first 45 minutes of practice getting high like the Lacrosse team clearly does."
I rolled my eyes at Kellin's obvious jab at Parker, "That still doesn't answer my question."
Alex interjected, "Kellin insisted we stop by. And he wouldn't come alone for some reason so he dragged me with him."
Kellin reached around and punched Alex in his arm, "Ow what the hell!"
"I hate to break up the love fest, but our practice is done." Parker appeared at the bottom of the bleachers. He glided up the steps two at a time before stopping right in front of me.
"Here, I brought you my jacket. You looked cold."
Parker draped his navy blue windbreaker around my body. I quickly slid my hands in the arms, noticing how oversized it was on my small frame. I wasn't as in shape as Parker, or as tall as him, so the sleeves fell past my hands a good few inches.
"Nice work out there, Cannon." Kellin spoke.
"Oh yeah, did you enjoy the show?" Parker smirked before running his hands through his hair, earning a glare from Kellin.
"Don't mind Kells. He's a little tired after his own practice." I giggled, playfully shoving him while he stared at me with narrowed eyes. My hand lingered on his arm and I could've sworn I felt him tense up at my touch. His eyes glanced down at my hand when I removed it.
"Aw so you're probably too tired for a little match, Quinn?"
Kellin shot up from his seat and puffed out his chest, "I'm never too tired to wipe the floor with your ass."
Parker chuckled before reaching his hand out for me to take. He intertwining his fingers with mine before gently guiding me down the bleachers.
"Sounds kinky." He called out to Kellin from over his shoulders.
I held back tears as I burst into a fit of laughter. Kellin looked as if smoke was about to explode from his ears as he balled his hands into fists. Jack, Jaime, and Tony followed us onto the field with Kellin and Alex trailing behind.
"You looked really good on the field." I grinned, reaching up to lock my arms around Parker's neck.
"Oh yeah? Well you looked even better up in those bleachers." Parker loosely held my waist with one hand as he reached up to touch the flower in my hair with the other.
"Alright, get a room. Are we going to play or are you two going to make a porno?" Kellin scoffed.
Parker sighed before letting his hand fall from my waist, "Vic? Would you like to be one of the captains?"
I grabbed the sweatband I brought with me from my gym locker out of my pocket and stretched it over my head. It matted down my hair and kept it out of my eyes.
"Yes absolutely. Jack? Get up here and be the second captain."
"Ugh why me? I hate sports and having to exert energy." Jack groaned, trudging up next to me slowly.
Alex reached out and slapped Jack on the butt gently, "You got this man!"
Jack's eyes widened in disbelief, "Suddenly...I love sports!" He cheered as skipped over to me with rosy red cheeks.
"Okay for my first pick....Alex."
I held back a laugh as I put one hand up to my chin, pretending to be thinking long and hard about my first choice.
He instantly smiled before jogging over, picking me up and twirling me around, "We are so going to win."
For some reason I couldn't help but look over at Kellin. I was surprised to see he had this look on his face that could almost be interpreted as disappointment.
"I need some muscle so...Jaime." Jack called out. No surprise there.
"There's no way I'm not picking my day one, Tony. Get over here man." I chuckled as Tony ran over to me, giving him a high five as he took his place on the other side of me.
"Seriously? I'm last?" Kellin mumbled, kicking the grass.
"We have an odd number. Don't look so down babe, you would've been my next pick." I smiled at the angry boy approaching me.
Kellin paused in front of me, "Yeah well you're going to regret not picking me. Our team is going to beat you."
Tilting my head, I took a step closer to him, "You're cute when you're mad."
His mouth fell open, slightly agape before Alex grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him towards his team.
Parker started handing out lacrosse sticks and showed us the basics; like how to run with the stick, how to catch the ball, and how to toss the ball to our other teammates. He explained the rules and how the objective was to throw the ball to one another as we ran down the field, trying to get it in the goal.
I chose Tony to be our goalie while Jack chose himself to be goalie for his team. He said it was so he could "just stand there and look cute." That left Parker and I playing on the field against Jaime, Alex, and Kellin. We were outnumbered.
The game started off fun. Parker gently tossed the ball to me and to my surprise, I actually caught it. He ran over to me with the biggest grin on his face as he practically tackled me to the ground in a hug.
"You should join the team Vic, that was so awesome!" He gave me a lopsided smile.
I was too busy staring up into his eyes when Kellin snuck up behind me and scooped the ball off the ground. He smirked at me as he ran down the field with the ball in his net, "Don't let your guard down during a game, Fuentes."
"Don't worry your pretty head. I'll get that ball back for you." Parker said determined as he took off after Kellin.
Parker moved so swiftly as he sprinted down the worn out grassy field. He caught up to Kellin almost immediately. Kellin may be the star quarterback, but he doesn't have the same level of stamina as Parker.
Parker cut Kellin off, causing him to falter a bit as he almost dropped the ball. But Kellin was quick to react, faking Parker out as he dodged his defense. His cleats dug into the soil as he turned on his toes, going after Kellin once again.
