Chapter 7 - Handsome
The mix of weed and beer swirled around my brain leaving me happily tipsy. I was currently sitting on a tree stump tossing dead leaves into the fire.
Colors of crimson and gold casted a glow across the nameless faces around me. The roaring heat of the flames warmed my skin and I found myself inching closer as the night grew darker and colder.
I hope these kids knew to at least use bark from dead trees to start this fire. Knowing that the popular kids threw this party they probably went out and bought wood from a store instead of gathering it themselves from the actual woods.
Noticing the flames starting to go down, I crawled off the stump and leaned down with my knees and hands in the dirt. Leveling myself with the base of the fire I blew on the coals slowly until it roared back to life.
Suddenly Jaime appeared next to me, his face eye level with mine as he balanced three beers in his hands.
"What're you doing nature boy?" He asked curiously, fumbling with the beer bottles as he handed me one.
I smiled back at him and took a small sip, "Trying to keep this fire going before I freeze to death."
"Oh yes that would be quite tragic." He snorted as he leaned back against the tree stump I had been sitting on.
"Exactly. I don't know how you all deal with this weather and actually enjoy hanging out in it."
Jaime shrugged, "Thick skin. It's okay if you don't have what it takes sunshine."
I rolled my eyes and smirked before taking another swig of my drink, "How's the lady situation going? I asked, changing the subject.
He sighed in defeat, "Hopeless. No one wants to hop on the Hime Train."
"Gross. Not with that name they won't." I shook my head and laughed, "I shouldn't tell you this but a little birdie told me that someone has a crush on you."
"WHAT?!" Jaime practically knocked over his drink as he spun around on his knees and leapt up onto the tree trunk next to me, "Who is it? How could you keep this from me? Tell me everything!"
"Hmmmm...nope I think I'll let you figure it out."
Jaime gripped my shirt with his hands as he looked at me with pleading eyes, "Do you want me to beg, Vic? Because I will beg." He got down on both knees and pressed his hands together in prayer.
I burst out laughing, almost falling backwards at his desperation, "Dude. Get it together. If I tell you, you have to promise me that you won't, one, be a creep, and two, will respect her if she decides not to go out with you."
"This girl apparently has a crush on me, I will respect the ground she walks on." Jaime nodded, his entire face lighting up as he looked at me with a dreamy look on his face.
"It's Rose, Elle's friend." I took him by his shoulders, turning him around in the direction of where Rose was standing across the field.
"You don't have to tell me who Rose Tyler is. I've been in love with her since elementary school!"
Jaime suddenly whipped his head around and shot me a look, "Are you sure this isn't a prank?"
"I'm sure of it. Go and charm her socks off." I nudged him towards her.
"I owe you big for finding this out for me. You hear me? BIG." Jaime pulled me into a hug, squeezing me so tight I thought my bones were about to snap. He practically skipped off towards Rose and I couldn't help but smile for him.
"Hey Vic, what's up with that?" Tony came over to me and gestured towards Jaime.
"Oh, Elle told me that her friend Rose has a crush on him." I explained.
Tony put his hand up and chuckled, "Say no more."
We both watched Jaime as he approached Rose and started talking to her. To our surprise she instantly started blushing as Jaime spoke with his hands, making grand gestures as he was no doubt explaining some intricately elaborate anecdote to make himself seem more interesting.
"Speaking of crushes, do you have your eye on anyone?" I asked him, breaking the comfortable silence as we watched Jaime.
Tony shook his head, "Nope. No one has piqued my interest. I'm not really the dating type."
"How come?"
He kicked the grass and shoved the hand that wasn't gripping his plastic cup into the pocket of his jeans, "If you haven't already noticed, I'm not the most outgoing guy. That's why I became such great friends with Jaime and Jack when we were kids. They were my voice growing up. Until I found my own."
