t w e l v e
Chapter Twelve
Emilia watched silently as Damon walked out of the bathroom, a white tower wrapped around his waist and another towel around his neck. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms as she leaned against the doorway, watching his movements slightly.
Damon eyed her weirdly as he pulled out his clothes from the closet. Emilia still had her eyes on him suspiciously, watching his every move.
"You wanna tell me where you were all day last night?" She asks, raising a questioning eyebrow.
Damon turned his head around to look at her, and he chuckled. "Excuse me?" He asks, standing up straight.
Emilia stood up straight and slowly walked to face Damon. "Where were you last night? I didn't see you at all." She repeated, staring directly into his blue orbs.
"I was busy." Damon only said, drying his hair with the white towel that was around his neck.
"Doing what?" Emilia asks, tilting her head questioningly.
"Busy doing something you haven't been able to do these days." He replies, shrugging.
"And that is?" She curiously urges him to continue, staring at him intently.
"Helping Elena and Jeremy." Damon continued and to be honest that hit Emilia hard.
"Thats bull-"
"Tell me, Emilia." Damon cuts her off, "When was the last time you saw Jeremy?" He asks.
Emilia closes her mouth and looks down at the floor, ashamed. Its been long since Emilia last saw Jeremy, probably since Jenna died. Emilia was too caught up in her problems that she couldn't find time to spend with him or Elena.
Emilia had been distant since she now stays at Damon's place, far away from her siblings. She has been a bitch in trying to save herself from Klaus that she didn't realize that she wasn't saving Jeremy from Klaus too.
Emilia looked back up at Damon who stared at her intently. She let out a shaky sigh, gulping down her regretful tears.
"What happened to them?" She asks hesitantly, her eyes brows furrowing.
"One of the hybrids tried running Jeremy over but they ended up running into Alaric because he was trying to save Jeremy. Now Jeremy cut off the hybrid's head and Alaric almost died but thanks to his ring, he's still alive. I compelled Jeremy to leave town and so he's leaving today." Damon explains while he changes.
Emilia furrows her eyebrows, processing the information that she just got from her partner. "So what you're saying is that Klaus almost killed Jeremy?" She asks, anger slowly settling into her veins.
"Yeah." Damon mutters, pulling on his shirt unfortunately covering his chest.
Emilia clenches her first, "The hybrids." She scoffs, "They're too much trouble. I need to get rid of them." She whispers, an idea settling in her head.
"And how are you going to do that?" Damon asks, chuckling.
"I have my ways." That's what Emilia only said before she left the room, pulling on her leather jacket along the way.
♡ ♡ ♡
The witches start whispering when Emilia stepped into the Old Witches House. Emilia froze at the whispers and slowly eyed the place before she continued her path into the house.
She ran down the stairs to the basement where the coffins were hidden. She found Stefan leaning against the wall, staring at the magical coffin.
"Hey Stefan." Emilia announces herself, sliding her hands in her back pocket.
Stefan immediately stands up straight and turns to face Emilia. "Emilia, why are you here?" He asks, awkwardly adjusting his jacket.
"Umm...I wanted your help in something." She replies, pursing her lips as she awkwardly rocks on her feet.
Stefan clears his throat, "Sure."
"One of Klaus's hybrids tried running Jeremy over but they ended up running Alaric over. I want your help into threatening Klaus to keep his hybrids out of Mystic Falls." Emilia says.
"I was thinking the same thing actually." Stefan responds, "His hybrids always sneak into this place to find the coffins."
"Great. So we're on the same page." Emilia chuckles, nodding approvingly.
"Yeah and I was thinking we should threaten him with the coffins." Stefan says, "I'm not afraid to dump his family in the ocean."
♡ ♡ ♡
Stefan and Emilia both step into Klaus's mansion where construction is still happening. They walked into the house till they spotted Klaus and they walked towards him. Stefan leaned against the doorframe while Emilia crossed her arms, looking intimidating.
"I'm surprised you're still in town. I gave you your freedom, you could have gone anywhere." Klaus says, looking at Stefan before his eyes flickered to Emilia.
"I live here, Klaus." Stefan replies, crossing his arms making his muscles stand out.
"Well, if we're playing this game, then...I was here first." Klaus responds, crossing his arms.
Emilia clears her throat, bringing both their attention to her. "Let's skip the dirty talk and let me tell you why we really are here." She says, "I don't appreciate your hybrids. They're everywhere and they're too much trouble. I want them gone."
Klaus looks amused as Emilia stands in front of him with her arms crossed as she challenges him with her eyes. "Yeah, well I kind of like having them around." Klaus replies, chuckling humorlessly.
