Stuffing his hands deeper into the front pockets of his jeans , Michael sighed while he walked back home. His earbuds blasting music right into his ears, as he slowly made his way back home from his therapy session. Softly humming along to another Blink song as he carried a small frown around on his face.
He should happy, Luke's meeting his mother and Jayson tonight and he'll finally see him again after a few days since Luke also has college and his job. Yet Michael doesn't really feel all that happy or excited, either nervous and anxious, he doesn't want his mother or Jayson to hate Luke. Michael knows it's a stupid thought to have since he can't really see anybody hating the blonde boy with his ever charming and adoring smile yet there's an uneasy feeling slowly eating him away.
He wasn't feeling like this when he woke up in the morning, this morning he was completely fine, but somehow after his session he just isn't anymore. Maybe it was because of exposing himself and leaving himself so open and bare in front of his therapist , she was the only one that he had been trusting to talk about everything what happened so openly with and talk about everything he felt.
There was one question Angela asked during the session that was still stuck in his head "Aren't you afraid of Luke doing the same things to you or leaving when things get hard?" Those words echoed through his head because, yes he was, he was so goddamn scared that that would happen, what if Luke would hate him for not being able to give him certain things , how was he supposed to sexually please Luke when he couldn't even stand his hand on his thigh.
Maybe Michael was lying to himself , he wasn't afraid his family would hate Luke like he said, Luke was likable and charming. Maybe he was afraid of his family liking Luke just as much as Michael liked him because Michael was afraid of liking Luke , he was afraid of getting even more attached to the blonde than he already was and end up broken hearted.
Who was Michael to expect Luke to just stick around when nobody else ever could, nobody else even listened to Michael but he couldn't blame Luke for leaving him if things would get heavy. The thought of Luke leaving just when Michael started to really fall for him was like breathing and knowing there will be a day that you won't be able to take another breath anymore. Luke could leave any given moment and Michael would break into even more pieces than he already was, the glue holding the shattered pieces of his heart and soul together would snap in half and let the pieces fall back onto the dirty ground again just like they did half a year ago.
Wrapping his arms around himself Michael found himself thinking darker and darker again. Therapy had helped him in allot of ways but it also had let out all Michael's dark thoughts that were never supposed to see the light of day run around free in his head, sometimes they stayed for hours, days even.
Pursing his lips and letting an annoyed huff of air out Michael shook his head, he hated the thought of never being able to say goodbye to Luke when he hadn't even been calling him his for a week. Ripping the headphones from his head and stopping the My Chemical Romance song from blasting through his speakers he walked up the two small steps to his front door before fishing the house key out of his pocket.
When he stepped into the house he was met with an overwhelming amount of warmth and the smell of lasagne making him snap back into reality and realise how cold it had gotten the past few days, it had been raining non stop and it had been allot colder than the week prior , not that Michael minded since he had just bought a new black sweater and he couldn't wait to put it on tonight, hoping Luke would like it too.
He greeted his mother before stumbling upstairs and throwing his jacket on his bed right next to his kitten that had been napping before he walked through the door, the kitten and Michael shared similar character traits, well trait, they both liked sleep more than anything.
Without saying anything else Michael quickly got rid of the rest of his clothes and turned the shower on, taking one glance in the mirror and wishing he hadn't , there wasn't anything really special about Michael , it was just soft and round pale skin. Even though Michael had lost allot of weight ever since it happened, since he just couldn't eat without his body throwing everything up, his body still wasn't how it was supposed to be ,there was still some chub here and there, around his hips, his thighs, his face.
Quickly looking away and stepping underneath the shower, he sighed in content as the warm water hit his cold and tired skin. Sometimes he would shower in the middle of the night after a really bad nightmare and silently, trying to wash every bad touch and bad thought away before crawling into Jayson's bed. Jayson never minded , he always has been a heavy sleeper so Michael would never disturb him and he would feel allot safer in his brothers bed than in his own.
Michael doesn't know if he would still even be here if it wasn't for the amazing support his mother and Jason had given him , they had literally done everything they could to stand behind him and he was beyond grateful for that.
Turning off the shower and wrapping the towel around his waist, Michael walked over towards his closet and pulled out his favourite pair of black skinny jeans and the new black sweater he had been dying to wear ever since he bought it online.
After Michael got dressed he laid on his bed for quite a moment, playing with Mittens before he finally decided to do his hair and put on some deodorant and walking downstairs, anxiously pulling at the sleeves off his sweater that was already giving him sweater paws. His mother gave him a smile when he came downstairs, both knowing it would be only a matter of minutes before Luke would be here.
