Chapter 13
Prompt from @sunflower4369 (ao3 user): omg y/n HAS to have secret powers, that would be so cool! she could have powers like Quake (daisy johnson from the show agents of shield) because that could explain how she was able to take down all those man at 10 years old. i love this book so much!!!
A/N: I've had a lot of prompts like this one regarding y/n having powers and I've been waiting to construct a bit of backstory, so here you go! this chapter was born from a few different prompts, some from wattpad and some from ao3, so thank you to everyone who left ideas<3 please keep them coming:)
A day later you're sat in Fury's office, facing him across his ridiculously oversized desk.
Sure, he's the director of SHIELD, but really, a desk this size? Your bad mood is fuelling these rather unnecessary thoughts.
"So," Fury says, dropping a huge pile of paperwork on to said desk. He looks pleased, by his standards. You, on the other hand, do not.
"This should be fairly straight forward. We reinstate you as an agent, get you back out into the field, and then once you've proved that you're still in fighting shape you'll join the team." he tells you, sifting through the huge pile of paper.
"Proved." you repeat sardonically. Fury looks up at you.
"Don't be like that. This is a good thing. I knew you'd come to your senses about sitting behind a desk all day, when, well..."
"When what." you ask blatantly.
"When you're... what you are." he says, gesturing towards you.
A cold fist seems to squeeze around your throat, and for a moment you can't breathe. Then it passes. Fury seems to have realised that he might have done well to choose his words with a fraction more care.
"I only meant that you have the power to help a lot of people with your gift."
Your 'gift'. That's what your parents used to tell you it was. You called it a burden.
"Or hurt them." you counter.
Fury looks back to the paperwork, choosing not to reply, separating some sheets from others now.
Come to your senses, he'd said. You weren't doing this for yourself.
"Right, these are for you." Fury finally says, pushing several bits of paper across the desk towards you.
"Is this really necessary?" you ask, reaching for a pen.
"Yes." is his simple reply. You sigh, hesitating for a moment, the pen hovering over the paper. Fury spots this.
"You're doing the right thing." he stresses. For some reason this makes you feel worse as you begin to sign the pieces of paper.
"There's an office ready for you in your new department; I'm sure the agents will be pleased to see you back." Fury continues, watching as you sign on line after line after line.
Eventually you sign the last piece of paper, and push everything back across the desk towards him, already standing up.
"Wait a minute." Fury says, holding up a hand. You sit back down.
"We need to talk about your friend down in his cell."
"He's not my friend."
"It certainly seemed like it yesterday." Fury counters. You glare.
"Thor tells me that Loki has admitted to being mind controlled during the attack on New York, and from what we have gleaned from our scans of his mind-"
You wince slightly, thinking about the contraption that was on Loki's head, hurting him. The one that you willingly put back on him.
"-we have reason to believe he isn't lying." Fury says, watching you for a reaction. Your face remains expressionless.
"Has he spoken to you about this?"
"And what did he say?"
You cross your fingers underneath the desk.
"That he was being mind controlled. He won't admit it to you. He's ashamed." you reply, your gaze unwavering. You know how to appear as though you're telling the truth.
Fury stares you down with his one uncovered eye; you don't look away. After a few seconds he sits back in his chair.
"Very well. We got what we needed from him, despite his best efforts."
"What does that mean?" you frown.
"He was trying to block us from his mind, even after he gathered from you that we were trying to get information. It's like he wanted to prolong the experience."
You fell slightly ill at that last statement.
"What now, then?" you ask.
"That's still being discussed. He's proved that he's not going to try and escape, and he tells us that he's willing to work for us to buy his freedom, but there aren't many people happy about him not being kept in a cell."
"Are you thinking of ways to get around that?" you ask.
"I was hoping you might help me." Fury tells you. You sigh.
"I don't know yet. If you're seen with him outside of his cell, it might make people feel better. I'm working on it." he says firmly when he sees the expression on your face.
"Right." you say, standing up again. This time he doesn't try to stop you.
"Thank you, Y/N." he says, as you reach the door. You turn to look back at him, and nod shortly, noting his use of your actual name rather than calling you an agent.
Agent Y/L/N. You'd somewhat missed it.
"We'll miss you, Y/N." Kate tells you, as you set your box of things from your office down on the table in the break room.
"Nah, you won't. You're getting a bigger office." you smile as she hugs you. Everyone laughs.
"True," she concedes, "But we will miss you."
There's a general murmur of agreement, and you suddenly realise that you will in fact quite miss working with these people.
"I'm only going upstairs guys, I'll still see you around." you remind them, slinging your jacket over your arm and picking your box back up in an attempt to avoid any more hugging.
"That's good to know." Dan tells you. Fi nods in agreement and Kate nudges you subtly. You quickly decide that it's time to leave.
Bidding your colleagues farewell you walk along the corridor towards the elevator, looking back at your office as you go. You smile as you step into the elevator, thinking of the dent in the door to your office.
At least you've left your mark.
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