- 2 -
The next morning when Baekhyun woke up, the light from his phone had him groggily opening his eyes and groaning as he reached for it.
1 missed call from: Queen TaeTae
2 unread messages from: Queen TaeTae
From: Queen TaeTae
To: B.B.H. Bunny
Hey, Baekkie! 😊😚 Do you want me to pick you up? I want to get coffee before our classes. How does that sound, babe?
From: Queen TaeTae
To: B.B.H. Bunny
Byun Baekhyun, are you still sleeping? Jesus, wake up already! 😩😑😤 Alright, I'm coming to get you, so get your ass ready. I don't care if your not ready when I get there, I'll still drag your naked ass out the door 😁😏😝
Baekhyun sighed and pulled the blankets off, shuffling tiredly to his closet. He still had a bit of a hangover and his mind, now that he was awake, was once again swirling with the events from last night. He couldn't seem to get Chanyeol out of his head, and all he wanted most was to forget. It had been a mistake and if he ever saw him again, he wanted to believe he'd honestly walk the other way.
Twenty minutes later there was a knock at Baekhyun's front door, and then Taeyeon was walking into his bedroom. Baekhyun had just finished pulling a turtleneck sweater over his head to hide the marks on his neck, and thank God he did because Taeyeon bounded into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hey, Baek, glad to see your awake. So you never replied back to my messages and I had asked if you wanted to go for coffee. So, do you?"
Baekhyun smiled and lightly rested his hands on Taeyeon's waist as he replied, "Yeah, that sound good."
Taeyeon grinned and leaned forward, quickly kissing him, and when she pulled back Taeyeon made a face and muttered, "Baek, have you been drinking?"
Baekhyun pursed his lips and unwrapped Taeyeon's arms as he walked towards the bathroom and called, "I'll go brush my teeth again."
Taeyeon furrowed her brow and retorted, "How many times have you brushed them?"
"This would be the third time. It won't go away," Baekhyun whined as he started to scrub his teeth again.
Taeyeon walked into the bathroom, rolling her eyes as she asked, "How much did you drink last night?"
Baekhyun shrugged and Taeyeon crossed her arms and yelled, "Baekhyun, you need to stop going out with them every night. They're a bad influence on you."
Baekhyun pursed his lips and responded in a muffled voice full of toothpaste, "Yeah, but I get bored."
Taeyeon huffed in annoyance and retorted, "Then hang out with me."
Baekhyun spit the toothpaste out and wiped his mouth, he glanced at Taeyeon in the mirror and muttered, "I thought my apartment was small."
Taeyeon groaned and rolled her eyes. She stepped towards Baekhyun and gently grabbed his face in her hands and said, "Yes, it's small but that doesn't mean I don't want to come here and see you."
"What about all the video game playing?" Baekhyun asked.
Taeyeon sighed and leaned forward, softly pressing her lips to Baekhyun's in a chaste kiss before replying, "It only bothers me because it takes away all your attention, something I wish you would focus more on me."
Baekhyun nodded and kissed Taeyeon back before softly replying, "Okay, I'll try to be better and pay more attention to you."
Taeyeon smiled and hugged Baekhyun as she murmured, "Thank you, Baek." And when she pulled away, she tugged at his shirt collar, causing his eyes to widen and quickly smack her hand away. Taeyeon gasped and shot him a bewildered look before crying, "Baekhyun, what was that for!?"
Baekhyun internally cursed himself and muttered, "I-I'm sorry. I'm just — I think I'm catching a cold."
Taeyeon's eyes widened and she smacked Baekhyun's arm as she cried, "And you let me kiss you! I swear, Byun Baekhyun, if I get sick because of you . . ."
Baekhyun chuckled and shook his head, muttering, "Don't worry my Queen TaeTae, it's not contagious. So, coffee time?"
Taeyeon rolled her eyes and smiled before exclaiming, "Yes!"
Taeyeon got a piping hot coffee to help combat against the cold August morning, and Baekhyun got a strawberry smoothie — he had never been much of a coffee fan and drank a strawberry smoothie no matter the season.
They were just finishing their drinks when Luhan and Kyungsoo ran up to them outside the doors to the auditorium, Luhan about knocking Baekhyun over in his excitement as he exclaimed, "Oops, sorry, Baek, but have you heard the news!?" Luhan didn't give Baekhyun a chance to respond before he blurted, "The new co-theatre and arts professor is finally here! We just saw him inside and D.A.M.N. That's all I'm saying."
Baekhyun chuckled and muttered, "Oh, Lu. He can't be that good looking."
Kyungsoo laughed at that and said, "Oh, trust him, our new teacher is delicious and his voice . . ."
Luhan and Kyungsoo both sighed and Baekhyun laughed as Taeyeon asked, "Why do you guys always tell Baekhyun this stuff and not me? Who is a girl." Taeyeon questioned.
