n i n e
Chapter Nine
Emilia rubbed her eyes from the stinging pain in her eyes. She haven't had a good sleep in a long while and it was starting to affect on her by the day. Her eyes had red spots in them indicating the tiredness while black circles were under her eyes.
"Just know that I will beat you to death if you do something stupid." Emilia points out as she and Damon walk down the metal stairs that leads to the cell where Stefan is locked in.
"What? It's not like I'm going to free him and invite him for beer." Damon says innocently, but little did they both know.
"Don't say that!" She points a warning finger at him, "Next thing you know you are both swimming in an ocean of hearts. Literally."
"Oh stop," He scoffs, "You say it like it's supposed to happen."
"It's doomed to happen." Emilia corrects, crossing her arms while Damon rolls his eyes. Stefan was sat in a chair while chains wrapped around his wrists, waist, and ankles. He was completely secured to the chair with blood stains on his shirt while his head bowed down weakly.
He looked so lifeless.
"You know, if you guys are gonna keep me locked in here for the next decade, I think we can skip the routine visits." Stefan mutters, raising his head to look at them.
"You know I'm not a big champion in this whole Lexi-Recovery-Plan...but Elena thinks this place is gonna weaken you up, break you down and make you feel again." Damon says, sighing.
"We should all listen to Elena, right? I mean her plans always work out so well, don't they?" Stefan says, laughing as he earns a deadly glare from Emilia. "Why are you here?" He asks, looking at Emilia questioningly.
"Well you see, Stefan." Emilia begins, kneeling in front of him till they were face to face. "I find pleasure in seeing you so weak and vulnerable." She says, smirking.
"Go away." Stefan hisses earning a pathetic laugh from Emilia.
"Nah," She chuckles, "Why don't us three sit down and have a talk, huh?" She asks while Damon smirks, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Yeah. How've you been, Stef? Huh?" Damon asks, crossing his arms.
"You know, Klaus may wanna keep you and Elena alive, but that doesn't mean that you're safe with Rebekah." Stefan mentions, staring at Emilia dead in the eye.
"Liar, liar pants on fire, brother. Klaus compelled you to protect the, and if you thought for even a second that they were in danger, you'd be working a lot harder." Damon replies, standing behind Stefan as he smirks proudly down at him.
"You got me. You got me!" Stefan says sarcastically, laughing.
"You got me. You're good. Congratulations! You both can go now." Stefan says, staring blankly between the two.
"You really have given up." Damon whispers, sighing.
"Actually, this is my happy face." Stefan mutters, smiling but the pain was evident behind his glassy eyes.
Emilia sighs and stands up from her kneeling position, taking Damon's hand as she drags him to the door. "C'mon, Damon, he's gone." She whispers as they both walk out of the cell.
Damon sighs as he looks at his brother in worry before he turns to look at Emilia, considering something. He then steps back inside and walks towards Stefan, breaking the chains that bind him to the chair.
Emilia's eyes widen as she face palms. "Damon," she hisses, "What are you doing?"
"Screw this Lexi-plan, Emilia. I think we could all use a drink." Damon says, turning to Emilia who just sighs.
♡ ♡ ♡
Emilia's heartfelt laughter fills the bar over the music as the two brothers smile at her, admiration written across their faces. They watch as she holds onto her stomach, her laughter subsiding as she wipes a tear that had managed to escape her right eye.
She chuckles as she looks between them weirdly, frowning. "What?" She asks, "Why are you both looking at me like that?"
"Just admiring." Stefan replies, shrugging as he gulps down his whiskey shot. Damon sends his brother a weird look with a glare somewhere mixed with the look.
"Hmm." She hums, tapping her fingers on the table as an awkward silence falls over them. "Well, excuse me while I get myself a drink." She says, standing up as she walks to a guy who looks like he needs entertainment.
The brothers watch as Emilia slides onto the stool beside him and whispers something to his ear, earning an excited smile from the boy.
"What's up with you, huh?" Damon asks, glaring at his brother. "What're you trying to achieve with my girl?" He motions his head to Emilia who was now half way through her meal.
"Your girl?" Stefan snorts, licking his lips. "I wasn't aware you guys were a thing, let alone her being your girl." He mimics, leaning back in his chair.
"Back off, Stefan. Seriously." Damon replies, "It's bad enough that too many people like her. Klaus acts like he lives for her, Katherine somehow managed to earn her trust and become her partner, and trust me I don't need my brother fawning over her too. Next thing you know, Mikeal freaking Mikaelson treats her like his own daughter."
"Don't curse this, Damon." Stefan sighs, "It's no one but her fault that she's so amazing that she managed to attract four people."
"Oh, so you're blaming her now?" Damon asks, scoffing.
"Yes." Stefan replies, "Yes, I'm blaming her. It's all her fault that she has the adorable smile, the laugh that makes you skip down love lane, the way she works herself into a problem, and basically the fact that she's the strongest and most bravest girl I've ever met.
