Chapter Fourteen
Hey guys , you still remember me? guess who finally updated
The past month flew by for both Michael and Luke and today was the day that marked their two months anniversary. Allot had happened in that time, most of them were good things and Michael was happy about that. He was happy right now, he hadn't been for a while, sure there was a long way and a huge mountain that Michael still had to climb but it was a road worth walking as long as Luke was there next to him, helping him along all the way to the top.
Smiling to himself while pulling on another sweater and deciding that yes this one was better than the last one. The all black sweater was long and a little bit too big on Michael which gave him sweater paws, he knew Luke adored it since he always stared and told him. Michael did it just so the older blonde would tell him how cute he looked. Luke really was something special, he hadn't ever met someone so caring and cautious to not break any boundaries. He only broke one once and he couldn't stop apologizing for trying to give him a hickey for nearly two weeks.
Michael wondered if Luke had been a way of making up for the shitty years he had left behind him. Because ever since he met Luke his life had become a lot more positive, he simply didn't feel alone anymore no he felt like he belonged somewhere, he felt loved and cared about and he had been craving that for so long and now that he finally got it he couldn't stop smiling. He had always dreamed of it and now he couldn't comprehend that this was all real. His therapy sessions had been going better as well, Angela kept telling him that he was making a lot of progress.
Today was his anniversary with Luke and he really wanted to do something for the blonde since the boy had done so much for him but Luke was stubborn and told him he already made some plans of his own and that he was picking him up at four today after school. He didn't go today since he was scared that someone would bring down his spirit and he would be in a shitty mood all evening, it happened before and it sucked because Michael never told Luke about how shitty people in school treated him he just told the blonde that he had a rough day and tried to appreciate Luke's way of comforting him.
He hadn't been this happy for a while and he was glad that he had the luck of meeting Luke, he gave him strength mentally and made him feel like what happened didn't define him. He didn't make Michael feel guilty for the lack of sexual contact between them, he never pushed Michael. It was always okay to not be okay and he loved that about Luke.
Quickly putting on some cologne his mother had bought him for christmas once, Michael sighed while picking at his fingers he was nervous and he didn't know why he was nervous because he knew now that Luke wasn't going away anytime soon, he told him numerous times. Yet he someway was maybe it was because this was quite big for Michael since he never been in a relationship before.
Michael quickly grabbed the present he bought for Luke even though he agreed on the 'no presents on anniversaries' rule Luke had but he wanted to do something for Luke, to give him something because all the older boy did was give but he never really received much from Michael. Luke put up with Michael, he answered his calls at four in the morning and calmed him down after a nightmare, he wouldn't even question Michael when he was in a anxious mood and didn't liked to be touched, he would always put Michael's feelings in front of his own in any way possible and just like today when Michael wanted to actually take him somewhere he already made plans.
Looking into the mirror and fixing his hair Michael smiled, this was the biggest milestone they had reached and Michael was happy, he genuinely was happy. It felt like he was finally getting his life right. With Luke next to him he didn't have to do it all alone and he was grateful for that, he always had his family around him but there were certain things they weren't able to help him with.
There was a knock on his door and Michael hummed 'Yeah?' he questioned glancing over to his door just in time to see it open and his brother peek into the room "Hey, you're still here i was scared i was going to miss you" He said before walking into the room and sitting down on Michaels bed were Mittens was once sound asleep but lifted her head in annoyance as Jason disturbed her sleep.
Michael smiled and walked over to the small ball of fur and softly petted it "I can't believe it's been two months" Jason said looking over at Michael "Trust me i can't either" the dirty blonde said laughing "I just wanted to wish you a nice evening before you were gone, i know how much it means to you" Jason said while resting his chin on the palm of his hand , he was right Luke meant allot to Michael and Jason knew that. "Don't think i haven't noticed the fact that you barely sneak into my bed in the middle of the night anymore" Jason shook his head as he spoke.