I looked at Tony in the moonlight and instantly felt envious of him. I never had the friendship he had with Jaime and Jack. I didn't have friends that cared so deeply about me. I had lots of friends back home and did consider some of them my "best friends." But I always knew that I was never anybody's best friend.
These three were more than friends. They were brothers.
Speaking of brothers, suddenly Mike flew past me in a blur interrupting our conversation. I reached out and grabbed his shirt, yanking him backwards, "Mike, what the hell are you doing here? You're a sophomore."
Mike was two years younger than me but he was already starting to tower over me. It was beginning to be a sore subject. I was embarrassed to have a little brother that was taller than me.
He smiled goofily at me as he chugged the drink he was holding, "Oh lighten up big bro. If you haven't noticed, the entire school is here."
"Tony, this is my little brother Mike. Mike, this is my friend Tony." I introduced the two of them.
"Hey man, it's nice to meet you. I love your gauges, I'd try to do it but our mom would probably freak out." Mike smiled as he shook Tony's hand.
Tony glanced at the ground before looking up to meet Mike's gaze, "Thanks, it hurt so bad but it was worth it. It's uh, it's nice to meet you too." He spoke the last part slightly quieter and started scratching his neck nervously.
I looked back and forth between them, raising my eyebrows at the interaction.
Mike looked behind his shoulder at a couple of guys that were calling his name, "Duty calls. Vic, I'll see you at home. Bye Tony!" He ran off towards them and I caught Tony watching him out of the corner of my eye.
I coughed and he snapped back into reality, noticing I had been staring at him.
"O-oh look here comes Jack!" Tony squeaked out, pointing at Jack who was now walking towards us.
"Um Jack? What happened to you?" I look him up and down. He was soaking wet. His clothes were hanging off him in a damp mess and his hair was plastered across his face. But he didn't look upset.
"I lost a bet and a game of beer pong with this football player, Alex Gaskarth. So I had to jump in the lake." He grinned.
"And you're happy about that, why?" Tony questioned.
"Because he is HOT. And I managed to pull him into the lake when he reached down to help me get out."
I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wait a second, you're gay? You led me to believe I was the only non-straight in this friend group!" I chuckled, shoving Jack playfully.
"I don't know what I am to be honest. But I do know that Alex is drop dead gorgeous and it is now my life's mission to have him fall in love with me." Jack peeled off his sopping wet t-shirt and rang out the extra water.
"Right on man." I laughed and fist bumped him.
"Speaking of hot men, have you talked to Kellin again tonight?"
My smile faded as I shook my head, "Nope. He's pretty preoccupied right now." Jack and Tony followed my eyes to Kellin who was pressed up against a tree sucking some girl's face.
I had no idea why this image bothered me so much but it did. I barely knew Kellin, but in those few rare and private moments we had shared, I could sense that there was something more there.
It felt like we had a connection. At least I think we did. Even if it was just a tiny one. It was obvious to everyone he was completely uptight every second of every day. I wanted to know the real Kellin.
Jack slung his arm around my shoulder and gave me a comforting squeeze, "That's why you don't fall for straight boys."
"Isn't Alex straight?" I countered.
Jack pondered my question for a moment, rubbing his chin, "That...we aren't sure of yet."
"Plus, I don't like Kellin." I mumbled, folding my arms across my chest.
I watched Tony and Jack exchange looks.
"So is that why you kept his jersey on all night and cheered for him at the game?" Jack teased, walking circles around me as I glared at him.
"Vic likes Kellin! Vic likes Kellin!" He started whispering when I didn't respond.
I leapt at Jack and slapped my hand over his mouth, "Okay you shut your mouth! I don't want anyone hearing these blatant lies."
Jack started talking again but his words were now coming out muffled and inaudible underneath my hand. I heard Tony sigh and the next thing I knew he was walking over and smacking Jack on the back of his head.
"What the hell Tone? You're going to smack an already sad, wet boy?" Jack whined, rubbing his head.
