Grace POV
My eyes opened slowly. I had a giant headache. I looked around to see if I could tell where I was.
"The red ranger's little sister is finally awake", a monster that was not Argus said.
"Whe-where a-re yo-you", I stuttered.
"I'm right here", the monster said stepping out of the shadows with Argus and another monster next to him.
"Who are you", I said.
"I'm prince Vekar and this is Damaras", the monster said.
"what do you want from me", I cried.
"Your brother and his little friends will come and save you then you will all go kaboom", Vekar said laughing. Argus and Damaras started laughing because I started crying.
They left leaving me alone in this room. I saw there was windows and got up and walked to them. I saw the school out of them and realized I was in the old abandoned high school. I put my hand in my pocket and saw they didn't take my phone and I had four missed calls. 3 of them from Troy and one from Gia. The only reason why they didn't find my phone was because it was on silent. I touched Troy's number and pressed the face time button. It started ringing. Troy picked up and I stared into his eyes as tears started running down my cheeks.
"Gracie, are you okay", he said tears threatening to slip out of his eyes.
"Yeah, Troy if you guys come and save me the old high school will explode", I explained.
"We'll find another way to save you. What room are you in", he said.
I walked to near the door and found the number.
"D141", I said then I heard Troy's morpher go off.
"Hey you want to see me morph", he said.
I shook my head.
"Its morphin time, Super Megamode", he said and morphed.
"Be quick please", I said.
"We'll be as quick as we can", he said before he hung up and ran to where every the attack was.
Troy POV
We got to the old abandoned high school where Grace said she wasand where Tensu picked up anlien life signs.
"Ah, the rangers", Argus said when we got there.
Damaras and Vekar were there too.
"Let my sister out of there", I growled.
"Never", Damaras.
"Oh by the way red ranger the building will started burning down in 3 minutes", Argus said and then about 100,000 xborgs appeared.
"We have to get though them fast", I yelled to the others.
"Yeah", they yelled back.
We started fighting the xborgs and after a few minutes the building started buring. I started fighting faster and when we were done, the building was in a full fire. They demorphed.
"Call 911, make sure they bring an ambulance", I said. "I need to go find Grace."
"OKay, Orion said.
"Troy be careful", Emma said as I started running toward the building.
"I will and I'll make sure we both get out safely", I said.
She smiled then I ran into the building.
Grace POV
The fire was getting to much. I was laying on the ground coughing and almost unconcious and a beam was on my leg. I inhaled a ton of smoke. I was laying there for 10 minutes before something kicked the door in. It had red on.
"Troy", I said and then everything went black.
Troy POV
"Troy", Grace said before she was unconcious.
I ran over to her and lifted the beam of her leg and picked up her motionless body and bridally carried her of the room just before the roof collasped. We got outside met by Emma and a paramedic.
"I will be right back", I whispered to Emma. "You know her info so if they ask you anything just answer."
"Okay", she said and turned to the paramedic because he started asking her questions about Grace, who had an oxygen mask on.
I walked around the corner and demorphed. I walked back to see Emma crying. I ran over to her.
"Emma whats wrong", I said hugging her.
"Grace, she needs to go the hospital becacause she has a light pulse and a sprained ankle", she said.
"Hey its fine. If anyone can make it though this its Grace", I said.
She smiled and we got in the back of the ambulance while the other are going to meet us there. Ihad one arm around Emma and with my other hand I was holding Grace's hand. We got to the hospital and then me and Emma waited for the others. Emma stayed close to me the entire time we were sitting there. A nurse walked out about 3 hours after we got there.
"Troy Burrows", she said.
"That's me", I said standing up.
"Hi, I'm Nurse Highland, Grace is doing just fine and should be waking up soon. So if you want you could go sit in her room and wait for her to wake up or I will come out when she wakes up", she said.
"Hey, Troy we are going to get some food and a little something special for Grace we'll be right back", Emma said walking next to me.
"K", I said and they took off. "I will go sit in her room."
"Ok, follow me", she said and we walked to room 204.
"Thanks", I said and walked in.
I saw my little sister laying on the hospital bed with an IV in her arm and her ankle propped up. I sat by her bed thinking of the days events. I got a phone call and decided to go outside and answer it.
"Hello", I said.
"Troy, its all over the news, is Grace okay", my mom said in the phone.
"She is fine we are at the hospital right now because she got a sprained ankle", I said.
"Okay, can I talk to her", she said.
"She is sleeping right now I will call you when she wakes up", I said.
"Okay", my mom said. "Love you", she said and hung up.
I walked back in the room and started staring off into space.
Grace POV
My eyes flickered open and my vison was blurry a little but I could make out that someone was sitting in a chair next to the bed and I was in a hospital room. My ankle was in pain and I was really thirsty. My vison became normal again and I saw Troy sitting there staring off into space. I giggled a little which made him turn towards me.
"Hi", I said my voice quiet.
"Hey baby girl", he said hugging me.
