*Long Chapter*
**Warning - This chapter contains foul language.**
A cold breeze woke her up, causing her to inhale sharply.
Not recognizing her surroundings, she looked around in panic. The ceiling was covered in what appeared to be metal boards. Hanging from it, sharp fluorescent lights sparked in a constant flicker. She shut her eyes hard and tight from the pain the brightness of the light caused her.
After having waited a second or two, she opened her eyes into a squint but closed them again to spare her sensitive eyes from the pain.
Instead of looking around, she tried to move but got no where. Jerking her arms, she tried to move again, fearing she was restrained. It proved to be the case. An instant hue of cold sweat spread across her entire body. She was strapped down to a table, or some sort of metal gurney. All she could tell was that it was freezing cold and hard.
"What the-?" She gasped airily.
In an attempt to move her head, she realized that even this part of her was practically immobile. Tight restraints covered the entirety of her body and pressed into her skin. There was one across her forehead as well. Quickly, she sensed the other straps fixing her body to where it was; one strap across her breasts, three for each arm, one over her stomach and at least three for each leg as well.
The straps were so tightly fastened it almost felt as they were cutting into her soft flesh. From what she could sense that was, since she could only move her head slightly to the sides but not lift it an inch. Rendering her unable to actually see herself.
The only part of her that could move freely, were her eyes.
Another cold breeze swept across her naked body, spreading goosebumps all over it. Every inch of her shivered with it. The hue of sweat intensifying the coldness of the air traveling over her.
I am naked. She tensed up in fear and felt panic truly come to life within her. I'm naked and tied down?! Where the fuck am I?! How did I get here?
"Why the fuck am I naked?!" She gasped to herself.
After a quick ransack of her thoughts, she came up with nothing. No memories or clues to tie to the circumstances she had woken up to. She had no idea of how she had ended up on that gurney. Worse yet, she couldn't remember a bloody thing before that!
Overcome with panic, she tried to scream but no sound came out. Only intense and sharp breaths left her. Her face twisted into a grimace of frustration. She tried again but got the same result as before. Her throat felt sore. Like she had screamed her vocal cords into this useless and aching state. But she had no memory of screaming her lungs out. Either way, she couldn't make a sound.
Okay, deep breath in. She inhaled slowly through her nose in an attempt to keep the panic under control. Still she was shivering through it all. Failing already. Wha- WHAT IS HAPPENING?! She let out a mental cry in her head. A sniffle tore itself out between her lips, her bottom lip quivering at the end.
The panic spread through her despite her efforts to suppress it, gaining ground with each short rapid breath she took. It was starting to race off now, impossible to stay on top of.
Okay. No. Freaking out will not solve anything. She soothed herself while exhaling through her pursed lips. Okay... Deep breath out. Deep breath in. She followed her own instruction and then deliberately let the panic take over when she became overcome by it. And... Scream. Scream! SCREAM GOD DAMMIT!
The air exploded out of her, but no sound passed her lips. She tried screaming again, but nothing came this time either. Frustrated beyond comprehension, she started jerking all of her limbs violently. Whimpering without sound as panic threatened to choke her. Moving didn't do much, her constraints were too tightly bound.
"Lay still." A muffled voice ordered.
She turned her eyes to where the voice had come from, opening them wide and forgetting completely about the painful sharpness of the fluorescent lights. Only now, she realized that her vision was partially blurred. The icing on the cake that was her already strapped down, naked and weakened state. Despite this, she could still make out contours of a figure of someone standing by her right side. Squinting, she could tell that whoever was standing next to her, was operating what appeared to be a needle in her arm.
That wasn't there before. Strange... Shouldn't I have felt it pierce my skin? She wondered, too terrified to move in fear of breaking the needle and hurting herself. A clear liquid entered her body through the needle as the figure next to her pushed it into her bloodstream.
"Let me go." She breathed, unable to say the words aloud. They came out as frail whispers.
No answer.
The sound of screeching metal caused her to flinch when a door opened then closed hard and loud. Someone else had entered. "Is she ready?" A dead deep voice asked. It sounded like the newcomer was somewhere left of her.
"No, sir. We will have to wait a couple of hours. She woke up from the last dose sooner than we expected." The one operating the needle answered, still to her right. He had a French accent.
"Are you kidding me?" The newcomer hissed, his tone revealing his impatience. Disappointment ringing in it as well.
Who are these people? Why can't I remember what happened to me? Did they do this to me? She wondered, falling deeper and deeper into a complete state of extreme terror. She swallowed nervously, her throat dry, while the voices kept talking over her. Like she wasn't there, or even a person to them. She was just an object between them.