And I'm sorry, Damon. I'm sorry that my guy hormones are attracted to her, I mean you'd understand since you're practically here fighting me for liking her. I'm nothing compared to Klaus. What are you going to do about him? Threaten that if he calls her princess once again you'll rip his heart out?" Stefan scoffs, "Yeah, I'd like to hear that story."
"This is Ripper Stefan speaking. The true Stefan wouldn't even think twice about loving Elena's sister." Damon responds.
"Oh, like you're not head over heels for Elena." He chuckles, "I presume that Emilia doesn't know about the little moments you and her sister keep having."
"Who do you like more Damon, huh? Or who would you choose?" Stefan asks, leaning forward on the table as he crosses his arms on it. "It sounds like a multiple choice to me." He smirks.
"If you two are done cat fighting...about whatever it is you're fighting about come meet me at the bar." Emilia says, "Oh and come to me as a gentlemen, not like a vampire who just had his period."
"Sounds like you're the one on your period." Both brothers muttered under their breaths the same time as they stood up from the table and walked over to her.
The bartender slid a glass of an alcohol mix towards Emilia, sending her a wink earning two glares from four eyes that are two pairs from two guys.
"Homecoming is tomorrow." Damon points out, "You going?"
"Like hell I would." Emilia scoffs, "I mean sure let me just draw a stickman and bring Alex from Wizard of Wiverly Place to bring it to life. Then I'm naming it Joshua and I'm taking it to homecoming with me. So magical."
The two of them snort as a smile spreads on Emilia's face as she looks between them. "Why don't you want to go?" Damon asks, crossing his arms on the table as his eyes roam her face.
"Homecoming, Prom, and those kind of things were never really my thing." She answers, "Elena would aways go to them while I sat home either binge watching, breaking into a cemetery, roaming town and discovering new places." She smiles sadly, "Plus, no one ever asked me. It was always Elena."
A silence fell over them as Emilia ran her index finger on the rim of her glass. Both boys felt sad for her but also confused that no guy ever asked her.
"Well," Stefan sighs, "It's their loss. They missed out on one of the best nights." Emilia smiled thankfully at him and thanked him.
Damon opened his mouth to add something but was cut off by an unfamiliar voice. "The Salvatore boys, I presume?" The three of them turn to an old man with a suit.
"Well, last time I checked I'm not a Salvatore. And I'm pretty sure I'm not a boy." Emilia mutters, leaning her back against the bar. "But I'm pretty sure that you're Mikael, I presume?" She asks, copying him earning an approved smile from Mikael.
"Emilia Gilbert, I presume?." Mikael asks, earning a laugh from her. "You're the werecoyote with the bloodlust, sister of the doppelgänger, also Niklaus's favorite."
"Stalker much?" Emilia asks, making a sound that seemed like a scoff and a laugh.
"I prefer calling it Katherine's interrogation." Mikael corrects, sighing earning a scoff from Emilia. "Anyways, which one of you is Stefan?" He asks, looking between the boys.
Stefan raises his hand, "Right here."
"Tell me, Stefan. Is Klaus out of the country?" Mikael asks, turning all his attention to Stefan.
"I can't tell you." Stefan replies, clicking his tongue as he places his hands behind his back.
"Has he spoken to you since he left?" Mikael asks, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"I can't tell you." Stefan replies causing Emilia to laugh when Mikael's expression turns into an annoyed one.
"All right. Can you tell me the last time you spoke to Niklaus?"
"I'm compelled to do what he says, and he says to keep my damn mouth shut." Stefan answers, smirking.
"I really hope this game of twenty questions isn't your secret weapon." Damon speaks, looking at Mikael.
"You see, Damon." Mikael turns to him, placing his hand on Damon's shoulder. "I've been a vampire hunter longer than you've been alive. It's why I found you here. It's why I'm gonna find Niklaus."
"Well, Klaus has been running for about thousand years, so if you think you can get a work around here-" Damon gets cut off by Mikael who slams his hand into Damon's chest.
Emilia yelps and she and Stefan go to help Damon, but Mikael speaks. "Careful. One move and his heart's gone." He plunges his hand deeper into Damon's chest. "Now, where is Klaus? What's the trick question, Stefan? One twist and he's dead. Unless you don't care of course."
"He was compelled to shut off his emotions, mister." Emilia sasses, doing exactly what Stefan has said. Working her way into a problem, once again. "He won't and he can't care. Plus, you said it yourself. You found us and you can find, Klaus. For an arrogant vampire hunter, you sure do act like a cocky one."
"Funny how you're speaking to me like that...when I'm seconds away from twisting his heart." Mikael replies, smirking.
"If you were to kill him it would give Stefan more than one reason to not answer your questions." Emilia responds, licking her lips cockily.
"Really? Killing Damon would be one thing...but killing you?" Emilia clenches her fist as Mikael jerks his hand in Damon's chest.
"Wait!" Stefan goes for the rescue, "I can bring him back. I can lure Klaus back to Mystic Falls."
Mikael smiles, satisfied as he takes his hand out of Damon's chest and wipes it off with a rag that he takes from the counter. "And there is our loophole. Just had to rile him up a bit. Get Klaus back to Mystic Falls, and I will gladly drive a stake through his heart." He turns serious, "Fail, I'll drive it through yours."
