The Pretence - Chapter 4
Chapter 4!!! There's a slight difference in the scene from the movie where Leeta is having her flashbacks, but other than that it's all the same! Please comment! I love comments and when you guys reach out to me! Ideas where the story will go, comments on certain parts of the stories, or even just talking about Harry Potter- I love it all! Enjoy!
"Mr. Travers, Mr. Travers, hold up a minute!" calls Linda as she chases the man walking down the hall. He makes no effort to stop or even slow down for her.
"Come now Linda, walk and talk," chides the man.
"Mr. Travers, I need to go to Paris," says Linda as she matches his fast pace walking down the Ministry corridors.
"Why on Earth would I let you go to Paris? You know I'm not keen on giving out free vacations," he replies.
"An Auror from MUCUSA requested to work with me on a Grindelwald lead," Linda lies, causing Mr. Travers to stop and turn to look at her.
"Why didn't that request come to my desk first?"
"She sent me the message directly," Linda replies quickly.
"Well can I see it then?"
"Why not?"
"Because the message self destructed once I read it, you know how they like their secrecy," Linda replies. She waits in anticipation to see if her boss bought the story.
"Bloody Americans," mutters Mr. Travers angrily. "Very well," Linda lets out a barely audible sigh of relief. "But you tell your American friend next time to not blow up the request if she could be so kind."
"Duly noted sir," Linda says as she attempts to take off before her boss can change his mind.
"Linda, I didn't say you could go right now," he calls just as she's almost out of earshot. "You can go tomorrow, because today I need you to come to Hogwarts."
"Hogwarts sir?" Linda asks incredulously.
"Yes, were going to pay your old professor a visit. We were hoping that brining along a couple of his favourite student to... soften the blow," he replies. "We'll arrange for the Floo Network Authority to temporarily hook up a fireplace at Hogwarts so you can leave directly after; you know how impatient those Americans get, wouldn't want to keep them waiting until tomorrow."
"Yes sir. I'll be sure to pack some powder with me," Linda says. "Why are we going to see Dumbledore by the way?"
"We need Dumbledore to help us with Grindelwald, he's been refusing to move against him," he says warily.
"Surely you don't think that Dumbledore is working with him! Dumbledore is a good man he would never—"
"Good people do bad things if they think it's for the right reasons. There have been better men who have fallen to the dark side, look at the founder of your house Salazaar," Linda moves to protest but he clarifies, "I know you think he is a good man now, but he was a known associate of Grindelwald in the past. We just need to be sure."
Linda nods in acceptance. "Now if you would go and find your meandering partner and tell him were leaving in an hour. Abbot should have briefed him on this already," he orders. Linda nods obediently. "Oh and tell him if he sees my assistant to let her know that she'll be joining us on our little field trip too."
Linda sets off down the hallway towards Theseus' office. She can hear muffled raised voices coming from the room and stops outside briefly to make sure she's not interrupting anything.
"... Leeta ever since Newt came back things haven't been the same! You know they haven't!" yells Theseus.
"What's that even supposed to mean? What are you even saying?" she says, the horror evident in her voice.
"I'm saying that if you're in love with Newt you have a way out. A free pass. But if you want out you have to tell me now," says Theseus with a much softer voice.
"That's rubbish, you're just looking for an out! You're still in love with her aren't you! Theseus, I'm right here, standing in front of you. But you don't see me," Says Leeta sadly.
Her? Linda wonders. Who is Leeta speaking about? Before she can put too much thought into the other woman's words Theseus speaks up again, "Don't turn this on me Leeta. You know how I feel, nothing's changed," he says finally, causing Linda to think the fight is over. However, to Linda's surprise, he continues after a brief pause, "But if there's even a small bit that still —"
"We're done here," states Leeta in a fed up tone.
Startling Linda, the door opens and Leeta almost walks into her, not expecting anyone to be there. "Thank god someone he'll listen to is here to talk some sense into him," Leeta says to Linda.
Linda looks horrified as Leeta storms past her. She doesn't blame her, the fight she's just had with Theseus sounded particularly awful. Linda cautiously walks into Theseus' office, where he is running his hands through his hair and over his face in frustration.
"You wanna tell me what that was all about?" says Linda pretending that she didn't hear a good part of the previous conversation.