"Jack, stop acting immature and teasing Vic about his crush on Kellin. If he doesn't want to admit it yet then that's his decision. Don't go blabbing about it."
"Hey! I said I don't -" I started but was interrupted by Tony.
"Yeah yeah yeah we know. You don't have a crush on Kellin." Tony shot me a cheeky smile.
I rolled my eyes and took another sip of my drink, "There are plenty of people at this school that are way nicer and better looking than Kellin. He's a close-minded prick."
Tony opened his mouth to speak when a drunk Justin Hills suddenly appeared, squeezing in between us and slinging his arms over both mine and Tony's shoulders.
"Heyyyy it's m-my new f-favorite guys. Y-you th-three are playing s-s-spin the bottle. Let's go." Justin slurred, smiling as he dragged us over to the bonfire where a bunch of people were already sitting in a huge circle.
I shot Tony a look who just shrugged in response. I looked at Jack whose face was lighting up when he saw Alex sitting in the circle. Justin guided us into our seats, pushing us down by our shoulders until we were seated criss crossed on the ground.
Glancing at the faces around me, most of the guys were made up by football players. The majority of girls were on the cheerleading team. A few of the artsy, band, and alternative kids were sprinkled in, making us not feel too out of place. I silently cursed myself when I realized I had been subconsciously looking for Kellin's face among this crowd.
"Kellin, stop sucking face and get your ass over here!" Justin called out across the field.
Kellin appeared from the pitch black outskirts of the clearing and stepped into the warm glow of the bonfire. His cheeks were flushed and he had his arm draped around the waist of the girl who he had been kissing earlier. He sat down next to Justin, the girl sitting
I watched the faces of the other girls in the circle perk up when Kellin arrived. I rolled my eyes and took another long sip of my drink. I definitely wasn't drunk enough for this. Everyone started chatting amongst one another as we waited for more kids to join the circle.
"Hey Kellin, you dropped this." Johnny's pretentious voice caught my attention as he walked over to the fire, sitting down next to Kellin.
He was waving around a small square piece of paper in the air.
"Awww what a cute photo of little Viccy and Kellin." Johnny teased, speaking in a baby voice.
I watched Kellin narrow his eyes and grimace in disgust as he glanced at the paper Johnny had shoved in his face.
"Oh that's the stupid polaroid the photographer gave me. I put it in my pocket before the game and forgot to throw it away."
Johnny motioned towards me, not thinking I could hear him over the crackling of the fire. I quickly turned my attention to Jaime who had just joined the group so Johnny wouldn't catch me listening.
"That guy is a fucking weirdo. Who pulls a stunt like that? What a fag." Johnny spat, ripping the photo up into a bunch of pieces and tossing them over his shoulder into the grass.
"Yeah, totally." Kellin replied with a laugh, but his eyes followed Johnny's motions as he destroyed the photo. But Kellin quickly turned his attention back to Justin as if nothing had happened.
"Alright I've got the bottle! Kellin since you're our captain, you do the honors and go first." Justin cheered as he placed an empty beer bottle in the center of the circle.
"Okay sure." Kellin smiled and leaned over on his knees to spin the bottle. It spun and spun, every girl holding their breath before landing on one of the cheerleaders, a brunette whose name I didn't know.
I legitimately heard whispered sighs from some of the people around me. I silently gagged to myself, suddenly extremely annoyed with all things Kellin Quinn.
The brunette eagerly shot up from her seat and met Kellin in the center of the circle. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Hoots and hollers started from the crowd as they continued to kiss. The girl was moving her mouth feverishly against his but Kellin surprisingly stayed pretty still. God, he was so vanilla.
When they finished, Kellin sat back in his seat as Justin and Johnny started punching his shoulders.
The bottle moved around the circle. I watched Jack frown as Alex's spin fell on one of the band girls. Everyone kept passing along the bottle until it was my turn. I reluctantly spun it as I balanced on my knees.
