Annora heard the front door open causing her to peak her head our finger bedroom door. The person standing in the foyer caused her to run down the steps hollering, "Granny O!" Annora skipped the last step and gave her Ophelia a gentle but tight hug. "Oh, hi, my little firefly." She reciprocated the hug giving her granddaughter a warm kiss on the cheek.
"Where's your mother?" Annora pointed her finger upstairs signaling she was in her room. Once her grandmother left to tend to her mother, Annora pulled out her tablet from the lounge scrolling through the many articles from the previous days.
She hasn't known much about Nate Lahey or seen much of him to be exact. She did however catch him once or twice leaving her home at ungodly hours.
It was roughly 8 p.m. a week later and was Annora sat at the bar in a nice restaurant between Laurel and Wes with Michaela and Connor, who was continuously glancing off to the side. She wore a red and orange shirt floral print dress as they were sort of dressed up for the type of restaurant they were in.
Michaela rolled her eyes, hand hovering over her drink as she peered at Connor. "Why did you drag us all here again? And please don't tell me we're celebrating Nate going to jail for us." Her voice turned to a whisper, leaning closer to Connor not wanting to draw attention.
Connor chuckled, slightly scratching the side of his face. "Oliver wanted to meet you guys." Laurel looked surprised as she read the label on her beer. "Your boyfriend knows who we are?" Connor faked a smile as he turned to look back at the entrance way.
Wes glanced at the girl next to him and smiled before he leaned down so his mouth was by her ear. "You look pretty tonight." Annora smiled at him and Wes' eyes suddenly widened. "N-Not that you don't always look pretty, just you-you... The dress looks nice, on you..." Annora let out a small laugh which Wes joined in embarrassment. "Thank you for the compliment, Wes."
The two of them turned seeing the other three watching them with small smiles. Connor laughed shortly before answering Laurel's question. "No, and he's not my boyfriend, but I do like him and would like to get laid by him, so everyone be on their best behavior. Oh, and I have a drug problem."
Annora's eyes almost bulged out of her head in surprise as he said it so calmly. "What?" They all looked at him ridiculously. "I had to tell Oliver that I was an addict so he wouldn't know that we killed Sam. So just play along unless you're want to go to jail."
Oliver suddenly walked up to the bar with a huge nice smile staring at the four new faces. "Hey!" Michaela looked at him with a big smile raising her arms. "Oliver, hey!" Oliver's smile widened as he glanced at Connor. "Wow. Feels like I just got off the plane in Hawaii. Where's all the leis?"
Annora already loved Oliver, he seemed very sweet. "Oliver, meet Michaela, Laurel, Annora, and Wes." Oliver smiled before his eyes landed on Wes and Annora, which the male of the two had his arm resting on her chair as he stood beside her.
"Are you two a couple?" Wes' eyes widened as he smiled awkwardly and he shook his head, eyes connecting with Annora's as they both laughed. "No, no. Nora and I aren't a couple." He took a breath in, his eyes flickering back over to her. "Just friends."
Oliver nodded with a smile. "Sorry." He leaned over to Connor whispering in his ear. "They should totally date. Think of the cute babies." Connor laughed rubbing the back of his head. Michaela decided to break the awkward silence by leaning forward and talking to Oliver.
"You're all he ever talks about. 'Blah, blah, Oliver, blah.'" Oliver blushed fiddling with his fingers. "Stop it. No, he doesn't." Michaela leaned closer to him, lowering her voice. "And seriously, about his little drug-problem thing. Don't worry. We're all doing our part keeping him honest."
Wes' phone began to ring causing him to remove his arm from Annora's chair, pulling it from his pocket. He looked at the screen seeing an incoming call from Rebecca. He sighed answering the call. "Michaela, it's time for bed." Connor laughed nervously.
Wes tapped Annora's shoulder letting her know he was going to go talk elsewhere. "Give me a sec." He said into the phone as he walked away. "And when it comes to Connor's deep and varied emotional issues..." Annora sighed watching his walk away. She's starting to grow irritated of Rebecca with no clear reason besides she's the reason Sam died.