"Yeah now i just bother him" Michael said biting his lip, he really hoped he didn't actually bothered Luke when he was calling him in the middle of the night "Hey, you're always welcome to talk and you know that , i'm just glad everything is working out for you" Jason said while wrapping his little brother into his arms for a hug "You deserve this so much, i'm so glad you are feeling so much better lately" Jason said sighing before pressing a soft kiss to his little brothers hair "You've improved so much in these past two months kiddo" he said while letting go of Michael and playfully messing up Michael's dirty blonde locks making the younger brother pout.
"Look what you have done, Luke could be here any minute and you ruined my perfectly styled hair" Michael joked but he couldn't help but laugh as he stumbled over towards the mirror to fix his hair, he was just so happy. "Thanks, for everything Jay" Michael said with a soft smile before giving him one last hug "Thanks for being the best older brother i could've wished for" he whispered.
Michael couldn't express how lucky he was, he was glad that he would always have his family to fall back on. Right after he fixed his hair one more time he could hear the doorbell ring and he just knew that it would be Luke. Turning around and looking at his brother as if to ask what to do now Jason laughed "Go" he said and Michael nodded, quickly grabbing his jacket and the small present he had gotten for Luke before he was rushing down the stairs.
Once Michael had reached the door he put his hand on the handle and counted to five in his head, he couldn't help but still get nervous and excited when things like these happened. Opening the door after he had composed himself , Michael immediately smiled as he was met with the sight of Luke in all black, a thick black sweater hanging over his broad shoulders and black skinny jeans clinging to his long and toned legs. There was a never dying smile written across Luke's face and the boy's hair was looking as soft and curly as it ever had. Luke immediately pulled the younger boy into a quick greeting kiss, wrapping his arm softly around the boy's waist and whispering "Happy anniversary babe" making Michael blush and hide his face into the older boy's neck letting out a muffled giggle.
"Happy anniversary" Michael mumbled while subtly taking in the familiar smell of Luke before pulling away "You ready to go?" Luke questioned and MIchael nodded quickly mumbling a "Yeah" before putting his jacket on quickly that had been loosely clutched in his hand.
Intertwining their fingers as they walked towards the car, Luke opened the door for Michael, something he still did after two entire months. Most of the times it made Michael roll his eyes because he hated being babied but he also loved it and Luke damn right knew it even though he never confessed to it.
Luke got into the driver's seat and buckled up before turning to face Michael "You put in your new piercing?" the blonde questioned and Michael nodded , it was just a diamond stud, this time it had a baby blue color. He had been immediately drawn to it since it had the exact same color of Luke's eyes but he never told anyone that was what made him get it.
"I like it , green would have been better though, would've matched with your eyes" Michael shrugged "I like this one better" he simply stated and Luke hummed before starting the car and driving towards the restaurant he had made reservations by.
The drive was somewhat longer than Michael expected, it was about half an hour away. Michael had occupied himself the entire way with just holding Luke's hand and playing with his fingers and running his thumb over the rough skin on of his knuckles. There was the occasional small talk and the playing of the music in the background but overall it was peacefully quiet.
The restaurant that Luke had chosen was incredible, it wasn't over the top fancy but it was nice. It was an italian restaurant, both boys had agreed that it was their favourite food so Luke had decided to take Michael here, he hadn't really been here in awhile, he used to eat here with his family every now and then and he always loved it.
Overall it was a great night, the food was delicious and both boys played footsie almost the entire night. Michael had grown to love the small display of affection, he somehow always craved the older boy's delicate touch.
Just when they were both done with their food and were casually chatting about Luke's upcoming midterms MIchael decided that it was the best time to slip the small envelope out of his jacket pocket "I know we kind of agreed on the whole no present thing" Michael started looking at the white envelope before letting his gaze trail to Luke's face. The blonde had one eyebrow raised in surprise "But i hate that you always do everything for me but never allow me to give you something back so i got you this , it's just something small" Michael whispered before handing the envelope towards Luke who skeptically took it and gave Michael one last look before opening it.
