Chapter 10 - New Clothes
Vic's POV
It was after school the next day and the guys and I were walking down Main Street. I had been living in Salem for a few weeks now but hadn't checked out all the stores that lined the touristy street. Except for that diner I went to one of my first days here.
The afternoon sun was shining, casting a warm golden glow across my face. A paper bag swung from my fingers as I carefully followed my friends down the mismatched brick sidewalk.
The school day went by extremely uneventfully.
I barely had the chance to talk to Kellin. His newly dyed hair looked great, I don't think anyone else noticed that it was slightly darker than his natural color. In the two classes we shared together, when we made eye contact, he would simply give me a small nonchalant wave before returning to his conversation with his friends.
At lunch, none of the football boys were around. I think Tony sensed my disappointment because he leaned over when everyone else wasn't paying attention and told me he heard the team had an extra practice during today's lunch hour.
"Hey Vic, earth to Vic! Over here!"
I turned to see Tony waving at me. I had stopped walking at the corner and didn't realize they had gone inside one of the stores.
Glancing at the sign that swung above the walkway, "Salem Spins," I entered, ducking under Tony's arm that was leaning across the doorway.
My eyes adjusted to the dimly lit space. Mismatched chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Aisles of tables ran down the store vertically, separated by genre and then by artist in alphabetical order.
Bins sat on top with album covers fanned out just waiting to be sifted through. Tattered posters, some framed and signed, hung on every square inch of the narrow rectangular room.
"I didn't know there was a record shop in town."
I looked over to see Tony jump up on the front glass counter that was littered with stickers. He leaned over the ancient looking gold cash register and smacked his hand on a tiny brass bell. It looked like the kind you'd see in a hotel.
"Tony, what the f -"
The sound of a door opening turned my attention away from my rebellious friend. A blonde guy emerged carrying a white cardboard box overflowing with six inch records. He had long hair that was gathered at the back of his neck by a rubber band. A few loose strands hung at the sides of his face.
"Quit ringing that obnoxious bell and come help your older brother." The guy mumbled as he struggled to kick the door open, trying to walk through with the huge box.
Tony hopped off the counter and held the door open for his brother. Jack was quick to follow, bending down to retrieve a few of the records that had fallen out of the box.
"What's up Max? Did you get that new NOFX album in yet?"
"Yes Jack, I already put one aside for you. For you to pay for." He added, shooting Jack a look.
Jack patted Max on the back and followed him to the front counter, "Don't get all tense big bro, I brought extra money for the last album you lent me too."
"Yeah, three months ago."
"Has it really been that long?" Jack stared off into space, counting on his fingers.
"Oh Max, this is Vic. He just moved here a few weeks ago. Vic, this is my older brother, Max." Tony explained, introducing us.
Max came over to me and gave me a friendly pat on my back, "Nice to meet you Vic. Make yourself at home."
"Thanks. You have the coolest store here wow." I oogled at the albums I was sifting through, completely in awe of some of the rare titles he had.
"Max, can we hangout in your back room? There's a few guys meeting us here to plan a fundraiser for school." Tony asked.
After watching Parker and the lacrosse team practice yesterday, it was strikingly more apparent just how little money the school gave them. From the single, worn out wooden bleacher set, to the rickety goals and scoreboard, to the dead brown grass, clearly football was the only sport or club that received any grants
In comparison, the football field had healthy bright green grass, dozens of brand new metal bleachers in the school colors, and state of the art equipment. I knew I had to come up with a plan to raise money for the Lacrosse team.
Even if all we could afford was new uniforms, at least it would show the school board that the student body cares about other sports besides just football.
I had invited Parker and Dan to come hang with us after school so we could brainstorm types of fundraisers to draw up some attention.
I followed Jaime, Jack, and Tony through the door Max had just come out of and into what must be the stockroom. A mustard colored shag carpet was spread out in the center of the room with a big couch on top of it. Faded floral print easy chairs on the opposite side. The furniture clearly looked like it was passed down from Tony's parents.
The guys all spread out, dropping their book bags onto the floor and crashing down into the chairs. I remembered I had bought something at one of the store's we visited early. After dumping my jacket and bag my eyes landed on a door with "Restroom" scrawled across it in black marker.
"Hey, I'm going to go try this stuff on. I'll be right back." I clutched the shopping bag as I walked towards the bathroom, catching the guys nodding at me as I went.
"Since when were you so interested in music?" Alex questioned.
Kellin's eyes widened at the huge selection of records in front of him. It would probably take forever to find the one he was looking for.