Stefan gulps and nods as Mikael leaves the bar. "Great," Emilia scoffs, "We just got threatened by the almighty father of the almighty son."
"Yeah, I'll give you ten points for flair." Damon says, pointing a finger at Stefan as the three of them walk out of the bar.
"At least, now we know where Klaus and Elijah learned their tricks from." Stefan mutters as we walk towards Damon's car.
"Don't think you had to wait till the last second to have your breakthrough, though." Emilia rolled her eyes as the two brothers bickered, her in the middle.
"I didn't have a break through, Damon."
"Oh, oh, my brother is about to die and I just had to save his life for the bajillionith time." Damon smiles, "Careful Stefan, your humanity is showing."
"So you know what? You're right, Damon. You're right. You reminded me what my freedom felt like. And when we kill Klaus, I'll be free. Free to leave." Stefan smirks,See, I didn't do this for you, Damon. I did it for myself."
"Sure, Stefan. Whatever you say." Damon replies, chuckling.
"Why are you doing this, huh?" Stefan asks, grabbing Damon's shoulder and shakes him. Emilia sighs when she realized that they had stopped in the middle of the street. "What do you want from me? Why is everybody trying to save me?"
"Because I have to, Stefan! Because you are in this mess with Klaus, because you saved my life. Because I owe you. And I can't just leave you in a cell to rot." Damon replies, his voice loud.
"Aw, better be careful, brother. Your humanity is showing." Stefan mimics as Emilia gasps in shock when Damon punches him in the face, causing Stefan to fall on the floor.
Stefan is about to get up to retaliate when Damon pushes him down and kicks him. Emilia scoffs and pushes Damon away from Stefan who chuckles on the floor.
"As much as I love a good brotherly cat fight." She sighs, "We have to go back home before Elena starts thinking. And we all know what happens when she starts thinking."
♡ ♡ ♡
Emilia blows out a sigh as she drinks from her flask, looking up at the starts. She sat in the middle of the Salvatore's house rooftop that had a view of the long trees, the stars, and the moon that illuminated the town.
She wears a huge shirt that reached mid-thigh, one she got from the male's pj section. There was a light gust of wind but non affected her or made her cold.
"First the basement and now the roof?" Damon laughs as he sits beside her. "What's wrong? You okay?" He asks, turning to look at her.
"I'm okay." Emilia lies, clearing her throat. Suddenly, a pair of strong muscled arms wrap around her body.
"I know you're not." Damon whispers, embracing her tightly.
"I won't ever understand what I did to deserve all this." Emilia whispers, "I'm waiting for something that won't ever happen."
"What's that?" Damon asks, quietly and softly.
"Happiness." She whispers as a tear rolls down her face. "I'm slowly giving up on it, Damon."
"Don't worry too much. If you do that, any chance of happiness will be lost." He says softly, running his fingers through her soft hair.
"Will you give up on me?" She asks, "Because if you give up on me, I'll give up on me too."
"I will never give up on, Lia." He scoffs, pulling back to cup her face. "You're hurting. And seeing you hurt, hurts me."
"It hurts," She whispers, "But it's okay...i'm used to it."
"And you shouldn't." He says, "A beautiful soul like you shouldn't be sad. Those tears are not worth it, Lia. I know what you're going through right now is horrible, but you have to accept it somehow. You have to accept reality in order for you to be happy."
"W-What if I feel this way for the rest of my l-life?" She asks, sobbing.
"Don't drown yourself in your thoughts." He replies. "The world isn't against you."
"It is!" She exclaims, "I'm doomed to die and my life is crumbling down."
"So this is what you do when it seems like the world is against you and everything is shit and your world comes crumbling down?" He says, "You take a shower and you cry and you sleep for a few hours or even a few days and you eat everything in your fridge and pantry and you try and laugh it off and tell your loved ones that you're okay and maybe you cry a little bit more. Then you look around and realize that the world hasn't ended yet and buildings are still standing and people are still living and that's what you do. You get out of bed, wipe the crumbs off of your shirt, throw your tissues in the bin and put on your best clothes and go out and live."
More tears run down her face while Damon wipes them off of her face. A small smile makes it's way onto her face while he smiles at her sadly.
"That was the best thing I've ever heard in eighteen years." She whispers, touching his cheek. "Thank you, Damon. Thank you for not walking away when you saw my tears. Thank you for staying here and comforting me." She cries, "Thank you for loving me when I couldn't love myself."
"Roses are red. Violets are blue. And gosh, I just wanna kiss you." Damon whispers, earning a heartfelt and loud laugh from Emilia. She leans up to meet his lips and they immediately started a make out session.
And so there they were. Two idiots. One broken werecoyote. One cocky vampire. Sitting on the rooftop while they made out right just after they spilled their hearts out.
No one could ever help the thought that Damon and Emilia were meant for each other.
Should I make Emilia a hybrid?
Plz Im begging you plz vote and comment💗
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