f o u r t e e n
Chapter Fourteen
Sand gushes out of the boxing bag as a harsh punch hits it. The punching bag swings around before a pair of manicured fingers hold it in place. Heavy breaths pant as punch after punch blows onto the bag.
Emilia doesn't gasp for breath as she just puts all her anger on the bag. She's been at it for an hour now nonstop with no breaks taken. Her anger needed to be taken out. So instead of hurting people, she decided to torture the punching bag instead.
Stefan has checked up on her halfway through to make sure if she needed help in anything. Emilia would reject him, totally not paying attention to him while she continues punching.
It wasn't only torture for the bag, but it was also torture for Emilia. Heartbreak has three steps to every girl.
First, its crying and hurt while she sits on a couch and binge watches romance movie. A bucket of ice cream on her lap and a blanket wrapped around her as tears keep streaming down her face. The poor girl would keep asking her self "was i not enough" , "does he not love me" , "its all my fault" .
Second, its anger. Its believed to be the most dangerous stage. Especially if the girl is on her period. She'd be treating him like a jerk, throwing shade on him, and possibly become violent. The girl would be like "how dare you" , "you're a jerk" , "its your loss you son of a bitch" .
Third and last stage, is not caring. Basically the girl wouldn't give a single fuck anymore and she'd move on. She'd forget about him, delete his memories from her brain, and remove him from her life.
Emilia at the moment is between the first and the second stage. Unanswered questions run around her brain, pressuring her and angering her so she takes it all out on the punching bag.
"Son of a bitch," Emilia grits out, throwing a punch. "Kissing my sister behind my back. Thinking he could get away with it!" She sneers, kicking the top of the bag.
"I was there!" She exclaims, "I was there the whole time and he didn't even think about telling me. He had so many fucking chances."
"It's all my fucking fault!" Emilia cries, repeatedly punching the bag as blood pours out from her bruised knuckles. "It's my fucking fault for believing him. It's my fucking fault for trusting him. It's my fucking fault for being loyal to him. It's my fucking fault for loving him."
The punching bag flies from the chains attached to the ceiling and it collapses on the ground, sand pouring out of it.
Emilia's knees give away and she falls to the ground with a thud. Once a first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. Emilia bent forward where she sat on the floor and pressing her palms to the ground, she began to cry with the force of a person vomiting on all fours
Sobs echo through the empty garage as she presses her hot red sweaty forehead to the cold pavement. Her bloody fingers press harshly on the ground as they turn white.
The muscles of her chin tremble as her eyes flutter close, as if the darkness could soothe her. Her pain was unbearable. Her pain is like a theft of the spirit, an injury no other person can see.
The ground feels like its shaking against her palms but it's just her body shaking with sobs. Her sobs sound so broken, filled with pain and sorrow.
Stefan walks into the garage, taking off his jacket halfway through. But his actions and his steps halt when he spots Emilia sobbing on al fours. He instantly frowns as he speed walks to her.
Stefan kneeled on the floor beside her, lifted her face up, and cupped her face as he wiped her tears with his thumbs. Emilia's bloody fingers wrapped around Stefan's wrist as her face leaned into his hands.
No words were spoken as Stefan pulled Emilia onto his lap and embraced her while she dug her face into his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.
Emilia sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching at his jacket. He held her in silence, rocking her slowly as her tears soaked his chest. A tiny lapse let her pull away, blinking lashes heavy with tears, before she collapsed again, her howls of misery worsening.
The pain must have come in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by short pauses for recovering breaths, before hurling her back into the outstretched arms of Stefan.
Stefan's lips graze her hairline as he soothingly pats down her hair. He felt pain for her. His arm tightens around her waist while his other one plays with her hair.
"D-Did I-I change?" Her words manage to spill out between her sobs. "O-Or did he just stop loving me?" Just the thought of that broke her heart in even tinier pieces.
"He loves you, Emilia." Stefan whispers, "But he loves your sister too." It took him a lot of guts to say that, considering that it will break her even more. But it had to he said.
"Why does everyone love Elena?" Emilia suddenly stops sobbing. She pulls her face away from his chest and she looks at him. "What does she have that I don't?" She asks, silent tears streaming down her face.
"I mean I know she's prettier - "
"You're twins - "
"She's smarter - "
"That doesn't matter - "
"She's funnier - "
"She has no humor - "
"She's hotter - "
"You're hot too - "
"She's sweeter - "
"She is."
"She's braver - "
"Okay, shut up." Stefan places his finger on her lips to stop her talking. "Elena is brave, but she's definitely not braver than you."
"That's - "
"I said shut up." Emilia obeys and purses her lips, "You survived a bullet last night, Emilia. You always go up against Klaus, with no fear. You have been kidnapped so many times more than I count yet you still sit here alive." Stefan says, sighing.
