t e n
Chapter Ten
There she was. Emilia Gilbert. Leaning against the doorway of the living room in all her glory. She stood there with a pair of grey sweatpants, one pant leg halfway up her calf and the other rested down to her ankles. Her messy bun fell at the top of her head as she held a bowl of lucky charms in her hands.
"I can't believe we're here making a stupid plan at nine pm when I should be upstairs binge watching my new Netflix addiction." Emilia scoffs with a mouthful of her cereal.
"We're on the edge of death, Emilia." Stefan replies, sighing.
"Says the vampire." Emilia mutters, shoving her mouth with a spoon full of her dinner that is supposed to be her breakfast. "What's the plan anyway? Plan a suicide mission and hang him from the ceiling like a jacked up depressed boys who deals with a lot of shit? 'Cuz if that's it, I'm a hundred percent in."
"Emilia," Elena warns, "We don't talk about suicide that way. People actually deal with that stuff."
"Okay," Her sister scoffs, "Third mother I didn't know I had." Elena gives her another warning and disbelief look, shaking her head.
"Anyways," Stefan speaks up, "let's say that Mikael followed Elena in here. He tried to grab her, so he could use her as bait."
"Grab her as in rape her?" Everyone scoffed at Emilia's comment.
"And you what? Vervained him?" Elena asks, crossing her arms as she raises an eyebrow at Stefan while Emilia sat on the table, her legs crossed as she continued eating.
"No, we vervained him! This guy is an Original. To make it realistic." Damon replies, leaning back against the wall.
"Okay, fine." Stefan huffs, "We vervained him, and in the process discovered that he had a dagger."
"Which he planned to use on Rebekah, but instead..." Elena continues and Stefan takes over, "We drove it through his heart."
"What if Klaus asks to have a final goodbye moment with his father?" Emilia asks, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"Good point!" Damon agrees before he points a finger at Stefan, "You my brother have been compelled to do what Klaus says. So the idea is to lure him back here and kill him. Last thing we need is you getting tripped up and tongue-tied."
"Well, don't look at me. I am just in charge of getting him back here." Stefan says defensively, holding his hands up in innocence.
"Klaus is smart. If we tell him that Mikael is dead, he'll want proof." Elena adds, sighing.
"Then I shall be dead." A yelp escapes Emilia as she jumps on the table, frightened as she falls down from the table. The glass bowl landed safely but the milk spilled on the floor along with the cereal.
Emilia groans and grabs her spoon, hurling it at the Original who swiftly grabs it. "Speak of the devil." Emilia mutters, her face holding one of dislike as Mikael smirks, stepping into the room.
Mikael holds a hand out for Emilia who huffs and takes it. He helps her up and waits till she's balanced before he hands her back the spoon. "Thanks." Emilia mutters sarcastically, slamming the spoon on the table.
"What if Klaus wants to see you in person?" Elena asks, looking at Mikael.
"Well that means our plan is working. Klaus will absolutely want to see my body." He looks at Stefan, "You lure him here, and I will kill him."
"With what? Those daggers won't work on him." Stefan asks, crossing his arms.
"Well, I'm in possession of a stake fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree. The one that left these ashes when it burned." Mikael replies, waking over to the dagger that lays on the table.
"Where is this ancient fashioned stake?" Emilia asks, curiously. Mikaels sighs as he dips the dagger in the ashes of the white oak tree.
"Not here. The knowing of its location is my insurance policy."
"Against what?" Stefan asks, confused.
"You leaving this in my heart." Mikael answers, motioning to the dagger that he held. "You see, a vampire can't dagger an original without dying. So it falls to you." He hands the dagger over to Elena.
"Y-You want me to actually dagger you?" Elena gasps, shocked.
"Klaus will leave nothing to chance - especially when it comes to trust." Mikael replies, smirking. Elena sighs as she turns the dagger so that it is pointing at Mikael's chest.
"I-I can't do it." Elena sighs, putting the dagger away from Mikael's chest.
"Yes, you can. Any girl would pay to be in your place." Emilia replies, scoffing. Elena rolls her eyes and gets ready to put the dagger in Mikael's chest but she retreats.
"I can't. I'm sorry." She whispers as Mikael rolls his eyes, irritated.
"Oh, my god!" Emilia mutters under her breath, sighing as she walks over to her sister. She takes the dagger from her and swiftly shoves it into Mikael's chest. "Bye, Papa Original." She waves, smiling sarcastically.
Elena gasps as Mikael's starts to turn grey, his body falling to the floor. "Well, it's not as exciting as I thought it would be." Emilia mutters, pushing Mikael's body till he was flat on the floor.