In a futile last attempt to get loose once more, she tried to move her arms again. This turned out to be a very bad idea, because now their attention turned towards her. The person to her left, looked directly at her and then flashed her eyes with a sharp light. Her pupils constricting into pinpoints. She blinked in discomfort and before she knew it, something dark and soft was put over her eyes. Her pupils dilated and reveled in the comfort of darkness.
"Put her under. Now." The person with the dead voice barked when he also noticed that she was awake. "We can't risk her waking up during the procedure. She needs to be unconscious until she surfaces."
Surfaces? Wha-
"I just gave her another dose of sedatives. Although, I don't think it will last very long. She is pumped with adrenaline." The French one mumbled contemplatively. "She's been very hard to work with compared to those before her. Stubborn. Wouldn't it be better-"
"You don't make the calls, neither do I. Just do as you're told and she will be out of here by tomorrow morning." The other one interrupted. "If she wakes up again, just put her under again. It's not that hard."
"You know from experience that some of them don't wake up if we keep pumping them..." The person to her right turned silent instead of finishing his sentence. "It's a bad ide-"
"No one asked for your opinion. Put her under. Now." A warm wave rushed through her veins before she knew what was happening and their voices turned muffled and soft.
When she opened her eyes again, she was still cold. No. Colder. Still naked and so cold. Her limbs and joints feeling numb and stiff. As if she had been laying outside without shelter. However, she felt nothing holding her in place. She wasn't tied down. Wasn't strapped to the gurney any longer. Now, she was laying on something soft, but not soft enough to call it comfortable, yet softer than a metal gurney.
Suddenly, a door opened and light spilled into whatever room she was kept in. Two dark figures appeared in the doorway. Without as much as a word they walked up to her. Someone grabbed the back of her neck and angled her head backwards, exposing her neck. Moments later, something thin and cold pierced her skin. Diving past her flesh and into a vein.
Ouch! What the hell!
Instantly, she lost what little sensation she still had in her fingers. Numbness washed over her, warm and foggy. It spread until she couldn't feel a thing or move an inch. Her whole body went limp.
Lastly, her mind started to fade slowly.
The figures lifted her up under her arms and dragged her towards the door. Her feet scraping against the floor. Not remembering that she couldn't move or feel anything, she tried to scream but wasn't able to make even the slightest sound. The only thing she could do, was to try moving her legs and arms, but her body didn't obey. Nothing happened.
What did they inject me with?
(Outside the village of Tranmere, Medieval Era)
It was a rainy day. It came pouring down at them as if the heavens had decided to release every drop it held. Some of the rain drops thudded among the trees. Their leaves taking the worst of the ordeal, but still letting one of the worst rainstorms he had ever experienced through.
The air around them smelled of wet grass and bark, mixed with the scent of heavily saturated dirt. The storm gained more force and released a violent horde of raindrops hitting the leaves of the trees around him. Their fierce thuds against the foliage was the only perceptible noise. The rest of the forest was silent. It was almost as if he'd gone deaf, the rain being the ever constant train of his own thoughts.
Keegan took a deep breath as large drops landed on his face. Each one splashed against his freckled skin and quickly made its way down his forehead, cheeks and lips. They gathered at his chin before dripping off him.
The trees couldn't protect him completely from the flood coming down from the dark skies above. His red hair laid slicked against his face, completely drenched. He craned his head, looking upwards to watch the struggling treetops. The top parts of the trunks swayed softly while the foliage was moving more violently with the storm. They were thrashed here and there by the wind and was given no mercy.
A cool rush of air hit his face suddenly, ripping him back from his thoughts. Exhaling heavily, he combed his hair back and away from his face with his left hand.
Keegan's little sister, Orla, was walking a few paces ahead of him. Scouring the almost sodden ground for tracks or droppings from animals residing in these woods. His brother Flynn, Orla's twin, dragged his feet behind him, to the left of Keegan.
Instead of helping Orla, Flynn was complaining about the rain and how it was ruining their hunt. "I will never be dry again!" He moaned aloud, displeased and grumpy. He kicked a branch out of his path and into the bramble next to them. Keegan ignored his little brother. They had to hunt, otherwise there would be nothing else than their mother's famous boiled potatoes and carrots on their plates later. No meat or gravy. Just plain boiled vegetables.
"Shut up, Flynn!" Orla hissed up ahead. "We will be here even longer if you don't stop scaring our game away with your bellyaching!" Keegan smirked, she had taken the words right out of his mouth.
