Cece stared at Barista Boy. She hadn't seen him since she had tried to talk to him in The Thinking Cup but had been interrupted by Malcolm's return. She had been so busy chasing her muse around she hadn't set foot in The Thinking Cup all week.
An involuntary smile spread across her face as she realized there had been something missing from her week and it had been him.
"Hey!" she said as she approached the coffee bar. He looked up and his eyes went big in surprise. "What are you doing here?"
Barista Boy looked around for a moment before his gaze landed back on Cece with a new understanding.
"Working," he said, suddenly looking like he would rather be anywhere but trapped behind the coffee bar.
Cece took in his appearance for the first time and realized that not only was he wearing the same maroon vest as the servers, but his usually unkempt hair had been brushed into a neat style.
"I didn't know you also did catering," Cece said.
She could sense his want to end the conversation but talking to him felt like a breath of fresh air after the week she had been through.
"I don't," he said. She knew he wanted to leave it at that but she just smiled and waited. After a moment he finally gave in. "My friend works for the catering business and their barista called out sick this morning. He knows I work at The Thinking Cup and I happened to be available this morning."
"Well, I'm glad the other barista got sick," Cece said.
Barista Boy looked taken aback for a moment before he finally relaxed his shoulders. Cece watched his expression soften and as she thought about how much better she liked the relaxed look on him, Wesley James popped into her mind.
"We can't keep meeting like this," Wesley James said with a smile that told Millie Kate he hoped the opposite was true. She had once again been taking a break from a party and he was once again showing up late.
"We can't?" Millie Kate responded.
Wesley James's eye grew bright at her playful words and he took another step towards her. He gave a careless shrug and Millie Kate smiled at the one movement that seemed to tell her exactly who he was. "I fine meeting this way if you are."
It was a simple statement but Millie Kate could hear the weight underneath. He wasn't just going along with a joke, he was asking her a bigger question. If Millie Kate never had to leave this side porch with Wesley James then she knew what her answer would be. But...
"Millie Kate. There you are," Cannon said, coming around the corner behind Wesley James. Millie Kate's attention jumped to Cannon's expectant face but not before she saw Wesley James's expression fall.
"Me too. I'm don't mind the extra work," Barista Boy said, resting his arms on the counter as he leaned towards Cece, "plus, I've always been curious how this side of the population lives."
"And what do you think of 'this side' so far?" Cece asked.
Barista Boy moved his gaze about the party and Cece joined him, trying to see it through his eyes. Once upon a time, it had been all glittery and shiny to her: the wealth, the excess, the clothes.
Now, all she could see was the backbiting, the gossip, the petty games. In that moment she realized it didn't matter what Malcolm had given her and her writing, there was nothing in this world she wanted, including Malcolm.
"At first glance, there are things one could be envious of," Barista Boy said, keeping his words low and only for Cece, "but once you get past the shiny veneer it seems..."
"Pointless? Hallow? Lifeless?" Cece offered a list of adjectives.
Barista Boy grinned at her blunt words. "I was going to say dull, but since you clearly have such a deep affection for it, I'll keep my opinions to myself."
Cece laughed. "I tried to restrain my opinion to not influence yours."
"That was restrained?" he jokingly asked. She smiled as she nodded. "Interesting," he said, leaning in closer. "Then my next question must be how do you really feel about all of this?" He motioned to the party and Cece turned so she could take in the whole view.
Other than the rooftop view of the Charles River, the rest of the party was something Cece had seen plenty of. They might be serving bite-sized breakfast food instead of lobster and champagne and mimosas instead of cocktails, but everything else was the same. The people, the dress code, the talk.
Cece looked at the party-goers and found she didn't hate them. Even her previous words to describe the party were too harsh. It might seem pointless to her but she had listened to Malcolm's group stress about college applications and internships enough to know it wasn't pointless to them.
And anywhere Franklin was there was life. Instead, she found she felt apathetic about it all. Where there had once been excitement and romance or frustration and hate, was now nothing.
