Chapter 12 - Record Player Scratch
Tony's POV
The brown rubber soles of my black Vans squeaked against the freshly buffed floor. It was early in the morning, the bell for homeroom wouldn't ring for at least another half hour. I liked getting to school a little earlier than everyone else. The school felt so calm.
No one in the hallways except for some faculty and a few students that got here early like me: whether it be to study, for extracurricular activities, or kids whose parents dropped them off before work. Other than that, the halls were empty.
"Did I remember my lunch money?"
"I wonder if we'll get our grades back on that English report today."
"Wait, did I finish that Math homework?"
Pointless thoughts filled my head as I made my way to my locker.
There was a special kind of peace that enveloped the otherwise mundane and incredibly cookie cutter school. And I loved it. For me, it was similar to that feeling you get leaving a movie theater right after it's over.
A dazed relaxed state. You feel almost invincible as you walk down those wide steps covered in fuzzy carpet with neon geometrical shapes on it. Tubes of yellow string lights on the floor, casting the dimmest glow as you toss your popcorn into the trash.
Walking around school before the rush of students felt exactly like that. It was a tiny blip in time where it almost felt like you shouldn't be there to witness it. Like seeing a teacher at the grocery store. School should only exist during school hours and any other moment otherwise felt like a dream.
I could make sure I had my homework done and finish it if need be. I could read one of the handful of novels I always carried with me. Or I could jam a cassette into my Walkman, sit on the floor against my locker and zone out.
Which is what I decided on this morning. As I rounded the corner, I let one of my backpack straps drop off my shoulders so I could pull the bag towards me. I dug around looking for my tape player before pulling it out, struggling with the tangled headphone cords.
I finally got them undone, placing the headphones on my head and adjusting the cushy foam speaker covers over my ears. Smiling in victory, my thumb hovered over the play button, ready to relax to the sounds of The Bouncing Souls.
I tried to ignore the sound and kept walking, nearly passing my homeroom class to go sit in front of my locker when I heard the sound again.
"PSSSSST! Tony! Psssst!!!"
Stopping in my tracks, my head turned towards the classroom door to find it cracked open a sliver. One big, widened green eye peeked out at me.
"Uh...Kellin? What are you doing?"
Our homeroom's were assigned freshman year and went in alphabetical order. Because Kellin and mine's last names were close to each other's in the alphabet, we were stuck in the same homeroom.
It was very rare that Kellin ever made it to homeroom before the very last ringing of the bell. He usually ran in seconds before being considered tardy. But of course Mrs. Weaver never said a word. He's the star Quarterback after all.
So to see him here nearly 25 minutes before the first bell was pretty shocking.
The door opened wider and Kellin stuck his head out, frantically looking in each direction.
"Dude, what the hell is going on? How did you get the key to this room? Mrs. Weaver isn't even here yet." I repeated, staring at him confused.
"We don't have time for questions, just GET IN HERE!" Kellin whisper yelled before suddenly grabbing my arm and yanking me inside the classroom.
He slammed the door shut behind him and stared at me nervously.
"Dude, what the hell is going on?"
Kellin pointed at one of the desks in the front row, "Sit. This is important business."
I chuckled to myself and shook my head, "You're freaking me out." Before ultimately walking over and sitting down in the seat Kellin was gesturing to.
Leaning back in the chair and folding my arms across my chest, I looked up at Kellin with furrowed eyebrows, "Can I get some answers now? You practically kidnapped me."
Kellin was gnawing on his finger nails, pacing back and forth across the front of the classroom.
"Okay so I kind of need you to translate something in Spanish for me."
"Translate? Why me? You could've just gone down the hall and asked the Spanish teacher?"
He stopped in the center of the room, "I already tried that and she almost gave me detention."
I raised my eyebrow at him, "Why do you even think I know how to speak Spanish?"
