Chapter 33
Prompt from @Wolfie_ROOD (ao3 user): Assuming something traumatic has happened in the reader's past (which it very clearly has), I think it's safe to assume she has some form of PTSD or is just bad at handling her trauma in a productive way. So maybe something has or she gets triggered and has a panic attack? And Loki has to help her or comfort her?? Maybe you can get me hurt/comfort fix, OP???
A/N: this prompt is from quite a while ago, but it seemed like the right time to fit it in! this will probably be a two part prompt as I didn't fit everything that i wanted to into this chapter, it got too long oops. please keep sending in prompts!<33
You and Loki follow the sound of yelling around two corners, and then almost run headlong into James. There are about fifteen guards lying unconscious on the ground around him.
"You're alive!" he says joyously, grabbing your shoulders. You nod wordlessly, finding yourself unable to speak. James looks like a different man, his eyes bright and shoulders back. He's smiling.
"Y/N!" Maya calls, and James moves aside to allow you to move towards her, Loki behind you. She looks solemn.
"You okay?" you ask each other simultaneously. You smile, Maya does not.
"Margo is really hurt. Can you heal her?" she asks, addressing Loki.
"I should think so. Where is she?" Loki asks.
Maya and James lead you further down the corridor to where Frankie stands protectively over Margo, who is slumped against the wall, deathly pale.
"Thank god. Can you help her?" Frankie calls the minute you come into view with Loki.
You and Loki hurry to Margo's side and crouch next to her. Loki reaches out and touches her side gently, frowning. A surge of jealousy washes through you, and you push it away impatiently. Now is not the time.
"Well?" Frankie asks, worry lacing her voice.
"She'll be okay." Loki says, placing his other hand on Margo and closing his eyes. In the same instant, what can only be described as a hoard of guards approaches you from one end of the corridor.
You stand up quickly, only to realise that there are more guards approaching you from the other end of the corridor as well.
James, for some odd reason, appears to be laughing.
Loki opens his eyes, and the magic fades from his hands.
"No, keep going. We'll be okay." you tell him, and he nods, turning his attention back to Margo.
"Come on then! What're you waiting for?" James calls humorously to the guards at one end of the corridor, who seem to be faltering in their approach.
"What's he doing?!" you hiss to Maya, moving quickly to stand by her side.
"Y/N!" Frankie calls before Maya has a chance to reply, and you turn to see her squaring up to the numerous guards at the other end of the corridor, who don't seem as perturbed as the other group and are advancing quickly.
As you run to help Frankie, you feel a blast of power from behind you so powerful that it almost knocks you off of your feet.
The guards ahead of you practically skid to a stop, and you turn to see James singlehandedly wiping out the front three lines of guards which had been running towards you.
There's no time for you to stop and stare; the guards ahead of you bellow in rage (or fear, you can't exactly tell) and rush towards you once more. You run to get ahead of Frankie, who is still very obviously injured, and let your powers surge forth again.
Blue light fills the corridor, so bright that you initially have to close your eyes. When you open them again guards litter the floor, but more are running forward, weapons raised.
This goes on for about four more minutes before the guards seem to stop appearing from around the far corner. You feel tired, but nowhere near as drained as you had felt earlier on.
When you turn back to your friends, James is watching you with a delighted, slightly maniacal grin on his face. Margo is on her feet, and Loki is now healing Frankie. Maya stands alone, hugging herself tightly.
"Amazing." James says, now looking up at the ceiling rather than at you. You follow his gaze and are greeted with the sight of a sizeable crack in the ceiling which runs the length of the corridor. A thrill of fear surges through you, and you have to catch your breath.
"We need to get out of here." you say, turning back to the others. Frankie and Margo are embracing, while Loki stands alone, swaying slightly.
"Agreed. James, do you know the quickest way out?" Maya asks, concern written all over her face as she looks at the ceiling. You walk over to Loki and place a hand on his arm.
"Are you okay?" you ask. Up close he looks slightly ill.
"Yes. Haven't use this much magic in a while. Margo was dying." he admits under his breath, looking down at you. His eyes are slightly glazed over.
"It's okay. You've done so much already, we can take it from here." you say, gesturing at the others who are already making their way down the corridor.
"Hey, let's go!" Frankie calls back to you.
James leads the way, blasting guards out of your way before they even have a chance to raise their weapons. He is really powerful, more powerful than any of you here. Except for Loki, but he's not exactly at his full potential at the moment.
Soon enough you reach the control room again; the windows which look into the room are shattered and the interior looks as though a small bomb has been set off in the centre of it. Loki's doing.
The ceiling here looks as though it's actually sagging slightly.
"Why are we back here?" Maya asks, looking at James in suspicion.
"There must be a way up to the surface here, it's the main part of this department." James tells you all.
"So, there might not even be a way out here?" Frankie asks.
"I am ninety nine percent sure there will be." James says confidently, striding into the room. Frankie and Margo follow him slowly, followed by Maya. Loki stands still.
"You okay?" you ask him again, frowning slightly. This time he shakes his head, closing his eyes.
"This has never happened before." he tells you quietly.
"What?" you ask, worry coursing through you.
"It's never been... too much. There's no limit on my magic; I don't know why this is happening." Loki says, his eyes still closed.