When Wes came back he looked upset causing Annora to bump his shoulder lightly. "You alright?" She frowned lightly at him. He shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip of his beer while he placed his hand on hers and which rested on the bar.
Annora was called over to Wes' apartment for a confrontation to Rebecca. Wes and Laurel, mainly Wes, had evidence she had lied and could have possibly killed Lila. Five out of The Keating Six stood at the top of the stairs waiting for Rebecca to come home. When she finally came up the steps she looked at them like they were crazy.
"What is this?" She asked Wes who only stared back at her. "We need to talk." Michaela glared crossing her arms. The six of them walked in the apartment making Rebecca sit on the foot of Wes' bed, questioning her. "Spit it out, psycho. You killed Lila, right? And you played waitlist year like-like some loser." Connor leaned forward with his hands in his pockets and a crazed look in his eyes.
"Played all of us." Michaela shook her head at her. Rebecca gazed at Wes in shock and disbelief. "Why are you letting them do this?" Annora shook her head, kissing her teeth. "No, you're not going to try and manipulate your way out this time."
She couldn't believe that after all that happened, her father dying, her closest friend killing her father, her mother and herself getting accused for it by his sister, her mother being prime suspect, and an innocent man going to jail over it... that the entire time she had killed Lila and lie*la*ed right to their faces.
Rebecca turned her head angrily to Annora leaning forward on her legs, raising her voice, "I didn't manipulate anyone!" Connor rolled his eyes matching her tone, "But you lied! You said you didn't know this Rudy guy." Rebecca flicked her head at him, shifting her brows. "I didn't."
"Then how come he ended up in a mental institution?" Laurel's voice was very quiet and she kept her eyes to the floor. Rebecca slapped her hand down on her thigh looking worried at that point. "How should I freaking know?" Laurel bright her eyes up to meet Rebecca's, "You do, though. You called the police on him the same night Lila died."
Rebecca's mouth gaped like a fish out of water swinging her hands around in all directions. "He was having a nervous breakdown."
"Or a drug overdose. That was you, right?" As Laurel spoke, Wes stared intently at Rebecca from his spot leaning on the wall. "Drugs don't make people crazy." She spoke as if she was stupid for thinking that, her head lowering with each word keeping her eyes locked on her. "Yeah, but they can make you an unreliable witness in case your neighbor comes back from campus soaking wet the same night she had a fight with a girl who ended up dead in a water tank."
Rebecca's voice started to crack while she shook her head at the floor almost laughing. "I mean, this... Wes." Annora shook her head staring once more, standing in front of the silent boy. "No, do not look at him!" Michaela said loudly as she went up and slapped Rebecca across the face. "You ruined our lives! Don't you get that? I was supposed to be married, and I'm not anymore. Aiden called off the wedding because of you. You dragged us into the horror show that is your life, and now we're all screwed forever. So, you're gonna tell us the truth, every horrible secret about that night that you haven't told anyone, or I swear to god, I will personally destroy you. Tell us the damn truth, Rebecca. Did you... or did you not... kill... Lila?"
Rebecca moved her eyes back to Wes who hadn't spoken a word the entire time. She gave him puppy dog eyes and a pout on her lips. Wes' watered slight as he looked back at her. "Answer the question." Everyone minus Connor, who was hunched over with his hands on the desk, stared at her waiting for an answer.
Rebecca didn't take her eyes off of Wes, mouth wavering for a moment before she finally said something. "I found the campus cop." Connor stood up as all of them had a flashback to the cop who caught them hauling the body out of the house. "His name's Rodger Loftus. He was fired a couple days after Sam disappeared. Some sorority girls filed a report that he was stalking them. I'm guessing that was Annalise and Frank, right? They knew we couldn't gave him around, or he might remember what he saw that night. So, they just made him go away. He had to move to Delaware to get a job. He works as a security guard at the Mega Super Mart. Guess that's why he never saw the news. Don't make me call him." She threatened glaring at all of them.