She looked back at Barista Boy and found him studying her. She smiled shyly, wondering how much of her thoughts she had let slip onto her face.
"Honestly," she started. "I don't..."
"Cece, there you are!" Malcolm called. "I've been looking for you."
Millie Kate's upbringing didn't allow her to freeze and she quickly slipped on a demure smile as she locked eyes with Cannon. "Here I am," she said. After all, it had been Cannon's arm she had arrived on, not Wesley James's.
She allowed herself a glance at Wesley James as Cannon strode towards them. Wesley James surprised her with a roguish smirk and a challenge in his gaze as if he were daring her to do something bold. Something as bold as choosing him. For a moment, Millie Kate let her mind imagine what life by his side would be like, but it all disappeared when Cannon took her arm.
"Wesley James. It's mighty fine of you to show up," Cannon said, making the casual greeting feel like a critique of Wesley James's whole life.
Wesley James chuckled as he gave Cannon a good-natured slap on the arm. "We can't all be perfect like you." Millie Kate dropped her face as she bite back her smile. Cannon could be the best at playing the game, but it didn't matter if Wesley James refused to play.
"A little effort wouldn't hurt," Cannon replied, keeping his voice as slow and casual as if they were discussing the weather.
"Is that all it takes?" Wesley James quipped. He said it in his usual laughing voice but Millie Kate could hear a bitter undertone. She looked up and found him studying her and knew Cannon was talking about arriving at a party on time in the proper attired while Wesley James was talking about her.
Cece knew she only had a moment before Malcolm would be by her side. She leaned forward to whisper, "can I put a pin in this conversation?" she asked.
Barista Boy gave a slight nod before he stepped back from the counter. Cece did the same, turning just as Malcolm reached her. He slung an arm over her shoulders. "The groups over here," he said, pulling her away from the coffee bar. "You'll never believe what Franklin did..."
But Cece didn't hear what Franklin did as she looked over her shoulder at Barista Boy. He was looking at her with a questioning look as if asking her what was she going to do. Cece looked up at Malcolm, asking herself the same question, and knew exactly what she had to do.
"...the whole bottle," Malcolm said, laughing.
"Malcolm, wait," Cece said.
She stopped walking and Malcolm did the same.
"Did you forget your coffee?" he asked, looking back at the coffee bar.
"No, I..." Cece looked around. She knew what she needed to do but she couldn't do it in the middle of the crowd. "Come with me?"
She took Malcolm's hand and gently pulled him towards a quiet corner. He looked at her curiously for a minute and she felt like he might be reading her mind before he let her lead him to the corner of the roof that had been turned into a small garden.
Once they reached the more secluded spot Cece cut right to the chase. "Listen, these last few months have been fun, and the time we spent together was great but..." He nodded for her to continue like he already knew what she was going to say but was being gracious enough to give her the chance to say it. "I think we both know this relationship has run its course."
He looked at her for a moment, his face unreadable until he finally said, "I suppose you're right."
It came out so casual she could have been suggesting dinner plans instead of the end of the relationship.
She studied him, looking for any of the emotions that usually came with a break-up but he looked fine.
"No hard feelings?" she said hesitantly.
"Of course not," he chuckled lightly. "It was fun while it lasted."
"I feel the same way."
"Good," he nodded. He smiled at her like she was already a fun memory and turned back towards the party, but paused. "Do I still get your vote when I run for President?" he asked jokingly.
Cece laughed loudly. "It depends on your policies," she said.
He shrugged like that was a fair enough answer and returned to the party. Cece watched him go, amazed at how well he had handled the situation. But as she watched him she realized it wasn't all that surprising.
While they had been affectionate towards each other Cece had sensed his feelings barely run deeper than hers. Once he had disappeared back into the crowd, she took a breath and turned her feet in the direction of the coffee bar.
"And what are you studying at the University?" Mrs. Barlow asked Millie Kate.
