s e v e n
"Am I doing something wrong?" I ask, stirring my coffee. I pull out the spoon and place it in the sink before I grab my coffee mug, turning to face Stefan as I lean my back against the counter. I slightly sip at my drink while I keep my eyes on Stefan who leans against the kitchen's doorway.
"No. I don't think so." Stefan replies before his eyes narrow, "Did you do something wrong?"
"I don't know. You tell me. Am I intimidating you by living here?" I ask, motioning to his house.
"Other than the fact that you have your own house. No." He answers, shrugging while keeping dead eye contact.
"You didn't have your coffee, did you?" I ask, fake pouting. "It explains the happy and light mood you've go there." I add, pointing towards him. I then sigh and walk over to him, shoving my coffee mug in his chest.
"Don't worry it's not poisoned." I reassure, patting his chest before I walk past him.
"Now I'm starting to think that it is." Stefan mutters before I hear him sip the coffee.
I sigh as I step inside the living room, my step halting as my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. Girls are scattered everywhere in the room. Some girls are playing twister with blood dripping on the game. Some are biting each other's wrists and drinking blood.
"Hey." A girl whispers, clinging her body at my side. "Want to have some fun?" Her lips graze my neck as she bites my earlobe.
I scoff in disgust, pushing her body away from mine. "No thanks. I'm straight." I spat, turning around to leave the room. I stop walking when Stefan steps inside and walks towards the couch.
Stefan spins the spinner, "Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please." Alexandra gives him her hand and he turns it, biting her wrist.
"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug." Damon says, stepping inside the room before he stands beside me.
"You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house, too, brother." Stefan repliesbefore he suggests, "Ooh! Would you like a spin?" He asks, holding up the spinner as he looks at Damon.
"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Emilia and Elena?" Damon asks, leaning against the doorway.
"I don't need protecting. I am not the girl you save. I'm fine." I say, crossing my arms as I glare at Stefan.
Someone knocks on the door and Damon goes to open it. "I didn't realize you looked beautiful in the mornings." Stefan says, smirking at me as his eyes rake over my pajama shorts and tank top.
"Oh honey," I fake awe, "Fuck off."
Stefan snorts as Rebekah steps inside the living room, her eyes going directly to Stefan. "He left me here. My brother actually left me here." Rebekah says, scoffing.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care." Stefan says, fake pouting.
"You're Klaus's sister?" Damon asks, looking confused.
"Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure." She smiles, "Which one's my room?" She asks, looking between the brothers.
"You're not staying here." Stefan says, shaking his head.
Rebekah then looks at Damon but he doesn't say anything. She sighs, "Rude. Both of you. I'll see to it myself." She stops then turns to look at me, a smile appearing on her face. "Emilia, so good to see you here. I'm glad there's another girl in this house with me." I smile back before she disappears up the stairs.
"So I guess she's staying here." Stefan mutters, shrugging. "Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Stefan asks, tilting his head as he looks at me.
I show him my middle finger before I fly up the stairs. His laughter faded as I entered Damon's room where my clothes were scattered everywhere on the room. I chuckled when I spotted my bra on the floor for everyone to see.
I went to grab it but someone reached it first and stood in front of me, the bra dangling from their fingers. I look up to meet familiar brown eyes causing me to roll my own.
"Give it back, Stefan." I say, sighing as I look him the eye.
"I see you and Damon had a wonderful evening." Stefan whistles, smirking as he looks at the bra.
"Oh, it sure was wonderful. It was amazing, and god it was like a moment in heaven." I sigh dreamily as Stefan's eyes twitched in annoyance.
"Hmm, it must've been wild." Stefan mutters, his eyes roaming the room. "Having sex with you must be awesome." He blurted out his thoughts, regretting it right after.
"Anyways," I cleared my throat, pretending like I didn't hear what he said. "I'd like my bra back so I can shower and get to school." I mutter, pointing at the bra then at the bathroom.
"Alright, just don't take long in the shower or I'm going to have to enter and drag you out." Stefan says, winking before he hands me the bra and leaves.
♡ ♡ ♡
"Y'know, when I said get a drink I didn't mean an actual drink." Caroline says slowly and wearily as she leans against a tree, looking down at me.
I look up at her innocently and lick the remaining blood from my fingers. Her eyes roam the scene from the three dead boys laying around me, one of them on my lap. All their necks are chipped off with blood smeared on their body.
"A werecoyote has needs." I say, shrugging innocently as I stand up and face Caroline. "It's been a month since I drank blood." I add, sighing.
"It's been 3 hours." Caroline whispers, correcting me causing me to roll my eyes. "Anyways, you look like you have a lot on your mind." She says, crossing her arms.
"Huh," I laugh, "What do you expect from a werecoyote who has an original dude on her tail, who hooked up with Damon with the no-feelings zone, and also who has cold hearted Stefan flirting with her like it was his job."
"Wow," Caroline chuckles, "You in for a little therapy session?" She asks, motioning to the bonfire behind her.