"It's okay. Here, sit down." you say, trying to inject your voice with confidence. You suspect it doesn't fool him.
"No, I'm fine." he says, trying to push past you to get into the room after the others. You grab his arm firmly, and he stops.
"Please sit down." you say. There's a pause, and then...
Loki lowers himself to the floor heavily and leans back against the wall, closing his eyes. You sit next to him, crossing your legs and trying to work out what the muffled voices from within the destroyed control room are saying.
"I'm sorry." Loki says suddenly.
"Don't be stupid. You've saved all of our lives coming here, and risked yours in the process. You have nothing to apologise for." you retort immediately. He smiles, but it looks to be more of a grimace.
"Y/N? Where are you?" Maya calls from the other side of the door.
"We're here." you call back. A few seconds later she appears through the door, pulling a face when she sees Loki.
"Is he alright?"
"Fine, thank you." Loki says curtly, his eyes still closed. You smile at him, and then catch Maya raising an eyebrow at you.
Before you have time to say anything, there's a horrible crunching noise from above you, and you look up just in time to see another sizeable crack appear in the ceiling. Then some more guards appear around the corner.
Maya yells and you leap to your feet, but then you realise that the guards have their hands in the air.
"Don't engage. If you continue to use your powers like you are this building is going to collapse in on itself." one of the guards calls to you.
"Let us out then." you challenge.
"We're in the very centre of the infrastructure. Any further damage to the interior could have fatal consequences for all of us." the guard continues as though he hadn't heard you.
"Let us out then." you repeat.
"We're not authorized –" he doesn't get to the end of his sentence before James comes barreling past you, bellowing what almost sounds like a war cry.
"James no!" Maya shouts, but too late. The force of his power causes you to take a step back, your back colliding with the wall behind you.
Loki is struggling to his feet next to you, and you grab his arm to help him to his feet as another large crack snakes its way through the ceiling.
"There's a staircase in here! It's blocked though..." Margo calls.
"We can clear it. Let's go." you say, bracing yourself under what is almost all of Loki's weight. He can hardly stand. James disappears around the corner in order to engage with more guards as Maya takes Loki's other arm to help him through the door.
In the remnants of the control room Frankie is using her powers to try and pull debris from the doorway which must lead to the staircase which is your escape route out of here.
You can hear yells from further down the corridor which James had chased the guards down, and suddenly the ceiling makes a horrific groaning sound. In the corner of the room a pipe bends and splits, causing steam to start pouring into the room.
"Quick. Quick." Maya stresses, looking upwards.
Margo rushes forward to help Frankie pull debris from the doorway, and you leave Loki with Maya in order to help too. All at once, there's a series of loud pop's as the lights blink out, and the room goes dark. You can only see by the light of yours, Margo's and Frankie's powers.
"Oh god, oh god." you hear Maya muttering behind you, along with the distant sound of frustrated yells of guards trying to get James to stop bringing the building down on top of you all.
As you manage to dislodge the main section of debris, a large tremor runs through the room, and rock and pieces of rubble come pouring forth from the doorway. A green emergency light shines dimly behind the door, where you can now see part of the stairway.
Your heartbeat is loud in your ears as you watch Margo begin to climb through the gap, the sound of rushing water suddenly filling the room. Cold water engulfs your feet as Frankie begins climbing through the gap next, aided by Margo on the other side.
You fight not to panic.
Using your powers as a means of light, you turn back to Maya and Loki, who is now on the floor again.
"Maya, go." you say, crouching to help Loki back to his feet. He looks barely conscious at this point, his eyes glazed over and unfocused.
"It's clear, I can see the top!" Margo calls to you as her and Frankie pull Maya through the gap. Another large tremor shakes the room, and the walls groan and creak loudly.
"Hey. Come on." you tell Loki, grabbing his forearms. He looks at you, his eyes luminescent in the blue light of your powers. He doesn't move. You're so full of fear and frustration and panic that you almost want to cry.
"Loki, please move." you beg, and he opens his mouth to say something but you don't hear what it is because the gut-wrenching sound of metal grinding hard against metal fills the room, so loud that it hurts your ears.
"Y/N!" Maya shouts over the din, but you can't see her through the darkness and the dust which is rising through the room as the ceiling begins to collapse in on you.
You think of Jas, and your throat tightens and you decide there and then that you are not going to die like she did, and neither is anyone else in this room.
Loki is dead weight in your arms as you drag him towards the gap in the wall through the water which is now almost knee high.
You're almost there before you realise Loki is saying your name. He's telling you to stop.
You can hardly see for dust and darkness and tears, but you feel his hands around your wrists as he pulls you down towards him. He wants you to give up, but you won't, you're not going to die here and neither is he...
Suddenly the world becomes very dark, darker than the pitch-black room you're about to die in, darker than any darkness you've ever seen before in your life. You get the sense that there would be nothing around you to see even if you could open your eyes.
And then you're above ground.
The sudden light causes you to squint, and you fight to understand what's going on as you look around you. You're on your knees in the middle of a forest, surrounded by SHIELD vehicles and agents, all of whom have just fallen silent as you appeared.
The Quinjet sits off to one side, but you can't see the team.
Loki lies on the ground in front of you, unconscious.
And he's blue.
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