"We were friends for years and I went over to your house all the time...I didn't just forget." Kellin trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
The look he had on his face was one I had never seen before. For Kellin to come to me of all people just piqued my curiosity even more.
"Alright man, stop dragging this out. Now I really need to know what you said. Tell me."
He shook his head, "No, I'm afraid I'll say it wrong."
"Then write it down somewhere."
Kellin started looking around frantically again before his eyes landed on the pieces of chalk near the teachers desk.
"Wait Kellin you can just use my notebook -" My sentence was cut off when Kellin grabbed the chalk and started writing on the board.
"...Or do that." I finished, staring up at what he was writing.
He set the chalk down and moved out of the way. There, in big scribbly handwriting, Kellin had written, mostly grammatically incorrect, the following sentence on the chalkboard.
"Pecaria por elsa nagla."
My jaw dropped to the floor. Where did he learn this sentence?
I burst out laughing, gripping my chest as I tried to calm myself down. Just the mental image of Kellin repeating this to the poor Spanish teacher was sending me over the edge.
I put my hand over my mouth and tried to stop laughing, "Uh Kellin I..."
"What does it mean?"
"Dude I think you should erase that before someone else walks in."
"Oh. Right." He grabbed the eraser and cleaned off the chalkboard before staring at me with that confused look again, "Wait..."
He walked over and stood in front of the desk I was sitting in.
"What...does...IT MEAN?!" Kellin repeated more desperately this time, his hands were on my shoulders and he was shaking me back and forth.
I continued to try and hold back my laughter, "Where did you even get this from?"
"Vic told me when he was over at my place last night and -"
"HE WAS WHAT?" I sat there in shock, not being able to process that Vic had been with Kellin last night. Correction, Vic had been at Kellin's house last night. That couldn't mean...there was no way...
"I mean, he didn't exactly tell me he muttered it under his breath."
Oh my god.
"Back up for a second. Why was Vic at your house?"
"Oh my mom invited his family over for dinner. He brought his old record player and was setting it up for me. I was fixing the settings on it when I heard him mumble that line."
I let out a sigh of relief. Okay so my friend didn't get with his crush and neglect to tell me. But jesus christ Vic, saying that? Out loud? Practically to Kellin? Did he have a death wish? Well regardless, there's one thing I wasn't, and that was a snitch. But that still didn't mean I couldn't mess with Vic a little.
Kellin walked over and sat in the desk next to the one I was in. He messed with his hair, pushing it out of his face and tucking it behind his ears. It was a nervous habit he would do all the time when we used to be friends.
"So what does it mean?" He asked again.
"Why do you even care?"
"Because I want a line to say back to him."
I rubbed my chin inquisitively and weighed the pros and cons. Con, Vic will be pissed at me. Pro, it will be hilarious to see being played out.
"Alright, I'll give you a line to say back but I'm not telling you what he said. That's for Vic to tell you if he ever decides to."
"Deal now what should I say?"
I contemplated for a moment what I should tell Kellin to say, before leaning forward in my seat and whispering the sentence in his ear.
He furrowed his eyebrows at me, "Hey that's way longer than what Vic said. I'm never going to memorize that. It took me all night to remember the other line."
Suddenly the homeroom door opened as a few other kids started to arrive at school.
Kellin eyed the notebook I had taken out earlier that I placed on the desk in front of me. He scooted to the edge of his seat and leaned over towards me. He looked around the room again as if to make sure no one was looking at us before he whispered in my ear.
"Can you write it down for me? Please?" Kellin stared at me with pleading eyes.
I felt bad for messing with them. But that feeling lasted only a millisecond when I thought how kinda stubborn they both were being. So I scribbled the sentence on a piece of lined paper, ripped it from the spirals, folded it three times and slid it across Kellin's desk.
"Thanks man. Also, uh, could you maybe not tell anyone I asked you this?"
I waved him off nonchalantly and put my headphones back on, "Sure. Whatever. Now stop talking."
