It was a Friday today, Fridays weren't so terrible since Michael only had school until one o'clock. Today had been okay so far, he had gone to school and nobody really said anything to him or whispered about him, they just ignored him and Michael was more than fine with that. He finally had a good night rest without a nightmare , he hadn't had that in a while but with Jason next to him he didn't feel so scared.
Walking out of his art's classroom he quietly walked into the hallway and towards his locker. Opening his locker he noticed that there was a small piece of paper laying on top of his books, curiously Michael looked around the hallway, searching for any hints of where it could possibly came from, better said who it actually came from. Not seeing anything or anybody in particular he took the note from his books and opened it up and reading it.
'There's a party at Jack's tonight, I hope to see you there cutie.'
Michael blushed, quickly folding the note back up and shoving the paper into his jean pocket to save it for later. He bit his lip to try and stop the small smile from forming onto his lips, did Chad really just send him a note, this was the best thing that had happened for him in a while. Michael really liked Chad and he just invited him for a party and called him cute, his day couldn't get any better right now. Looking around quickly in any hope to see Chad but coming out empty handed, the dirty haired blonde quickly switched his books and closed the locker before walking towards the school's exit, walking over to the parking lot where he saw his older brother's car parked.
Walking over towards his brothers car, Michael gave him a small wave before getting into the car "Hey" Michael said , voice a little bit more cheerful then normal as he threw his school bag on the backseat of the car and buckled his seatbelt up. Jason nodded at him "Hi Mikey" he said before he started to drive, looking over at his little brother, studying the curled up corners of his mouth. "So what's got you in such a good mood" he joked and Michael shrugged "Nothing" acting as casually as he could.
"Come one, I know you , what happened did you get a good grade back? " his brother questioned and Michael played with his fingers, avoiding eye contact as he softly spoke "No, I got invited for a party tonight" a soft smile playing on his lips as he thought back at the note that was safely tucked away in the pocket of his black skinny jeans and Chad, Chad that had sent him the note.
"You know you're still grounded Mikey" Jason reminded his younger brother, crushing his dreams in instant making him feel kind off guilty for saying that as he saw Michael's happy mood disappear. "I know" Michael sighed sadly, he had been so excited that he had been invited that he forgot about the fact that he was grounded. There wasn't really anything he could do about it now, he had gotten himself into this situation when he secretly got a piercing done.
His brother sighed next to him, stopping at a red light and turning towards his younger brother "Maybe I can convince mom and dad to let you go" he said before turning back and starting to drive again, seeing as the light had switched to green. "Really" Michael questioned hopefully, he really wanted to go, he never had really been to big parties, just small one's of his friends but never a big high school party. "I'll try, but I can't promise anything Mikey" his brother said but it was enough for him to give him a little bit of hope again. "Still, thank you Jay" Michael said and the older sibling smiled down at Michael. "No problem , I'll see what I can do" he said before they arrived at their home. Pulling into their driveway and killing the engine.
Michael walked into the house with his brother following behind him, nobody was home yet which wasn't weird since Michael's mom worked on Friday's. He went straight to his bedroom to watch some reruns on his laptop until his parents got home and once they did Michael wanted to go downstairs to ask them but Jason told him to just stay upstairs and let him handle it. So Michael waited upstairs, he could hear them talking but not loud enough to actually understand what was being said. He waited patiently until eventually his bedroom door slowly opened and Jason stood in the doorway.
Michael looked up with a hopeful expression and when he saw the smile Jason was giving him he knew the boy had convinced their parents to let Michael go "They say it's fine as long as I'll drive you there and pick you up around midnight. Jason said and Michael got up and ran towards his older brother , engulfing him in a huge hug as he thanked his older brother over and over again. "How did you even convince them?" Michael asked, not believing his parents actually let him go "It wasn't easy but eventually they said yes" Jason said leaving the dirty hared blonde feeling excited.