Wes called Annalise who had shown up in now time and explained to Annora that Annalise knew that he killed Sam and had known the whole time. She didn't seem to care that much, she figured that much once her mother didn't cry when they announced he was dead on their doorstep.
A knock sounded from the door causing Wes to take long strides over. When. He cracked it open Annalise looked worried and confused. "What the hell is going on?" He opened the door wider letting her see Connor, Michaela, Annora, and Laurel standing there.
She walked into the room letting Wes close the door. "Speak. Ann?" Laurel's hands began to shake as she nodded her head towards the bathroom door. She opened it letting her see Rebecca duct taped and sat on the floor.
All of them beside Annora and Wes became to shout and argue about the cop possible identifying them. Annalise only stood in shock staring at the a spot on the wall. "Shut up!" Her loud yell broke the arguments and startled her daughter. "Please, Wes. Make sense of this." Wes held his gaze on the floor before slowly turning it to Annalise.
"Everything they're saying is true." Annalise didn't once blink at that moment. "So you think Rebecca killed Lila?" Wes' voice wavered and tears struck in his eyes. "Sam might've been innocent." He took in a hard gulp awaiting her response.
Annalise slowly turned to the bathroom, taking her time walking in. She closed the door behind her as Rebecca stared at her in worry. Wes took Annora and sat her on the bed as she was coming to realization that her father died for a crime her didn't commit. "You killed someone for her..." Her words trailed on as Wes held her rubbing his thumb over he knuckles as he held his her hand in his.
"I didn't kill him for her." Annora's head turned to him, confusion written all over her face. "Then... t-then why did you kill my dad?" Her voice had cracked a bit towards the end. "Because..." He sighed pulling her back against his chest holding his tightly.
"Because he hit you. I didn't know if you were hurt." As he spoke his voice cracked and wavered as he thought back to the night. "I just got so angry and worried. I didn't know that I had killed him until after it happened. Th-Thats why I dropped the trophy." She was at a loss for words as she turned back to face him once more.
"I-If it helps any... he wasn't all innocent. That night before Rebecca came, he, uh, he has his hands around my mom's throat chocking her, strangling her because she told him about her affair and 'knowing' he killed Lila. A-And for a while his hands grew tighter. I tried to make him stop but he wouldn't. He almost killed her. Sometimes I think that if I wasn't there he would've."
Wes stared at her in deep shock. "Im so sorry. That's, that's why you were scared of him that night. Im sorry, I didn't notice." Annora shook her head placing her hand on his arm. "You didn't notice because I didn't tell you." Suddenly Rebecca began to scream from the bathroom alerting everyone's attention.
This six of them brought Rebecca back to the Keating house and sat her down on a chair in the lounge. "We're gonna try this again." Annalise sighed as she walked towards her. "No one is gonna hurt her you." She pulled the fresh slab of duct tape off of her mouth causing her to wince. "I'm not gonna let that happen. But you have to behave. Otherwise... Frank?"
Frank's gruff voice alerted her attention on him. "We'll stow you in the basement. You won't like it." Rebecca glared at him, "I'll be good." Her voice sounded untrustworthy to some ears but that went unspoken. "Un-tape her hands too." Connor, Michaela, and Laurel began to argue with Annalise on this. "We're not monsters! We don't tie people up and hold them captive against their will."
Wes went over to the girl setting her hands free. "Who have you all become?" Annalise walked away whispering to Frank. Annalise walked back to Rebecca while Frank tried to get a hold of Bonnie. "Let's do the trial. You've all convinced yourselves that we were wrong, that Sam didn't kill Lila. That we got Rebecca off for nothing. And you feel unfairly persecuted, trapped. I don't blame you. So let's be fair to everyone and figure it out once and for all. Let's finally give Rebecca her day in court."