Millie Kate smiled, ready to answer when Cannon stepped in. "
Liberal Arts, isn't it?" he said.
He looked down at her, the angle of his chin felt like a challenge, but so unlike the challenge, Wesley James had presented to her earlier.
"Actually, I'm looking into business marketing with an emphasis on branding," she said, using all her willpower to not tighten her hold on Cannon's arm until she was crushing it.
"Wonderful," Mrs. Barlow said, "and Cannon how is the family business?"
Cannon was all charm as he answered but Millie Kate didn't pay attention to his answer. Was that all she was when standing next to Cannon McHenry? One question before the discussion turned to his family business? Millie Kate studied the kind Mrs. Barlow, knowing she didn't mean to hurt Millie Kate but everyone always wanted to talk about the McHenry estate.
Millie Kate's questions got answers as she moved about the party on Cannon's arm and found she was lucky to even receive one question about herself. Her upbringing kept her smiling and mute by Cannon's side.
When someone else asked about her major Cannon at least got the major right but when he tried to remember the emphasis he couldn't and merely described it as picking out the pretty colors for companies.
His careless disregard for her future pushed Millie Kate into a daze of disbelief. Was that really what Cannon thought about her chosen major? That she was only concerned with pretty colors? It felt like the final nail in the coffin and when Cannon called her name, she looked at him and he suddenly felt like a stranger. His sharp features seemed like razor blades and his charming smile felt empty.
"Darling," he said, trying again to get her attention.
"Yes," she said.
"Would you like another drink?" he asked, motioning to her empty cup.
"Yes!" she breathed in relief, "I'll get it," she added, refusing to let what felt like a lifeline slip out of her hands.
She took his cup and turned before he could protest. She was only a step away when she caught sight of Wesley James across the party. He was laughing with someone and Millie Kate was instantly jealous she wasn't the one laughing with him. Sensing her gaze, he looked up and met her eyes, and with one single look, he put to rest the storm that had been brewing in Millie Kate.
"It's not for me," Cece blurted out once she reached the coffee bar. Barista Boy turned around and looked at her questioningly. "This life," she clarified, waving to the extravagant setting. "But I also don't hate it. It seems to suit some people. Just not me."
He compared her to the setting for a moment and nodded. "I would agree."
"This life isn't for you either?" she asked.
"No. I agree that this life doesn't seem to suit you," he said, before adding with a playful look, "I would thrive in this life."
Cece laughed knowing someone who read as much as he did and answered her questions the way he did wouldn't want to live in this world for even a day. "I don't see it," she admitted.
"I guess you're right," he said. "Back to the Thinking Cup."
"I like you at the Thinking Cup," Cece said. "Who else is going to answer all my questions?"
He smiled and for a moment seemed lost for words. "...Definitely not my co-worker Allison. She has no sense of humor," he finally managed to get out.
"Is that the blonde barista?" she asked. He nodded. "She has no sense of humor. I tried to ask her something one time and she looked at me like I was crazy."
"Well..." Barista Boy looked at her like the conclusion wasn't far off.
"Maybe she did have a point," Cece shrugged. "I guess it's a good thing I have you."
"Indeed," Barista Boy said.
He studied her as if working out a problem in his head. After a moment he went to speak but someone at the party let out a wild shout and it caught both of their attention. Cece didn't have to see the person to know it was Franklin and she was brought back to reality. She was at this party as a plus one but she was no longer that person's plus one.
"I should be going," she said. "It's probably proper etiquette it hang out at your boyfriend's party after you break-up with him."
She saw something flash across Barista Boy's face for a moment before he contained whatever it was. "I did stumble across that rule the other day when reading Etiquette for Roof Top Parties."
"Then I guess it's decided," Cece said.
She looked around the party searching for Tristan. She thought about letting him know that she was leaving but that would mean moving through the crowd and she risked running into someone she knew and questions about Malcolm.
She decided he was fine on his own and turned back to Barista Boy. "I'll see you at the Thinking Cup."
"That is where I work," he said with a smile.
