So hello, i am back. I'm sorry for the long wait but i had exams and just general life happening but i'm here now with more inspiration than ever so get ready!!!
Michael fidgeted with his hands as he waited for Luke to arrive, they hadn't really talked about anything that had happened yet and he didn't know what to expect. The last time that they saw each other there were allot of mixed emotions, confusion and unspoken conversations between them. He wondered if Luke was still mad about the lying, he wondered if Luke would be able to still look the same way at him as he did when they first met.
Sighing Michael picked at his bracelets , Luke was something so different from what he had ever seen and he was scared of what would be the outcome of today, what if Luke had thought everything through and decided that all of this wasn't really worth it. He often wondered what Luke had seen in him without all of his mental issues but now the blonde knew about those too he felt even more insecure about himself.
As on que , the door to his bedroom creaked open slightly and a tawny furred kitten happily walked inside of his room making Michael smile. Mittens trotted towards the bed Michael was sitting on and rubbed it's tiny head against Michael's ankle making the dirty blonde smile and pick up the kitten and carefully put her in his lap ,petting the soft fur and being amazed by the softness and all the different patterns it had.
The weather was quite hot, the Australian summer was finally kicking in and Michael couldn't be happier, the only thing he was going to miss was his ever growing sweater collection that wouldn't see the light of day until probably November. It was a shame , Michael loved sweaters but the Australian summers were warm and unless you wanted to suffer from a heat stroke it was wise to not wear sweaters during the summer.
So Michael had to settle for one of his favourite plain black t-shirts and some black skinny jeans, he checked the time again and saw that Luke could be arriving any minute now so he picked up Mittens and laid her on the bed, her favourite napping spot. Getting up and nervously picking a few cat hairs from his lap and smoothening out his shirt he hoped that he looked good enough.
His mother was still at work like usually and Jason was still at his college so Michael made sure everything was locked before he nervously sat down on the couch and checked his phone again 2:57 pm Luke could literally be here any minute, the blonde was always on time.
And like Michael predicted not even two minutes later he could hear a car's engine being killed and it's door being shut and finally the ringing of the door bel. Michael inhaled a deep breath before getting up and wiping his sweaty hands on the back of his jeans before opening the door. He was greeted by the familiar sight of Luke's bright smile. "Hey" Michael whispered, breaking the silence "Hi" Luke replied "How have you been?" his voice sounded soft as he spoke, another thing Michael liked about Luke, his voice and the gentle way he always seemed to speak when he was around Michael.
"I- uhm" Michael swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat "Good , I guess? " he answered. There was a slight awkwardness as they both faced each other for the first time after all of it happened "Is it okay if I hug you?" Luke questioned "It's fine if you don't feel comfortable enough" he added quickly, never wanting to push Michael into anything even though it was just something as simple as a hug. Michael nodded his head "Y-yeah ,No it's fine" he said and was soon engulfed in a warm embrace, his senses were hit with that familiar and calming scent of boy and cologne. Without realizing it Michael had already buried his face into the boy's red and black striped t-shirt and tears started to silently roll down his cheeks as he just felt so overwhelmed with the comforting touch from someone who he barely knew but still meant so much to him.
Luke's arms were wrapped around him tightly as he rested his cheek on top of Michael's head, breathing in the pleasing scent of Michael's dirty blonde hair. Michael's grip tightened on Luke for a moment , he had never expected to feel this overwhelmed but he did , Luke had an air of comfort and understanding hanging around him and he was willing to share it with Michael even though he was completely shattered from the inside , he was there and nobody else had ever been except his family.
After a few minutes Michael's grip loosened, his tears had already dried and now was just listening to Luke's steady heartbeat. He could feel Luke's hands softly stroking his back. Pulling away, Michael quickly wiped the dried tears from his face before looking up at Luke and mumbling a "Sorry, I just" he cut himself off shaking his head, he just needed that, for someone to hold him, just for a few moments. Looking down and focussing his gaze on his own shoes and letting them travel towards Luke's tattoos that he had never seen before, Michael frowned.