Out of the envelope came two tickets "They are for this small underground event there are allot of great bands, thought you may like it " the dirty blonde whispered nervously, shifting in his seat as Luke wasn't giving off any signs to read. Just as Michael was sure that the blonde hated it and not trying to let it show he smiled "This is amazing, thanks" He said while studying the tickets once more before looking at Michael "Thank you Michael, you're coming with me though" he said with a smile and Michael couldn't disagree
"If you want me too, you could also just go with Calum i don't care" he shrugged but Luke shook his head "No , i want to take you with me , if your mom is okay with that" and Michael nodded his head.
After that Luke asked for the check and paid for their meal before wrapping his arm around the dirty blonde's waist and kissing the top of his head whispering a 'thank you' again , nobody had really done something like that for him and even though he hated those couples who thought they always had to give each other something for every anniversary he liked that Michael had actually considered giving him something.
Once they came outside it was raining making both of them groan, it was nearly spring and the weather was still shit. They raced to the car , Luke keeping his arm tightly wrapped around the dirty blonde, making sure nothing would happen to him because if something would happen he would be dead for sure.
Getting into the car quickly Michael couldn't help but laugh at their now slightly damp state causing Luke to join. "I was actually hoping that we could go to the beach since it's beautiful around this time but i guess that isn't an option anymore" Luke said while running a hand through his now slightly damp hair and looking at Michael. The younger boy shrugged "That's okay , it's not like you can control the weather" he said before leaning over the console and pecking his lover's lips.
Luke smiled and cupped Michael's soft cheek with one hand, letting his pointer finger slowly caress the skin as he pressed their foreheads together. Michael closed his eyes and leaned into the older boy's touch. Completely caught up in the moment of pure happiness and love Luke let a soft "I love you" slip from his lips shocking both of them.
The dirty blonde's breath got caught in his throat as he let the words was over him like "Michael i'm" taking in a breath and biting down on his lip before opening his mouth again "No don't" Michael whispered, completely cutting the older blonde off "Don't say you're sorry" he whispered shaking his head and pulling away from Luke "I feel honored that you love me , i've just never been in love you know" Michael said looking down at his hands and pulling the sleeves of his sweater over them "But i think i am , i think i am in love with you"
Grinning and wrapping his arms around Michael's waist, the older boy pulled Michael into his lap."Well Michael I think I am in love with you too" he whispered causing Michael to giggle. Burying his face into Luke's chest to hide his flaming red cheeks from the older blonde, he listened to Luke's heartbeat while the older boy softly ran his hands up and down Michael's soft biceps.
Michael smiled and wrapped his arms around Luke's neck , was he in love? He had no idea but he was sure that the feelings he had for Luke were more than just liking somebody. Maybe he was already in love, maybe he wasn't but there was no way to know the unknown.
Tightening his grip on the younger boy's waist and pulling him ever closer Luke leaned in and connected their lips. Closing their eyes and letting their lips move together as one, Michael became a weak mess In Luke's hands. His body was tingling and he could feel his skin flush underneath Luke's touch.
In these past two months they had been together Michael had became so used to kissing and even making out with Luke. He was used to the older boy's lips against his own by now but they would still make his head float and his body melt, his mind would spin in circles as he wouldn't care about the lack of oxygen. He only cared about Luke's lips on his, the feeling of two persons moving together as one.
Michael's hands wandered slowly , exploring every inch of his lover's body. Fingertips softly slipping underneath the older blonde's shirt and touching the hot and bare skin while Luke's own hands were slowly rubbing up and down Michael's clothed sides. Sometimes Michael wondered if Luke was craving more, he obviously was far more experienced and Michael was holding him back.
Yeah sure Michael was now comfortable with making out and letting Luke touch him but he wasn't ready for Luke's hands anywhere near his private zone, and he still hadn't let Luke touch him more than just slipping his hands underneath his shirt.
Curling his fingers around the hem of Luke's black sweater, the blonde pulled away and took of his shirt with a smirk, fully aware that Michael was looking. He couldn't ever get enough of Michael's attention on him , Luke knew that he was decent looking but he loved how Michael would stare at him as if he was the most beautiful thing on earth.