Luhan laughed and Kyungsoo said, "Because secretly your boyfriend is also a girl, just trapped in a man's body and begging to get out."
Baekhyun gasped and punched Kyungsoo as he cried, "I am not!"
But if he only knew about last night . . . whispered the little voice in Baekhyun's head. Baekhyun internally rolled his eyes and snapped, "So, what does this new professor even look like?"
"Alright class, as I'm sure you're already aware, the new co-professor is here. I'll let him introduce himself, and for today he will be teaching you and helping with the end of the year concert-recital. So be respectful and mind your manners," Junmyeon said as the class began to emit whispers amongst themselves and curiously glanced towards the back of the stage. "Alright, you may come out now!" Junmyeon yelled.
Baekhyun waited curiously for the new professor to appear, and his friends had been right, he was hot. He was tall with legs that seemed to go on for days, that were clad in a pair of un-teacher-like skinny jeans. His hair was curly and dyed a soft brown, the very sight of it had Baekhyun remembering just how soft it had been between his fingers. And those eyes as they met the eyes of all the students with a warming smile, that only faded away when they landed on a certain somebody by the name of Byun Baekhyun.
He seemed to snap out of it pretty quickly though, and swept his gaze over Baekhyun like his seat was empty as he continued with that now fake smile plastered on his lips.
Did it make sense for Baekhyun to be mad right now? Was that emotion granted since after all it had been his fault?
Chanyeol's— Professor Park's voice was deep and alluring when he spoke, just like last night, and Baekhyun felt his cheeks heat with the memory as he continued on to say, "So, you may call me Chanyeol, there is no need for formalities." Chanyeol had said and looked directly at Baekhyun as he did.
Baekhyun gulped.
"So, now let's everybody introduce themselves. How about we start with you, in the top row. What's your name and major?" Baekhyun gulped again and glanced around himself, desperately hoping he didn't mean him. But he did, of course he did.
"B-Byun Baekhyun," he stuttered, just like that night, expect with the very present urge to vomit.
"And your major, Mr. Byun?"
Baekhyun gulped and murmured, "Un-undecided."
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you, what was that?" Chanyeol called.
Baekhyun gulped and squeezed his eyes shut, exhaling a shaky breath before reopening his eyes and saying more loudly, "Undecided."
Chanyeol nodded and said, "Alright then, moving on. How about you, miss, do you have a major in mind unlike our previous student?" Baekhyun felt the nervousness leave his body as he was instead instantly filled with a burning anger.
What the hell! He's such an asshole!
Taeyeon pinched her brow and glanced over at Baekhyun, she noticed his clenched jaw and gently took his hand into her's as she turned back to Chanyeol and responded, "I want to be a singer. And my name is Kim Taeyeon."
Baekhyun didn't miss that Chanyeol didn't miss Taeyeon grab his hand. See, Baekhyun thought almost smugly. I hadn't been lying last night.
After class ended, Baekhyun urged Taeyeon to quickly gather her things while Baekhyun waved his hands in a rush motion as he muttered, "Come on, come on," under his breath.
Taeyeon's brow pinched curiously as she glanced up at Baekhyun and demanded, "Byun Baekhyun, what is your problem? Stop rushing me."
Baekhyun huffed and muttered under his breath, "I wouldn't have to if you'd move a little bit faster." Just as Taeyeon said, "Alright, Mr. Eager, I'm ready now."
"Oh good!" Baekhyun chirped as he grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her after him down the stairs.
"Oh my God, Baek, not so fast! Do you want me to fall on my face?" Taeyeon cried. Baekhyun sighed and slowed down, and because of it, he wasn't able to leave the room fast enough and Chanyeol caught him.
"Mr. Byun? I need to speak to you," Chanyeol said. Baekhyun cringed and Taeyeon glanced over her shoulder curiously.
"What do you think it's about?" she asked.
Baekhyun shrugged and muttered, "No idea. I'll see you outside. Okay?" Taeyeon nodded and Baekhyun forced a smile before kissing her cheek. Then he was turning to Chanyeol, who's usually perfect face was marred with a furrowed brow.
Baekhyun approached him slowly, and when he was close enough, Chanyeol grabbed his sleeve and pulled him towards the back. Baekhyun gasped and stumbled over his feet, tripping once while Chanyeol said, "You never told me you were a student!"
Baekhyun blinked, his mouth agape, and once he had managed composed himself he cried, "What!? I'm pretty sure I made that perfectly clear! What wasn't clear is the fact that your a professor! My professor, at that!"
Chanyeol laughed without humor and muttered, "What? So you're claiming me as yours now?"
Baekhyun scoffed and rolled his eyes, snapping, "As if! I have a girlfriend and I could never!"
"You did last night," Chanyeol muttered. Baekhyun bristled and snapped, "I was drunk. And while we're on the subject of last night, let's just forget it ever happened. Alright?"