Jason stopped the car at the house, Michael looked around , seeing some teenagers smoking outside of the house with bottles of beer in their hands "Michael" Jason said causing the younger boy to turn around "Please be careful, call me if something happens okay?" Michael nodded his head "I will Jay, don't worry" he said before getting out of the car. Just when he wanted to close the door his brother spoke again "Oh and Michael" Jason said and Michael turned around "Have fun" he added with a smile which Michael returned as he nodded his head and gave his older brother a small wave before closing the door and making his way towards the house.
Opening the door and hearing the loud thumping of the music become even louder , welcoming him. Suddenly feeling very out of place in this room full of drunken teenagers , dancing, drinking, playing beer pong , he searched the room in hope to see a familiar face, Chad's to be exact.
Michael felt anxious to be here all alone, he knew practically no one here. Wiping his sweaty hands against his tightest pair of black skinny jeans, hoping that they would impress Chad, he slowly walked further into the house, searching for the boy. After what seemed like forever, but really it was less than two minutes, his eyes landed on the familiar guy. He was leaning against a wall ,standing next to what seemed like a friend with a red solo cup in his hands, a very cliché sight to see.
Michael blushed as he saw him, Chad had dark brown hair and hazel eyes, a piercing right through his eyebrow and always wore ripped jeans. It was now or never the young boy nervously fixed the hem of his favourite blink shirt before he walked over towards where Chad stood.
The taller boy noticed him, raising his pierced eyebrow as he gave Michael a questioning look "Hi" the dirty blonde said , swallowing the lump in his throat as he nervously looked up at the brown haired bow, a blush creeping up and painting his cheeks a rosy colour.
"I'm sorry but why are you here?" Chad's friend questioned, he had never seen the guy before but he gave off very unfriendly vibes, his voice sounded harsh as he asked the question. "I got your note" Michael said over the loud music , feeling very small as the boy raised his pierced eyebrow even higher and questioned "Which note?" .Staring down at the younger boy with his hazel eyes making the younger boy feel uncomfortable as his friend next to him was also staring at him in a funny way. Michael quickly fished the piece of paper out of his skinny jeans and handed it over to Chad.
Chad read the note before he busted out laughing "This isn't mine" he said while shaking his head and laughing and his heart stopped beating for a moment, this couldn't be happening. "Why would I write a slut like you a note" He spat while balling up the note and throwing it right back at Michael. Michael's breathing quickened, his throat went dry as he felt something inside of him shatter.
Michael could feel cold sweat run over his back, he was going to be sick. He felt like crying and he wanted to run but he was standing frozen in place. This was not what he had planned, this wasn't supposed to happen , this was just a bad dream. "Did you really think I would write you such a stupid love note , come on everybody knows you're just a slut" he yelled over the loud music.
Everybody stared at the scene and Michael wanted to run and hide so badly but his feet just wouldn't move, he could feel his eyes burn and his body shake a bit as he got called out in front of everyone. Memories started to replay in front of Michael's eyes, he was wrong, he didn't know half about it, he was just like everybody else. Michael was so stupid and naïve for believing the note immediately, only now he realised, he always had been naïve. It was his fault, he should've learned to not be so naïve in the first place.
With dangerously set eyes Chad stepped closer towards Michael, a small smirk forming on his face. He glared down at the dirty blonde while everybody was watching, raising a finger up in the air and harshly pocking his pointer finger against Michael's chest as he spoke, Michael backed up in fear a little. "We all known what you did cockslut , we all known about you and –"
"CHAD LEAVE THE FUCKING KID ALONE" suddenly Michael was gently pulled back by his shoulders, he felt a very firm body slightly pressing against his back. The dirty blonde didn't even realise that there were tears uncontrollably streaming down his face until now or how bad that he was shaking in fear, he probably looked like a complete idiot , still standing there in front of Chad. "I SWEAR, I'M SO ASHAMED TO HAVE YOU AS A BROTHER" the guy behind Michael yelled making everybody 'oooh'
With his head hanging low , Michael was pulled away towards the kitchen . His legs mindlessly followed the guy that had a soft hand placed at the back of his shoulder, guiding him through the house, he felt like such an idiot right now, he just wanted to go home and be alone, cry the entire night alone in his bed.
