t w o
"Emilia I swear to god if you don't answer that phone, I'm going to get that lamp post you keep threatening me with and choke you with it." Katherine threatens from her bed.
"Well if you're insisting on getting that lamp post, how about you get that phone call?" I grumble from on top of my pillow.
"Because that's your phone."
"Good point." I groan, sitting up on the bed. I jump down from the bed and pad across the room to my phone that vibrates on the table. I sigh and take the phone, reading the hella annoying caller.
"It's Damon."
Suddenly, Katherine speeds from her bed and stands behind me. "Ooh, answer!" I give her a weird look before I look down at the phone, not sure whether to answer or not.
I decline the call and place the phone back on the table. "Girl, what is wrong with you?" Katherine gasps, smacking my shoulder. "Nothing, and why are you in my room?" I ask, turning to her.
"You owed me one for saving you from Klaus." She replies, falling back on the bed. "Oh wow." I mutter, falling back down beside her. "You're homeless aren't you?" I ask.
She hums in response and I chuckle, my eyes roaming the celling. "So, breakfast?" She asks, turning her head to look at me. "With you? Yeah, hell no." I respond, placing my hands under my head.
"Why not?"
"Because I know you're using me to survive."
"Please, I'm Katherine Pierce. I'm a survivor." Katherine scoffs, sighing. "Please, I'm Emilia Gilbert. I'm a realist and quite a bitch." I reply, shrugging.
"The diner it is, let's go."
I chuckle and get off from the bed as the two of us start getting ready. I walk towards the bathroom but Katherine uses her speed to get inside the bathroom, and she locks the door.
I gasp and bang on the door. "Hey! Not fair! Get out! Now!" I yell, punching my hand against the door. "Life's not fair." She replies as I hear the shower get turned on.
I groan and walk to the door that leads out of the motel room. I walk out to the bright sun and turn to the room beside us. I knock on the door and a man swings the door open.
He wears a plain white shirt with boxers, his bear gray and his tummy standing out. He has a sleepy face as he stares at me with a look. He looks bored and annoyed at my presence.
"You don't mind if I use your bathroom, right?" I ask and before he could reply, I walk past him in the room and towards the bathroom. "Thanks." I call out as I slam the door shut.
A few minutes later, I step out of the room and salute the guy before I walk back to my room. I huff as I push open the door and step inside the room. "Thank god! You're alive." Katherine groans as I slam the door shut, shaking half the room.
"His bathroom is even cleaner than ours." I mutter, walking to the closet. "Who's he?" She asks, snorting. "A nice man. Definitely nicer than you." I reply, taking out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. "I'm a nice woman. He's a nice man."
"Yeah, because there is a difference." I scoff, pulling on my clothes.
"There is a difference. I'm a woman and he's a man."
"Are you going to keep repeating that phrase till I agree with you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Yep." She replies, shrugging.
"Well, enjoy your day talking to a girl who doesn't give a damn."
"Damn gurl, what got into your bathroom?" Katherine asks before she chuckles, "Oh wait, that's me."
I roll my eyes, "Let's just go have breakfast before I commit suicide."
♡ ♡ ♡
It was supposed to be our day....
I stare down at my phone as I read the text message over and over again. I was at loss of words and couldn't comprehend what the world was doing to me. I felt pity for Elena because she went through everything, literally everything; the last thing she expects is her sister leaving her alone in a pile of emotions.
I admit what I did was wrong but for the sake of myself and everyone I love, I had to run away. Klaus was after me and if I stayed back in Mystic Falls, he'd not only find me but my sister too who's supposed to be dead.
"Klaus is after me yet I'm roaming Chicago and having breakfast. That doesn't sound like a pleasing hide out." I mutter, crossing my arms on the table.
"Klaus is making hybrids now."
"So he's not after me anymore?"
"No." She replies, "He is after you but he wants to start an army in the process of looking for you. You'll be like his special hybrid or his favorite or I don't know. But you have to understand that the curse won't work because Elena is not dead. That's why you cannot let him bite you, or else you'll die."
"Why me?" I scoff, "Seriously, what's so wow about me?"
"You're a strong Gilbert. The sister of the doppelgänger. The first ever werecoyote. Klaus would love to see you destroy your own life. Including all the people you love that he hates and loathes. Klaus is offering you a chance to hell, Emilia, don't take it."
"I'm already in hell." I hiss, "And every time I see an open door that leads me out of it, I take that door. But that door is just another way to hell."
"Keep going, Emilia, keep going because someday you'll find your way out." Katherine says just as our food is placed on the table.
"Yeah, and this someday is probably when I'm fifty or something." I scoff, taking a bite out of my pancake.
"So, are you going to call Damon back?" She asks, tilting her head. "I want to, but...." I pause, my wheels turning. "But what?" She asks, snapping me out of my daze.
"But I'm afraid of what he wants to say to me. I mean, what is he going to say?"
"Don't overthink, Emilia, just eat."
I chuckle and stuff my mouth with food to keep my thoughts busy. But it couldn't work when it came to Damon. It never did and it never will. So, I slammed my fork down on the table and dialed Damon's number.
"What are you doing?"
"Doing what I was supposed to do. I'm not going to wait for Prince Charming, I'm going to go and call him. The poor dude might be stuck in a tree or something." I reply, pressing the phone to my ear.
"That doesn't make sense. At all." Katherine responds, looking at me weirdly as she sips at her coffee.
"Emilia?" Damon's voice came from the other end.
My eyes widen and Katherine smiles, "I told you so." She whispers, shrugging as she sips her coffee like she had nothing to do with it. But let me tell you, she had everything to do with it.
It was Katherine Pierce after all. The "survivor".