Chanyeol's eyes hardened and his jaw clenched before he retorted, "Good! Let's. I don't know what got into me anyway . . . So, Mr. Byun, you are dismissed."
Baekhyun narrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth, and curtly replied, "Thank you," and then he was spinning around on his heel and leaving the auditorium.
Taeyeon was waiting for him outside, and at first she smiled when she saw him, but then she noticed his expression and began to frown. "Are you okay, Baek? What did he say? You're not in trouble are you?"
Baekhyun shook his head and muttered, "No, I'm not in trouble. Everything's fine, don't worry about it," Baekhyun said curtly. Taeyeon pursed her lips but didn't say anything; Baekhyun sighed in relief.
The rest of the day went by fast after that, and soon enough he had finished his classes and was meeting Taeyeon outside the school. Like Baekhyun had suggested yesterday night, Taeyeon and Baekhyun went to The Club. Taeyeon ordered a hot chocolate and Baekhyun got another strawberry milkshake. They found a table amongst all the bodies and comfortably took their seats. Baekhyun couldn't wait to see Jongin and Taemin perform, their shows always made him feel like he could do anything, and after his day he really needed it.
When he saw them come onto the small stage, he hushed Taeyeon in the middle of a sentence and only had five seconds to feel guilty before the music started, and then he simply just didn't care.
Hey jiteun nunkkeopul
tagonan deut mudeonan nunjitgwa yeoyu
Hey nopeun nae kokkeut
jayeonseure jin usedme neon Oh my god
Every day Every day Every day Every night
nal dulleossan gwahan geokjeong rumeo chamgyeongwa
Every day Every day dasi Every night
geunde nan sinseonhae chetbakwireul beoseonatiji Yes tonight
Cause I do it I do it neol wihan
sunjinhan cheek kkokdugaksineun haejul ri eobtji
dadeul swipgedeul swipedeul malhajiman
hangsang yeppeugeman barreugeman boyeodo
sewing chakhageman yeorigeman boyeodo
nal neomgyeojipeun sangsanppunil geol (Pretty Boy)
yeppeun namja ireol geoda malhaedo
nan ne meorissok sangsang bakkil geol (Pretty Boy)
Pretty Boy Pretty Boy Pretty Boy
P R E double T Y Pretty Boy . . .
"Aren't they great!" Baekhyun cried once the song was over.
Taeyeon rolled her eyes and in an irritated tone muttered, "Yeah, yeah, they're amazing. Now why did you hush me? Did you even hear a word I said? I was asking you, asshole, if you wanted to hang out this weekend and . . ." Taeyeon trailed off.
"And what?" Baekhyun asked.
Taeyeon bit her lip and murmured, "Um, I wanted to know if you wanted to come over?"
Baekhyun furrowed his brow and bluntly asked, "To do what?"
Taeyeon's cheeks instantly turned a deep scarlet and she punched him before crying, "Not that! I wanted you to meet my parents!"
Baekhyun frowned. "But I've already met your parents," he replied.
Taeyeon was nervously playing with her fingers now, her eyes on her shoes as she muttered, "Yeah, I know, but not as my . . . boyfriend."
Baekhyun's mouth formed an "Ooh" of realization and he blushed too. "I mean, I guess I can . . ." Baekhyun muttered.
Taeyeon beamed and flung her arms around Baekhyun's neck as she cried, "Oh my gosh! Baek! Thank you!"
Baekhyun lightly laughed and hugged her back as he muttered, "You're welcome."
Taeyeon drove Baekhyun home after that, and he slept peacefully until the next morning his alarm clock was blaring in his ears. He drove himself to school that day and met his friends and Taeyeon inside the auditorium. Thankfully Chanyeol wasn't there yet so he had a moment of peace.
When he did appear though, every girl and even some guys collectively sighed. Baekhyun gritted his teeth.
"Alright class, so today we are going to start on the practice of the recital. We are going to hold one on one mini auditions to see who will be where and playing what," Chanyeol told them all. Baekhyun was instantly excited, not necessarily over the one on one thing, but still. "Okay, we are going to start in alphabetical order by 'A'. And while everyone else is waiting for their turn, I want everybody else to be filling out the paper you all picked up at the start of class. Sound good?" There were some nods. Chanyeol smiled. "Good then. Okay. I'll be calling you in one by one, and until then, you are to sit outside the room and fill out that paper while you wait. Everyone into the hall now except . . ."
Baekhyun tuned out and grabbed Taeyeon's hand as he left the room with her and his friends. They were all happily talking about the recital, but Baekhyun couldn't really bring himself to participate in their conversation —- he was too distracted.
Author's Notes
Hi, everyone! An update here. Sorry for the sorta boring chapter, but the ones after will be more exciting, I promise. I hope you all enjoyed it anyway, and please, don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends!
Until next time.... 🌸🌸
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