t w e n t y
Chapter Twenty
"Stefan whatever your dad's name is Salvatore!" I yell furiously, stomping into the Salvatore household and slamming the door shut behind me. I stepped inside the library and found Stefan searching for a book on the bookshelf and once he heard me come in, he turned to face me.
"You look like you're going to punch me in the face," he commented. "What did I do and how do I fix it?"
"Why the fuck would you let Damon and Elena go on a road trip? Together. Alone." I shout, glaring at him with my arms crossed.
He sighs, slowly putting the book he was holding down on the table. He then walked over to me and placed both his hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eye.
"This road trip will help Elena discover her feelings for Damon." Stefan says slowly, cautiously.
"Are you crazy?" I exclaim, "It's like you're sending them away on a road trip so they could fall in love, kiss, and then have sex."
"No, Emilia, listen to me." he says, shaking his head at me with a sigh. "Damon told me that he has no feelings for Elena and that he expressed his feelings for you yesterday. Elena tells me that she's not sure of her feelings for Damon but she doesn't want to do something that would hurt you."
He continues, "So I suggested that the both of them go on the road trip so they could see that they're not meant for each other. I mean, Damon already realizes that you're the one but Elena is not sure of her feelings. And trust me, Emilia, the both of them never get along on road trips. So, I promise you that they won't fall in love with each other."
"You don't get it, Stefan." I sigh, running a hand down my face. "Damon's gonna fall in love with her because it's Elena."
Stefan frowns in confusion and I say, "It's always Elena, Stefan. It's always her and it's always going to be her. I mean, she has the whole package. She's afraid, brave, cute, confident, and she's everything a guy wants in a girl. He's gonna love her, Stefan.
I was always Elena's shadow. Back in the days, I wasn't Emilia to the people. No. I was Elena's sister and that's how everyone knew me. No one knew my name because I was Elena's shadow. And no doubt that I'll be her shadow again."
"Hey, no. Don't say that, Emilia. Gosh dammit." Stefan hisses, cupping my face in his hands as he stares into my eyes. "You're Emilia Gilbert. You have the whole package. You're everything a guy wants in a girl. You have it all." He whispers.
I shake my head, "No, Stefan, I don't."
"Yes you do." he scoffs, "You're brave, strong, fearless, confident, smart, kind, funny, and breath-taking. But you're also weak, fearful, afraid, clueless, rude, and moody. But in the end you're charming for who you are."
My lips part in shock and awe, feeling special and important. Dammit, Stefan Salvatore, you just killed my heart with your awesomeness.
He sighs, his eyes fluttering shut as he softly places his forehead against mine. "I want to confess. It's the right thing to do." He whispers, his thumb leaving tingles on my cheeks as he caresses it.
"What is it?" I ask softly, encouraging him to confess whatever he wanted to confess.
"I like you, Emilia." he says quietly, his fingers nervously shaking on my cheek. "I like you a lot."
I put my hands on his his that lay on my cheek before I slowly start to pull them away. "Stefan - "
"But I don't want anything to happen between us." he says, his eyes fluttering open as he stares into my brown orbs. "You're like a sister that I never had, Emilia, and I want to keep it like that because I like it."
I shut my mouth, speechless as he continues. "You're meant to be with my brother and I respect that because I just want what's best for you. Damon's the right guy for you and he loves you so much. I don't want to ruin our relationship because of my feelings when you're also in love with my brother."
My eyes tear up in guilt, my eyes casting downwards to look at the ground. Stefan lightly places his finger under my chin, raising my head so our eyes could meet again.
"Please don't feel guilty, Emilia." he says, "This is what I want, I swear. I want to be you friend, your brother, and the guy that will always be there for you whenever you may need him. I just felt the need to confess my feelings so I could tell you that I just want us to be how we are."
"Stefan," I whisper, biting my bottom lip. "I have never met a better guy like you before." A tear slips past my eyes and drops of my cheek.
"Hey, don't cry." he says, wiping my cheek. "Please don't cry." he whispers, pulling me to his chest and wrapping his arms around me protectively.
I purse my lips, more tears slipping past my eyes as I bury my face in his chest. Call me miss cliche but I felt safe between his arms. It's like all the pain I've felt just left because I was finally safe.
Oh, and his cologne smelt nice.
"Oh Stefan." I say quietly, sighing as I pull away. "I love you so much for the guy you are. You're a great friend. You made me realize that I am who I am, and that what people get is what they get. You made me feel better, Stefan, and I can't thank you enough for that."