"Every guy likes Elena." Emilia whispers, frowning. "It's never me. It's always her." She chuckles humorlessly before her face falls blankly.
"That's not possible, Emilia." Stefan says, "Two guys like you." He cups her cheek, gazing into her eyes. "Maybe even three." He whispers as he inches forward, stopping when his nose touches hers.
"Two guys." Emilia chuckles, "Damon kissed my sister, Stefan, and Klaus...Klaus is just obsessed with the fact of me becoming his hybrid one day." She says, pursing her lips. "So, it's zero guys that like me."
"I'm not so sure about that." Stefan replies, his eyes roaming her brown orbs as a weird sensation bursts through his heart.
Emilia stares at him, confused by his words before she clears her throat. "Sorry you had to see me cry." She says, turning her face away from him.
Stefan grabs her chin softly and turns her head so he'd look at her. He whispers, "I think you look really beautiful when you cry."
♡ ♡ ♡
"I can't believe I agreed to this." Emilia scoffs, eying Damon who sits in the driver's seat. She crosses her arms and adjusts herself in the backseat.
"Emilia. Please." Stefan looks at her from the passenger seat. "One dinner. Just one dinner."
Emilia sighs, "Okay fine. Only if I don't sit beside your asshole of a brother."
"Calling me names now." Damon lets out an irritated sigh.
"Would you prefer if I called you bitch, slut, whore?" Emilia asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, that's enough." Stefan speaks up before the two start fighting like two kids.
The car comes to a halt in front of Klaus's mansion. Emilia instantly steps out of the car, slamming the door of Damon's car shut harshly on purpose.
"Mikaelsons!" Emilia yells at the top of her lungs, stomping on her way to the porch. "We're here, fucking bitches!"
Inside the house, Elijah rolls his eyes at Emilia's loud comments while Klaus just looks amused. Elijah opens the front door and Emilia comes bursting in.
"Elijah." Emilia gasps, looking at the formal original up and down. She then suddenly swatted her hand against his cheek. Klaus chuckles while Stefan and Damon look shocked.
"May I ask what was that for?" Elijah asks, clearing his throat as he recovers from the slap.
"That is for betraying us and siding with that one." Emilia replies, pointing to Klaus as she refers to him.
"Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men and...." Klaus pauses, looking at Emilia. "Like civilized people, shall we?" He asks, his hand showing them the dining table.
Klaus holds out his hand for Emilia so he could escort her to the table. "I do things on my own, Klaus." Emilia reminds, passing by him and ignoring his hand.
Elijah and Klaus sit beside each other while Stefan and Damon sit on the other side opposite the originals, while Emilia sits at the head of the table.
"I didn't come here to eat, Klaus." Stefan says, "Fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to 'cuz you would hear us out." He looks at his brother for a mere second.
"Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides." Klaus says, smiling sarcastically. "The choice is yours."
"Don't give yourself a lot of power, Klaus, they say it's unhealthy." Emilia says to him, drinking from her glass of wine as she leans back on her seat.
Everyone starts eating and drinking except Stefan who sits watching everyone at the table. "You lost your appetite." Klaus speaks up, referring to Stefan.
"Eat." Damon says to his brother, "I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home." He talks to him like a small child.
"That's the spirit." Klaus says, smiling as he looks around the table. "Isn't it nice? Five of us dining together? Such a treat." He then looks at Damon, "Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger from my brother?"
"Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more, the merrier." Damon replies, playfully winking at Elijah.
"Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the century. But we always make it through." Klaus replies, smiling at his brother.
"Kind of like you and Rebekah, right?" Stefan speaks, "Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her."
"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah." Klaus replies, smirking.
"Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad?" Damon asks, looking at Stefan. "Might want to dial down the judgment until dessert."
"We're here to make a deal, Damon." Stefan replies, "Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses."
Emilia snorts as she finishes her glass of wine. "I'm just saying we have a long evening ahead of us. Pace yourself." Damon says, sighing.
"Emilia." Elijah says, gaining Emilia's attention who looks up at him from her filled plate of food.
"Hmm, don't talk to me. I only came here for the food." Emilia says through a mouthful of her meal, her hand covering the sight of her mouth.
"Yeah," Elijah clears his throat, "Though, where is your sister tonight?"
"Ask Damon." Emilia replies through gritted teeth as she glares at Damon.
"I'm sorry, you've missed so much." Klaus says, laughing. "Ah, trouble in paradise."
"One more word about Elena and this dinner's over." Stefan says, understanding Emilia's discomfort. Klaus smiles, putting a finger to his lips as a promise to keep quiet about Elena.