"I don't know what happened" he finally said, he did know exactly what just happened, all the self-doubt and nervousness that he had been carrying around ever since that night Michael explained everything to Luke just vanished as soon as he breathed in the familiar scent of Luke and felt his familiar body heat and it overwhelmed him but he felt ashamed that he had let himself get so carried away.
Michael could feel Luke's fingers softly being placed underneath his chin before they lifted up his face so he was looking at Luke's angelic one "Stop apologizing for everything, you don't need to Michael" Luke said with a small smile on his face making Michael bite his lip because he wanted to apologize again. Luke loosely wrapped his arms around Michael's waist "I just want you to be alright okay?" Michael nodded and Luke smiled "good" he said before pulling Michael closer and gave him a warm hug , whispering "You okay now?" in the dirty blonde's ear and Michael hummed .
The older blonde pressed a light kiss to the top of Michael's head before he offered Michael his hand and the dirty blonde took it without hesitation. "You still want to go to the park?" Luke questioned and Michael quickly nodded his head "Yeah I would love to, I haven't been there in a long time" he answered honestly and Luke shot him a confused look "Really?, you practically live next to it" he pointed out and Michael bit his lip "I uh, never really go out on the streets anymore unless I have to walk to my therapist" he shrugged. "Oh" Luke softly exclaimed once his mind made the connection and he gave Michael's hand a comforting squeeze.
Michael gave Luke a small smile, showing him that it was alright before they started to walk towards the park , hands clasped together even though they got a bit sweaty duo to the warm weather. It was something Michael read about in stories or saw in movies but he never pictured doing it himself or how nice that it feels to just hold someone's hand, he always thought holding hands and all that stuff was way overrated but it wasn't , the lightest touch of someone you like can set you alight in fire and flames from the inside and he liked that feeling allot.
"I never noticed that you had tattoos" Michael commented, eyes focussed on the black inc littering the blonde's skin, he had only seen Luke in long sleeved shirts or jackets but never in just a simple t-shirt. "Yeah , I have five" Luke shrugged "I like them" Michael honestly admitted , admiring the black ink again making Luke chuckle "Thanks"
They walked the rest of the way in a comfortable silence, it wasn't a long walk from Michael's house to the park, it was really hot out and Luke immediately pulled Michael into an ice cream parlour and got the both of them ice cream.
They ended up sitting down underneath a three, resting their backs against the thick bark of the three and eating their ice cream "I know you said that I need to stop apologizing but I'm really sorry for lying to you and I hope you're not mad at me anymore for it"
Luke chuckled "I'm not mad, I was but not anymore. I just wished you wouldn't have lied about your age in the first place" he said shrugging and taking a lick of his ice cream. "shrugging "I don't even know why I did it, I was scared you were going to walk away if you'd find out that I'm only seventeen" Michael said "I mean you're definitely younger than I normally settle would have in mind but I don't mind you being seventeen, I honestly think that age is just a number and I am more drawn to how you are as a person than how old you are" Luke said shrugging while looking at Michael making the dirty blonde blush.
"I don't have a problem with our age difference but some people may have ,I don't know how your parents will react when they find out that I'm twenty " Luke stated. "My mom doesn't mind" Michael said softly "And your dad?" The older boy questioned and Michael tensed a bit before he mumbled a "Out of the picture" and Luke decided to not push the subject any further and to just simply leave it like that and take another lick of his ice cream, maybe looking at Michael eating his in the corner of his eyes and he definitely did not have impropriate thoughts while doing so.
They finished their ice cream pretty quick and made some small talk, neither minded it and somehow it brought them to a conversation about Luke's tatt's since Michael was very impressed with them and felt stupid that he had never noticed them but to be fair Luke always wore long sleeved shirts just like Michael did since the Australian summer was not quite as warm as it should be.
