The five of them stood around the burning body staring off into the night as Connor poked at the fire with a long stick. Suddenly Laurel's phone rang causing her to glance down at it as she pulled it out of her pocket.
The others looked to her after hearing the ringing sound. Connor rolled his eyes glaring at the back of her head. "That Frank again? Guy's whipped." He had a crazed look in his eyes staring at the woman.
"You should answer." Wes hurriedly intoned. Laurel shook her head while she turned into him. "He's the last person I want to talk to right now." Michaela scoffed glaring holes into her head. "It strengthens our alibi, Moron. He'll hear the bonfire in the background."
Laurel's eyes cast towards Annora who was stood near Wes. She held the same glare as Michaela but with hurt behind her's mixing with the horror. "He's not my problem anymore, so go ahead. Unless you want to go to prison."
Laurel sighed quickly answering the phone and pressing it to her ear. "What?" On the other line, Frank sighed in relief as he heard her voice, pacing in his apartment. "Where the hell are you?" She rolled her eyes, dryly sucking her teeth. "The bonfire. Stop calling me." She was just about to hang up though his words made her actions holt.
"Laurel, wait. Is Ann there? Don't tell her. Please, I can't lose her." His voice was desperate as he placed his hand on his desk leaning over it. "Why shouldn't I tell her? You used me because you were mad she wanted nothing to do with you. Because you left her at a bar with a bunch of drunk college men."
Frank sighed standing up from his position beginning to pace once more. "I messed up. I know that, real bad. I just... I'll do whatever I can to make this right. Just, just, don't tell her. I waited too long to have her and I can't lose her right now. Laurel, please."
Laurel's eyes slowly switched over to Wes and Annora, the male of the two holding her close to warm her up without the fire. "It's too late. She already knows." She then hung up the phone leaving no room for talk.
Frank slammed his phone down on the desk before throwing his across the room. "Damn it!" He shoved his desk causing a screeching noise to erupt from it. Frank dropped onto the floor holding his head in his hands as he roughly pulled at his hair.
Annora practically ran down the steps in her house once she knew Wes was there. When she stopped on the first floor she saw Wes and Rebecca speaking in the foyer. His attention was brought over as he heard the steps come to a halt. "H-Hi, Nora."
She came over with a smile giving him a small hug. "I didn't know you were here. I would've given you these earlier." Annora handed him a small folder that looked to have multiple sheets of paper inside.
Wes looked up at her confused as he took the folder in his hands opening it. Rebecca sighed wanting to leave the house yet was held up due to their conversation. "I wrote you some notes. Some for tests or exams and others for classes in general."
Wes gave her an open mouth smile in disbelief shaking his head. "You didn't have to do that for me". Annora placed her hand on his forearm, which Rebecca rolled her eyes at, pushing the folder closer to him as he went to hand it back. "I see how you stay up too late trying to study and take notes. So you can use those. I don't mind making them for you. I can be your personal tutor."
The two laughed for a small while, carrying smiles even after the laughter stopped. Wes' eyes switched over to Rebecca who had been waiting impatiently. "Bathroom?" Annora's lips curved upwards as the silent girl spoke up. "Go upstairs and it's at the end of the hall." Rebecca turned without a 'thank you' trudging up the steps.
Once she was fully up the stairs Annora turned back to the male in the room who still had his eyes on her. "I don't think Rebecca likes me very much." Wes almost let out a snort, bringing his arm around her waist rubbing small circles as he gave her one last hug.
"That's ridiculous, how could anyone not like you. Your mom is in her office if you want to speak with her." Annora nodded a tiny grin appearing on her lips as he kissed her forehead. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."
Sometime after Wes had left Annora walked back into the foyer hearing the front door open. She sighed and turned around as Frank walked inside. He softly grabbed her arm stopping her movements.
"Ann, wait. I-I need to talk to you." She turned her body to face him. "What do you want, Frank." He carried a look of surprise as she had spoken to him. "Listen, Ann. I'm sorry, okay? I..." Annora wanted to roll her eyes but forced herself not to. "Frank you left me at a bar in the middle of the night. I had to walk home, it took me three hours. Do you know how scared I was?"
Frank gripped both of her forearms pulling her closer to him as he lowered his head. "I know, I know. I drove around for hours after I realized. Looking for you. I thought I was going to have a heart attack because I couldn't find you."
Frank took in a shaky breath, his voice almost sounding desperate. "The only reason I left you there was because I wanted to spend time with you but you were talking to that guy for what felt like hours. And I, I was so angry because you weren't talking to me. I guess I forgot that I was the one who drove you there when I left." Annora gazed into his eyes looking for any clue that he was lying.
"Trust me. I'll never do something like that again." As he spoke he continuously lowered his head until their foreheads were close to touching. "I care about you and I don't want to lose you. So please just talk to me. Don't ignore me anymore because," She could practically feel his breath against her lips.