"What game?" He snapped back immediately. "We've been here for hours... just shut the fuck up..."
"Hey." Keegan grunted and shot his brother a dark look. "Don't speak to your sister like that."
"I heard that, shitface!" Orla answered Flynn, not having heard Keegan, before turning away from the path to look closer at something that caught her eye.
Flynn stopped and gestured towards their sister with his left hand. Waiting for Keegan to reprimand her as well. Instead, he raised his left eyebrow at his brother and huffed in amusement.
"You're taking her side?" His brother hissed, his eyes growing somewhat. The twins rarely saw eye to eye and it wasn't uncommon for Keegan to have to break them up before it got physical, during or after. It was more often during and after he had to intervene.
Keegan rolled his eyes at Flynn, signaling that he wasn't about to take anyone's side in this. He hoped for silence. His wish went by unfulfilled. It didn't take more than three seconds before his sister called for him. "Keegan!" There was a hint of fear in her voice. He rarely heard it in his sister's voice. The hairs in the back of his neck stood up from the sound of it.
"Something is wrong." Flynn. The irritation from before was completely gone in his voice.
The two brothers started running towards their sister who was about ten or fifteen meters up ahead.
Keegan, faster than his brother, reached Orla first. She was standing by some bushes with big unblinking eyes when he stopped beside her. Orla appeared to be frozen in fear. After a closer look, she didn't look all that scared to Keegan. She just looked shocked beyond measure.
Keegan put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her back a step from the thicket. He studied the side of her face since she didn't take her eyes off whatever was hidden in the thicket. "What is it?" He asked heavily, still out of breath from the sudden sprint.
"Look." She whispered, one of her thin nimble fingers pointing into the greenery in front of them. His eyes followed the finger, past her dirty nail and towards where she pointed.
Keegan couldn't see anything else than leaves and shrubs. There was nothing there. He grimaced and quickly looked at his sister with concern rooting in his chest. Had she fallen and hit her head without them noticing it? She looks fine enough to me... He thought to himself.
"Look there! Not at me!" She hissed when she noticed him staring, pointing fervently towards the bushes again. Keegan redirected his focus to where she pointed again.
"A bush?" He shrugged and took another look at his sister. "Are you all good up there?" He asked and tapped a finger against his temple.
Orla groaned at him when he didn't see what she saw. She grabbed him by his jaw and roughly tilted his head downwards. He felt her eyes scorching the right side of his face while her hand adjusted the angle of his head, making sure his eyes would land on the right spot.
When his eyes finally found their mark, the sight caused him to flinch. He quickly pulled his sister in behind him. Underneath the bushes a foot was sticking out.
"Let's go." He mumbled darkly while taking a quick look around. No one was around to have seen them near the foot, and its owner. There were just trees, moss and the three of them there.
And whoever is in that bush.
"What's happening?" Flynn finally caught up with them and stood with his hands on his knees while trying to breathe.
"We're leaving." Keegan replied with a hard voice.
Flynn threw his hands in the air in frustration."Then why the fuck did I sprint over here like a bull in heat?" He hissed, still out of breath. The annoyance in his voice had returned.
Keegan ignored him and started walking back the way they had come. "We are leaving." He ordered his siblings in a bark.
"Orla, what are you doing?" Flynn asked from behind him. Keegan stopped in his tracks, closed his eyes and balled his fists in uncontrollable frustration. He knew exactly what that curious little she-devil was doing. Exactly that opposite of what he had told her.
"Orla." He growled without turning around. "Leave it."
"It's a person you brute!" She objected. "We have to-"
"I said LEAVE it!" He raised his voice while turning around. His chest rose with each heavy breath he took. Of course, his sister hadn't listened. And of course, the sight he was greeted by was his sister kneeling by the bushes with her hands parting the foliage. She wasn't paying him any attention and his commands had flown by her like the wind.
"It's a girl!" She gasped and almost fell back on her arse in shock. But she saved herself in the last second. Flynn went up next to her and then looked back at Keegan with his eyes widened. Confirming their sister's finding.
"A naked girl." Flynn said, his cheeks turning scarlet. He walked over to Keegan as if it was the most appropriate thing he could think of doing. But not appropriate enough it seemed, with his back turned to Orla, Flynn used his hands to let Keegan know the size of the girl's breasts. He donned a cheeky grin and eyes glowing with the immaturity only a boy of fifteen could possess. Especially after seeing a naked girl, for what Keegan deemed must be the first time. Judging by his brother's red cheeks.
