^.^ 8 ^.^
donghyuck woke up because of a fly that kept buzzing next to his ear.
he opened his eyes, closing them immediately because of the bright light that blinded him. placing a hand over his eyes, he opened them slowly this time and let them adjust to the luminosity.
he located the insect, flying in a corner of the room, hitting the wall, desperately looking for an exit.
donghyuck stretched and then rose to his feet, tidying the bed before getting out of the room.
he started to look for mark, but, after looking in all the rooms, there was no signs of the human. it's only then that he remembered that mark would be gone for the day. he had told him he had school.
the hybrid started his day walking around the house, looking for something to do.
he searched for a game in the box of cat toys renjun had bought him, but, being in his human form, the things in there weren't this funny right now.
he tried chasing birds and flies, but his human reflexes were far from being as good as his cat's reflexes, meaning he couldn't even catch a mosquito.
after what seemed like hours of doing nothing, he decided to plop on the couch and watch tv. he took the remote and pushed on some buttons, just like what he had seen mark doing the day before. fortunately, it worked. well... donghyuck couldn't understand the language they were talking in and they seemed to be presenting art paintings, but it didn't matter, ha had made the tv work.
donghyuck stayed on the couch for a good time, looking at the same thing, in the same language he couldn't understand – except the ad breaks that were in korean – and with the same bored look on. however, right now, he couldn't ignore his stomach which was grumbling anymore...
he had patiently waited for mark the whole day without eating. he still didn't know what time it was, he had tried reading time, but he was a cat, he hadn't learned how to read, so that was unnecessary.
donghyuck jumped off the couch, heading to the kitchen to look for something to eat. he saw a pack of cat food on the counter, the one mark had wanted to give him as a dinner the night before, he could eat that. however, mark's fish was delicious, donghyuck wondered if there was some left.
he opened the fridge and found a lot of food there. fruits, vegetables, things rolled in some plastic, meat, fish... there was a lot. no sign of yesterday's meal though...
donghyuck took a tray of fish and licked his lips unconsciously.
but what if mark wanted to prepare it for dinner? donghyuck would surely get scolded...
that's it. donghyuck would wait for mark to come back.
the cat person put the fish back in the fridge before closing it. as he was about to go back on the sofa, his stomach growled for the nth time, making him look at the cat food with heart eyes.
mark would never scold him if he ate that. this is his food. mark would never eat it.
donghyuck smiled to himself and dove his hand in the pack of cat food before taking out a handful. not waiting a second, he brought the food to his mouth, moaning at the feeling. he munched it quickly and swallowed it all in a matter of seconds, satisfying his stomach.
but before he could let out a sigh of relief, he was blinded by a bright light and next thing he knew, the floor seemed way closer than it used to be.
"meow." he had transformed into a cat again...
"mark? what's with the wired look again?"
"i-i... n-nothing." mark entered his house followed by jaemin and jeno, praying the gods that donghyuck was sleeping in his or renjun's room.
"oh, you left with the tv on this morning." jeno told making mark snap his head towards the tv.
"and..." jaemin squinted his eyes. "since when do you watch the arts channel? in english?"
"make yourselves home, i'm coming back in a bit." mark said in a state of panic, dashing towards his room.
"where the hell is him?" mark groaned entering renjun's room. "donghyuck?" he whisper-yelled. "come out! it's not funny!"
mark cursed, checking the bathroom and his own room where he found nobody either.
mark ran back to the living room where he saw jaemin hugging a white fluffy thing.
"you didn't tell us you had a cat..." jaemin said, hugging it tighter.
"donghyuck..." mark widened his eyes at the sight.
"donghyuck? it's his name?" jeno asked.
"what? oh, no! his name is haechan." mark explained.
"well, hello haechan." jaemin said scratching the cat's head. "why didn't you tell us you had a cat?"
"oh actually- "mark stopped himself, remembering his conversation with donghyuck the night before. "yes, i have a cat. haechan is my cat. MY cat." he said, pointing to himself and glaring at the cat.
"okay..." jeno raised a brow. "but that doesn't explain why you didn't tell us."
"it was irrelevant."
"if you say so..." jaemin shrugged. "jeno prepare the tv. mark, the snacks, and i'll pet haechan." he smiled.
"as you want babe." jeno kissed him before grabbing the remote and sitting comfortably on the couch.
not long after, mark was back with snacks and jeno had switched to the good channel while jaemin caressed donghyuck.
"you even brought a bowl of cat food for haechan! it's so cute!" jaemin squealed.
"i don't want my cat to die." mark explained.
the three boys started talking about random things, waiting for the tournament to begin when mark's phone rang. it was a video call from renjun. he motioned to jaemin and jeno to be silent and accepted the call.
"hello junnie."
"hey mark, am i disturbing?"
"good to know! how are you? did you miss me today?"
"a lot... jeno and jaemin did too. they asked me about you." he wiggled his brows.
"aish... stop saying nonsense mark, they already have each other, they wouldn't talk about me..."
"if you say so... has your day been good?"
"pretty good. i met my baby cousins, they're cute. what about you?"
mark told quickly the story about hina, making renjun laugh.
"and can i see my baby?" renjun asked, making mark smirk.
mark told jaemin and jeno to come and sit next to him with a hand motion, which they understood, and both sat on each side of mark at the same time.
"hello junnie!" they said, making the boy on the other side blush and widen his eyes.
"j-jeno? j-jaemin? b-but? hello..."
the three boys laughed.
"they're here to watch the baseball tournament on tv."
"it's so sad that you're not with us." jaemin pouted.
"yeah, it would have been better all together!" jeno added.
"but you should take care of your family, it's more important." jaemin smiled brightly.
haechan took his cue to appear, jumping on the boys, his paws landing right on mark's groin, making him yell in pain as the others were laughing.
"stupid cat! i'm going to- "
"don't even try to harm this cat mark!" renjun said sternly as the cat looked at mark with his big brown eyes, head tilted, and mark swears he saw him pulling his tongue out.
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