Her breath was trembling as she stared into his eyes while he spoke. ", I don't know if I can't take not being able to talk to you every day." She watched as his eyes slowly flickered down to her lips.
Annora repeated his actions letting her eyes stare at his lips for a second longer. When they trailed back up his face she saw he was staring intently into her own.
Frank stood thinking over all of the consequences of the action he badly desired. Suddenly he dipped his head down connecting their lips. Annora stood for a mere moment, her forearms now resting on his chest.
He pulled back a small bit as she hadn't reciprocated the kiss. Though as he did so she leaned up on her toes connecting them once more. Bringing her hands to his neck, thumbs resting on each side of his face.
Frank set his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him. He moved his lips against hers before trailing kisses to her neck allowing her to breathe. Annora pulled his face back over pressing her lips onto his, gripping at his collar.
A small creek rang throughout the house causing the two to hurriedly step away from each other, breathing heavily. When no one came into the room they stared at each other desperately wanting to continue the intimate moment.
Frank ran his hand down his face as many thoughts ran through his mind. He then quickly turned around exiting the house leaving Annora standing in the foyer very confused.
Around one am Annora heard creaking coming from the hallway. She hesitantly stood from her bed placing her notebooks on her nightstand. Quickly she grabbed the lacrosse stick from the corner of her room.
Sneaking out into the hallway hearing her parents' room door silently creek open. She turned down the hall seeing a hooded figure standing inside. Annora stepped quickly over, when she made it to the doorway the wooden plank underneath her feet sounded off causing the hooded person to turn around.
Annora mentally cursed herself before she saw the person's face. "Wes?" At that moment Annalise stepped out of her bathroom startled as she saw him standing there while her daughter held a 'weapon' close to her. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
Wes turned to her, confusion and hurt written all over his face. "You lied to me." Annalise breathed heavily as she held her hand to her heart ushering her daughter over. "What are you talking about?"
Annora came to stand by her mom confused about the 'conversation' they were having. "The wallpaper. The picture on Lila's phone. It was taken here. Your husband's Mr. Darcy." Annora stepped away from her mother who held a frightened look.
She looked between her mother and her friend as her eyes slightly watered. "Mom? What are you and Sam hiding?" Annalise's lips wavered and her eyes glossed over as she looked tearfully at her now scared daughter.
"Ann..." Annalise turned her head back to Wes wanting to settle him first. "You're confused." "Listen to yourself. You just can't stop lying." Annora slowly stepped over to Wes staring deeply at her mother. "Wes, Ann, just sit down." Wes shook his head glaring at Annalise. "You're disgusting."
Annalise's eyes stayed blasted down not daring to look them in the eyes. "Let me explain." Her voice trembled peering up at her daughter before her eyes were brought over to Wes. "You disgust me." Wes turned out of the room grabbing Annora's hand as he went. "Wes! Annora Gray! Get back here!"
Wes brought Annora into her room, closing the door behind them. He took Annora's hands into his bringing her closer to him. "Did you know?" She hadn't answered him only staring at the door as her Mother knocked. "Nora! Did you know?" She slowly shook her head bringing her eyes over to him.
"Okay, p-pack a bag. An outfit or two." She stared at him for a moment in her brows furrowed. "What?" Wes went over grabbing her backpack off of the floor, neatly taking her school supplies out of it.
"You're not staying here tonight. I don't trust her." He placed the backpack in her hand ushering her to find clothes. Without any further words, she went over to her dresser placing clothes and small necessities in her bag.
She then put her arms through the loops, wearing it on her back. Wes gave her a nod before he opened the door causing Annalise to move out of the way.
Her eyes watered as she saw the bag on her daughter's back. Annalise tried to grip her arm though Wes moved Annora out for the way rushing down the steps with her wrist in his hand. "Ann! Ann! Come back here! Wes! Annora, don't you leave this house!"
They didn't look back as they walked out for the front door. The only time Annora had turned around was after they were halfway down the street somehow both of them fitting in the small bike seat.
Annora walked back into the room holding her inhaler when she heard knocking on the door. "Hey! Hey, you guys in there?!" Annora looked scared as she walked closer to Connor who lightly rubbed her back. "Who is that?"
Wes whispered back at her staring at the window, "Asher." Connor left Annora's side walking forward as Asher yelled. "I see your car in the driveway, Connor! Annora! I know you're home! Are the others there too?! Open up the damn door!"
Annora's breathing started to get heavy again, Connor noticed and took her hands in his, feeling the inhaler in her palm. "A, breathe in with me. 1, 2, 3. Slow breaths okay." She followed his actions as he breathed with her. "1, 2, 3." Laurel nudged Connor so he'd pay attention, "Okay, what is he doing here?"