"Nothing, just got into a small spat about the wedding is all," lies Theseus terribly. Linda gives him a questioning look. "Fine it was a big fight. Let's just say we'll see if she even still wants to be engaged to me at the end of the day."
"That bad huh?" she asks sheepishly as she closes the door to Theseus' office to give them more privacy. "Is she having second thoughts?"
"Well she hasn't said so, but I think she has been but hasn't told me, and then that's been making me have second thoughts which— oh god I'm rambling like my brother aren't I?"
"Wait go back a second. You're having second thoughts?" asks Linda bewildered.
"Well, no... yes—but only because she is too!" he complains as he gestures to the door that Leeta had just stormed through. He sighs, "It's been ever since my brother got back from New York. I knew they used to date but I thought she way over him. I don't want to be a placeholder for someone else. Her eyes started to stray and well... I started to think that maybe this isn't the best idea. I feel like this's been coming to an end ever since Newt came back, her heart's just not in this anymore Linda."
"Theseus," sighs Linda as she sits down in the chair across the desk from his preparing herself for a lengthy conversation. "I'm not so sure that you'd care about if Leeta was having second thoughts if you weren't too; you're too stubborn to let the love of your life walk out on you. If you're having doubts there's no shame in that, but if they're really truly deep doubts better you tell her now then after the wedding. I know you always try to be the perfect gentleman Theseus but there's nothing classy about leading someone on like that."
"I know, I know. It's just... If I give her up am I going to find anyone else to love me like she does? I know we might have our reservations, but if we both have them doesn't it count for something?"
"Well how do you know that there's no one else?" asks Linda who is visibly confused. If a guy like Theseus couldn't find someone then Linda thinks she doesn't have any hope.
"Well..." says Theseus as if he's too afraid to reveal something. "There is someone, but it never worked out, and I doubt she would go out with me now."
"I doubt that," Linda scoffs. "I mean your Theseus Scamander 'the war hero', there's a gossip section practically dedicated to you, why wouldn't she want to date a celebrity?"
"I don't think that impresses her, she's not really that sort," he replies fondly.
"Hm, sounds like I would like her," jokes Linda.
"Like you wouldn't believe," mumbles Theseus.
"What was that?" questions Linda, but Theseus acts as if he hasn't said anything. "Nevermind, The thing is Theseus, you and I are sitting here talking about another woman while you're still engaged to your fiancée... Theseus I think you know what you need to do; for the sake of both of you. If neither of your hearts are all in then it's not worth it."
"Thank you Linda, I'll have to find a way to tell her. I'll have to wait until the whole thing with her brother blows over because I can't leave her now. Not with what she's been facing," they both take a pause and the air clears of it's tenseness. "But for now, I assume you came to my office to speak with me about work and not to talk about my relationship?" he asks sarcastically.
"Oh Merlin, you're not gonna like me once I tell you what it is." Theseus looks at her with concern. "We have to go to Hogwarts to speak to Dumbledore in a few hours with Travers...and Leeta."
"Bloody hell, this is going to be an awkward trip isn't it. Well thanks for telling me," Theseus stands up and begins to clean up his desk. " I'll meet up with you before we leave."
Linda goes to walk out the door but is stopped by someone calling her name for the second time that day, "I thought you were leaving for Paris this morning, did Travers turn the MUCUSA request down?"
"No," says Linda shaking her head. "I'm leaving to Paris from Hogwarts but Travers wanted me there for when they confront Dumbledore."
"Well you are one of his favourites," teases Theseus.
"So are you, you pogwally," says Linda as she throws a piece of crumpled parchment at Theseus who pretends to be injured by the words and the throw.
"Oh Linda how you wound me with your insults... and paper apparently," says Theseus sarcastically. "I'll see you in a few hours toad spawn."
"See you soon gargoyle face," says Linda smirking as she exits the door.
"Ready to leave? Remember the mission everyone," says Travers as he addresses the crowd. "If Dumbledore refuses to cooperate we will have to put him in admonitors so we can track what spells he's using."
"This feels so wrong," whispers Linda to Theseus, both of whom are standing at the front of the crowd of Aurors.
"Well at least he's not putting them on us," replies Theseus jokingly.
"Don't give him any ideas," retorts Linda.