The mouth spun around and around, passing by my fellow classmates who were all still strangers to me. It started to slow down and my eyes randomly fell on Kellin. He was staring at the bottle intensely, biting his nail as his eyes followed it.
Suddenly he looked up and we locked eyes. We were looking at each other for what felt like forever that I didn't even notice the bottle stopped.
I looked towards who it was pointing at.
"Gross. Of course he'd spin a guy." Johnny laughed.
"Uh...but we're friends." I looked at Tony who like always, looked calm and composed.
"Rules are rules. No second spins." Justin shook his head.
Tony shrugged, his eyes glancing over my shoulder, "It's cool dude."
"Well alright then." I chuckled as I grabbed Tony's shirt and pulled him towards me.
I felt him move his lips against mine as I kissed him back. Despite Johnny's dumb comment, no one else seemed to care and the usual hollers rung out around us as we continued to kiss.
After an acceptable amount of time we pulled back and looked at one another.
Simultaneously we burst out into laughter as we both wiped our lips on our sleeves.
"I love ya man, but not like that." Tony giggled, taking a sip from his cup as his eyes looked behind me again.
I turned around to try and see who he was looking at with no luck, "Yeah you're a good kisser but we're definitely just friends."
I found myself looking back at Kellin, who had now returned to laughing and talking with his friends without as much as a glance in my direction.
"Vic! It landed on you."
My eyes shot up to see Elle pointing at the bottle she had just spun. It was facing me. She leaned over, smiling giddily as she moved her face closer to mine. I glanced over at Kellin who was staring at us both. Oh right, she was technically his ex.
I mimicked her actions and started to lean towards her. Before our lips could connect, Justin stumbled in the middle of the circle and vomited all over the ground.
"Ew! Justin!" Elle sprung to her feet and jumped as far away from the puke as possible.
The rest of the circle took that as a sign to quit the game as everyone stood up and went back to their previous smaller groups.
I looked over where Kellin was sitting only to find his spot empty. He was nowhere in sight.
"Hey, maybe we can pick up where we left off sometime."
Turning around I was met with Elle. She stood smiling in front of me and I had to admit, she looked really pretty tonight. Her signature black fishnets peeked out underneath a maroon dress. Her blonde had been pulled back and sat atop her head in a big messy bun. Maybe I should take my own advice and try getting to know other people at this school.
"Sure, I'd like that." I responded to her.
"Great. I have to go, I'm sleeping over at Rose's tonight. But I'll see you at school Monday?"
"Definitely. You'll have to let me know if Rose says anything about Jaime." I smiled.
She giggled and nodded, "Will do. Night Vic." She looked back at me one more time before running off to meet her friends.
I kicked the dirt beneath me, shoving my hands into my pockets as I turned towards the woods. I think it was time to call it a night.
Leaning against the wood frame of the door that entered our treehouse, I took in a long drag from my joint I never finished earlier. Jaime, Jack, and Tony were all passed out inside but I needed some fresh air.
After school this past week, I started dragging stuff out into the woods on our property to fill the treehouse with. I brought one of the couches that lived in our basement back in San Diego, a couple air mattresses, some posters to hang up, and a record player that I hooked up by rigging a couple dozen extension cords from the house.
With the small outlet, I was able to also bring two space heaters which instantly filled the treehouse with lots of warmth.
Mike had surprisingly pitched in with helping me so I told him we could share the space. But he was currently sleeping over at one of his new friends' houses. I think his name was Rian.
I had the Pearl Jam album spinning in the background as I looked up at the sparkling stars above me. Even though the sky was pitch black, the moon shone so bright, casting a twilight across the foliage below.
I felt calm. I felt peaceful. I closed my eyes and listened to the croak of the frogs, the low calls of an owl, and...the sound of someone puking.
My eyes snapped open and I swung my legs over the ledge of the treehouse, looking down at an unfortunately familiar head of pink hair.
"Quinn? Is that you?"
Kellin glanced around, confused.
