Catie's POV
Merlin had most the day off yesterday, as Gaius needed his help with things. So I tended to Arthur. Though Merlin did make sure Arthur's sword and armor was prepared for today. As Arthur is facing another trainee was facing his final test today. Pass and he'll be knighted. Fail, then he'd be sent home.
Anyway, I am by the hour glass waiting for Arthur's signal to turn it over. I spot Merlin watching with a strange man. Well stranger. He must be new to Camelot as I've never seen him before. "Right, you jumped up dung beetle, this is it. The final test. Pass this and you're a knight of Camelot. Fail, and you're no one. You face the most feared of all foes, the ultimate killing machine. You face me. You're challenge to last one minute free combat. Grummond, Second son of Wessex" Arthur explains.
He nods to me. As Grummond swings a couple of swords around. "Your time starts now" he declares. I flip the hour glass and the battle starts. Grummond goes for the attack and Arthur takes him down in two swift blows. The crowd applauds. Arthur removes Grummond's flag. "Take him away" he tells the knights. I head over and offer Arthur a goblet of water. "Thank you Catalina" he says accepting it. He takes a drink, before handing it back to me.
Merlin joins us as we walk through the lower town. He carries Arthur's armor "Grummund's the third to fail this month. How am I meant to defend Camelot with rubbish like that?" Arthur asks us.
"Well, I think I might be able to help" Merlin tells him.
"You, Merlin? You haven't the faintest idea what it takes to become a knight. Courage, fortitude, discipline" Arthur tells him.
"No, no, no, of course I don't, but I do know someone who does" Merlin tells him.
"Really?" I ask him.
"He saved my life" Merlin states.
"That's blowing it for starters" Arthur mutters.
"No, no, no. He's really good. Honestly" Merlin assures him.
"That's great, Merlin. I'm sure he's terrific, but you forget the First Code of Camelot" Arthur tells him.
"The what?" Merlin asks.
"It's the knights code, the first one is that only noblemen can become knights" I tell him.
"So, unless your friend is a nobleman..." Arthur starts to say.
"Oh, er, he, he is a nobleman" Merlin tells us.
"Is he?" Arthur asks.
"Absolutely" Merlin states.
"Very well. Bring him to the training ground tomorrow. And make sure he brings his seal of nobility" Arthur tells him.
"Thanks Arthur. You won't regret it" Merlin tells him and leaves.
"Do you know the man he speaks of?" Arthur asks me.
"No my lord" I tell him. "Shall I run you a bath?" I ask.
"Not today, just do the washing and make sure dinner is delivered to my room" he tells me. I bow my head and leave to do as I was told. I notice a rip in Arthur's tunic. I take it with me so that I could mend it at home. When I arrive, I see Gwen, Merlin and the guy from earlier.
"Catie, this my friend Lancelot" Merlin tells me.
"Pleasure" I say. "Gwen, can I borrow a needle and thread, please?" I ask her. She nods her head I take them from her sewing kit. She gets back to measuring Lancelot. As I start to mend the tunic.
"Okay, we're done. Erm...I should have these ready in no time. It's nice to meet you Lancelot" Gwen tells the boys. She reaches out to shake hands. Lancelot takes her hand and kisses it. Merlin and Lancelot leave.
"I think Lancelot may like you" I tell her teasingly.
"Don't be ridiculous" she tells me with a slight blush on her cheeks. I giggle. I finish the tunic and help her make clothes for Lancelot to wear.
(Next day)
I am watching Arthur train the knights when Merlin and Gwen arrive with Lancelot. They waited until training finished, before Lancelot approaches Arthur by the sword rack. "Lancelot, 5th son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria" Lancelot announces.
"Lance...a lot? My servant mentioned you. Got your seal?" Arthur asks him. Lancelot bows as he presents the fake seal to Arthur. As Arthur took it, he smacks Lancelot. Who falls to the ground. "Sluggish reactions. In a battle field you'd be dead by now. Come back when you're ready" he tells Lancelot.