Michaela who was still sat in the corner whispered, "It's my fault." Connor forced out a laugh removing his hands from the trembling girl in front of him. "Of course it's her fault. I mean, who else's fault would it be, right." He sat down against the wall as Asher yelled out again.
"Is Michaela in there with you?! I want my freaking trophy back!" Annora went over to the corner folding herself up as she rocked back and forth. "I want my mom. I want my mom. I need Frank." Tears streamed down her face as she caught another glimpse of Sam's body. "I need Frank!" She whispered to herself, choking out a sob, causing her to place a hand over her mouth.
"Open up! I know you're in there!" Asher pounded on the door again after quiet moments causing the young girl on the floor to jump. Rebecca pulled Wes down as she also dropped to the floor. "Everyone, get down." Connor stood laughing covering his mouth as Asher went knocking on the window.
"Are you bitches seriously trying to ignore me right now?" Annora covered her ears continuously rocking, "Go away." Connor slowly laid on the floor right where Sam Keating laid staring into his eyes. "Let me in! And you guys call me immature?! I'm like the most grown-up grown-up ever!"
Laurel looked between the door and the others who laid on the ground. "We should just let him in. If he's been in the house he'll," Asher's yelling grew louder as he harshly banged on the windows. "He'll suddenly be part of it, you know? Five of us witnessed him here."
Connor seethed staring at the dead body next to him. "Then Daddy Millstone can help get us off." Rebecca nodded her eyes staring into Wes'. "We can get him to step in the blood. It's not a bad idea." Annora shook her head, lowering her hands from her ears. "No! We're not bringing him into this. It's not right."
Connor rolled his eyes glaring into the darkness. "Do you think I wanted to be a part of this?" His voice was harsh as he spoke, a tone he'd never used with her. The yells have stopped and Laurel stood glancing out of the window. "Wait. Listen."
She sighed as she turned back to the group. "He's gone." Michaela stood up coming into the small source of light. "I texted him. Told him I was at the library."
The students walked into the classroom seeing the trophy standing on Wes' desk. Annalise then stepped into the room quickly placed her purse on her desk. "Take your seats. Our lesson, Habeas Corpus," She went over, writing it on the board in chalk. "Which translates into 'Produce the Body.' Who can tell us how fast that applies to the case Fay vs. Noia?"
Most of the class raised their hands and as Annalise scoped the room her sight landed on the trophy. They then turned to see the empty seat where her daughter sat every day. Her mind went blank forgetting about the class she was teaching.
She was brought back as Michaela stood up beginning to speak. "Fay v. Noia declared an individual whose imprisonment doesn't meet the requirements of law must be released. This is done by way of Habeas Corpus, A.K.A. to produce the body." Annalise turned her vision away from the student as her ears lost the buzzing sensation of tinnitus. "Thanks, Miss Pratt. Who can tell us what happens in a Habeas Corpus proceeding?"
Bonnie then came into the room walking at a fast pace over to Annalise. She whispered in her ear, something that made Annalise jump from her seat on her desk. "Something's come up. Class is dismissed. Keating Six, stick around."
Connor walked over with a smug look on his face as he stared at the trophy. "Looks like the Keating Six might be four from now on." Laurel shook her head staring at Annalise while she was on the phone.
"Maybe they're sick," Michaela smirked peering up at the brown-haired girl. "I bet the pressure finally got to him and he dropped out. Little princess probably didn't get her way so she stopped coming to class." Asher carried a smug douche look as he sat by Michaela. "That means the trophy's in play."
Annora's head shot up as a knock sounded at the door. Wes popped his head out of the bathroom, water droplets running down his body. "I'll get it." He wrapped a towel around his waist, taking long strides towards the door.
Annora dropped her head back into her book as she curled up on Wes' bed. Her head snapped towards the door as she heard her mother's voice. "We missed you in class today. Is Ann here?" Wes hadn't answered her, staring at her as water slowly dropped down his body.
He moved away from the door going back into the bathroom to change. Annalise walked into the doorway eyeing her daughter. "Neither of you have been answering your phone or your door." She walked over to the desk her eyes flickering between the two. "Everyone's been asking for you. Especially Frank. They're worried that you two are sick. We even got a new case today, death-row appeal."
Annora's ears perked up yet she didn't speak a word, slouching down more staring at the pages in the book though not reading as her focus was elsewhere. "It would be a shame if you missed the opportunity to work on it." Wes came out of the bathroom with an unbuttoned flannel on, buttoning his jeans.
His eyes gazed over Annora before they caught something near her. "You can take that back." Annora looked at him in confusion before turning her head seeing the trophy standing on the nightstand beside her. "I don't want it." He shrugged, he and Annalise staring at each other before he began to button up his shirt.
Annalise saw the scratches in the wall, tracing her fingers over them. "You and Rebecca? Or you and my daughter?" Annora rolled her eyes closing the book as it did her no use. Wes glared at her, buttoning the top of his shirt first. "What do you want?"