"Up here." I called down to him.
"Vic? What the hell are you doing in a tree?" He looked up at me, clutching his stomach. Even in the dark his blue eyes shone so brightly.
"What the hell are you doing vomiting on my tree?" I retorted.
He groaned and wiped his hair off his face, "Dude, I can't handle your sarcasm right now. I'm drunk and sick."
"Fine. Come on up." I untied the rope ladder that was hanging beside me and dropped it down for him.
Kellin eyed the ladder cautiously, "Why? Are you going to dye my hair again?"
"Just come on. I have water."
Kellin reached out for the ladder and the second he did, I yanked it back up and out of his reach.
"I don't have time for your games, Fuentes!" He whined and stomped his foot like a child when you tell them they can't have any candy.
Holding back a laugh I held the rope steady, "Alright alright pretty boy relax. I won't do it again."
Kellin started climbing up the ladder until he reached the last few steps. He was clearly tipsy and was struggling to find his balance. I reached down to help him, grabbing ahold of both of his hands. I yanked him up and he tumbled over on top of me.
I looked at him and took note of how pale his face was. His eyes were bloodshot and he reeked of booze. It looked like he had been crying. His pink hair was matted across his forehead and his lips were dried and cracked.
"I take back what I said about you being a pretty boy." I teased, breaking the silence as he climbed off of me.
He scoffed and scooted backwards until he was leaning against the side of the doorway, opposite of the one I was leaning against.
"Some of us can't continue looking handsome even when they're drunk." Kellin mumbled under his breath.
Raising my eyebrow at him, I handed him a bottle of water, "You think I'm handsome?"
Kellin's eyes softened for a moment as he took an extra long sip of water, keeping his gaze on me the entire time. He finished off half of the bottle before capping it and setting it down beside him.
"So, what is this place?" He asked, changing the subject as he peered into the treehouse.
"It was left here by the previous owners. It looked like it hadn't been used in years so my little brother and I are fixing it up. We're going to make it into a hangout spot."
Kellin pondered this information, "It's pretty cool. I like it. And I like that music playing, who is it?"
My eyes widened, "'s Pearl Jam? Please tell me you've heard of Pearl Jam!" I reached forward and started to shake him.
"I haven't! Also please stop shaking me or else I'm going to throw up again." He started giggling at my disbelief while simultaneously holding his stomach.
"Whoops, sorry! But if Pearl Jam plays a show in Boston? We're going." I put my hands up in surrender and leaned back against the doorframe.
"Is that right? I've never even been to a concert." Kellin shot me a smile, biting his lip just slightly. I couldn't deny that his small motion sent butterflies throughout my body.
"You've never been -? Oh my god Kellin. I'm taking you to a concert."
"It's a date." He replied almost instantly and I couldn't help but smile.
"It's a date." I agreed.
Stirring came from behind us as Jack lifted his head up.
"Whoa is that Kellin?" He asked groggily in his still half asleep state.
We looked at one another and started chuckling, "No you're dreaming. Go back to sleep." I whipped a pillow at him.
"Okay." He murmured before letting his head fall onto the pillow with a thud.
A comfortable silence fell between us as we just looked at each other.
"You know, I used to be best friends with those three." Kellin spoke up as he nodded towards my sleeping friends.
"What? Really?" I asked. I couldn't believe a universe could've ever existed where Kellin, Jaime, Tony, and Jack were friends.
"We all were in the same Kindergarten class. We became inseparable for years up until seventh grade. I don't think there was a day that went by during summer vacation back then when we didn't hang out." Kellin explained, his gaze falling on the boys behind us.
"Wow. I'm surprised they never told me."
Kellin shrugged, "They moved on. I was a huge asshole to them."
"Was?" I smirked which garnered Kellin to glare at me in response.
Kellin shifted in his spot, leaning over to grab something that was on the floor to my right, "Oh hey, it's my copy of that photo of us."