"Theseus and Linda, after me," says Travers before disaparating. The two look at one another and nod before flicking their wands and disaparating.
Linda's body twists and warps through the air until it finally reaches the Hogwarts. When she lands, she feels like the wind has been knocked out of her and her vision swims for a moment causing her to lose her balance; luckily Theseus catches her shoulder and gently nudges her back up to a standing position.
"Hey, you alright?" he asks carefully.
"Yea just had a bad landing," she replies trying to cover up the real reason she feels this way. She looks up and sees the Hogwarts children crowded at the window to see the Aurours. "Looks like I may have just embarrassed myself in front of the audience."
"I'm sure they still think you're pretty impressive. Do you remember when we used to be the ones watching when Aurors came to school? How cool we used to think being an Auror was? We could probably trip over the bridge and they'd think it was awesome," enthuses Theseus. They are both hit with a brief moment of nostalgia as they look up to see students doing what they had done more than a decade ago.
More and more Aurors appear behind them as they walk across the bridge to the front gates of the school. "Yea you're probably right."
Travers took the lead as the group strode confidently into the school. The hallways were lined with children, the younger ones staring in awe and the older ones looking on wondering what is happening. Travers doesn't stop to answer to anyone as he strides up to Dumbledore's classroom.
"Mr. Travers! Mr. Travers, I demand to know why you've decided to show up here in the middle of classes!"
Mr. Travers continues to walk at his fast pace towards the classroom paying no mind to the Scottish voice yelling after him or the fact that his two protégées have fallen several paces behind him. He throws open the door and walks directly up to Dumbledore.
"This is a school, you've no right," spits the Scottish professor angrily.
"I'm the Head of Magical Law Enforcement, I have the right to go wherever I please," says Travers evenly. Theseus and Linda finally enter the room, shortly followed by the other Aurors. "Out of here," he says sternly to the children.
"Of all the things he taught us why didn't he teach us to make an entrance like that?" whispers Linda. She hears a Gryffindor boy on a couch behind her snicker slightly.
All of the children look to Dumbledore waiting for a response. Travers seems uncomfortable that the children didn't take direction from him, however he seems content when Dumbledore tells the students to go with Professor McGonagall.
The Gryffindor who was snickering at Linda's joke walks up to Travers, leans into his ear and says, "He's the best teacher we've got."
"Thanks McClaggen," says Dumbledore dryly as he looks down at his shoes. Linda knows that he secretly appreciates his student's support against Travers.
"Get out," says Travers in annoyance.
"Come McClaggen," says McGonagall sternly.
"No—" the student protests.
"Ms. Black, could you please help Professor McGonagall escort the students into the hallway," says Dumbledore even though Linda knows he's mostly referring to McClaggen.
Linda ignores the glare that her boss shoots her and begins to help the Scottish woman escort the children outside. Linda manages to get the reluctant McClaggen to follow her out of the classroom; she suspects he only follows because of the joke she had made earlier.
Once they round the corner Linda turns to the McClaggen to speak. The boy who's expecting a lecture from the Auror is surprised when she opens her mouth to speak. "That was very brave what you did back there," says Linda sweetly, as she lowers herself to the boys level. "No wonder you're a Gryffindor. What's your name?"
"Well hello then Collin, I'm Linda," she says ask she extends her hand for him to shake.
"You're not mad I yelled at your boss?" asks the young boy curiously.
"Why would I? I would've done the same thing when I was a student," replies Linda.
"But you're an Auror I thought you were supposed to be the good guys?" says McClaggen with confusion in his voice.
This takes Linda aback for a moment. "Well... were in a war right now Colin. And my boss's come to ask Dumbledore for some help fighting for the good guys, he's just not the best with his manners asking."
"You're not going to let them take him Miss, he's the best teacher we have! — No offence McGonagall," says the boy. The Professor rolls her eyes in the background. All of the students seem to be quietly listening into the conversation between their peer and Linda.
"Don't worry, he's not going anywhere I promise you that. Besides I can't let my favourite Professor stop teaching can I?" enthuses Linda as she tries to lighten the mood.
"You were taught by Dumbledore?" says the student in awe.
"He taught me everything I know," Linda smiles. "Almost. No offence McGonagall." The students erupt in laughter and the tenseness of the moment officially passes over. Knowing that she's now appeased the students' curious minds she walks over to speak with Professor McGonagall privately.