It was early in the morning and Bonnie suddenly came into the house letting Frank lead her to the scene. "Nothing much. Just finally figuring out if Rebecca killed Lila after all." Annalise came down the steps behind her walking back into the study. "Bonnie, glad you could make it." Bonnie's eyes followed after her with a confused daze. "I'm sorry. I was just at a dinner-"
Annalise pulled out a flash drive and held it in between her fingers. "This is a recording I made of Rebecca's psych evaluation with Sam." Rebecca glared at the older woman as she read files. "You taped that?" Annalise kept her eyes trained on her.
"Will all the lies you've told, I'm glad I did. Watch it. Look for any discrepancies with what she said," She handed the drive to Laurel who sat in front of her laptop, ", compared to police interviews. One hour. Then I want to hear each of your cases against the defendant." They all gave their arguments until it came down to Wes. "I don't have anything."
Michaela shrugged her shoulders, crossing her legs. "Of course you do. Rudy. He saw Rebecca the night Lila was killed wet, and- and she dosed him with PCP because she knew he was a potential witness." Rebecca rolled her eyes at the woman, voice dark.
"PCP doesn't put you in a mental institution."
Annalise sighed, "Rebecca's right. And where's the actual evidence that this was a crime of passion? Or are we supposed to just trust you, Mr. Walsh? And the detectives could have told Rebecca that Lila was strangled before they started taping her confession. And Rebecca lying about having Lila's phone doesn't mean that she's a killer. I mean, where's the facts? An explanation of how she got Lila's body up to the water tank?"
Laurel leaned on her chair tiredly not bothering to look up. "She didn't. They were already hanging out up there." Rebecca shook her head staring at the wall, "We never did that." Annalise threw her hands out, "Exactly! Because everything that you're presenting it speculation. You've been working with me for nearly six months now, and this is the crap case you present me with?"
Suddenly a knock sounded on the door causing all heads to turn. "Do I need to get the tape?" Annalise threatened as Bonnie walked to the door. "Can I help you?" The woman put on a sickening smile, "Emily Sinclair. I have an appointment with Ms. Keating."
Bonnie looked at her weirdly, "Regarding." She smiled turning her head for what seemed like the hundredth time. "I'm the new prosecutor assigned to the Nate Lahey case. Ms. Keating was kind enough to agree to give me a statement before trial." Bonnie shook her head taking in a deep breath. "Now is actually not a good time."
Emily's smile dropped as she peered inside the house. "Hm. Well, she did confirm with me yesterday." Bonnie mentally rolled her eyes at her happiness. "I'm sorry. I'll have her call you."
Annalise suddenly came to the doorway shutting the lounge door behind her. "Ms. Sinclair... would it be okay if we met at your office? I have some house guests who could get in our way." Emily's lip twitched a tad before her shoulders jumped in perkiness.
"How about we met at my office in an hour?" Annalise's lips set in a straight line as she moved away from the door. "Great." Bonnie closed the door causing Emily to leave.
Annora sat by Wes as he slept and she tried to but couldn't as Rebecca kept trying to talk about trust with Connor. Soon he woke up and they all talked about what they should believe until another person knocked on the door.
"Hey, let me in! Since when do we ever lock this door?" Asher yelled from outside startling them all. Connor chucked from his seat, "Here we go again." As Frank went to the door to get rid of Asher and he started talking about him and Bonnie Michaela noticed Rebecca typing away on a phone which she quickly grabbed.
Suddenly Asher's voice came from the house making their eyes widen and hide in the basement. Wes held his hand over Rebecca's mouth while the others paced. Frank came down and taped Rebecca to the chair and to the pole as Michaela looked at the phone.
"She texted someone. 'Eggs 911 Lawyers House.' What the hell does 'Eggs 911' even mean?" Laurel's brows furrowed, "Who's number even is it?" "I don't know. Why don't you call it and find out?" Rebecca annoyingly said as she stared at the basement ceiling.