Annalise hesitated before she rounded the bed. "That's funny because that's what I came here to ask you." Wes nodded his head at Annora resulting in her standing from the bed. She went over, grabbing her backpack before going into the bathroom shutting the door.
Annalise brought Wes and Annora into the house, the other students plus Bonnie and Frank standing in the study room. "I'd like Mr. Gibbons and Miss Keating brought up to speed. Now." Annora blocked out the conversation Asher started to have with her mother as she sat down on the love seat by Connor.
"So, Wes, you're not contagious, are you?" Michaela said in a monotone-like voice. Connor smugly looked up from his file placing his arm around Annora's shoulders. "That depends? Is lying contagious?" He turned to Wes before he cast his eyes to the girl next to him. "Hey, A." Annora lightly smiled at him though it dropped as Asher began to speak.
"Enough with the assumptions and accusations. Can you just tell us about the case as Annalise wanted?" Annora ran her hand down her face as she stopped Asher from speaking further.
Michaela snickered from her spot, "Ooh, "Annalise." Princess must've not have gotten her pony that she asked for." Annora was about to speak up but a voice stopped her. "Cut it out. All of you. Just tell them what they need to know." Frank's gruff voice stopped the commotion, he glanced over his shoulder at Annora who cast her eyes away the second they made contact.
Frank sighed before walking into Annalise's office. A few moments later Annalise walked out of the office, Frank had left the house minutes before that.
"We have less than sixty-five hours until we argue in front of the Supreme Court. That means no sleep until we find out how to win the appeal. Wes and Laurel, find out of there was any ineffective counsel. Start with a visit to his original attorney, George Gabler.
Connor and Annora, the original prosecutor, A.D.A Vince Travers. Travers left the case mid-trial. I want to know why. I want to know if there's a story behind his disappearing act. Bonnie and Michaela, the eye witness, Linda Morelli, I want to know if there's anyone else she saw that day that could be a suspect."
Bonnie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she stood up fully. "I'm going to her place tomorrow." Asher suddenly came to her side moving his hands around. "What about me? I-I could go with. Old ladies find me charming."
Annalise shrugged ignoring Michaela's eye. "Great. Take Mr. Millstone with you." Asher jolted his fist into the air with a larger smile. "Yeah. Team Michbosher!" He raised his hand for a high five but was left with air.
"State was hacking our budget big time in the early nineties. I got burnt out, frankly. Needed a minute to relax." Annora sat next to Connor jotting down notes as Vince spoke. Connor asked him another question as the man finished speaking. "So, that was it, then? Just dropped a big case like that?" Annora picked up her phone as it buzzed in her lap.
10:03 ✨FRANK✨ [[[}%
can we talk tonight?
my place?
I know you love
my spaghetti sunshine
sounds tempting
what time?
5 o'clock sharp
got me smiling in public
frank... you're distracting me
then don't read my messages
never mind I take that back
read my messages
Connor tapped Annora as he had finished up however Annora had a question to ask. "Mr. Travers, you said you left the David Allen trial so you could relax. Could you tell me how relaxing the depos you took in the state's case against the dockworkers union two days later?" He hesitated before spilling it all for the two students.
"Travers won't admit to any of this on record, but apparently he was tipped to there being perjured testimony in the David Allen case." Annora walked closer to her moth who was leaning against Bonnie's desk while Connor followed closely behind her. "He didn't know who it was, but he sent word to judge Millstone,"
Annora timidly glanced over her shoulder catching the eye of Asher who was staring intensely at her. ", to look into it, and..." She trailed off once more this time her eyes connected with Wes' as he could sense her nervous state. "Are you okay?" He mouthed to her with no sound, brows furrowing as he studied her frame.
"And?" Annora's head spun back around as her mother spoke to her. She sighed biting her lip, Connor could sense what she was feeling as she bounced on the balls of her feet and subtly patted the small of her back.
"And apparently Judge Millstone did nothing about it," Connor said the words Annora couldn't as she wished to not start an argument with Asher at this moment. Asher put on a fake smile as he slipped his hand into his pocket, Annora closed her eyes tight as she knew this was bound to happen.
"What? Okay, guys, this Travers guy is clearly a wack job." Annalise put her hand up silencing him as she urged her daughter on. "Go on, Ann." Asher set an almost harsh stare at Annora as she continued to speak. "Travers was re-assigned to a different case by the D.A. He said he thought there was pressure to convict, perhaps even motivated by race."
-4078 words-
sorry I have updated I've just going through a lot recently; depression, anxiety, studies, and I even burned myself heavily from a bloody pizza roll filling( like I'm scarred up and blistered)
also check out this gif edit IvvyKy made -->
what'd you think about this chapter?
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