"Miss Black, I need to know one thing," she whispers harshly. "Are they taking Dumbledore?"
"No Professor, if he refuses to move against Grindelwald then they'll just place admonitors on him," says Linda anxiously waiting to see if she's about to be chewed out by the Scots Woman.
McGonagall seems to nod in acceptance of this much to Linda's relief. Linda's eyes wander to watching the children play in the courtyard. Just then a rare smile springs across the Professors face, which alarms Linda. "Why are you smiling at me? Stop it, you're scaring me."
"You handled the students very well today Miss Black. You even got Mr. McClaggen to listen to you, which I confess is quite a feat," McGonagall pauses to look at the other woman. "Have you considered teaching?" Linda laughs. Her? A professor? "You're good with children Linda and dare I say a talented witch. They would adore you." Linda takes another look to where the children are playing and grins. With the cure on its way she allows herself to imagine what it would be like to be a Professor for the young children. Maybe with her newfound future she'd be able to settle down, teach. Then her mind wanders to watching her own children playing in this very courtyard at Hogwarts and—
Whack. "Ow, what the bloody hell was that for?" McGonagall rolls up the parchment once again and goes in for another swing. Whack. "Hey!"
"The first one was for storming into my school. The second one was for your language," scolds McGongall. Linda smiles and rolls her eyes as she walks away, knowing that she needs to catch up to her boss whose probably fed up with Dumbledore and already on his way out of Hogwarts.
Travers is questioning Dumbledore, and Theseus isn't quite liking how its going, "There's a rumour that this prediction refers to the Obscurial. They say that Grindelwald wants—"
"A highborn henchman. I've heard the rumour," interjects Dumbledore. Theseus begins to tune out the two men squabbling. Did his boss really think his brother was on the side of Grindelwald? Newt may not be one for the rules, but there's no way he's ever going to choose a side let alone Grindelwald's. And did Linda going to Paris have anything to do with Newt?
Theseus is snapped out of his thoughts as Travers magically places the admonitors on Dumbledore's wrist. "From now on I shall know every single spell you cast. I'm doubling the watch on you, and you will no longer be able to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts." He turns to Theseus as he exits the room, "Theseus! Where's Leeta we need to go to Paris."
All of the Aurors follow Travers as he storms out the door but Theseus is a tad slower to leave.
"—Theseus," says Dumbledore softly. Theseus looks back at his former Professor. "Theseus, why is Linda here? Why hasn't she left yet? She needs to get it now because if Grindelwald is in Paris he may try to tamper with it if he finds out what she's after."
"What are you talking about?" asks Theseus who is thoroughly confused. Dumbledore then notices Theseus' confusion —realizing that Linda hasn't told him anything — and tries to backtrack.
"The evidence that will incriminate him once and for all," lies Dumbledore.
"Theseus!" calls Travers from down the corridor.
Theseus goes to leave one more time but is once again stopped by Dumbledore calling his name. "Theseus, if Grindelwald holds a rally don't try to break it up. Don't let Travers send you in there. If you ever trusted me—"
"THESEUS!" yells the ever-impatient Travers. This time Theseus, who is now slightly irritated by Dumbledore, goes out the door in pursuit of his boss.
Theseus begins to mull everything over in his head. Is Linda working for Dumbledore? How could she not tell him?
"Where's Linda? I thought you she was out here with the children?" asks Theseus.
"She was, but I sent her to find your fiancée whose gone off wandering. I would've sent you, but you seemed to take your time coming out of the classroom," replies Travers bitterly, still aggravated by the conversation with Dumbledore. "Now if you could please go and find Linda and tell her that we'll be meeting her in Paris tomorrow that would be lovely. The rest of us will see you and Leeta back at the ministry," says Travers in a forced calm voice, leaving Theseus to go and find the two women.
Linda walks through the corridors that she had once graced as a pupil herself. Her mind is full of nostalgia as she passes the classrooms that her and Theseus used to pretend to pay attention in. Watching the students whizzing around on broomsticks Linda could practically feel the wind on her face. She finally passes the infirmary, the place that seems to have started this all. The first time she was sick. But Linda finally feels at peace, because later today she would have the cure in her hands. She wishes that she could go back and tell little Linda that everything is going to be all right, that she's going to live, that one day she's going to find a cure and that she can go back to doing everything she loves. No one would ever have to know. Linda tries to not let herself get too excited, but she's been living with the idea that she would never get to grow old. Just then, picturing the past makes her remember that now she has a future too.
