^.^ 9 ^.^
mark was woken up from his slumber because of someone gently shaking his shoulder. he slowly opened his eyes to meet jaemin's charming smile.
"your cat has been scratching your door and meowing at it for half an hour. he wants to be with you."he said, putting the white cat on mark's tummy. "i'll let you cuddle with your haechannie, and then, come have breakfast with us. we're leaving to go to school in half an hour." jaemin added before leaving the room and closing the door to give his friend some privacy.
mark furrowed his brows, still trying to process what just happened.
"meow." haechan meowed snuggling in the warmth of mark's chest, making the half-asleep boy throw the cat out of his bed.
"what do you think you're doing?!" mark spat. "no pets in my bed."
the cat hissed, jumping back on the bed.
"out! out!" mark panicked, kicking his feet from under the blanket in an attempt to make the cat go out of his bed.
the cat got angered by it and jumped on the human, digging his claws inside the boy's arm and scratching him.
"mark?" jeno knocked on the door. "is everything okay?" he asked before peeking inside the room.
"yeah, yeah, i'm just playing around with haechannie." mark smiled sheepishly, picking the cat up and pulling it in a tight hug, suffocating him.
"good. be quick to get dressed, breakfast is ready." he added before leaving.
mark quickly threw the cat away, letting it catch its breath.
"let me tell you kitty. next time i'll have donghyuck in front of me, he'll have a hard time."
"can you stop following me around?!" mark yelled at the white cat whose only activity had been following the human since he came back from school.
haechan sat down on the floor sadly, his ears falling down in disappointment and his eyes looking at the ground.
"thank you. go find something better to do." mark added before heading to his room and slamming the door, haechan on the other side of it.
the thing is, haechan was bored. sure, being a cat was cool. the agility, the speed, the cuteness, everything actually. but you can't talk, you're small, and to interact with other humans, it's quite complicated. that's why haechan was bored. he couldn't interact with mark, and he couldn't even ask him to have something to eat or to switch the tv on.
haechan walked to the kitchen, hopping on the counter where he looked for something cool to do.
the window was closed, so, he couldn't go out to hunt. too bad.
the tv was off so he couldn't watch it.
mark's door was closed and mark was pissed so it was best not to bother him, even if haechan enjoyed bothering him a lot.
haechan looked towards the fridge, making his stomach growl. he was hungry, but in his cat form, he couldn't tell mark. he had to wait for him to finish whatever he was doing. his eyes then drifted to the pack of cat food that was lying just next to the fridge, half opened, waiting for him to eat it.
maybe his prayers had been heard?
taking a run up from the central island of the kitchen, he jumped towards the other kitchen counter, the one where the cat food was waiting for him, but, unfortunately, only his front legs made it there. this caused him to fall down inside what seemed like a big transparent glass tube that he didn't know was there.
since when was there a huge vase here? this thing was very impractical. it looked like a giant test tube. this thing had nothing to do inside a kitchen.
haechan tried jumping up to get out of this unidentified object, but he failed. he was stuck inside the vase. what a good life...
he mewled in distress, trying to catch mark's attention, but knowing how much mark paid attention to him, he would never hear him...
so, the white cat went back to jumping up and down to reach the end of the tube in an attempt to get out of it, but once again, he never made it.
mark groaned, throwing his pen across his room for the nth time of the hour. except that this time, he didn't stand to pick it up right after. this time, he had finally finished this shitty essay.
he had worked so much for that thing, he hoped he could get better than just average.
the boy looked at the time before gasping. "10p.m. oh my god!" he exclaimed. "haechan must be starving!" he added before cleaning his desk the quickest possible and putting his papers in his schoolbags.
however, he was stopped in his movements the second he heard glass shattering somewhere in the house.
mark ran out of his room and headed to the kitchen, only to be horrified by the scene in front of him.
the once white cat, was in the middle of dozens of glass fragments, his fur had turned reddish at some places, and his stomach had been cut opened by glass.
"h-haechan." mark widened his eyes, picking the cat very carefully.
he took out the pieces of glass from his fur and wrapped him in a hand towel he found near the sink.
the poor creature in his arms was whimpering. he could his its small mewls and groans, and he could see how its eyes were slowly shutting.
"don't worry haechan. i'm bringing you to the veterinarian." mark said, carrying the cat in an arm and picking his car keys with the other hand, not even caring about the floor full of shattered glass, his chemistry project that had been broken nor the fact that he forgot to lock the door of his house.
the cat in his arms was his number one priority right now.
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