"Well," Stefan sighs, "That was interesting." He clicked his tongue. "I'm going to call Klaus." He pulls out his phone and dials Klaus's number before he presses the phone to his ear.
"Well, you guys enjoy the rest of your evening." Emilia says, "I'm going to go probably eat chocolate ice cream and watch Netflix." She shrugs, walking up the stairs.
"Is that all she does?" Damon asks, turning to Elena.
"Please," She scoffs, "You haven't seen anything, and trust me when I say that you don't want to." She shakes her head.
♡ ♡ ♡
"Are you guys doing something that I'm not in on?" Caroline asks, standing beside Emilia by the keg that Emilia kept constantly using.
"No." Emilia replied bluntly, her eyes roaming the full on party the almighty Klaus dropped instead of homecoming.
"You're on your period aren't you?" Caroline asks, scoffing when Emilia nods. "You're always on your period!" She exclaims.
"Well, you're annoying and you don't see anyone complaining." She replies, "At least not to your face." Emilia shrugs before Caroline gasps and slaps her arm.
"I'm going to go find my date." Caroline states before Emilia replies, "You'll find him lurking behind Klaus somewhere here. Probably holding his drink or maybe even massaging him."
"You're a bitch." Caroline comments before she turns and walks away as a grin appears on Emilia's face.
Emilia pours herself another drink from the keg and drowns it in one gulp. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand before she fills her red solo cup again.
"Princess," Klaus smiles, standing behind her as she freezes. "I knew I'd find you somewhere around here." He whispers and Emilia smirks, finishing off her drink before she twirls around to face around him, both of them being an inch apart.
"Klaus, bro, wassup." She tilts her head as a chuckle escapes Klaus while he shakes his head.
"You look beautiful." Klaus says, staring deeply into her brown orbs.
"You didn't even look at my attire." Emilia scoffs, clicking her tongue.
"Well, I didn't think I needed to considering the fact that I've been staring at you since you first stepped foot in this house." Klaus whispers, a glint sparkling in his eyes.
Emilia gulps and purses her lips, looking down at her black heels. She watches as Klaus's own shoes step a little closer to hers, leaving no space between them.
"You seem nervous." Klaus whispers, placing his soft hand gently on Emilia's cheek, tilting her head up so he could look a her. "What's wrong?" His eyebrows furrow in concern.
"Nothing." Emilia replies, clearing her throat. "I need to go." She adds, turning to leave but Klaus clasps a hand around her wrist, preventing her from leaving.
"No. You're not."
"Klaus I swear-"
"Not after you dance with me." He cuts her off, catching Emilia by surprise. "Just one dance."
"Klaus-" A gasp escapes her when suddenly Klaus pushes her away from him, twirling her, and pulling her back to his body. He firmly places his hands on the small of her back.
"No running now, princess." He whispers, placing his forehead gently on hers. He grabs her hands and wraps them around his neck before placing his hands back on her.
"So stubborn." Emilia says, her voice breathy as they both sway to the music.
"You're one to talk." Emilia laughs at his reply and Klaus smiles as she leans her cheek on his shoulder, stepping closer to him.
Three songs later, Klaus steps away from Emilia and cups her face. "You in the mood for beer pong?" He asks and Emilia smiles brightly like a child, nodding.
Klaus chuckles, "Alright, let's go." He takes her hand and they walk back inside the house where the other part of the party is. "Are you any good at it?" Klaus asks, stopping at the table as he turns to look at Emilia.
"Puh-lease." She scoffs, "I should win an award for my wonderful skills." She states confidently, smirking at Klaus as she moves towards the game.
"Lets see those wonderful skills of yours, princess."
"You asked for it." Emilia shrugs, smiling as she grabs the ping pong wall. She smirks at Klaus as he stands on the other side of the table, grabbing his own pong ball. Emilia takes a deep breath, teasing Klaus as she stretches her neck. He narrows his eyes at her as she focuses her eyes on his stack of the red solo cups. both of them flick their wrists, throwing the balls as both plop down in a cup.
Emilia chuckles as she takes the ball out of the cup, grabbing the drink before she gulps it down once. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand as she watches Klaus drink his beer.
"Mikaelson, I'm giving you a chance to back down." Emilia says, clicking her tongue as she smirks at him.
"It sounds like you're afraid of the challenge." Klaus says, smirking as he places both his hands on the table.
"What challenge?" Emilia scoffs, her eyes looking at Klaus up and down to prove her point. Klaus scoffs, offended but he still smiles in amusement at her boost of self confidence.