"Whoever it is, they have my number this. And they know Rebecca's here." Frank sighed gesturing his hand out. "We'll deal with it later." Rebecca rolled her eyes keeping them on the ceiling. "Just like you'll deal with me later? What are you gonna do to me, by the way? Are you just gonna leave me down here forever? Or are you gonna kill me Sam-Style?" She directed her last question at Wes who only stared back.
Frank's eyes flickered between the two, "Everybody upstairs. Especially you." He narrowed his eyes at Wes. The lot of them moved back up the steps and onto the main level.
"She was hiding in the water tank. She went onto the roof to find Lila and she did. Dead in the water. Then she heard people coming. And she knew they'd assume she killed Lila. So she panicked. She was on drugs, not thinking-"
Laurel interrupted Wes not believing his words. "Then why didn't she ever tell us that?" Wes scrunched his lips staring at Laurel. "Because she knew no one would believe her." Connor, Michaela, and Laurel all started shouting at him for believing her.
"She's messed up! That's what happens when you grow up like she did. People take advantage of you. You think everyone's out to screw you, so you do stupid things like lie and deal drugs and hurt people before they can hurt you. But that doesn't make you a murderer. Please... I believe her."
Annalise stopped leaning on the fireplace beginning to walk off. "We're done trying this case." The three started on again with yelling which Annora was growing tired of, even with Connor as he does dumbs things sometimes.
Annalise sighed turning around, "What have I told you time and time again? There's no truth in the courtroom. There's just your version of what happened versus theirs. That's how the justice system works. It's not whats right and what's fair, it's who tells the most convincing story. And right now none of you have been able to convince me that Rebecca did this."
Connor shrugged his shoulder turning his head back to her. "So, what do we do now?" The phone began to ring, no one answering it. "The hell if I know." Bonnie grabbed the phone handing it to her, "Annalise." It was Nate.
Annalise came home from seeing Nate and Michaela hopped right on her. "We know what to do. We pin Sam's murder on Rebecca. We know that seems hard, especially since we already did the same thing with Nate, but it make sense. Sam killed Lila, so Rebecca killed Sam."
Connor came from behind her as she and Laurel stood in front of Annalise. "And then those of us that actually killed Sam, we testify that Rebecca was the one that did it. We just have to convince Waitlist and A."
Laurel's eyes moved from Wes to Annalise. "We thought we can get the surveillance tape from the store where Nate first approached Rebecca. That way, we can establish that she came to the house with the thumb drive and she put-"
"Stop. We can't go changing stories with the police, telling a different version every time we feel like it. It's over, Miss Pratt. We have to let it go." Michaela's eyes widened from her spot. "What? No!"
"We haven't proved guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Connor shook his head at his professor staring at the shelf behind her. "She's gonna go straight to the police." Annalise tilted her head at him, "Not if I convince her not to. I'm gonna ask her nicely."
Michaela scoffed as Annalise left to the kitchen where the basement door stood. They heard Annalise yelling from the backyard as Bonnie yelled at them causing them to go running. "What the hell happened?" Frank questioned as he made his way out first. The others soon came running outside.
"She was gone when I got down there. Who was it? Tell me. Who let her go? Who let her go, damn it?!" Wes stood in the basement staring at the chair and tape on the ground.
Annora stood watching as her mom comforted a crying Wes on the steps. She wanted nothing more to go down and help but something told her not to. To just let her mom handle it this one time.
She just turned around and walked back into her room, worrying the entire night Rebecca and Eggs 911 were going to send them all to prison.
- 4034 words -
i literally called rebecca a "crazy aśs b*tch" when she was tracking wes' location. YAY LAST CHAPTER OF SEASON ONE! IVE NEVER FINISHED A SEASON WHEN WRITING FF BEFORE!!!!! let's pop the sparkling apple cider!!!! ngl frank looked hot when he had his hands around lila's neck strangling her to death. answering the questions later today. also matt/asher was kinda hot in orange is the new black...
her dress btw:
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