Chapter 10
Prompt from @HaelTheQueen(ao3 user): Loki understands what she (Fury) is doing, and so he insists on tit for tat or asks to play a game. He grills her about herself and her family life and tells her about his family issues.
A/N: these prompts are amazing, I'm loving this so much. Keep sending them! Also if you sent one a while ago and I haven't used it, I've saved all of them so keep an eye out<3
"Why are you here?" Loki asks you.
"Y/N! Is this thing on?" Fury's voice is loud and annoying in your ear.
"Who are you hiding from?" you ask Loki, following Fury's previous order. Loki's not stupid; he'll work out what's going on.
Loki turns his head to frown at you, and you turn your head a fraction of an inch to the side so that he might see the earpiece that you're wearing. Understanding crosses his face as he spots it, and he looks at you (gratefully?) before turning his gaze back to the ceiling.
"Ask him again." Fury says. You grit your teeth.
"If it is information you want, you will have to give me something in return." Loki tells you.
"Like what?" you and Fury ask at the same time. You'd forgotten how annoying ear pieces were.
"Information." Loki says, a small smile playing across his features. Fury is silent.
"About what?" you ask.
"You." he says, turning to look at you again.
"Good! Nothing about SHIELD. Ask him again Y/N." Fury tells you, audibly relieved. You're preoccupied glaring at Loki. You hate talking about anything to do with your past at the best of times, but with Loki and a whole room of people listening in? Awful.
"Who are you hiding from?" you ask again, hating Loki, hating Fury.
"Thanos." Loki says, putting his heads behind his head and wincing slightly as his torso shifts beneath Mjolnir.
"Ask him who that is."
"Who's that? The one who sent you to New York?" you ask.
"Good. Now ask him if-"
"Your turn. Why did SHIELD recruit you?" Loki asks you, his voice overriding Fury's. You clench your jaw, glaring at him. He's not even looking at you.
"They found me when I was a child. I had nowhere else to go." you tell him, your voice quiet as though he's less likely to hear you this way.
"Why not?" Loki asks.
"I left home."
A brief moment of silence.
"Now ask him why he was sent to attack Earth." Fury tells you.
"Why were you sent to attack Earth?" you ask Loki. He's silent for a while before he answers you, clearly thinking hard.
"I was tasked with retrieving the Tesseract. I was promised Midgard if I succeeded."
"Ask why Thanos wanted the Tesseract." Fury instructs you, and you do.
"It is powerful. More powerful than your mortal minds can comprehend." Loki says. Silence from Fury. He's waiting for Loki to ask you more questions.
"You did not answer my first question properly. Why did SHIELD recruit you?"
You frown.
"I told you, they found me..."
"Yes, but why did they recruit you?" Loki asks. It's as though he already knows.
"I was barely ten. I... had to learn how to defend myself."
"Don't be modest. Tell him what happened. He might not cooperate as fully as we need him to if he thinks you're giving half-assed answers." Fury tells you. You take a deep breath.
"An agent came across me caught up in a street fight. I took out three grown men and then SHIELD couldn't find me again for three weeks."
Loki chuckles dryly. You hope Mjolnir is really hurting him.
"Ask him what the Tesseract does." Fury tells you.
"What does the Tesseract do?"
"I don't know." Loki says. You scoff disbelievingly. Right after you told him all that about yourself, too.
"I really don't," he tells you seriously. "I didn't have my hands on it for long enough to find out. Where is it now?"
You open your mouth to tell him that Thor took it to Asgard after the attack, but then Fury says "No!" very loudly in your ear. You close your mouth. Loki sighs.
"As long as it is safe." he says in resignation.
"Ask him-"
You ignore Fury. You have a question of your own.
"Have you been using an illusion since you got here?"
"Ah, it's my turn." he says. Fury is shouting at you through your earpiece. You're extremely close to taking it out. Surely he won't fire you?
"Why aren't you an agent anymore?" Loki asks. You shake your head.
"Ask me something else." you tell him.
"Surely you understand that that only makes me all the more intrigued." Loki says.
"Why are you doing this? Ask about something else why don't you?" you scowl.
"I already know everything else." he tells you.
"Tell me then, how'd they get you through that door with such a massive head?"
He laughs. You stare, trying really hard not to feel pleased. You're meant to be angry at him.
"Tell me why you aren't an agent anymore." he repeats in the silence that follows. Now it's your turn to think hard before you speak.
"It was my eighteenth birthday. I was uncover with a few other agents. Things went south, and..." you're physically unable to carry on talking.
"Tell him." Fury says. You rip the earpiece out. There'll be hell to pay, but right now you can't find the strength to care. It's just you and Loki again.
"Why don't you just explain that you were being controlled when you attacked New York? I don't understand." you ask him furiously.
"I told you before. It is not that simple." Loki replies.
The cell door is opening behind you. You stand up and walk out without another word to him. He's not even sorry for manipulating you.
"What was that?! We were getting somewhere!" Fury explodes upon your exit. You shove the earpiece into his hand.
"You go in there and talk to him." you snap, trying to push past him. A guard steps in front of the door which leads to the corridor. You stop, and close your eyes briefly.
"You seem to be forgetting that I am your boss." Fury tells you.
"That was unfair and you know it. You were getting information, Loki got to play a game, what did I get? Nothing." you say angrily, turning back to face him.
"Y/N's right. There are other ways we can get information from Loki." Tony says, moving to stand by your side. You're relieved, and then worried. What does he mean 'other ways'?
Fury scowls deeply, before waving a hand at the guard behind you to let you through.
As you return up to the Tower, which is abuzz with chat about the sudden lockdown, you find it difficult to remain angry at Loki. You have no such trouble with Fury.
'Other ways'.
Once again, you find yourself, annoyingly, worrying about the god who is locked up below the ground.
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