Once they were in the kitchen , where only one other guy was standing, mixing a drink and grabbing a few beers, it was such a contrast to the heavily crowded living room. Without having any control of his body anymore Michael let out a sob, immediately regretting it, why did he have to be so weak all the time, he hated it. "Hey ,are you okay" the guy that had just dragged him out of that situation asked, gently rubbing his back in a comforting manner " I know my little brother can be a dick sometimes but that was just uncalled for" he said while Michael was trying to calm himself down again.
Michael looked up, the guy didn't even look like Chad, well he did have the brown hair and hazel green eyes that matched Chad's, but he was buff with several tattoos littering his arms and a ring right through his nose. Michael nodded his head slowly , even though that he really wasn't. Wiping his tears away quickly and trying to control his breathing "Yeah I'm fine" he mumbled, wrapping his hands around himself. The guy handed him a glass of water and he gladly took it, slowly taking a few sips and trying to calm himself down.
"I'm really sorry for my brothers behaviour" the guy said, running a hand through his hair "I didn't even know Chad had a brother" Michael said, his voice was still a bit shaky as he spoke. The guy gave him a small smile "I sometimes wish I didn't have a brother , he's a literal piece of shit" he said before adding "I'm Zack by the way" "Michael" the dirty blonde replied, finishing his glass of water and Zack gladly took it and put it on the kitchen.
"I feel so stupid" Michael whispered, shaking his head. "Don't , Chad's just a first class asshole" he said placing his hand on Michael's shoulder "If you want you're welcome to stay with me and a couple of my friends down in the basement, we're just hanging out" Michael bit his lip, he really didn't want to stay but he also didn't feel like calling his brother up and having to explain everything, he already felt like such an loser "Or do you want to go home, I can fix you a ride home" Zack quickly added, seeing the younger boy debating inside of his head.
Just when Michael wants to answer 'no', he doesn't know anybody there and they'll probably want nothing to do with him, there's a guy walking into the kitchen "Zack what the fuck is taking you so long" he yells but stops his movement when he sees Michael, he must look like a complete fool standing here in a post crying state.
The guys mouth drops into an O shape as he takes in the scene in front of him, Zack ignores him "You can stay here with us if you want, play some games and just chill honestly it's no problem, or I can get someone to drive you home" Zack said with a shrug "whatever you want" he says as the guy walks closer to Zack , slinging an arm around his shoulder. "Yeah man, it's way more fun than up here anyway, you're welcome downstairs" Michael shyly nods his head, agreeing to the offer to stay and following them down the stair to the basement while they carry a few beers downstairs.
As they walk into the basement, Zack places the beer down on a table and Michael awkwardly stands there at the bottom of the stairs ,not really knowing what to do or say, did they even want them here or were they just being nice to him.
"Guys this is Michael, he's joining us tonight" Zack introduces him and places an arm around Michael's shoulders and pushes him towards one of the chairs that stood in a circle around one big table. Michael gets a few replies all seeming very cool with his presence as he shyly sits down on one of the unoccupied chars.
He gazed down the room , picking at his fingers. Michael was never really good at new situations and he felt kind off out place here. He takes in all the different faces and his eyes widen a bit as he sees a certain blonde guy sitting on one of the chairs straight across him, casually sipping his beer and laughing with his friend. Luke, the guy who pierced his nose, just gives him a quick nod of acknowledge when the two connect eyes before turning back to the conversation with his friends. Small world , Michael thinks.
The rest of the night is filled with laughter and some stupid games and Michael loosens up allot, they also have some acoustics with them and occasionally play a few songs, some guy even complimented his shirt , giving him a high five for liking Blink.
The guys are really nice to him, and now he was left with a cup of alcohol in his hands as they played spin the bottle with different tasks every time the bottle was spun around, there was an empty beer bottle laying on the ground that they spun around. Michael was having the time of his life, laughing along with the rest , he felt accepted here. The small basement was filled with nice people and he had never thought that he would end up here earlier tonight.