Michael's gaze was focussed on the silver shiny bar that was pierced right through his left nipple. "Never took you for someone who had a nipple piercing" MIchael wondered out loud making Luke smirk "It was a bet , Calum won obviously" Luke noted with a shrug making the dirty blonde nod.
Michael's eyes trailed from the shiny metal bar towards the black ink on his ribs, he remembers that Luke told him he had a fifth one on his ribs"never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey" along with a date 27-11-2011
"It's something my mother would use to say to me, and her passing date" Luke explained, a said smile on his face "It's beautiful" MIchael whispered while letting his fingers brush over the black ink. Letting his eyes gaze the tattoo just a little bit longer before slowly trailing his eyes up Luke's chest until he reached his favourite pair of bright blue eyes.
Biting his lip in order to stop himself from smiling, Michael was beyond happy. Luke made him happy. Cupping the blonde's face softly in his hands like the older boy would always do to him "I bet she's proud" Michael whispered and he truly meant it from the bottom of his heart "I know for sure that she's proud of the man you have become, i know it wasn't always easy without her" Luke was quiet as the dirty blonde spoke, Michael always spoke so fondly off him and it made him never want to let the boy down and be less fond about him.
"You really think so?" Luke whispered, wondering if his mother would be as proud as Michael claimed her to be "Yeah, i know for sure. She would be proud that you turned your life around , that you fought your battle against alcohol and depression and that you got a job and decided to go to college. How you're helping me" Michael said intertwining their fingers. Luke gave Michael's hand a tight squeeze "I hope so" Luke whispered before wrapping his arms tighter around the dirty blonde's waist and pulling him closer again so that they were chest to chest.
"I love you" Luke whispered as his fingertips brushed along Michael's bare stomach "I love you too" Michael smiled, not even daring to hide the blush that crept up his cheeks because he was too busy taking in every inch of Luke, honestly the boy was just too perfect and he still didn't deserve someone as beautiful and caring as Luke.
Leaning back into Luke they kissed, eyes closed and mouths moving together. Michael learned that Luke loved it when he bit down on his lip or toyed with the blonde's lip ring. Luke's hands carefully slipped a little bit lower down his back, so that they were now resting on the curve off his ass "Is this okay?" he questioned against the younger boys lips, michael just hummed before connecting their lips again, hungry for more, never wanting to stop tasting Luke in his own mouth.
They kissed like that for a few more minutes, making out in the driver's seat for everyone to see, well no one really walked by them since they were parked nearly at the end of the parking lot but they were still out in the open.
Michael pulled away , his lips were swollen and neither of them cared that there was a small trail of saliva still connecting them "Luke?" Michael whispered and the older boy hummed "I" the dirty blonde bit his lip "You can tell me" Luke said while softly running his hands along the boy's clothed sides. "I wanna try something" Michael spit out making Luke sit up a little bit straighter.
"Are you sure?" Michael nodded "Michael are you really sure, don't feel pressured to do something for me okay" Luke whispered but Michael shook his head "I don't feel pressured i just want to try something" he answered and Luke nodded his head "What do you wanna try?" Michael blushed , suddenly feeling very insecure "Do you remember a while ago when we were making out and i freaked out?" he quizzed and Luke hummed "I want you to do it again what you did back then" he breathed out shyly meeting the older boy's eyes "You want me to give you a hickey?" and Michael nodded and Luke smiled nodding his head. Cupping his lovers face softly in his hands Luke brings their faces closer together "Just tell me to stop if you want me to " he whispered before slowly connecting their lips again.
They kissed for a while before Luke started to trail kisses down to boy's jaw, slowly kissing a path down his neck before settling for a spot he knew would get the most reaction and softly starting to nibble at the skin.
Michael could feel his heart pick up pace incredibly fast, closing his eyes and letting a soft whimper fall from his lips as Luke softly started to suck on the skin. It seemed all so normal for people but for Michael it was the most intimate moment he had ever had. He couldn't help but let out shaky breaths as he felt Luke suck and bite down on the skin of his neck.
It wasn't long after that when Luke pulled away, the skin was already starting to become bright purple. Bringing their faces together they smiled , resting their foreheads together. Yeah they were definitely in love
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