Lancelot gets to his feet. "I'm ready now, Sire" he tells Arthur.
"You are, are you? Fine. You can start by cleaning out the stables" Arthur tells him. "Catalina, show him the way" he tells me.
"Yes, my lord" I say. I have Lancelot follow. "Don't worry, Arthur will give you a shot. He just wants to see how dedicated you are at becoming a knight" I tell him.
"He's done this before?" he asks.
"Several times" I tell him. "Good luck" I tell him once we each the stables. I leave him to it. I do the rest of my chores and go home.
I was walking around town a couple days later when I see Arthur approach Lancelot. Who was sharpening a sword. Arthur takes a nearby broom and tosses it at Lancelot. Lancelot looks up suddenly and catches it. "Not bad" Arthur tells him as Lancelot stands up.
"Would you like me to sweep the guardhouse again, Sire?" he asks him.
"It certainly needs sweeping" Arthur tells him. He picks up a broom and removes the bristles. "But first, I'd like you to kill me" he states.
"Sire?" Lancelot asks confused.
"Come on. Don't pretend you don't want to" Arthur tells him. Lancelot removes the bristles from his broom. "Hell, if I were you, I'd want to. Come on" he taunts. They begin to fight. Until Arthur hits Lancelot in the gut. "Congratulations, Lancelot" he says tossing him the broom. "You just made basic training" he declares.
Suddenly warning bells sound and screams are heard. All three of us race towards the screams. We see many injured people entering Camelot. Gaius and Merlin tending to a few. Apparently a winged creature had attacked their village. Lancelot's test was pushed forward and he past it. Uther knighted him and now we are celebrating Camelot's new knight. I fill his and Arthur's goblets before going to join my sister & Merlin.
"You know what? I think our Sir Lancelot might have eyes for you, Gwen" Merlin states. I see Lancelot staring at my sister.
"I agree" I add.
"Don't be silly" she tells us.
"What? So what if he did? Would that really be so bad?" Merlin asks her.
"He's not really my type" she states and I laugh. She says that about every guy that fancies her.
"Oh, well, there's a surprise. Sometimes, Guinevere, I wonder if you'd know what your type was if he was standing right next to you" Merlin tells her and I nod my head in agreement. I as look at him wistfully.
"You're probably right" Gwen admits.
"So, come on. Just for the sake of argument. If you had to, Arthur or Lancelot" he asks her.
"But I don't have to and I never will" she tells him.
"Oh, you are no fun, Gwen" he tells her.
"Why don't we discuss my sister's love interests?" she suggests. I'm saved by Arthur calling the halls attention.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in a toast to our new recruit, our new knight of Camelot, Sir Lancelot" he toasts. The crowd applause and toasts to him as I slip away from the other two. I am so not being ganged up on by them about if I like anyone.
(Next day)
I stand in the council chambers beside Merlin, behind Arthur. As Lancelot is brought in by a couple of guards. I see Geoffrey by Uther. He is the court genealogist and manager of the royal library of Camelot.
"These credentials are faked. The seal itself is faultless, forgery of the highest possible standard, but a forgery it must be. There is no record of the fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria. Therefore he..." Geoffrey starts to explain.
"Lied" Uther finishes. "Do you deny it?" he asks Lancelot. Who said no, he doesn't. "You've broken the First Code of Camelot. You've brought shame upon yourself and upon us. You are not worthy of the knighthood bestowed upon you. You never were. And you never will be. Get him out of my sight" he orders and the guards take him away.
"Sire" Arthur says.
"Do you contest my judgment?" Uther asks him.
"His deception was inexcusable. But he meant no harm, Sire, I'm sure of it. He only wished to serve" Arthur tells him. Which is true.
"The First Code is a sacred bond of trust. It is what binds the knights together. How can you trust a man who's lied to you?" Uther asks him. Arthur remains silent and I notice Merlin had left. No doubt he'd gone to see Lancelot in the dungeons. Arthur and I leave the room.