The football team had just finished their second practice of the day. Coach heard about the party they threw in the woods and wasn't too pleased by the littered state in which they left it. Meaning, double practice as punishment. Also meaning, Kellin had to skip lunch.
So once practice ended, he dragged his two best friends down Main Street to Salem Spins. Alex and Justin had never known Kellin to want to buy records so when their moody friend suggested it, they figured they'd tag along.
"I just heard that this one album was really good and wanted to see if they had it." Kellin mumbled and started digging through the bins of vinyl. The names on the covers might as well have been in a different language to Kellin. He had never heard of any of these bands.
"Looking for anything in particular?"
Kellin turned around and looked at the blonde man that was now standing next to him, "Yeah you have Ten by Pearl Jam?"
"Definitely, follow me. You're in the wrong section. Wait. Kellin Quinn? Man, I haven't seen you in years." The man's eyes widened as a huge grin broke out on his face. Kellin on the other hand, looked up at the mystery guy with a perplexed gaze, glancing at Justin and Alex who looked just as confused.
"It's Max. Max Perry. Tony's older brother." The blonde added, stopping in front of a table and fishing around for the album.
"Oh shit dude I'm sorry, I completely didn't recognize you." Kellin apologized, taking the magenta colored album sleeve from Max's outstretched hand.
Max shook his head and rolled up the sleeves of his faded tie dyed shirt, "No sweat. I'm glad to see you and they guys reconnected! They're all in the back waiting for you."
"Um..." Kellin trailed off, eyes darting back and forth from Max to his friends.
"Great to see you boys. And Kellin? The record is on the house." Max smiled, gesturing towards the stock room door as he ducked back behind the front counter.
"What was that all about? And who's in the back waiting for us?" Alex asked, looking over his shoulder at the blonde man currently drumming on the register countertop.
"That's Tony's older brother. I uh, I used to be good friends with all of those guys in elementary school." Kellin answered, not moving from his spot in the middle of the aisle.
"Well whoever is back there, let's not keep them waiting!" Justin threw his arms around Kellin and Gabe's shoulders, pulling them to the back of the store and through the closed door.
The boys stumbled in to find three sets of eyes staring up at them.
"What're you guys doing here? You aren't Parker and Dan." Jaime grumbled.
"Uh...Tony, your brother told us to come back here." Kellin answered, clutching the vinyl to his chest.
Tony's eyebrows furrowed for a second, "Oh sorry about that. We told him some guys were coming to help us brainstorm fundraiser ideas. He probably thought, considering ya know, the past, that it was you we were waiting for."
"Well, now that we are here we might as well hang!" Justin excitedly leaped onto the empty chair, "What fundraiser?"
Jaime sighed and placed a spiral notebook on the table along with poster board and various colored markers, "It's for the Lacrosse team. Not for the beloved football team for once."
"Hey I'm pretty good at drawing. Maybe I can help." Justin replied enthusiastically, completely unfazed by Jaime's animosity.
Alex took a seat next to Jack on the couch, "What does the Lacrosse team need money for? My mom is on the booster club, I could try to see if we could organize a vote to expand their budget."
"I don't know if you guys noticed the generally terrible condition the Lacrosse field is in, but basically, we want to get money for new uniforms, new equipment, and field maintenance. Any little bit helps." Tony explained.
Kellin stood awkwardly in the doorframe. He was about to make a move to sit down when the bathroom door directly across from him opened, stopping him completely in his tracks.
Vic stepped out in a very different outfit than he had been wearing at school.
He had on a loose fitting maroon cable knit sweater. The hemline was cropped short and fell just past his chest, showing off Vic's toned stomach. A brown and cream colored flannel tied around his waist.
His light washed jeans were the same as earlier, low rise and hanging off his hips. They were cuffed at the ankles, new platform black oxford's with gold spikes on their feet.
Huge rips in the knees and thighs revealed more slivers of skin. However, Vic was now wearing fishnet stockings underneath. The fishnets peeked out from the rips in the jeans.
Vic had yanked up the stockings so they came up past the waistband of his jeans, hugging his hips, covering his belly button with the black fishnet fabric.
Vic's POV
"Alright guys, thoughts?" I looked up from messing with my new fishnets and was met with Kellin staring at me with wide green eyes.
"Oh hey Kells, what're you doing here?" Whoa is that the Pearl Jam album I was playing that night in the treehouse?"
