^.^ 6 ^.^
"are you kidding me?" donghyuck asked the hairs of his tail bristling.
"there's no way i'm eating cat food when you're having a whole five-star meal next to me." donghyuck groaned, his canine teeth showing and turning around mark who was setting the table for two.
"i'll take that as a compliment." he chuckled. renjun always told him he didn't know how to cook, and here was donghyuck, looking all giddy at the thought of tasting his meals. "but you are a cat so, you eat cat food."
"false!" donghyuck exclaimed, startling mark. "i am a human."
"with cat ears, cat fangs and a cat tail." mark added.
"but i am a human."
"yeah, you are mostly a pain in the ass."
donghyuck hissed at the human who was bringing the meal on the table.
"okay." mark rolled his eyes. "let's say that because i prepared fish and it's your first day as a cat and everything... i'll let you eat what i prepared tonight. but starting tomorrow, you'll have to eat your cat food." mark said, pointing at donghyuck who had sat in front of one of the plates mark had set on the table.
"why can't i eat my cat food and a bit of your meal each time?" donghyuck asked with a look worthy of the puss in boots'.
mark had himself mesmerized for a second in the big doe eyes of the hybrid, but he shook the though off after an instant. "whatever." he mumbled, pushing the plate towards donghyuck so that he could help himself.
"yeah!" donghyuck yelled, dancing in victory.
"shut up and eat before i change my mind." mark warned.
the two boys ate their dinner in silence, donghyuck often letting out moans because of the tastiness of the meal. even though mark hated cats and was kind of annoyed to have to deal with a cat that wasn't actually one, he was glad that someone enjoyed the way he cooked, it was pretty rare.
when they finished eating, mark cleaned the table, washed the dishes and tidied the kitchen, under donghyuck's eyes.
"you'll be home alone tomorrow." mark told donghyuck, drying his hands with a hand towel.
donghyuck raised a brow. "why?"
"i have school. i'm leaving early and coming back in the afternoon."
"i don't want to stay alone..." donghyuck whined.
"well, i didn't want you to be here... see, we don't always have what we want in life."
"that was mean." donghyuck pouted.
"too bad." mark scoffed. "i'm going to bed." he added, heading towards his bedroom.
donghyuck, as a good kitty, trotted behind him, watching him grabbing his pyjamas in his closet and then going to the bathroom. as he was about to enter behind mark, the human pushed him back outside.
"cats outside."
"but... renjun lets me stay with him..."
"i'm not renjun." mark explained. "and i'm going to shower. i need a bit of privacy."
donghyuck's tail swayed from left to right behind him. "last time you showered i remember being there..." he smirked, making mark blush.
mark slammed the door to his face as an answer and locked the door.
donghyuck sighed before walking to mark's room and slumping on his bed, nuzzling in the soft mattress. donghyuck curled up in a small ball, his tail around his body and closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep. after a small yawn, the boy was off to dreamland, in the middle of mark's bed.
mark on his side just finished his shower. he dried his body and wore his pyjamas before brushing his teeth. at the same time, he picked his phone up and did some researches on hybrids.
he had already heard about those kinds of creatures, but he was far from knowing that they really existed. however, haechan – or donghyuck, whatever his name was – was real.
on the different websites, mark could only find mythological creatures, legends and myths, meaning 'hybrids' were supposed to be imaginary. then, how could you explain one was currently in his house?
mark stopped surfing on the net after a few minutes, he decided he would look for some more information in the books of the school's library tomorrow, and for the moment, keep donghyuck's existence a secret.
mark rinsed his mouth and got to his room, ready to sleep when he noticed the position the cat person was in. donghyuck was lying in a ball, in the middle of his bed, snoring cutely, his ears flattened and his tail circled around his human body.
the boy may look peaceful here, but this was mark's bed, and no one could sleep on it, surely not a fucking cat.
"wake up you punk!" mark growled, gripping the boy's tail with his two hands.
the hybrid's eyes opened immediately and he jumped, letting out a shriek that sounded like a pained mewl, landing on all fours, in a corner of the bed, the further away from mark.
"are you crazy?!" the cat yelled, his tail and his ears straight up in the air.
"out of my bed. cats sleep in their baskets."
"i'm a human right now." the cat hissed.
mark got under the covers, pushing the cat away from his bed. "yeah, a human with a fucking tail and cat ears. go to your basket."
"i don't fit in it, asshole." donghyuck spat, standing next to the bed.
"hey! don't insult your master!" mark furrowed his brows.
"you're not my master." donghyuck scoffed. "renjun is."
and with that said, donghyuck left the room, not forgetting to slam the door.
who did mark think he was, trying to boss him around like that when he kept telling renjun that haechan was not his cat in the first place?
couldn't this human use his brain a bit?
donghyuck walked to renjun's room, looking at his small basket lying in a corner of the room. he couldn't even fit one of his butt cheeks in it... his eyes wandered to renjun's bed. it seemed comfortable and bigger than his small basket. donghyuck plopped on it and shuffled around until he found a good position.
the bed was a good place to sleep, but is was less soft than mark's, and it definitely didn't have the same manly scent. this one had something like a vanilla scent, actually, it smelt like renjun and it was pretty warm.
donghyuck fell asleep in less than a minute, completely forgetting about his worries and his argument with the human next door.
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