"You know what, probably best just to keep Elena in the do-not-discuss pile." Damon says, clearing his throat as he looks at Emilia who stays busy with her food, not wanting in on the conversation.
"Funny that you say that, Damon." Emilia chuckles humorlessly, slamming her glass of wine harshly on the table, possibly cracking it a bit. Tear start forming in her eyes as she swallows them down, trying hard not to have another melt down.
Emilia clears her throat when she notices that everybody's attention has turned to her while the whole house turned silent.
Emilia's chair scrapes against the wooden floor as she stands up from her chair, accidentally tipping it over as it crashes back against the floor. "Sorry." Emilia whispers, humiliated as she bends down and picks up her chair, pushing it back under the table.
Her tears had already streamed down her face and she was trying hard to keep her sobs in. She places the back of her hand against her lips as her chin trembles. She walks out of the dining room just as all four men stand up from their chairs.
Klaus was the first to follow her but Elijah stops him. "Your company won't do her any good." Elijah says to Klaus who nods, agreeing.
"It's my fault." Damon speaks up, "I'm going."
Stefan grabs Damon's arm, stopping him. "You're not going anywhere near her. You've caused her enough pain." Stefan grits, glaring at his brother.
"Stefan," Elijah speaks up, "Let him be. Perhaps he could fix the problem he caused." He advices, his casually in his suit pockets.
Stefan sighs and takes his hand away from Damon against his own will. "She's suffered enough." Stefan chuckles humorlessly, watching as Damon follows Emilia's trail.
"Well, while the two discuss some manners." Elijah clears his throat, "Why don't we discuss the deal."
Meanwhile, the front door clicks shut softly as Damon steps out into the porch. He immediately spots Emilia who sits on the porch's steps, sobbing silently. Damon tilts his head as his features turn into a mixture of guilt and pain.
Damon slowly walks towards her, softly walking down the stairs before he sits beside her. He turns his head to look at Emilia who turns her face away from his.
"Just say it already, Damon." Emilia croaks out, sniffing. She turns to look at him with her bloodshot eyes, red nose, pink cheeks, and trembling lips. "Just look me in the eyes and tell me that you love Elena."
Damon looks into her eyes and whispers, "I love you."
She shakes her head, "You love Elena."
"But I love you."
"But you love Elena." She says, choking on a sob. "You love her." She sobs, her chest vibrating as tears roll down her cheeks. "You love my sister."
"Emilia - "
"Just say it, Damon." She whispers, defeated as she looks up at him through her wet thick eyelashes. "Say it. I can take it."
"I'm not gonna say it." Damon replies, shaking his head.
"Why are you denying it, Damon?!" She exclaims, "Just say it. You love Elena!" She yells, her own sentences making her cry.
"Why do you want me to say it so badly?" He asks, confused while his eyebrows furrow.
She wipes her tears, but they keep falling. "Because," She pauses, not sure of the answer herself. "Maybe because I want to accept the fact that you love my sister. Maybe I'll stop loving you if you say those words." She whispers, sniffing.
Damon sighs, turning his whole body around so he could be facing her. "Emilia, listen to me." He whispers, taking both of her hands on his lap and holding them. "Elena and I have been spending a lot of time together lately. She was vulnerable and desperate for help so I helped her, and maybe by helping her I kinda also started having feelings towards her but - "
"But - "
"But you have my heart, Emilia. You stole it on the first day we met and every since then, I've aways loved you. I know we seemed like partners only but I didn't know how to do relationships. I'm not used to them, and I want to be with you. You don't know how guilty I felt after the kiss and I knew that if I told you, it would break you. So Elena suggested that she say it.
I know my words probably mean nothing to you, and I know you won't hug me and forgive me easily. I know that you need time and take all the time you want, I have forever. You can not forgive me at all. But I'm begging you, Emilia, don't push me away. Don't remove me from your life. I'd rather be your friend than not to be in your life completely.
You can give me the cold shoulder and ignore me. But just know that I won't let you stop me from helping you or saving you. The least I could do after hurting you is being there for you." He continues, genuinely. "I'll do anything, Emilia, anything. Just please keep me in your life."
Emilia stays silent, staring at him as his words repeat in her head. She then swallows down her tears and pulls her hands out of his. She stands up while Damon's eyes look up at her.
Emilia silently walks down the stairs and to the path that leads to the street. Her steps halt and she turns to look at Damon who still has his eyes on her every movement.
"I need time." She tells him before she turns the corner of the sidewalk, disappearing into the dark.
Anyways, what did you think of the chapter?
Meh or HELL YEAH ?!
Plz vote and comment your feedback if you thought it was a HELL YEAH!!!
Plus, I'm kinda growing for Stefilia but Damilia will forever be my no #1 ship!!
Your ugly ass writer,
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