"Did you know, about Lancelot?" he asks me.
"No my lord, had I. I would have told you" I tell him. "But he meant no harm, he's always dreamed of being a Knight of Camelot. He only wished to serve as you said" I state. "May I speak freely for a moment?" I ask him.
"Of course" he tells me.
"He didn't complain once about the chores you gave him and he has to skill. I think Camelot misses out on many promising knights because of the first code" I tell him. "Other kingdoms don't have such strict laws" I state.
"I agree, but there is nothing I can do to change it" he tells me.
"Until you're king, then you could" I tell him. "I'm not saying accept every man who asks and they all need to prove their loyalty to you and Camelot first. Before being knighted. Just something to think about" I state. Warning bells sound.
"Stay inside" he tells me and runs out. I go to the window. I watch as the knights gather around him as a flying creature flies over the square. It must be the creature that had been attacking the villages. "On me! Defense!" I hear Arthur shout.
The knights crouch down shields and spears raised. As the creature dives to attack. They fall to the ground as the creature takes off. The knights get up and reform attack pattern. The creature lands in front of them with a screech. They charge it.
Arthur strikes the griffin in the chest with a spear. The spear breaks and Arthur falls back. A guard tosses him a torch. Arthur waves the torch at the griffin and it takes off making hissing sounds. I sigh in relief, at least it's gone for now. But it'll no doubt be back.
I go down to help the people. While Arthur went to report to his father about the attack. Once I was sure the people were ok, I go check on my sister. Who was safe with Morgana. Around the castle I heard word of the creature, it's called a Griffin. I think I'd seen it before in a child book.
Arthur sent me home. Told me to stay inside. I arrive home to see Gwen there also. Father was apparently helping sharpen swords and spears. As Arthur is to lead a group of knights to hunt and kill the creature. We were having dinner when there was a knock at the door. Gwen answers it and Lancelot enters.
"How did you get out?" I ask him.
"Arthur" he states. "I'm sorry to disturb you and your sister, My Lady" he tells Gwen.
"Lancelot, what are you doing here?" she asks him.
"I have no time to explain. I need weapons, armour, and the best you've got" he tells her. I go get it still listening in though. As Gwen asks him why. "Arthur stands in mortal peril. I must do what I can to protect him. It's my duty. Knight or not" he states.
"You really believe that, don't you?" she asks him in awe.
"Yes, my lady" he says as I place the armor on the table.
"Lancelot, I don't believe I've ever met your like before" she tells him.
"I hate to interrupt, but lets get you ready" I tell him. Gwen and I help him into the armor. We both wish him luck before he leaves for the stables. Gwen couldn't sit by and do nothing. So we went to tell Merlin about Lancelot and he went after him with no armor.
But came back alive with Arthur and Lancelot. They had killed the Griffin, Camelot is safe once again. Now Arthur and Uther are fighting about what to do about Lancelot. Uther only wanted to pardon him. But Arthur wanted Lancelot to have his title back. When Lancelot enters the room and asks for permission to speak. Which was grated by Uther.
"Forgive me, Sire. I've come to bid you farewell" he states. I look at him surprised, Uther was close to relenting and he wants to leave?
"What is this, Lancelot?" Arthur asks him confused.
"I lied to you both and now there is conflict between you. I cannot bear that burden, as you should not bear mine. I must start again, far from here. Then maybe one day fate shall grant me another chance to prove myself a worthy knight of Camelot" he explains.
"But...Lancelot, you've...already proved that to us" Arthur tells him.
"But I must prove it to myself" Lancelot tells him. "Your Highness" he says bowing to Uther. "Prince Arthur" he finishes bowing to him backing out of the room. I leave to go tend to my chores, feeling sorry for my sister Gwen. She was just starting to like like him. But who knows? Maybe they will meet again one day.
Picture above of Gwen and Lancelot together. Picture on the external link of Catie's dress.
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