Kellin's mouth fell open slightly as he pulled the vinyl away from his chest and looked down at the cover, "Uh...oh yes...yep I uh... well you said it was really good so I wanted to see what the hype was about."
"Wait Kellin, I just realized that you don't even own a turntable." Justin asked with a mouthful of chips.
"Oh right..."
I nodded and took a few steps towards him, "I see. Well you can just come over to my place and listen to it. If you want." I tilted my head and smiled at Kellin who still had not taken his eyes off the album cover.
"Or you could just buy one while we're here." Justin interrupted before Kellin could reply.
"Justin, stop talking." Alex whispered harshly under his breath that I just barely caught.
I walked up to Kellin until he was standing right in front of me, "Anyways. Kellin?"
"Hmm?" He finally tore his eyes off the album and looked down slightly at me.
"Thoughts? On my outfit? I just bought the shirt, the shoes and the fishnets."
He gnawed on his bottom lip, gaze trailing up my body as his cheeks flushed pink. When he didn't answer I decided to put him out of his misery.
"Plus, now I'm almost as tall as you in these platforms." I smirked, using my pointer finger to push on his chest, nudging him backwards a bit, knocking him out of his gaze.
Kellin rolled his eyes, "Oh please, you're still way shorter than me. And I like the outfit..." He trailed off and walked over to the last empty seat on the couch, sitting down.
"What was that?" I teased, plopping down in the spot on the floor right in front of where Kellin was sitting on the couch. I leaned back against the couch, subconsciously sitting in between his legs.
"You look hot." Jack smiled and gave me two thumbs up, "You look like Freddie Mercury. But more punk."
I chuckled at the compliment, pulling my knees into a criss crossed seated position. My shoulder accidentally brushed against Kellin's leg and I almost felt him tense up at Jack's comment. Or maybe it was just because of the sudden contact. I shook off the thought when the door opened to reveal Parker and Dan.
"Ugh, what are the testosterone junkies doing here?" Dan huffed and walked over to Jaime who gave him a fist bump.
"Hey chill, they're on our side this time." I heard myself say.
Tony came to my defense, "Yeah they offered to help us with the fundraiser."
Parker raised one eyebrow and sat down across from me, "Kellin and company teaming up with us again? I never thought the day would come again. Glad to see it though, thanks man." He offered a smile to Kellin who nonchalantly nodded, still clutching onto that Pearl Jam album.
"So...any ideas?" Alex asked.
I shifted in place, trying to get comfortable, "Yes actually, back in my old school we had a skateboarding club and would always team up with the cheerleaders to put on a car wash."
"Sex unfortunately sells. And I look good in a bathing suit. Plus, it helps raise money for both groups. The lacrosse team and the cheerleaders." I added and was met with agreeing nods.
"Any opportunity to get shirtless and soapy. I'm in!" Jack giggled, earning a stare from Alex.
"I hate to be the Debbie Downer but...this isn't California. It's Massachusetts and it's like 50 degrees outside..." Justin added, tossing a football up in the air.
"Uh...I bet I could get my mom to let us use the Town Hall rec room. We could turn the heat up and bring in local vendors to sell food and stuff. Make it like a beach themed party too..." Kellin chimed in.
I tilted back so I could look at him, my head leaning in between Kellin's thighs, "Kells! That would be awesome! You'd be our hero, do you think your mom would go for it?
Kellin looked down at me and grinned bashfully before looking away and mumbling a response, "Yeah for sure. She's always bugging me to get more involved with school stuff anyways."
"Sick. Let's start planning out the details..." Tony started scribbling away on a pad of paper as the rest of the guys threw ideas back and forth.
I picked my head back up from the couch and without thinking, gave Kellin's knee a squeeze before turning back to the conversation.
As the afternoon went on, I must've zoned out. He must have too. Because I didn't even notice that Kellin had started playing with my hair.
Author's Note
Well this sucks so bad. I was struggling with writer's block (i blame it on me finishing banana fish recently) and really just wanted to get this chapter out. I'm sorry it's way shorter than my chapters usually are but this is definitely kinda a filler and I needed to move it along.
i've also never written third person POV so hopefully it was ok?
HOWEVER how are we feeling about Vic's little outfit?!
anyways, lots more of cute stuff coming in this fic i can't wait to see ya'lls reactions as the story continues. thanks again for sticking around.
i have also fallen deep into an anime obsession thanks to my friends who have suggested some of the BEST anime's ever. i will be dying my hair pink and cosplaying as cherry blossom from SK8. that is all. stay safe and stay posi
- Cassidy
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