Keegan narrowed his eyes and slapped his brother with an open hand over his head when he was within arm's length. "Ouch, what the hell, Keegan?!" Flynn grunted, clasping his pate instantly.
Keegan set off towards Orla. "Be respectful." He muttered to his brother while he walked past him. When he reached her, she had dived into the foliage completely and was examining the body closer. "Orla. This doesn't concern us. Let us get out of here before someone sees us. Leave it." He said in discomfort and rolled his eyes as she almost disappeared completely into the foliage. "Orla! I will not tell you again!"
It wouldn't be easy to explain why the three of them were alone in the woods with the body of a dead girl if someone were to walk by. It probably wouldn't be the least believable to say that they were out hunting as an excuse for their weapons. If the body belonged to some daughter of a noble or rich merchant, their words as peasants wouldn't mean shit.
"She's breathing!" Orla exclaimed in excitement mixed with fright. Now, she fell backwards out of the bushes. She landed, pale and shocked, on her arse in the soaking wet ground. It gave out a wet splashing sound as she landed.
What?! Breathing?
Keegan dove forward, past his sister. He caught the branches with fumbling hands and parted them. He didn't know why, but something in him needed to see what his siblings already had. Especially, if it - or she - was alive.
All of him knew this was a bad idea, and still he couldn't keep himself from leaning in closer. He moved the foliage out of the way until he saw her. Protected underneath the foliage, a girl lied. Keegan guessed that she was older than Orla and Flynn but still younger than him. From the looks of her, she was over twenty years of age but not older than his twenty five summers.
All the traces of childhood were gone and there was - as his brother had informed him - clear signs of her being a fully grown and... Well...a beautiful young woman. Her body was voluptuous, and he understood why his brother had reacted in such an immature manner. It took a lot more out of him than he liked to admit to keep his eyes from falling back to the two soft hills on her chest. He couldn't deny that the sight of her was more than pleasant. This new and indecent side of him came with a wave of massive guilt and shame for wanting to look at her... again.
"We need get her out of the rain." Orla said as Keegan bent over to get a better look of the girl's face. "Hellooo?" She nagged when he didn't pay her any notice. He could practically sense her waving her palms behind him.
"Hold on." He mumbled. His sister letting out an agitated groan in response.
The girl's hair was long and dark brown. It almost appeared black because of how the rain had soaked it. The wet hair partially covered her face. Her skin was fair, but he could see that it was a little tan from days in the sun, but her private parts had a lighter shade to them. As if she had been only wearing garments covering only her breasts and... his thoughts came to a grinding halt when he almost eyed her southern parts. Be respectful. He thought the same words he had recently told his brother.
Keegan leaned in further and moved some of the hair out of her face. "She is ice cold." He gasped quietly. "She must be freezing." How could she sleep like this? Was she really sleeping? Maybe Orla had been mistaken. Is she dead? No. Orla said she was breathing...
"Are you done staring at the poor soul?" Orla snapped impatiently behind him. With a swing of her open hand she gave Keegan the same treatment he had given Flynn earlier.
The stinging slap distributed over the back of his head woke him up, but he didn't even flinch. "Keegan!" She barked when the slap didn't give her the reaction she wanted.
"Aye. Sorry." He mumbled and glanced at his sister. His eyes then returned to the girl. "I don't know, Orla..." He contemplated while slowly getting on his feet. "There might be trouble if we-"
"If you don't help me, I will force Flynn." His sister tried an aggressive tone in order to persuade him. "I have so much dirt on that twat that I can practically use him as my slave for years." She growled.
"Charming." He pumped his eyebrows at her. "And now I can tell mother of how you speak of him, unless you do as I say."
"Fine." She hissed, shoved him aside and grabbed the girl by her ankles. "But I am not leaving her here." Neglectfully, she started to pull the girl out from the bushes.
"Oi!" Keegan exclaimed in distress by Orla's roughness, his hands stretched out. Ready to stop her physically if he needed to. "For God's sake! Alright!" He caved. "Let go, I will carry her." He said and gave his little sister a very dark look. Her eyes, on the other hand, beamed with excitement. "Don't look so happy about this." He warned her and pointed a finger at her. "You are the one who will have to explain this to father..."
"Father wont-" She began.
"And mother." He interrupted. His little sister swallowed nervously.
Mother will surely have something to say about this... He thought as he knelt by the girl's naked body.
Updated: 26th of November 2022
I hoped you liked it!
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Much love,
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