I felt my cheeks heat up almost immediately. I had forgotten about that, "Uh yeah...I kinda picked up the pieces that Johnny ripped and taped it back together. I honestly have no clue why I did it. I just...did."
I had no idea why I decided to take and repair this photo of us. I just remembered a piece of it getting stuck to my shoe as I walked through the woods after the spin the bottle game ended. I doubled back and collected the other parts, shoving them into my pocket.
Kellin brushed his thumb over the seams, examining the photo closely.
"Can I keep it?" He whispered.
"Sure. I mean it is yours after all."
"I didn't like that Johnny ripped it. Thank you for fixing it..." His voice trailed off as he continued to look at the picture, his mouth twitching upwards into a small smile.
I scooted closer to him, looking over his shoulder at the polaroid.
"I really am sorry about the pink hair."
Kellin looked back at me and smiled, "It's alright. I actually kind of like it. I look like Frenchie. You know, beauty school dropout?" He laughed, shaking his head as his pink locks fell around his face.
Silence fell over us once again. I couldn't help the huge smile that found its way to my lips as I stared back at him.
"You like Grease? I would've pictured you more as Danny."
He smiled at me, running his fingers through his hair, "Oh yeah? Well you're totally Kinicky."
I started laughing, "Absolutely not. Are you blind? Kinicky was the hottest one in the entire movie."
Kellin pressed his lips together, his eyes boring into mine before he opened his mouth to respond, "You...I mean...uh..."
Before he could finish his sentence, his face turned a greyish green and his eyes widened. He crawled over to the edge of the treehouse door and emptied the contents of his stomach onto the grass below.
I leaned over, letting my hand hover above his back for a second before deciding against it, grabbing a fresh bottle of water instead. I listened as he continued to throw up and when I didn't hear any more sound I tapped him on the shoulder.
"Here, let me help you up. You can stay here tonight. We have a spare air mattress." I reached out my hand which he shakily took.
Kellin practically fell against me like a rag doll as I instinctively wrapped my hand around his shoulders. I guided him towards the air mattress and helped him down onto it. I grabbed a mismatched pillow from the couch and propped it up under his head.
"But where will you sleep?" He asked groggily.
I shrugged, not even thinking about myself at all in this moment, "The floor is fine."
He glanced up at me with bloodshot eyes as he wiped the corner of his mouth. He looked so weak.
"It's your treehouse. I'll just...move over."
"You sure? I don't mind sleeping on the ground." I brought over a bucket and nudged it towards him.
I saw Kellin roll his eyes, "Get your ass in this bed, Fuentes. Before I change my mind."
"Alright...but you better not puke on me in the middle of the night. Because I will fling you out of this treehouse so fast." I plopped on the mattress next to him, pulling a blanket over the both of us.
"You won't." Kellin replied almost immediately. Even in the dark I could tell he was smiling. I could hear it in his voice.
"Oh yeah? Is that what you think?"
He shifted, rolling over so his back was to me. He yanked the blanket up until it was just under his chin. All I could make out of him in the dark was the top of his brown and pink hair.
"Goodnight Vic."
I laid on my back, staring up at the wooden ceiling with my hands locked together on my chest. I listened to his breathing until it started to slow, indicating that he had fallen asleep.
"Night Kellin."
Author's Note
Well, this ended up being WAY longer than I originally planned. And I had almost all of it done but kept forgetting I hadn't finished it yet so I apologize for the delay!
I'm having a blast writing this and I can't wait for more sexual tension and cute moments between Vic and Kellin :)
I'm still not 100% sure where I want to take this story so thanks for sticking with me even with some filler-ish chapters.
Also, one of my favorite artists nothing,nowhere released their new album last week called Trauma Factory :,). I highly suggest checking out the songs "barely bleeding," "real," and "buck." However the entire album is amazing!
Anyways, thanks again for supporting my works. Stay safe and I'll see ya on the next one!
Cassidy :)
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