"Actually, you could." he says, "I need your help to get the information out of Alaric's head. His other him hid the last stake that Klaus wants and I need to give it to him."
"Oh, alright." I nod, "I'm good at slaughtering information out of people."
"You're good at breaking the ice." he replies, chuckling slightly.
"I'm good at a lot of things." I say, winking at him with a playful look. Stefan laughs, pressing a light kiss to my forehead.
♡ ♡ ♡
I felt dead.
Everything was dark. I couldn't see but I also didn't feel myself. I only heard my fast heart beats and my brain ticking, like it had it's own alarm clock before it woke up.
My heart was beating at an abnormal pace, almost like it was going to beat our of my chest. I didn't feel my body, it was there - i'm sure - but I couldn't move.
Almost like it was time, my eyes bolted open and they surprisingly didn't squint at the bright light that shined on my eyes. It's like the air was sucked out of my body so I sat up straight, gasping for breath.
"Emilia." Elena gasps, instantly rushing towards me and kneeling in front of me on her knees. Dry tears stained her cheeks while fresh ones streamed down her face. She looked broken.
I finally grasped for breath and inhaled it all in my lugs, before I exhaled it and my breathing became erratic like I was afraid. But I didn't know from what.
I open my mouth to speak but couldn't find it in my to speak. It was like my voice was gone. Elena rushed and grabbed a water bottle, handing it to me. I instantly opened the cap and gulped down the water.
I then placed the empty water bottle on my lap and I finally took my time to scan my surroundings. I was on a couch in the Salvatore's house.
I looked over Elena's shoulder and saw Damon and Stefan. Damon looked somewhat furious, sad, and guilty as he stared at me. Stefan - however - looked like he was about to rip someone's head off but at the same time wanted to embrace me.
"What happened?" I croaked out, coughing through my sore throat.
I felt so dead.
Elena pursed her lips, tears falling down her cheeks like a waterfall. She opened her mouth and said the words that I never expected to come out of her mouth.
"You're in transition."
I stared at he, somehow confused and shocked. "What?" I ask, my body suddenly shaking.
Damon sighs sadly, standing up and kneeling in front of me. He cups my face and stares into my eyes, sadness swarming in his. "Emilia," He whispers, "You're in transition."
"What?" Those were the only words that I could come up with. I was completely and utterly horrified.
"Klaus kidnapped you and fed you his blood before he snapped your neck." Stefan explains, making me look at him. "He brought you here with a blood bag of Elena's blood. He said that it's your choice and then he left."
I couldn't cry and I couldn't sob like a normal human being because I am dead.
"I'm dead." I say, my voice cracking as I look between the three of them.
"Emilia - " Elena says softly.
"I'm dead." I repeat, staring at her. "I'm dead." I say, looking at Damon who looks like he's about to cry.
"I'm dead." I whisper - more to myself - like I was trying to convince myself that I was dead. It's like realization dawned onto me and a sob bubbled out, with not tears.
"Oh, my god. I'm dead." I sob, shaking my head vigorously in disbelief.
I stand up from the couch, rushing to the front door. "Emilia, wait - "
"I need to go, Elena." I say, my voice cracking as I turn to look at my sister.
"Emilia please - " Elena begs, her eyes pleading as more tears stream down her face.
"No, Elena. I'm going to go." I say shakily, "I need to go."
Elena purses her lips, pulling out the blood bag and handing it to me. "Take this."
I shake my head, "I'd rather die than become like him."
"No! Emilia! Please don't!" Elena sobs as she watches me walk to the front door. But I was already out.
I rush down the porch steps and ran away from the house. I ran between the trees in the woods at a fast pace until I reached the main street. Once I was sure no one could find me, I fell into a normal pace and that's when the tears started falling.
I sobbed and I didn't keep it in. I didn't care. I just wanted to cry. So, I did. I cried and I cried and I cried as I walked down the street, not knowing where I was taking myself.
An hour later, I found myself standing on the Wickery Bridge. The same place where my adoptive parents died. So I sat down on the railing, my legs dangling off on top of the water. And then I decided.
I decided that I wanted to die in the same place my parents died.
I didn't want to kill myself and get the process done easily. No. I wanted to take my time in dying because I wanted to live my last seconds staring up at the shining stars and bright moon. I was going to wait for my heart to stop and then boom! I'm dead.