"D-Damon, hey." I mutter, clearing my throat. I slide out of the booth, taking my coffee and I exit the diner. I hear shuffling in the other end as I walk to the park across the street.
"Emilia," He repeats, breathlessly as I slide on a bench in the park. "I can't believe you declined my call. The nerve of you." He scoffed and I can't believe his dynamic changed all of a sudden.
"I'd say that I did accidentally but then I'd be lying."
"Huh, someone's got their period."
"Damon, why are you calling me?" I ask, crossing my arms. Damon scoffed and then there was a short silence before he responded, "I'm sorry, I recall you calling me. Not the other way around."
"Fine, why did you call me this morning?" I ask before I add, "And don't you dare tell me that you forgot what you wanted to say."
"Actually, I wasn't going to say that. Because I remember what I wanted to say."
"Oh, and what is that Mr Salvatore?" I ask, scoffing as I raise an eyebrow.
"In fact it's something important that I wanted to talk to you about, Mrs Salva- Miss Gilbert." Damon replies, clearing his throat awkwardly.
My eyes widen but I pretend that I didn't hear that. I clear my throat, "What's so important that's got you calling me at 8 in the morning?"
"Stefan killed Andie." Damon whispers, sadness lacing his voice.
"What?" I ask, sitting at the edge of the bench. "Hold on. Are you sure that it was Stefan?"
"Yes, I'm sure. I saw him do it before my eyes." He replies, gulping.
"No way!" I whisper, leaning back against the bench. "That's so messed up. It's Stefan, the dude who will feel bad for a fly. I mean I know his part of the deal was helping Klaus around, but...it's Stefan."
"Trust me, I thought the same thing. But you didn't see him, Emilia, he looked dead. He turned it off and now he'd do anything Klaus asks him too." Damon says, "I've been tracking him these past two months and he has been leaving trails of bodies, bodies drained of blood. He didn't even bother hiding them."
"That's so messed up."
"Be careful, Emilia. Klaus might be using Stefan to get to you." Damon warns, "Losing Andie hurt like hell, so I can't imagine what I'd feel if I lost you."
I smile slightly, "Thank you, Damon."
"I can't believe you're not convincing me to come back to Mystic Falls. That's a first." I realize, chuckling.
"I tried convincing you for two months but don't worry, I didn't give up yet. But I will warn you from Stefan and Klaus." Damon replies, chuckling.
"How's Elena?" I ask, my thoughts diverting to my twin sister.
"She's broken," Damon answers, "She lost her boyfriend and her sister. She hadn't smiled since you left. She'd just give a fake smile or a broken one. Even last night she kept wondering how it would've been if you were there."
"Last night?"
"Yeah, Caroline threw Elena a birthday party." Damon replies, sighing.
"This was supposed to be our night." I whisper, remembering Elena's confusing text message. "It's all my fault she's broken. I'm supposed to be the good sister and help her out, but instead I'm doing the opposite."
"You're protecting her, Emilia."
"I know, but I'm also breaking her." I croak out, "She lost Jenna, she lost Stefan, and I wasn't there to help her out."
"You lost them too, Emilia."
"I know and that's the reason why I left Mystic Falls. I don't want Elena to lose me too, because that wouldn't only break her more than she already is." I respond, biting my lip.
"Emilia, promise me you'd be safe. Because trust me you don't want a crying dude on your grave."
"Damon," I chuckle, smiling. "I actually would like to see you cry."
"It won't be pretty, trust me."
I laugh and smile brightly, "Talking to you had just made my day. But everything good had to come to an end."
"Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow." He whispers, a smile in his voice.
"Okay, but not at 8." I whisper, biting my lip. "Okay, bye now." He says, snorting. "Bye." I say, pursing my lips.
But none of us ended the calls and we just listened to the silence and each other's breathing. "Bye Damon." I whisper, my thumb grazing against the end button.
"Bye Lia."
A tear rolls down my cheek as I end the call, instantly wiping the tear before people in the park started giving me weird looks. I let out a shaky breath as I stand up from the bench.
I gasp as I come face to face with a familiar person. "Stefan." I whisper, my eyes widening. "That was one hell of a conversation you had with my brother." He says, motioning to the phone in my hand.
I gulp, "What do you want?"
"I'm here to warn you." Stefan answers, crossing his arms.
"Warn me of what? You? Klaus? Puh-lease, I know who stay away from." I scoff, walking past him. He grabs my arm and pulls me back to stand in front of him.
"Stefan, let me go." I hiss, glaring at him. I look down at his hand that tightens around my arm. I clench my jaw and meet his eyes, sending him an icy glare.
"No, and trust me you don't want to mess with me. I've been drinking blood."
I scoff, "Trust me, Stefan. You don't want to mess with a werecoyote who's on her period. Plus, today is the full moon."
"I'm not afraid of you, Emilia, and it's not the full moon yet. Plus, if you bite me keep in mind that Klaus and I are friends. His blood can heal me." Stefan threatens, smirking.
"Your dick is supposed to be in your pants, Stefan, not in your ego."
"Leave town. Klaus is after you." Stefan mutters, his eyes roaming my face.
"Yeah, no shit." I mutter, chuckling humorlessly.
"He knows where you live, Emilia. He has known this whole time."
"Then why hasn't he taken me?"
"Because he has a plan. He's planning to bite you today on the full moon. He's starting an army with a werewolf pack. Leave town and go to Memphis it's not that far from here." Stefan says, looking at me sincerely.
"Memphis? Why Memphis?"
"Because Klaus would never find you there."
AYE! CHAPTER TWO!! I kinda like this chapter... do you?
Vote and comment plz💜
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