Folding my arms on the desk I propped my head on them, closing my eyes as music filled my ears. I smiled to myself and thought of all the hilarious ways this could play out as I waited for the bell to ring.
Vic's POV
Today was a weird day. Nothing particularly strange happened. But I was expecting all hell to break loose. I spent the whole night dreading today, worried that Kellin was going to find out what I had said. I was afraid he was going to think I was a freak and cut me off. I was so dumb why did I let myself say that. And OUT LOUD?
But, in Chemistry we had together this morning, Kellin acted normal. Or at least, normal for Kellin. He gave me a head nod and smile before he went to the back of the room to sit with Alex and Justin.
The few times I got up the courage to turn around and look at him, he was hunched over his desk staring at a crumpled up piece of paper. One thing I did know about Kellin was he took schoolwork more seriously than his teammates. So it wasn't that out of character for him to be going over notes or something.
But then at lunch he had the paper out again. Except this time he kept it folded up in his pocket. I saw him pull it out a few times, staring at it with intense concentration. He didn't say much to me all day. Just the occasional nod or addition to whatever conversation the entire table was having.
It was now the very end of the day. I had gym class with Kellin during this period.
I turned the corner into the aisle where my locker was and saw Jack and Tony sitting on the bench that ran down the middle. They were already dressed in their athletic clothes and were lacing up their gym sneakers.
"Someone's late." Jack teased.
I started spinning my lock before opening the metal door with a squeak, "Yeah I had to run to the library in between classes to check out that book for English."
"Well you better hurry up, you know Coach is always pissed when we're late." Tony walked past me, giving me a pat on the back.
Jack pushed himself off the bench. He pulled his gym socks up his calves, stretching out the fabric until they reached his knees, "I swear he has it out for us. I blame the beauty."
Tony snorted, "I think it has more to do with the fact that he's been our gym teacher for four years and knows we don't participate."
Jack rubbed his chin and followed after Tony, "Hey! I participate!"
"Yeah I don't think spending the entire period doing "sexy stretches" in hopes for Alex to notice you counts as participating." I chimed in with a smirk.
"Vic! You're supposed to be the one that has my back in these situations!" Jack pouted.
Chuckling, I pulled my shirt over my head and replaced it with the cropped school sweatshirt I altered my first day here, "Oh yeah and why's that?"
"Hello? Because we're both the prettiest ones in the friend group." Jack motioned to me then back to himself, staring at me in disbelief like it was the most obvious thing.
"See you out there Romeo. Come on Jack." Tony saluted me and winked as he grabbed the back of Jack's shirt, tugging him out into the gym.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him before turning back to face my locker, grabbing my sweatpants. Stepping out of my jeans, I yanked the sweats on and tightened the drawstring around my waist. I put on the sneakers and carefully placed my Doc Martens in the locker, shutting the door and locking it.
I turned to leave when I saw a familiar black head of hair look around the corner at me.
Kellin stood at the end of the aisle for a moment before walking straight at me. I cocked my head at him, looking him up and down as he approached me. He too was in his gym clothes and I silently cursed myself that the uniform was maroon sweatpants. Will I ever live last night down?
He stopped mere inches from my face, grinning almost triumphantly. I was about to ask him how he was doing since he had barely spoken to me today. But he beat me to it, leaning forward and uttering a sentence I never thought I'd hear him say.
"Quiero darte placer en formas que tu mente no se imagina." (I want to pleasure you in ways your mind cannot fathom.)
My mouth hung open. He said that so confidently too. There's no way he just said what I think he said. At that moment, all of my own confidence rushed back to the surface.
I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Stepping forward to close the gap between us, I pressed my hand against the locker above Kellin's head.
"Oh yeah? Tell me more." I whispered, smirking at him as I bit my bottom lip.
Kellin's eyes widened as he stared back at me. His mouth slightly agape, his eyes flicking down to my lips.
"W-what do you mean more? That's all Tony told me." Kellin stuttered, snapping his eyes up from my lips to my eyes. He stared at me with a confused look.