"Yeah 'cuz without them you're lost." Emilia mutters, snorting. "I'm gonna say this once and I'm gonna make it clear. Get rid of your hybrids." Her jaw clenches as she stands an inch away from Klaus.
"You know, I'm hurt." Klaus begins, ignoring Emilia as he looks at Stefan. "I hoped that when I freed you, we'd pick up where we left off. But here you are, guzzling vervain like the rest of them, I'm sure. So much for friendship." He chuckles, shaking his head.
"Friends don't strip friends of their free will." Stefan fires back, walking to stand beside Emilia.
"Okay, granted, yeah, that was a little extreme, but I get a little moody. Just ask my siblings." Klaus says, "Speaking of whom, isn't it time you handed them over?"
"Klaus, get your hybrids out of Mystic Falls or I will remove them myself." Stefan threatens, his face blank.
"Hmm. You see, if you continue to threaten me, I'm gonna be forced to retaliate. Kill people. And it will get messy again." Klaus points out.
"Like we care." Emilia scoffs, rolling her eyes.
"Do whatever you want, I don't really care. Or you know what? Maybe I do. Maybe I care so much, that I'll drop Elijah in the Arctic." Stefan says, smirking.
"Well, maybe I'll be willing to lose one brother if it meant killing yours." Klaus says.
"Try me, let's find out." Stefan replies.
"Is everything okay?" A girl, a hybrid, walks in and asks.
"Everything is fine, Mindy. They were just leaving after failing to make their point." Klaus answers, smirking.
Suddenly, Emilia rushes over to Mindy and rips her heart out. "Well, one down. Send the rest of them away before it gets real messy." Emilia mutters, throwing the heart on the floor.
Emilia turns around and walks out, confidently. Klaus's jaw ticks in anger while Stefan laughs, amused and surprised before he salutes Klaus and follows Emilia out the door.
♡ ♡ ♡
"Hey Caroline," Emilia speaks into the phone, "I'm sorry that I'm not able to make it for your birthday and surprise you with the rest. But Happy Birthday and I hope its enough. I love you so much and I hope you enjoy it with them. I'm dealing with something really important right now but uh I'll come see you later. Love you." The voice message ends and Emilia sends it.
"Is everything okay?" Alaric asks, leaning against the doorframe of the study room.
"Yeah." Emilia clears her throat, "Yeah, everything's okay."
"Why are you here when you could be spending time with your friends?" Alaric asks as Emilia sits on the couch and he sits beside her.
"I have to make sure Klaus doesn't get any ideas." Emilia lies, gulping.
Alaric gives her a look, "I think Damon and I are enough to make sure he doesn't do anything." He asks, "You wanna tell me what's really wrong?"
"To be completely honest, I don't feel like I fit in anymore." Emilia sighs, "I haven't talked to them in days that feel like ages."
"Why are you being distant?"
"Because I'm too much trouble. Literally everywhere I go, trouble follows me." She chuckles humorlessly, "I have the ability to get someone killed because of me."
"And you think living with Damon could keep Elena and Jeremy safe?" Alaric scoffs, "You're werecoyote, Emilia, and they're human. The last thing you would do is get them killed unless you dont try and save them."
"You have a point." Emilia whispers, running her hands down her face tiredly. "I'm sorry for what happened to you Alaric. I'm glad you're alive."
Alaric chuckles, "I'm glad too."
Emilia catches a hybrid passing the study room and she stands up. "I have to go. It was good talking to you though." She walks out of the study and steps into the hall where the Council Meeting is.
Emilia passes people while keeping her eyes on the hybrid walking up the stairs. She follows him and runs up the stairs, clenching her fists. The hybrid enters an empty dark hall and Emilia takes her chance to slam him against the wall.
"Hi hybrid," Emilia whispers sensually, pressing her body against the hybrid. "Bye hybrid." She shoves her hand in his chest and pulls his heart out.
The hybrid falls limply against Emilia and she pushes him away before he falls dead to the floor.
"Emilia, what the hell?" Damon hisses, looking between the body, Emilia, and the heart in her hand.
"Klaus didn't listen when we told him to get rid of his hybrids, so I'm getting rid of them myself." Emilia replies, throwing the heart on the floor.
"What about the other 10 hybrids? You think if you get rid of them he won't make other 20 hybrids?" Damon asks, scoffing.
"If it was a hundred hybrids, I would kill each and every one of them." She responds, "In order to beat the villain, you gotta be the better villain." She says before she walks past him.
Shitty ass chapter :(
I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time.
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