But this time Kellin was ready. As Parker came up on his left, Kellin threw his shoulder into Parker, knocking him on his butt.
"Oh so you're going to play like that?" I heard Parker growl.
In a blink of an eye he was back on his feet, chasing after Kellin. This time, Parker smashed the handle of his lacrosse stick into Kellin's.
Kellin stumbled backwards, clearly caught off guard by Parker's skills.
"What's up with those two anyways?" I asked Alex who had appeared next to me.
"Who? Quinn and Cannon? They've always been competitive with each other since like the 8th grade." He shrugged nonchalantly.
Suddenly I heard a crash again as I looked up to see them knock into each other. The ball fell out of Kellin's net and Parker immediately scooped it up.
"You dick!" Kellin shouted before sticking his leg out to purposefully trip Parker.
Both boys came crashing down onto the cold October grass. Lacrosse sticks knocking into one another in a scary crackling sound.
We all ran over to them and found Kellin sitting there covering his eye while Parker was rubbing his chest.
"Your stupid elbow hit me in the face!" Kellin groaned.
"Yeah well your knee went right into my ribs." Parker stood up slowly.
"This was supposed to be a lighthearted game, what's your problem?" Jaime questioned.
"Dude yeah, that wasn't cool." Alex chimed in.
All of our eyes were on Kellin waiting for an answer.
"I...I just... I don't know! The adrenaline got to me."
My eyes locked with him for a moment before he muttered an "I'm sorry," to Parker.
"It's fine man, I'm sorry too. You might want to get some ice on that eye, it's going to bruise." Parker offered.
Kellin nodded and took off towards the bleachers without another word. He grabbed his duffel bag, walking through the small entrance in the chain link fence that bordered the field.
I watched his pink head march hastily across campus before he disappeared around a corner, out of sight.
"Shit. What time is it?" I turned on my heels to look at the rusty scoreboard on the end of the field. Parker and Dan were right, this field is in shambles compared to the fancy new field the football team has.
"I have to go. My mom will be pissed if I'm late for dinner." I jogged over to the bleachers and pulled on my backpack. "Guys? I'll see you tomorrow."
Tony smiled, Jaime nodded, and Jack...well Jack was too busy checking out Alex's butt to respond.
"Vic? I'll see you around?" Parker smiled at me, bouncing on his toes as he rubbed his stomach where Kellin's foot had been.
"Of course you will." I winked before heading out towards Main Street.
The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow on my face as the wind whipped my hair around. I had to keep brushing it behind my ears as I walked down the cobblestone sidewalk in order to keep it out of my eyes. I had almost missed the sign in one of the store's windows.
"God dammit." I muttered to myself as my hand yanked open the heavy wooden door and went inside.
A few minutes later I came out carrying a black canvas bag with the words "Moon Baby Hair Salon" scrawled on it in gold cursive font. It contained all the supplies I would need.
What am I getting myself into?
It was after dinner when I saw him.
I was at the end of my driveway getting the mail from the box per my mom's instructions. The bag was already swinging from my finger tips. I was about to head over to his house when he walked by holding his face.
"Hey KQ? Think fast!" I called out to him, tossing the bag at him.
He spun around too slow, missing the bag as it fell on the ground at his feet, "What is this?" Kellin bent over and snatched the bag up, keeping one hand over his eye.
"Look inside."
He raised his eyebrow, well the one not underneath his hand, at me skeptically before peeking at the bag's contents, "Hair dye?"
"Think of it as a peace offering. Come." I motioned back at my house before walking up the driveway. Glancing over my shoulder to see Kellin following me. I smiled to myself.
"I'll be right back." I left Kellin standing in the entryway as I grabbed something from the freezer.
"Alright let's go. The upstairs bathroom has more space."
Kellin was silent as he followed me up the stairs. I flicked on the bathroom light and started unpacking the bag. I set the hair dye box on the counter, ripping the cardboard box open with my teeth. Next, I filled the plastic bowl with the dye and mixed it up with a little brush.
"Do you even know what you're doing?" Kellin sat on the edge of the clawfoot bathtub and looked up at me with wide eyes. "I don't want you fucking up my hair anymore than you already have."
I chuckled and stared back at his reflection in the mirror, "Don't worry Princess. I did it once, I can most certainly do it again."
I watched Kellin roll his eyes, moving his free hand that wasn't clutching his eye up to his mouth. He bit his finger, hiding a smile that I noticed crept onto his lips.
"That reminds me. Here, put this on your face. Just holding onto your eye isn't going to stop the bruising." I kneeled in front of him and handed him a bag of frozen peas.
Kellin smirked, "Really?"
"Yes really now- holy shit Kells!" I gasped as Kellin removed his hand, revealing the biggest bruise I had ever seen. The purplish, bluish, reddish spot encircled his entire eye, leaving the skin underneath all puffy and inflamed.
"It's nothing." He mumbled, looking away from me.
Without thinking I cupped his non injured cheek and turned his face towards mine. I gently ran my thumb down his puffy skin, "It looks like it really hurts."