"What about the plan?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.
"The plan will happen, but no one said not to have some fun." Caroline replies, clicking her tongue.
"I didn't know a therapy session was fun." I respond, chuckling.
"Shut up," Caroline laughs, "Let's go." I nod and follow her to the bonfire. We both sit down on the wooden seat as we grab wooden sticks and a new marshmallow bag.
"Where do we start?" Caroline asks as I stick my marshmallow on my stick, placing it on top of the flaming hot fire. "Klaus, Damon, or Stefan? God, this sounds more like boy trouble to me. It's a freaking love square."
I laugh, "Let's start with Damon. Y'know, that badass vampire dude that I'm actually growing fond of."
"Okay, but I don't really know what your trouble with him is." Caroline mutters as we eat our crusty melted marshmallow.
"Well I told you that we hooked up last night." I begin, "It's just he and I never talked about us. I don't know where our relationship stands. I'm a person who likes to know what she is putting herself into, and I don't want us to be sex buddies because I like him. You know?"
Caroline nods, "Maybe you should tie him down to a chair and forcefully put him into a conversation where a lot, a lot, of emotions and feelings are expressed."
"That's actually a good idea." I reply, snorting as we both fall into a fit of laughter.
"Alright then, Salvatore number 1 trouble is clear and solved." Caroline says, "Shall we move to Salvatore number 2 trouble?"
"Yeah, the dick sucking bitch who turned off his emotions." I mutter, licking my lips.
"Yeah," Caroline chuckles, "Him."
"He's basically turned from BatMan to Joker in a blink of an eye." I scoff, "Even a blink of an eye is too long for how fast he has changed." Caroline hums as I continue, "You didn't see his face, Caroline, it was like he became empty. Like a new page that Klaus took care of by filling it up for him."
"Klaus," She whispers, "He seems to be the troublesome of the month."
"Yeah," I scoff, "It's funny how the Stefan we all once knew, the protective-charming boy, is gone and is replaced with freaking Darth Vader. I mean, he's even worse than Darth Vader."
"No," Caroline shakes her head, "No one, and I mean no one, can ever be worse than Darth Vader."
"True," I shrug, "But you know what is worst? He's flirting with me twenty four-seven. This morning he literally said and I quote having sex with you must be awesome." Caroline gasps and I nod, "I know I know, but you won't believe what he also told me. He said that if I took long in the shower, he would enter and drag me out himself."
"He's totes flirting with you." Caroline gasps, "Stefan would never do that."
"Thing is, Caroline, he actually started flirting with me even before he turned it off. It all started when I joined them on the journey that still seems to be going on, especially for me." I mention, biting the wooden stick between my teeth.
"Maybe the blood got to him." Caroline says causing a chuckle to escape from me.
"Whatever it is, I want to stop." I mutter, "He loves Elena and she loves him. I am not going to break my sister more than she already is." I purse my lips, determined.
"Great, wanna talk about Klaus?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Absolutely not." I reply, shaking my head as I click my tongue while I stand up. "Now c'mon, we've got a plan to do." She nods before she walks away.
"Salvatore number 2 is going down hard to the ground." I whisper to myself just before my phone rings. I scoff and pull it out, rolling my eyes at the caller ID.
"Hola amigo," I mutter earning a scoff from the other end. "How you doin' Katrina?"
"I'm doing fine, Emilia the Second." Katherine replies and I could hear the sarcastic smirk in her voice. I chuckle at the nickname as I walk deeper into the woods, away from the party.
"So, where have you been?" I ask, "I thought us partners stick to an oath."
"Oh, I'm sticking with the oath." She says, "I'm here trying to save you and your friend's asses from Klaus."
"Oh, and how's it working for you?" I ask, leaning back on a tree as my eyes roam the woods.
"Horrible." She mutters, "I'm trying to wake Mikael, Klaus's dad, but he won't eat. I tried rat, mice, bunny, everything! I even tried a human being. He just won't eat and wake up. Stubborn!"
"Why are you trying to wake him?"
"The only person that has ever succeeded by scaring Klaus was Mikael. These two have a cute father-son relationship by chasing each other with daggers trying to kill one another. So Damon and I had an idea that if we wake him, he could scare Klaus away or even kill him." She answers.
"Then, we'll be free from the almighty son of a bitch." I whisper, a smile breaking on my face.
"Yeah, so I believe that I'm still sticking to the oath." She replies and I chuckle, "Are you?"
"Hmm, I think so." I mutter, "Since your so in love with Stefan, we're here trying to bring him back and save him, I'm quoting Elena."
"Why, what happened?" Katherine asks, curiously.
"Oh, you haven't heard?" I say, "Stefan turned his emotions off. You can give your blessing to Klaus himself."
"Oh, my god!"
"Tell me about it." I scoff, sighing. "But anyways wake him up while we try painting a blank page."
"Okay, bye Emilia the Second."
"Adios, Katrina the bitch."
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