Everybody was buzzing, having an amazing time, Michael didn't feel out of place anymore as everybody was so open in here. The alcohol that was going pumping through his veins made him feel better in some way, more relaxed and warm inside.
Michael had spinned the bottle and had to do a shot of something but he didn't mind. They were still spinning the same empty beer bottle and this time it was Luke's turn to spin the bottle. Just as the blonde was about to spin the bottle one of the guy's yelled "Okay next one has to spend seven minutes in heaven with our Lukey boy" Making Luke roll his eyes and push him away playfully. They all laughed , Michael included as Luke spun the empty beer bottle but his breath hitched a bit when it landed on him.
Some drunk guys cheered but Michael kept sitting, they got Michael up and pushed him into the direction of another room , they pushed the two of them in and closed the door behind them, it all happened so fast that Michael couldn't even protest. The dirty blonde awkwardly stands there , not sure of what he was supposed to do in here. Luke sighs "Look Michael, we don't have to do anything" relaxing the younger boy a bit "No it's alright" Michael whispers, the alcohol making him loose up more and think less about everything.
"You sure because you look uncomfortable to me, Michael you don't have to" Luke says taking a step closer so they're bodies are nearly touching "I want to ,it's just that I have never done this before" "What?" Luke questioned, they were whispering as if it was the biggest secret ever told "Kiss someone" Michael replied blushing "You never kissed someone before?" Luke whispered, surprise written all over his face "Is that bad?" Michael questioned , feeling a bit insecure about this topic "Not at all ,are you sure you want to do this?" Luke asked, wanting to make sure that the younger boy was okay with giving his first kiss to him. "Yes, if you don't mind , I mean I probably suck at it" Michael whispered with a small smile
"It would be an honour" Luke whispered ,slowly wrapping his arms around Michael's waist and cupping the smaller boy's cheek in his hands before he gently placed his lips against Michael's. Michael kissed back , letting Luke take the lead and softly placing his hands on Luke's shoulders, the skin was pleasantly warm under his touch. His eyes were closed as he slowly let his lips move against Luke's , his lips were full and soft ,the ring that was pierced through his bottom lip was cold ,contrasting against the blonde's warm lips.
Luke tightened his grip on Michael's waist a bit , letting the hand that was previously cupping the younger boys cheek move upwards and run through Michael's messy fringe ,deepening the kiss a bit. Michael hummed In satisfaction, pulling the older boy's broad body closer to him, feeling Luke's body heat against his.
The kiss may have just been soft and careful , slow and sensual it still sent a rush of delight through the dirty blonde's body, his head was swimming up high as they kissed for a few more minutes before finally pulling away. Both of them were out of breath and panting slightly
"Wasn't bad at all" Luke stated and Michael blushed violently as the blonde just looked at him, a small smile tugging on his lips , black hoop shining in the dark room. Neither of them could say anything as the door opened and their seven minutes were up. Both getting out of the room. Michael literally went from having the worst night ever to having his first kiss with someone that he found ridiculously hot.
Maybe his dreams about Chad were crushed but that wasn't the end of the world, better now than never, now he could go on with his life knowing that his ex-crush was an complete asshole. Luke took a glance at the blushing young boy and gently took his hand seeing as the boy wasn't moving and kind of awkwardly standing there.
They both exit the room and Michael could see Luke high five one of the guys who let them out. Just as Michael wants to sit down in his own chair Luke sits down and pulls him into his lap and he is okay with it, he stays there for another hour, sitting on Luke's lap until his brother text him that he's there and he says goodbye to everyone, they let him walk back upstairs and out of the house with no problem. He gets into his brothers car with a big smile on his face and Jason asks him how it was and he replies simply with
"Fun" but the smile on his face says enough for his older brother as he just starts to drive.
So chapter three is up, i hope you guys like it.
Thoughts about this chapter? , do you guys think you know what happend to mikey? let me know!! Please like and comment ,it would mean the world to me.
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