At this moment, the sound of a record player scratching rang out in my head and brought me back to reality.
"Wait...back up. What're you talking about?" I asked, running my hand through my hair.
"I don't have any more. Tony taught me that line."
"So you have no idea what you just said?"
Kellin scratched the back of his head, " insult?"
I took a step back in disbelief, shaking my head slightly as I held back a laugh. He really had no clue what he just said to me. How did he say it so well and so confidently?
"Was it not an insult? I thought you were making fun of me yesterday so I asked Tony to give me something to say back." Kellin crossed his arms and pouted at me.
He clearly was very proud of memorizing that line. It made it that much more funny with him not having the slightest clue what he just said.
"No, it wasn't an insult."
Suddenly Mr. Baron, the assistant football coach and also the gym teacher, appeared at the end of the aisle, "Hey! You two! The bell is about to ring. Get your asses in the gym."
I walked past Kellin who immediately turned on his heels and started jogging to catch up to me, "Wait, what did you mean "tell me more?"
Smirking, I waved off the question, "Come on quarterback, you don't want to keep your friends waiting."
Once we got into the gym, Kellin's other friends were quick to call him over. I took my place with Jack, Tony, and Jaime who had saved me a seat on the bleachers.
Today was going to be a conditioning and weight training day. It was basically a free period where we went around the gym in stations, stopping to use various gym equipment.
Our little group of four found ourselves at the floor station where we'd do sit ups, push ups, and use free weights. I was paired with Jack, Tony and Jaime were paired together. Currently, we were taking turns doing sit-ups while the other person held their feet down.
When we finally had time to talk amongst ourselves the first thing I did was smack Tony on the back of his head.
"Dude! Why the fuck did you tell Kellin to say that sexy line to me in Spanish? I practically got a hard on right in front of him!" I looked at him in a furious rage.
Jaime groaned and shot me a look of disgust, "Gross I did not need to hear that."
Tony burst out laughing while rubbing the back of his head, "Okay I guess I deserved that. But it was so worth it to see the look on your face right now."
I buried my face in my hands to try and hide my blushing cheeks, "Yeah well I almost passed out hearing those words come out of his cute, stupid face."
"You were the one saying suggestive things to him under your breath! You're the idiot here! Plus, the poor boy wanted to respond to you, so I told him the best thing to say." Tony shrugged innocently.
Jack popped his head up from the current sit up he was doing and hugged his knees to keep his torso upright, "Okay now I've gotta know what you said, Vic."
Burying my face in my hands I groaned before giving in, "Ugh fine. I was over at Kellin's because his mom invited us for dinner. I brought my old record player because...I don't know I was trying to be nice and-"
"You were trying to flirt." Jaime interrupted, making kissy noises at me.
"Ah the old leave behind...I've used that move many times. Works like a charm." Jack added.
"Would you two let me finish? Anyways, he had just changed into sweatpants and was bending over to adjust the volume and his butt just looked so good...So I kinda muttered that I would sin for his ass..."
My friends bursted out laughing, getting a few looks from some of the other students standing nearby. I immediately checked to see if Kellin was one of them. Luckily he hadn't.
I found him across the gym, bench pressing while Justin spotted for him. I didn't know much about weights but from the size of the three dumbbells on either end, he was lifting a lot. His arm muscles were even more obvious as he concentrated on lifting the heavy weights. I felt my cheeks heat up once again.
Through laughter and tears, Jack choked out, "And what did Tony tell Kellin to say that made you get a boner?"
Tony grinned proudly, "I told Kellin to say "I want to pleasure you in ways your mind cannot fathom."
"And judging my Vic's reaction, Kellin did a very believable job saying it."
"Shut it. It was so embarrassing." I mumbled softly, still in disbelief by the entire situation.
"You know what, I bet Kellin has a huge dick." Jack said out of nowhere.