When finally the doorbell rings, a smile appears on his face as his hearts starts to beat faster "I'll get it" Michael quickly says ignoring the raised eyebrow his mother gives him before he walks towards the front door. Quickly opening the door he is met with the beautiful sight of Luke smoothening out his dark grey button up before quickly looking up and giving Michael a smile "Hey babe" he said before leaning in to connect their lips. Michael quickly turned his head to the side, dodging Luke's kiss so that Luke's lips just pressed against his cheek , biting his lip as he saw Luke's confused expression "I'm sorry I'm just not feeling very well" he quickly mumbled ,starting to fumble with the sleeve of his sweater. "Oh" Luke mumbled in confusing "OH" Luke said a little bit harder this time as he realised Michael didn't meant physically but mentally "That's fine, are you okay?" he questioned not liking that Michael was feeling low today "Yeah, come in my mom has been dying to meet you" Michael said smiling a bit and Luke nodded letting Michael grab his hand, letting his thumb brushes softly over Michael's knuckles in a calming manner while following the shorter blonde through the hallway and into the Livingroom.
Michael's mother comes from the kitchen , a bright smile on her face as she quickly studies the tall boy standing next to her son. "I'm Karen, you must be Luke. It's nice to finally meet you" she said holding her hand out for Luke who quickly took it and shook it "Thanks mam , it's a pleasure to meet you too" he said way too politely making Michael smile "Oh please call me Karen" Michael's mother gushes "What would you like to drink?" she asks and Luke replies with "Just a water is fine" Karen nods her head and turns to Michael "Michael sweetie why don't you two sit down on the couch, I'll get us some drinks" Nodding his head and grabbing Luke's hand he leads Luke to the couch without saying a word.
They sit down and Luke has this goofy smile on his face "She's really nice" he states "Now I know where you get it from" he adds making Michael blush and give Luke a small push "Shut up Luke" Michael mumbles as he tries to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. They stay quiet for a few seconds after that , leaving Michael to finally take a good look at his boyfriend.
Biting the inside of his cheek as he sees how good Luke actually looks in the button up, it clung to his body, almost as if it was a little bit too small, it was showing off everything but Michael wasn't complaining, it was rather appealing to the eyes. Michael blushes as he realises he had been starring at Luke just a little bit too long but nobody noticed , he still couldn't believe how good Luke actually looked and that he settled for someone as plain as Michael.
"Whatcha thinking?" Luke whispers just as Michael's mothers shoes squeak against the wooden floors "Nothing" Michael quickly replies with a genuine smile before taking the glass of cold lemonade from his mother and thanking her.
Karen shoots question after question at Luke but the blonde doesn't mind and answers every single one of them, letting his hand brush against Michael's once every while. After Karen gets to know almost everything about Luke they start to share old stories, well Karen starts to share old stories about Michael and Michael wants to die, for a hole to swallow him up right there right then.
"Mom please" Michael begs but Luke's laugh just makes up for the embarrassment. It luckily didn't last very long because soon Michael's mother stood up excusing herself "I'm going to prepare dinner further since Jayson will be home any minute now" she said and both boys nodded their heads.
Once Karen was out of sight Luke laid his hand over Michael's making the dirty blonde look at him. Cupping Michael's face with his free hand and brushing his thumb over the soft pale skin "Are you okay, you're a little bit off" he questioned. Michael smiled and nodded his head "Yeah, I just had a therapy session today and I don't know I didn't feel so well after it but I'm okay now don't worry" the dirty blonde replied making Luke nod "Is it okay If I kiss you?" he questioned making Michael smile and nod his head "Of course" he mumbled before Luke connected their lips for a short yet sweet kiss.
Letting his forehead rest in the crook of Luke's neck for just a second, breathing in the heavy scent of Luke's cologne that smelled amazing. It was amazing how Luke's warm touch and his smell could calm Michael down instantly and make his day good again. Michael smiled as Luke pressed a light kiss to his hair before they pulled away from each other. Squeezing Michael's hand in his , Luke smiled "Your mother is really sweet" Luke commented with a smile making Michael nod "Yeah she is, she has always been there for me even when things got hard" Michael said referring to half a year ago when it all happened , she never doubted or blamed him "I bet your mother is just as nice and polite as you , god stop being so polite please" Michael said with a small chuckle , missing Luke's expression change for a second "Yeah she was really sweet" he mumbled "Way too good for everybody around her" he whispered underneath his breath "What happened to her?" Michael questioned "She uh- she passed away a few years ago" Luke replied with a sad smile on his face, Michael frowned, he didn't meant to make Luke feel sad, he kind of wanted to ask how she passed away but he also didn't have the heart to make Luke talk about it, he'd never seen Luke upset about something in the short time they knew each other.