She passes a few more classrooms until she finally finds Leeta in one. What Linda sees breaks her heart. Theseus had been right. Leeta is sitting at a desk staring lovingly, no, longingly at a carving on the inside. The carving is a heart surrounding two initials, L +N. Leeta plus Newt.
Leeta seems to know that Linda has seen her and begins to speak without turning around. "He was right you know... I just didn't want to admit it," says Leeta sadly. "What kind of person longs after their fiancées brother? A monster."
"Leeta, you're not a monster," replies Linda gently.
Leeta turns around to address Linda. "It's funny... I almost believe you," says Leeta in a moment of self-hatred. Leeta knows she's a monster for everything she's done. First Corvus and now Theseus, a person she respects and adores so very much. But in this moment she thinks that perhaps there is one thing that she can do to repent. It won't fix what she's done, nor will it make her feel any better, but it's the least she can do. "He's in love with you you know."
"I beg your pardon?" asks Linda in bewilderment.
"Theseus is in love with you. He always has been," Linda moves to protest but Leeta continues. "He told me when we first started dating that there's a place in his heart that would always belong to you. That when you two talked about starting a family together 'out of convenience' for him it wasn't that. For him it was the prospect of finally getting married to the girl he'd been in love with since they played in the forest behind their houses together. But he didn't want to get in the way of his brother. But when Newt returned and your feelings didn't, I think he finally realized he had a shot. That's when we started to fall apart. But it's not your fault, it's ours. We both looked away from each other and to the people we thought we could never have. Don't be a fool Linda; don't push away someone like I did Newt, or else you'll end up like me. Alone."
Linda feels the tears begin to prick her eyes as Leeta takes her leave. How could she possibly begin to process this information? Theseus was in love with her? Is she in love with Theseus but never let herself truly feel it because she knew of her fate? However, she doesn't have time to process any of the information because as Leeta leaves the classroom Dumbledore walks in. "Linda are you alright?"
Linda, still in a daze, nods. "Yes, I'm fine I'm just... confused," she says as she wipes the tears from her eyes.
Dumbledore seems to pick up on her current state and asks, "Linda, what did Leeta say to you?"
"That's not important right now sir," says Linda trying to center herself. "Right now I need to get to Paris. I—"
"Linda!" calls Theseus.
"Merlin's beard not now," mumbles Linda. Theseus is the last person she wants to see right now.
To her surprise and dismay, Theseus grabs Dumbledore by the collar and throws him up against the wall.
"Theseus stop this! What's gotten into you?" Linda protests. What has gotten into him?
"No! I want to know why he's sending you to Paris!" whispers Theseus harshly as to not call any attention to passer byes. "Hm, Dumbledore? Getting her to do your dirty work collecting evidence on Grindelwald when you very well know that it could get her killed!"
"Theseus he's not the reason I'm going to Paris," confesses Linda guiltily. Theseus loosens his grip on his former professor and turns to Linda. "There's something personal there that I need to do," Theseus goes to protest but Linda cuts him off by placing her hands gently on his face and levelling his eyes with hers. "—and I'm sorry but I can't tell you what it is. Not until I'm back. Not until I have it, because if I can't fix it you'll never forgive me for not telling you in the first place, you'd hate me."
"You're wrong," he says, causing to Linda give him a questioning look. "There's nothing on this Earth that you could do to get me to hate you." Linda looks relieved but then Theseus continues, the disappointment evident in his voice, "—but what I'll never understand is why you feel you can tell him," he says pointing to Dumbledore, "but not me." And with that Theseus makes his exit.
"Theseus! One day you'll understand, I promise one day I'll tell you everything."
He stops and turns around, but not for the reason Linda is hoping. "I forgot to mention, the department and I will be joining you in Paris tomorrow," he says coolly. "So have fun on your personal trip while it lasts."
Once gone, Linda turns to Dumbledore. "Sir I'm going to need you help me with something before I leave."
And just like that Linda's trip to the French Ministry was shaping up to be an interesting one.
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