My jaw dropped for the thousandth time today as I accidentally let go of Jack's feet, causing him to fly backwards.
"Jack STOP. I don't need that mental image after he said that to me."
Jack sat up rubbing his head, "You have to agree."
"Whatever dude, hold my feet now." I dismissed the question, letting go of Jack's and laying down on my back.
I started doing sit-ups, my hands clasped behind my head as I moved my torso up and down, "I bet my dick is better anyways." I grunted in between stretches.
The next thing I knew was Jack let go of my feet in surprise and my head flew back, smacking on the shiny wooden gym floor. The guys erupted into laughter as I flipped them all off.
The coach's whistle blared across the gym, signaling the end of class. We were given a few extra minutes to change back into our street clothes. As we headed to the locker room, we stopped at the water fountain, Jack insisting on continuing his theory on all the football players dick size.
"What're you guys talking about over here?" Kellin appeared at the edge of our group. Sweat dripped down his face as he wiped his forehead on the back of his hand. His hair all puffed out and sticking to his face. His cheeks, slightly red from the overexertion.
"Our dick sizes. We were going to compare." Jack smirked, looking Kellin up and down and wiggling his eyebrows.
I wanted to absolutely die in this moment.
"I, of course, have the biggest one in the bunch." Jack spoke again.
I moved to the front of the line and bent over to take a drink of water, hoping that if I did something instead of just standing there like an idiot, I could hide my embarrassment.
Jaime snickered, "We all know Kellin has the smallest."
Kellin's expression did not falter as he brushed Jaime's comment off and simply said, "Yeah sure whatever."
I choked on the water I was currently swallowing when I heard Kellin's response. Turning my head to the side, my face came in direct view of Kellin's crotch. I immediately started coughing up the water I had just tried to drink.
When did he move over here?
His nonchalance meant one thing and one thing only.
Kellin had a huge dick.
No one with a small dick would brush off a question like that unfazed. Most people would try to prove that they "did" have a big one. I subconsciously did the sign of the cross over my chest as I returned to a standing position. Sighing in relief to be looking at Kellin's eyes rather than his crotch.
"Dude, te acabas de persignar?" Tony asked, holding back a laugh. (Dude, did you just do the sign of the cross?)
"What's that?" Kellin questioned, my eyes widening.
I put my hand over Kellin's face and nudged him away playfully, "Alright! That's enough Spanish for today!"
Kellin unzipped the gym bag he was carrying and pulled out a thick book. He turned the cover around so we all could see it.
"Spanish For Dummies."
"I plan on figuring out what you two have been saying." Kellin smiled proudly.
"Where did you get that?!" I exclaimed as I tried to grab the book out of his hands.
Kellin shrugged, "I asked Jack to get it for me. He had a free period last class."
Tony and I whipped our attention to Jack who was standing there smiling sheepishly at us.
"Jack, what the hell? Why didn't you tell us earlier?"
He waved his hands in front of us, "I didn't know the context before! Sorry, dude. But it's pretty funny when you think about it."
Kellin turned on his heels before smirking at me, "Anyways, later guy's! I've got some reading to do."
My face fell as I watched Kellin walk away, mumbling, "What are the chances he'll actually figure out what I said with that book?"
Tony rubbed his face, "Pretty slim. But it's not impossible."
"I'm so screwed."
Author's Note *please vote if you enjoyed* *this is slightly edited*
I think this is my quickest chapter turnaround in awhile! I hope y'all enjoyed. Vic has really gotten himself into a pickle here hasn't he?
Did you like the Tony POV? Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter, what was your favorite moment? There is plenty more nervous Kellin and Vic where this came from. I think it's fun seeing Vic being the panicking one for once.
Again a big thank you to dustontherecord and 0Kellic0 for helping me out with the Spanish translations 🙏🏻
See ya on the next one! Oh and follow @kellicisprotein. My friends and I have a pretty killer Kellic planned over there.
- Cassidy
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