One of the female human left alive and being protected by the male humans was Hoseok's big sister Hyomin. She was also the only one Hoseok had left in his life and she was also the one who kept him safe and hidden away at the time when the vampires started wreaking havoc on the humans.
Hoseok was just a baby when his parent were killed in the middle of the wreckage's, disorder and panic with people running around in fear of their lives, kicking and screeching for help.
His sister just managed to escape on her own dodging various dangers along her path home, running from the children's park not far from home where she had been spending a leisure time with her friends before HELL came down on earth.
Hyomin ran in a hurry to get home to her family in fear during that time, hoping to be together with them safely protected. Although she ran with all her might at such a young age using all the energy inside her skinny legs to reach home she still arrived there too late. She showed up too late to see her parent and their beautiful cottage house demolished into nothing but a pile of dust and debris. The upstairs of their roof caved in and became one with the bottom half.
But Hyomin luckily arrived just in time to find her baby brother still alive yet in the arms of a female vampire who was doing something to the infant Hoseok. Hyomin was just 4 years old at the time.
Upon her realization of the female silhouette that stood just a few feet in front of her, Hyomin immediately froze up for a second unsure of what action to take. Then quickly she hid under a broken chairs and table in fear for both her and her baby brother's life.
Hyomin stayed hidden and watched the female vampire holding the infant Hoseok filled with worry that she was about to witness the death of her baby brother right in front of her and she couldn't do much about it to save him. She was terrified more for her own safety that she cowardly stayed hidden than doing something about her baby brother's current situation.
Hyomin felt the worst feeling a child at her age could feel. She remembered her promise to her mother to always protect and look out for her baby brother even before he was born and yet here she was too afraid to save her brother and only cared about her own safety.
Hyomin felt like the worst sister to baby Hoseok and she felt like she had betrayed him and her parents. She hated herself and felt disgust towards her trembling legs, but there was really not much she could do. She was only a 4 years old human child. What could she possibly do against a grown up lady who physically towered over her small sized body, plus, the lady was also a Vampire. Those same monsters attacking the humans and causing grieves for humans right now.
The vampire lady looked fondly at the infant Hoseok who suddenly stopped crying and reached out his tiny little hand to touch the vampire lady on the cheeks he then giggled. The lady vampire also smiled back at him while a tear drop of blood fell out of her left eye as she continued to cradle the infant Hoseok.
Hyomin didn't know what to think of the situation and just stayed still watching everything from her hiding spot for the mean time still holding her breath afraid to alert the lady of her presence.
Now, cute tiny infant Hoseok was born only a month before the vampires started attacking. Baby Hoseok came out of his mother's womb a little too early and was too small and very underweight which was very serious for his survival and had to be in an incubator stuck at the hospital for some time until it was safe for him to go home. And so the doctors had only just recently allowed him and his mother to return home 5 days prior to the attack.
Tiny baby Hoseok found the lady fascinating and could not help playing with the lady's long soft looking hair. The colour of the Vampire lady's hair seemed to change according to the light shining on it every time she moved just a little; it was hard to decide on one colour to sum up the overall colour.
The lady gently placed the infant down in a basket she had prepared layered with soft cotton cloth blanket filled with soft toys, while still gazing lovingly at the infant stroking his hair, face and body with motherly care. The lady vampire was completely and utterly in love with the tiny bundle of joy looking up at her with the brightest smile on his small puffy face. Without losing her gaze on the infant Hoseok she spoke,
''You must be this beautiful boy's sister am I right? You look slightly like him.''
'' ... ....'' No response
''Don't worry I won't harm him nor you so you may come out of your hiding place. I promise I mean you no harm ''
Hyomin doesn't move for a while. She was still unsure whether to trust this Goddess who had the appearance of an ethereal being from heaven, but clearly this goddess was also a dangerous female vampire; a person to be feared.
''Or would you like me to come get you myself?'', said the goddess Lady Vampire, her head suddenly flipping away from gazing at the baby to little Hyomin's direction pinpointing her exact location.
She glared at the child with her blue glowing pupils, sternly straight at the scared little girl. Her sudden head tilt was frighteningly sharp, the glow of her eyes strong enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.
Little Hyomin fell back in surprise scared. Although she feared for her life, the little girl managed to force her small body; encouraging her legs and feet to move, messily shuffling herself out from behind broken furniture and brick blocks of broken a wall.
The lady then smiled a little at her before walking up close to the little girl who was shivering in fear; quickly taking her hands along with baby Hoseok who was in his basket in her other hand.
''Close your eyes little girl and count to 10 out loud for me ok? Once you reach 10 open them then figure out the rest yourself'' the lady said and the little girl shakily did exactly as she was told.
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