Michael ran his thumb along the black ink, Luke had a small music note and a heart tattooed on the inside of his right wrist along with a quote "Music is the window to our souls" Michael read and Luke hummed. "It's really pretty" the dirty blonde stated "Thanks Cal did it" Luke said with a smile "The guy who you work with? " Michael questioned and Luke hummed. Michael moved along to Luke's left arm where a pretty large anchor was inked right underneath the inside of his elbow , it was beautifully done and had a feather attached to it "Did Calum do this as well? " Michael questioned and Luke hummed again, smiling as he saw the younger boy stare in awe at his tattoo's "He's really talented" Michael muttered "Yeah he is" Luke agreed nodding his head.
"You said you had five, I know I am failing math but I only see four" Michael wondered making Luke laugh "Yeah , the fifth one is on my ribs" he explained and Michael nodded "They're really cool, I've always wanted a tattoo" he admitted and Luke smiled "Maybe you'll have one , one day" the older blonde suggested and the dirty blonde nodded his head "Yeah , one day" Michael agreed with a smile before he leaned into Luke , even though it was hot outside he still enjoyed Luke's warmth against his.
Luke casually draped one arm over Michael and watched as Michael smiled brightly, he looked so happy and at ease. For anyone that had never met Michael before would never even think that he was emotionally hanging by a thread as he was sitting here, cuddled into Luke and smiling brightly but that is what the early stages of Love do to a person, maybe he wasn't completely and utterly in love with Luke yet, he did feel a burning desire to spend as much time with the boy as humanly possible and his stomach would always tighten up whenever Luke kissed him. He may not be in love yet but he definitely had feelings for the boy as crazily fast as they had formed, they were undeniable.
"Lukey?" Michael whispered breaking their silence. The boy had his head rested on top of Michael's head while his eyes were focussed on the small pond a few meters in front of them "Yeah?" Luke questioned , lifting his head from his previous position causing Michael's eyes to open. "My mom wants to meet you soon" he said and Luke hummed "I guess it's about time isn't it?" he said with a smile on his face "She would love you to swing by for dinner next week, if you have time" Michael said, mumbling the last sentence a bit underneath his breath. "Of course, on one condition though" Luke stated making Michael slightly nervous "Uh, yeah w-what?" the boy nervously questioned and Luke smiled "I would love to be introduced as your boyfriend" he smirked and it took Michael a few seconds to finally understand what he actually meant and as soon as he did his head shot up
"Michael it would be such an honour to have you as my boyfriend" Luke stated with a loopy smile, the smile that had made Michael's knees weak all those weeks ago right before they shared Michael's first kiss.
Michael couldn't help the incredibly big smile that formed on his face after hearing Luke say that sentence out loud and he couldn't do more but nod his head quickly before leaning in and kissing Luke softly. The kiss was soft and slow, Michael's face was softly cupped in Luke's soft palms, long fingers tenderly stroking his face as their lips moved against each other lovingly. The kiss was short and sweet but Luke couldn't possibly ask for more so he just smiled into the kiss and tightened his grip on the younger boy who had been stuck in his mind for forever.
Resting their foreheads against each other Michael couldn't help but smile, maybe his life had been an emotional rollercoaster of sadness and misfortune but somehow Luke managed to shine bright enough to light up all the darkness for now and Michael was perfectly content with that, he didn't need more, he just needed Luke and it was a suffocating thought to have right now but he couldn't care less as they shared another few pecks , smiling against each other's lips.
Maybe the rollercoaster that was Michael's life was finally going up and he could only hope that it would going up for a long time but everybody knows that a rollercoaster has to go down once.
Hiya, i hope you guys liked it. I will be back soon with more for you guys. Please don't forget to comment and like it would literally mean so much for me! Catch you guys later!
Thoughts on the update?
On their little date?
Michael having a small meltdown ?
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