"Okay, you've officially hit a nerve, princess."
Emilia smirks, grabbing the pong ball as she gets ready to throw it but one of Klaus's hybrids cuts them off. "You have a visitor." He says, catching Klaus's attention. "Well, tell my visitor I'm on the brink of victory here." Klaus replies, smirking at Emilia who scoffs.
"He said his name is Mikael." The hybrid continued, stopping Emilia's breath in her throat. Klaus's eyes roam Emilia's face in disappointment as she freezes, gulping.
"Then we mustn't keep him waiting." Klaus says, throwing the ball in one of Emilia's cups, splashing some beer on her. :Move everyone out back. I'm gonna have a little chat with my dad. Tony, you know what to do." Klaus continues, walking past Emilia and to the Lockwood's front door.
Emilia watches as everyone in the house move back to the backyard to the concert, leaving Emilia alone in the mansion. She slams the white ball on the table, walking away from it and to the backyard.
"Emilia." Damon comes into the house just as Emilia leaves it, but he grabs her wrist and stops her. "Have you seen-" Damon cuts himself off when he realizes Emilia's sad face. "Hey, whats wrong?" He grabs her cheek when she turns to look away from him.
"Homecoming never seems to work out for me." Emilia croaks, "I never went because no one ever asked me out. But then when I have my chance to go, it turns to be a murdering mission. I mean, Klaus is right out there fighting his dad. You're after Klaus with that white oak stake in your jacket. And I just wanna go home."
"Emilia, I'd go with you but-"
"It's ok, Damon. Kill him and get it over with. I just don't wanna be here to witness it."
"Okay," He whispers, kissing her head. "I'll see you later. That it is of course if I dont get myself killed."
Emilia snorts, smacking his chest. "Don't get yourself killed, Damon, because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you did."
Damon nods, "You and Klaus looked rather comfy today."
"It was part of the act, Damon, I'd never like a suicidal psychopath who's after the people I love." Emilia replieas, "Plus, it was part of my task in this murdering mission so.."
"It meant nothing." Damon continues, smiling when Emilia nods. "Well I gotta go find myself a hybrid original." He kisses her head.
"Don't die." Emilia calls after him, making him chuckle as she watches him walk away.
♡ ♡ ♡
Emilia steps barefoot into the Salvatore house, heels in hand as the door clicks softly behind her. Elena rushes around corner of the parlor, looking to see who it is. A relieved smile breaks onto her face when she sees that her twin sister is perfectly safe.
"Hey sis," Emilia smiles just as Elena jumps on her, embracing her. "I missed you too." She laughs as Elena steps back.
"I'm glad you're okay. Where are the rest?" Elena asks, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"I left early." Emilia replies, "For starters, my part of the mission was done. And I got tired so..." She shrugs, pulling at her tight maroon dress that started to get annoying. "I'm gonna go shower and get dressed for bed." She walks past Elena and to the room she shared, Damon's room.
Later, Emilia stepped out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around her body as she clutched onto it. Her wet brunette hair stayed open against her bare back as water droplet dripped down from her hair and rolled down her soft skin.
Suddenly, the door bursts open as an angry Damon steps inside and he slams the door shut behind him. "And I thought I was having a bad day." Emilia says, her eyes wide as Damon sits on the edge of the bed, placing his head in his head.
"Let me guess. The plan took a turn?" Emilia asks, sitting beside him.
"It took a U-turn." Damon grumbles, earning a stifled chuckle from Emilia. "Stefan stopped me from killing Klaus. I had him, Emilia. I had him!"
"What? Why would Stefan stop you from killing him?"
"To earn his freedom."
"Well, that's weird considering Stefan wanted Klaus dead more than any of us did." Emilia scoffs, crossing her arms.
"I had him, Emilia. I had Klaus! This could have all been over!" Damon yells, standing up from the bed as he growls.
"Damon," Emilia says softly, standing up as she grabs his face. "This is not your fault, Damon. We will survive this and I know it, because we always survive. Okay?" She whispers, calming him down.
"Good. Now hug me because I've been craving your hug all day." Emilia whispers as Damon smiles at her. He wraps his arms around her cold wet skin, squeezing her as she places her cheek against his cheek. "We survive after we fail." She whispers, making Damon squeeze her tighter from adoration.
"And we kiss after we hug." Emilia snorts just as his lips meet her soft ones.
I can't apologize enough for the delay of updating this chapter and I'm so so sorry :(
But if you enjoyed this chapter plz vote and comment :)
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