Millie Kate wasn't thinking about the proper thing to do or what was expected of her as she set the cups down on a random table. All she was thinking about was getting to Wesley James. She didn't have the slightest clue what she would do when she reached him, she just knew out of all the people at the party, he was the only one she wanted to be with.
As she was crossing the party Wesley James looked up again, his eyes locking with hers. He didn't look away for a long time and Millie Kate found courage in his gaze. As she neared she watched him say something to the person he was with and smoothly bow out of his conversation.
She expected him to walk towards her but instead, he walked in the opposite direction. For a moment it threw Millie Kate into confusion and she began to wonder if she had interrupted his behavior wrong until he looked back over his shoulder with a smile and nodded for her to follow.
Millie Kate's heart skipped and she knew she wanted to follow him and not just for that day, but possibly the rest of her life. She did follow him, out of the backyard, down the front lawn, and down the block. When he finally stopped walking and turned around to wait for her, she quickened her pace
A few steps away, Millie Kate was suddenly unsure what she was going to say. But when he offered her his hand and said, "wanna get out of here?" she knew there was nothing to say. He already knew all that he needed to know because she was there with him and not back at the party with Cannon.
"Yes," she said, taking his hand and nothing had ever felt so right to Millie Kate.
He paused for a moment to look at her, his eyes taking her in like he couldn't quite believe she was there with him. The intensity of his look made Millie Kate drop her chin but like he had before he lifted her chin back up and grinned. Then he turned and led her away from the party.
Cece had just reached the street below the party when she heard someone overhead calling her name. She looked up to see Franklin following her down the stairs. He jumped the last few steps to reach the ground and almost collided with her.
"Franklin," she said, helping to steady him.
"Dear writer, I had to see you before you left," he said. "Malcolm told me about the break-up."
"Are you surprised?" Cece asked, knowing he couldn't be. Not when Malcolm hadn't been.
"Not at all," he admitted lightly. "Don't get me wrong," he quickly added so as not to offend her, "Malcolm did like you, who wouldn't," he gave her a flirty look, "but you aren't a politician's wife."
Cece laughed at the very thought. "Definitely not."
"I am so very happy to see it end on good terms. From now on Malcolm's mother will approve of anyone he dates because at least they won't be a writer and you are free to date perhaps," he gave her a cheeky look, pointing at himself, "the rebellious son of a Senator?"
She grinned. "That's a more enticing option but still no."
Franklin chuckled. "It was worth a shot."
She was about to applaud his bold move when she fully grasped what he said about Malcolm's future in dating. Had Malcolm partially been dating her because he knew his mother would never approve? She had to admit almost anyone would look like a more suitable option after herself. She laughed. She couldn't fault him for that when she had used him as her muse. The revelation brought her relief knowing she hadn't been the only one in the relationship with ulterior motives.
"I guess this is goodbye," Franklin said with genuine disappointment.
"I guess it is," she said. "It was fun while it lasted.
"It was a thrill dear writer," he said, taking her hand and kissing it.
She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, adding in a whisper, "don't tell anyone, but you were always my favorite."
"I know. I'm everyone's favorite," he said, getting one more laugh from Cece before she turned and headed home.
Oh my dearest cupcake!!!
That's it I'm in love with Franklin. I'm running away with him and there's nothing you can say that will stop me! Come on, I can't be the only one who would, right? 🗯💭💬
Grace! You agree, right?
Of course I do cause you're impersonating me yet again.
I am not!
And now you're lying about it. Tsk tsk, this is not a good sign.
You're right, Grace would never say tsk tsk. Should have left that out, it would have been more believable.
Do you think people will wonder if these author's note were just you talking to yourself all along and Grace doesn't actually exist.
Well now they will!! Thanks a lot!
I should leave before the crazy doctors come to lock me away.
Quote, Qummet, Quail!
I feel like these author's note are like watching someone in a lose descent into insanity. Thank goodness the next chapter is the last one or this would just be embarrassing!
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