Luckily the front door opened quickly after that as Jason walked through the door and into their home. Biting his lip Michael mumbled a "I'm so sorry Luke, I didn't meant to-" "It's okay, you didn't know" Luke replied, a soft smile on his face "It still hurts but I know she's better of wherever she may be now" he said and Michael nodded his head, tightening his grip on Luke's hand right before Jason walked into the living room.
Both Luke and Jason looked at each other for a few seconds in a way Michael couldn't understand before Jason introduced himself and Luke used the same bright smile that made everybody's knees weak before shaking Michael's bother's hand.
Karen walked into the living room greeting her oldest son before announcing that dinner was ready. Everybody followed after Karen, who lead them to the perfectly set table. They all sat down, Luke right next to Michael and Jason opposite of Luke while Karen sat opposite of Michael. It was quiet as they ate the lasagne, Luke casually complimenting the food making Michael want to giggle because he was way too polite but he didn't mind.
After dinner Karen asked Michael for help with cleaning the table and he quickly nodded his head before helping his mother bring everything back to the kitchen leaving Luke and Jason alone in the living room for a few minutes. Jason looked Luke up and down knowing that he was slightly taller and broader than he was but he knew he could still break his pretty nose within seconds.
"Listen , Luke" Jason started gaining the blonde's attention "I know you've been expecting the big brother talk but I'm serious, we both know what kind of bullshit Michael has been dragging himself through the past half year and I swear if you harm him in any way, or make him feel miserable I will not hesitate to end you, I've let enough douchebags hurt my little brother but I'm not going to let anything happen to him anymore so you better take really good fucking care of him or you're out" he finished making Luke nod his head "I know, you need to know that I feel the same way, I'd never would hurt him on purpose" he answered genuinely.
Jason nodded his head "Just please , be careful with him, he breaks so fast and I hate it when he breaks"
"I get it, I'd never want to be the one who breaks him, not again" Luke whispered, hating himself for making Michael break once already "It's fine, at least now you know , it's good that you know about what happened. Please just be careful and please give him some time and don't push him into anything he doesn't want to because he's a pleaser, he always feels the need to go the extra mile for somebody and it could be fatal in Michael's condition" Jason whispered and Luke stayed quiet, he never would push Michael into anything, especially not sexually. "I won't , I promise to look out for him" he said making Jason smile "Good, because I actually really like you and I hope it all works out" Jason admitted "Thanks, I hope so too" he said with a smile, feeling a huge pressure being lifted off of his shoulders now that Jason liked him and did not want to cut his head off. Jason motioned for Luke to sit down on the couch before turning on the tv "Promise me you won't pressure him, he's still too scared" Jason said and Luke immediately knew what the meant "Don't worry, I will take things at a snail tempo if that is what Michael wants" he said making Jason chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Michael questions as he walks inside of the living room making Jason shake his head "Nothing, your boy just has a decent sense of humour" he said shaking his head. His boy Luke was his boy and he was more than pleased with that.
The rest of the evening was filled with drinks and allot of laughter as they talked about everything and anything, Luke fit in like a missing puzzle piece in the family and Michael loved it, loved the feeling of Luke feeling already so familiar in his life and he hoped that feeling would never go away. Both Michael and Luke shared sneaky and small touches during the night.
When it was getting late already, Luke decided it was the best if he would go. He thanked Karen for everything and said goodbye to Jason, he had so much respect for the boy, he could imagine how hard it was to let your little brothers heart in the hands of a complete stranger, not knowing if he was going to crush it or worship it. Especially Michael's , it was scary to know that if Luke would shatter it , maybe it would be damaged for good.
Michael lead Luke through the hallway again, a small smile playing on his lips as he enjoyed tonight allot, he loved seeing Luke get along with his family so well, it meant that maybe he had really found what he was searching for. Sighing as they stood in front of the front door Michael turned around "Is it weird to say that I don't want you to go even if you've been here for like four hours" the dirty blonde questioned to no one in particular making Luke chuckle and shake his head "No sweetheart it's not" he said before wrapping his arms around Michael's waste and pulling him in close and Michael rested his head on Luke's shoulder, it was so comfortable that he could've fallen asleep right on the spot if he wanted to.
Luke smiled , running his hand over the dirty blonde's back knowing it was already late and Michael was tired , he could see it in his eyes "We'll see each other soon yeah?" Michael mumbled in Luke's neck and the older boy smiled "Of course babe, I wouldn't want to miss you for too long" he said making Michael smile. They pulled away from their hug only for Luke to pull Michael into a loving kiss.
They slowly let their lips move against each other's, they hadn't kissed like this ever since the day they made out in that closet at Zach's party and Michael couldn't help but melt underneath Luke's warm touch as they kissed a little bit longer than normal goodnight. But he loved it and wouldn't have it any other way.
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