He flinched at my touch and looked like he was about to smack my hand away when his hostile gaze softened. He let me run my thumb across his bruise for a few seconds before he pushed me back and grabbed the bag from my hand.
"Okay, enough touching. Just give me the peas."
There was the moody Kellin I was used to.
I balanced all the hair dying stuff in my arms as I climbed into the bathtub, earning a confused look from Kellin.
"Get in. I'll sit behind you and apply the dye. It would be too hard to try to do it with you sitting on the counter."
Kellin didn't protest as he plopped down in front of me. I draped one of my towels around his shoulders to keep the dye from ruining his clothes. I dipped the brush in the dye, swirling it around before starting to paint it over his pink locks.
We were both silent for a while. The sounds of our breathing filling the space. I almost thought Kellin had fallen asleep when his quiet whisper broke the silence.
"Do you like Parker?"
"Um...I mean, we just met."
"Yeah I know that. But could you see yourself liking in a gay way?"
I chuckled at his question, "Dude. You don't ask that. Or say it like that. You mean romantically?"
From over his shoulder, I saw Kellin pull his knees up to his chest. "Sorry uh..then yes do you see yourself liking him in a romantic way?"
Lifting up his hair, I clipped it to the top of his head and started working on the under half, "Parker is really attractive don't get me wrong, and he's fun to flirt with. But it's not like we've gone out on a date or anything. For now we're just friends."
"Plus, I like someone else." I heard myself say, not paying attention as I focused all my energy on trying to cover Kellin's pink hair.
"Who is it? I bet it's one of those artsy guys like Christofer Ingle." Kellin spun around suddenly to face me.
I giggled in disbelief at his interest in the conversation, "Um no actually, I like athletic guys with some muscle on them. You know the type who could throw a punch and protect me."
"But with a pretty face. Those types of guys are my weakness." I added.
Kellin processed this information for a few seconds, "You're, like, kinda muscular yourself though. And masculine. When you aren't wearing a cheerleader's skirt, that is."
I giggled, "Your point? It's all about the power dynamic for me. You see, I'm what they call a switch."
"What's a switch?" Kellin's eyebrows furrowed.
My eyes widened when I realized what I had said, "Okay this is getting a little too personal for me to be talking about with my friend. Especially with you."
I stood up and stepped out of the tub, "It's time to wash the dye out."
Kellin crossed his arm, eventually compiling and climbing over the edge of the tub after me.
I placed my hand on the small of his back and pushed him gently until he was leaning over the sink. Kellin's hands gripped the side of the countertop at first, before relaxing against my touch.
Turning the faucet all the way to the right to make sure the water was warm enough, I guided his head under the stream. I ran my fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp while I rinsed out the dye.
Watching the color swirl around the drain my heart stopped. The dye looked a lot darker than I was expecting. I turned the water off and stepped back.
"Done already?" Kellin lifted his head out of the sink and grabbed a towel on the counter. He shook off the excess water and dried his hair.
"Um...Kellin? I think I might have bought the wrong color..."
"What?!" He ripped the towel from his head and looked at himself in the mirror.
"I thought your natural color was black but now that I look at it, it's just dark brown isn't it?"
Kellin's hair was jet black.
It wasn't too noticeable unless you really looked hard. It made his pale skin stand out even more. The contrast of the dark hair against his rounded features made him actually look intimidating.
I couldn't help myself but admit...
"You look sexy." I blurted out.
Kellin spun around, his back leaning against the edge of the counter, "Excuse me?"
" look totally punk rock." I stammered nervously. God, get it together Vic.
"You better not be making fun of me, Fuentes." Kellin leaned back even more, his elbows resting next to the sink. I hadn't realized how close we were until this moment. The way he was standing, our legs were in between one anothers.
I put both my hands on either side of him, "'ve got that whole bad boy thing going for you. Put a little eyeliner on you? You could really pull that off."
Kellin's eyes flicked up to look into mine when a knock on the door caused us both to leap as far away from each other as possible.
"Vic? Kellin? Kellin's mom just called looking for him." Mike spoke from the other side of the door.
"Um, see you in school tomorrow. Thanks for fixing my hair." Kellin mumbled, avoiding my gaze as he walked over to the door and left.
"What's Mr. Popular doing in our bathroom with you?" Mike asked, breaking the silence.
I reached up and scratched the back of my neck, my eyes trailing over to the now melted bag of peas sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
"Goodbye Mike." I rolled my eyes, shoving him out into the hallway as I slammed the bathroom door shut.
Author's Note
Hi y'all I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It kinda feels like a filler chapter to me and I apologize if it was kinda boring. I had to move the story along somehow.
Let me know your thoughts! Oh and follow @kellicisprotein! My friends and I have a mega kellic collab planned that's happening over on that account. And shoutout to the discord for always inspiring me and letting me bounce ideas off y'all.
also this is lightly edited so i'm sorry for any mistakes. hopefully i'm over my writer's block and can update this more frequently.
stay safe y'all and see ya on the next one!
- Cassidy
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