Funny how once I was a little girl, wishing to be a dentist when I grow up. Or when I use to wake up to my mom making pancakes in the morning. Or when Elena and I made friends at the park and played. It's also funny how I had thought that being a teenager was a dream come true.
But in reality, being a teenager sucks.
I ended up single, lonely, grieving for the death of my parents, and being the shadow of Elena. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Elena and I are sucked in into this world of vampires, werewolves, hybrids, ghosts, and witches.
It's also funny how instead of being a dentist, I became a werecoyote. And now I'm forced to be in the supernatural crazy world.
You know, what's even funnier? That I just want to go back to being a child and staying a child forever because that's a dream come true.
My life sucks. Well not anymore, since I'm pretty much dead.
My head turned, alarmingly, when I heard footsteps approaching. But then I sighed in relief when I saw that it was only Damon. I watched in confusion as he climbed up and sat on the railing beside me, placing Elena's blood bag between us.
I look down at the blood bag before I look up and meet his eyes. "Hey." He says quietly, smiling softly at me. "It took me awhile to find you."
I nod and look in front of me, my legs swinging front and back as I play with my fingers. I didn't know what to reply with, I wanted to die peacefully.
"It's your choice, Emilia." He says softly, "If you drink the blood, you will turn into a hybrid and have your friends and family by your side, helping you along the way. If you choose to die then you won't die happy. You'll die knowing that you lost a chance of living forever."
I sigh, knowing that his words were true. "If you were in my place what would you do?" I ask him, turning my head to look at him.
"I'd drink the blood." Damon replies, "I mean being a hybrid has its advantages and disadvantages. You'll be sired to Klaus but we could help you break the bond. You'll be dead but you will live forever."
He sighs, "But in the end, Emilia, it's your choice whether you want to be a hybrid or die." he looks at me sadly, "I really hope you don't die."
"But I'll be exactly like Klaus, or even worse. I won't have bloodlust anymore because I would be living for blood." I exclaim, "I'd kill thousands and I'll sure ruin my relationship with everyone important to me. I'll be Satan's little helper!"
"But that's what vampires do!" he replies, "We feed off of people and we kill. Vampires are bad, Emilia, they're not supposed to be good. We're dead people and we never age. The only way we survive is by blood!"
"But I don't want to kill." I say quietly, "I don't want any of that. I don't want to be like a vampire."
"But would you rather die and lose us?"
I purse my lips shut at the question, not knowing what to answer. So Damon sighs, "It's your choice, Emilia, whether to drink or die. But just know that through whatever choice you pick, I'll be there for you."
I whimper, nodding as I crane my neck up to stare at the stars. "Both choices won't give me the chance to say this, Damon," I look at him, "but I love you."
Damon tilts his head, smiling sadly at me and looking like he's about to cry. "I love you too."
I laugh, tears starting to stream down my face. "I'm sorry I didn't say it yesterday." I whisper, "I was just afraid. But now that I'm not going to have a chance to say it, I'll say it a million times. So, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I lov - "
I clutch into Damon's shoulder when he crashes his lips against me. He cups my face with his warm hands on my cold cheeks and I slowly slide my arms around his neck. His fingers caress my cheeks softly, sending tingles down my arms.
His insisted lips pressed against my own, savoring every second on my lips. I kissed him back with equal force as his soft lips caressed my pale cold ones. The kiss was soft and wonderful and it was full of love.
I expected myself to be fiercely loved by my sister. But I was looking at the wrong person. Damon was the one who loved me equally as much as I loved him. We were separate puzzle pieces that found each other after a ton of trouble.
I pulled back, gasping from breath as I looked into his eyes. "Is this our goodbye kiss?" I ask, breathlessly.
"Like hell I'm going to let you die." he says before pressing his lips against mine once again, urgently.
My insides die when he slowly moves his lips against mine, carefully. His left hand trailed down till he stopped it at my waist, while his right one kept caressing my cheek. My fingers were softly running through the back of his hair, earning soft groans from him. I was practically half way on top of him.
The scene must've looked crazy. Two dead people. Sitting on a railing. Really high up - 50% chance of falling and dying. Making out like it was their last day together.
But this was us. Damon and Emilia.
"I love you, Emilia." Damon mumbled against my lips, taking a break from kissing the hell out of me. "I always have, and this I can promise you: I always will."
#damilia ?
Plus, im really proud of this chapter.
Bte, #stefilia ??
Oh and what do you think Emilia's going to do to Klaus?? 😂
I love you, guys. Thanks - seriously - for reading this chapter and for reading this book. I really appreciate it. ❤
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