Chapter 18
Prompt from Roseavia3: Y/n goes to talk to Loki again but before a famous Stark party. When she's there in a beautiful dress and make up he slips up and calls her stunning or something.
A/N: hope you enjoy! Please keep sending prompts, I'm running out<3
When you wake up, it takes you a few seconds to remember where you are. Loki's room.
As memories from the previous night come flooding back you sit bolt upright. Loki isn't there, thank god. Embarrassment engulfs you; how could you have fallen asleep?
You swing your legs over the side of the bed, Loki's bed, and stand up before making your way across the room to the door. Listening intently, you can't hear anyone in the corridor, so you crack the door open and dart across the hallway into the room Tony had shown you last night.
Once inside you bury your head in your hands. What time is it? What day is it? A quick look at the clock on the wall tells you that it's nearly 10am, and you have to think for a second before remembering that it's a Friday.
You hope you weren't expected in work this morning. You're already almost an hour late.
Catching sight of yourself in the mirror you decide to make use of the shower before you head home. You can't leave looking like this.
One day later
You'd made it out of the Tower largely unnoticed, much to your relief. Nearly all of the rest of the day had been lost to sleep, and so today you were feeling much better and quite energetic.
Currently you're sat in your living room with all the windows wide open, music blaring, wearing old jeans and a sweater and repainting a cabinet lilac. You can't decide whether you like the colour or not.
You also can't decide whether to join the Avengers or not.
Not thinking about what Fury had proposed to you hadn't helped in the slightest, so you've decided to actually try and think about what you want to do. Or what you should do.
It's not going well.
On top of this you're still trying not to think about the fact that you've done your first mission back. It's as though it hasn't properly sunk in yet. You'd been expecting at least two panic attacks by now, neither of which has arrived. It's unnerving you slightly.
And you also can't believe that you told Loki about the origin of your powers. You don't tell any about that. It's your rule.
So to deal with all of this you'd slept for a day and now you're painting a cabinet, with the music turned up loud to block out your thoughts.
The music is so loud that you almost don't hear the doorbell. You have to open the door with your elbow; your hands are covered in paint.
Tony Stark is stood outside.
"Oh. Hello." you say, quite shocked. Tony doesn't quite match the vibe of the corridor outside your apartment.
"Hi. Can I come in?" he asks you.
"Yeah, sure. Sorry- I've got..." you say, holding your hands up to show him that they're paint splattered, along with he rest of you.
Once inside, you turn the music down and offer Tony a drink, which he declines. You throw an old towel on to one of your sofas so that you can sit down without getting it covered in paint.
"You left pretty swiftly yesterday." Tony says. You panic slightly; does he know you didn't sleep in the room he'd shown you? Surely not.
"Yeah, sorry. I was eager to get home." you say, at least having the decency to look slightly apologetic.
"I just came to say that I'm sorry about Fury pushing this idea about you joining the team on you so... ferociously. You don't have to do anything you don't want to." Tony tells you, after a beat.
"It's okay," you say, forcing a smile. "I think I always knew that this would happen sooner or later."
"You shouldn't feel as though you're obliged to do anything." Tony tells you firmly. He's being kind. You're definitely obliged to do the job that you're doing. And you're obliged to become an Avenger, too.
"Thank you." you say simply. Tony smiles sadly as though in understanding.
"Listen, I'm having a party tonight. You wanna come?" he asks you. You stare at him. It's as though he's just invited you to a college party down the road rather than an actual Stark party.
"You- really?" you stutter. Tony smiles.
"Yeah. It'll be a good chance for you to get to know the team a little better and let off some steam. What do you think?"
You smile for real this time.
"Yes please."
A few hours later you're all dressed up and ready to go.
Tony had left soon after he'd invited you, telling you that the dress code was black tie and to be there at eight pm. He'd left no further instructions. Mercifully Nat had texted you an hour later and told you to meet her before the party up at the team's apartments.
She had also said that under no circumstances were you to arrive before half past nine; you had to be fashionably late. No one turned up to a Stark party on time.
It's been an age since you've been to a party; you can hardly remember what they're like. Although you suppose this party won't be like any regular old party.
You only have one black tie dress; it's long and red and has a slit down one leg. You've paired it with black heels which aren't too high. You've never liked heels.
You've never particularly liked dressing up in general, but once you've done your hair and make up you're quite pleased with the finished product. It'll do, you think to yourself as you look in the mirror.
Twenty minutes later you're in the elevator on your way up to the Avenger's living quarters. Nat is the only one there.
"Wow, you look knock out Y/N." she tells you, her voice slightly slurred as she stands up to greet you.
"You've been drinking already!" you protest.
"Yeah, I didn't wanna wait," she grins, grabbing your arm. "Les goo."
You walk down the corridor arm in arm, and you falter for a second outside Loki's door. You should probably say thank you to him.
"Wait a second." you tell Nat, turning to his door and knocking.
"What are you doin', that's Loki's-"
Nat falls silent as his door opens. You don't miss the quick journey his eyes go on up and down the length of your body before his eyes meet yours.
"Hi." you say, feeling slightly more than smug.
"Hello." he replies. His voice sounds almost hoarse, and he clears his throat before seeing Nat stood behind you.
"I just thought I should say thank you." you tell him, not elaborating any further while Nat is listening. He'll know what you're talking about.
"That's not necessary. But you are welcome nonetheless." he says, looking back at you.
"You're not joining the party?" you ask, nodding at his attire. He's in sweats and a t-shirt, and it's all you can do to keep your eyes on his face. Are you seriously attracted to him right now? Just don't look, Y/N.
"I wasn't invited."
"Does that bother you?"
"Not in the slightest." he tells you, and you smile.
"You look... nice." he continues, after a pause. You frown.
"Are we doing compliments now? I didn't know." you say in a mock sarcastic tone, a smile creeping on to your face.
"Evidently not." he says, and your smile falters. Then you remember that Nat is still stood behind you.
"Well, see you later." you say, turning and catching hold of Nat's arm again. She waits until you hear his door close before opening her mouth, but you shush her and point at the elevator.
Once inside, she explodes with questions.
"What was that? Are you always so cool with him? That's the most I've ever heard him speak! What did you need to thank him for?!" she exclaims all in one breath. You wave her away.
"I have an idea, how about we pretend that that never happened?" you say, looking at her beseechingly. She pouts at you.
"I'm not done talking to you about this."
You sigh, but you're not going to let yourself worry about it now. You've got a party to attend.
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