Someone knocked on the door. Troy got up and answered it. He went back to his seat and then I saw the others. Gia and Emma hugged me. Orion leaned on the back of the chair that Jake was sitting in. Noah stood at the end of the bed. I sat up and Troy laid down and then I laid my head on his chest. Emma and Gia sat in the other chairs.
"Oh, we got you something", Orion said handing me a gift that was wrapped and kissed me on the check.
I felt my cheeks get hot and Noah chuckled. I glared at him. He stopped. I opened the gift and it had a teddy bear and a Nickelback CD in it.
"Thanks guys", I said.
"You're welcome", they said.
"We're just glad you are okay", Troy said kissing me on the forehead.
"Mom wanted to talk to you when you woke up", Troy said dialing our mom's number.
He handed me the phone.
"Hello", my mom said.
"Hi, mommy", I said.
"Gracie", she said.
"Are you okay? What happened", she quickly said.
"I'm fine. I was trapped and the red ranger saved me", I said.
I looked at Troy and smiled and he smiled back. She was on speaker phone.
"That red ranger is really heroic", my mom said.
"Yeah, yeah he is", I said.
"See you at 8 got to go to work", my mom said.
"Love you", I said and hung up.
Emma and Gia were giggling. I started giggling too. Troy rolled his eyes and helped me up and I changed into my regular clothes. I did and we headed to Ernies. Well everyone except for Noah. I don't know why but he did seem to mind if we still went.
Noah POV
I headed to the command center because I had to ask Gosei something.
"Hey Gosei, is there a way to make a Grace a ranger", I said.
"Why do you want her to become a ranger", he said.
"To protect her better", I said.
"What color would she be", Tensu said.
I started thinking then I remembered that purple was Grace's favorite color.
"Purple", I said.
"Okay", Gosei said.
I started making another morpher and a key. When I was done it was 2 a.m. I headed home and would come back tomorrow after school.
Emma POV
Me, Grace, and Gia were walking through the halls at school to head to Mr. Burley's room. When we got there the boys were already there. Troy was sitting on a desk while Noah was sitting at his seat and Jake was standing. They were talking so they weren't paying attention to us. I walked up behind Troy and scared him. Gia and Grace were laughing. Troy looked at us and he smirked at us. We all took our seats. Then we had to go fight a monster while we were at our lockers and Grace was heading to Erine's to do her homework.
Grace POV
I headed to Ernies and ordered my usual and then started doing my homework. Orion walked in and told me the others would be here soon. I thanked him and he went to do his job and I continued doing my homework. Then this wierd thing happened and then I landed on a hard ground.
"Umph", I said.
"Grace, I'm sorry", Noah said running to my side.
"You okay", he said.
I nodded. He helped me up.
"Grace Burrows please step forward", Gosei said.
"What is it Gosei", I said.
"Please extend your hand", Gosei said.
I put my hand out and a morpher and a key appeared.
"What the", I said.
"Its a morpher", Noah said.
"Noah, you know what Troy would say if he found out", I said.
"Its a way to protect you", Noah said.
"Okay", I said.
The alien alert went off.
"There is an alien in the plaza", Tensu said.
"Lets go", Noah said.
"I am going to morph so Troy doesn't know its me and the surprise will be fun to watch", I said.
"Okay", Noah said and grabbed his morpher too.
"Its morphin time, Super Megamode", we said and morphed.
"This is so cool", I said.
"Lets go", Noah said ad we ran to the others.
We got there and the rangers were fighting xborgs. Me and Noah joined in.
"A Purple ranger", I heard my brother say while I was fighting xborgs.
"Yep that's me", I said.
We finished off the xborgs. They demorphed but I stayed morphed.
"Who are you", Troy said and I gulped.
I looked at Noah and he nodded. I took a deep breath and demorphed and looked at my brother's expression.
"Grace", he said.
I nodded and at first thought I was going to get yelled at but then he picked me up and gave me a hug.
"This is the perfect way to protect her", he said.
"Thank god", Noah said and I nodded.
"Now we have seven rangers to defeat the armada with", Emma said and we all nodded.
Orion wanted to talk to me so we went around the corner. The next thing was unexpected. His lips crashed up against mine and I felt his arms wrap around my tiny waist. I put my arms around his neck and we probably kissed for about 30 more seconds. We pulled apart and our foreheads were touching.
"I love you Grace", Orion said.
"I love you too", I said and then we heard squealing.
We turned our heads to see Emma and Gia standing there.
"How long have you two been standing there", I said.
"Just long enough", Emma said.
We walked out and headed to Ernie's for like the third time today. My brother noticed something happened between me and Orion so he had to ask.
"What happened between you too", he said.
"We just kissed", Orion said.
"What", He said.
"Troy you have always known I have liked Orion so does it really matter", I said.
"Okay", Troy said and continued to walk.
Normal POV
Vrak watched the rangers from the top of the building.
"Time for my master plan", Vrak said looking at Orion and Grace.
A/N. Comment what you think Vrak master plan is? Find out next time on Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
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