^.^ 36 ^.^
never in his all live mark had felt this empty.
not when he had been rejected.
not when he felt depressed.
not even when his grandparents had died.
but now, he just felt empty of any emotion.
it was around five in the morning.
he hadn't fallen asleep since they had come back from elizabeth's place.
they had left donghyuck to elizabeth.
she had said that donghyuck had very slim chances of surviving.
she had been very clear.
she had even said that it would be better if he died, because that way, he would stop suffering.
and well, these words had killed mark.
he had tried to stay strong in front of renjun and jisung, but right now, in his bedroom's intimacy, he could cry freely.
now that he had finally forgotten hina.
now that he had finally found donghuck.
now that he had finally found a boyfriend.
now that he had finally fell in love.
why would the world take his love away from him?
tired from that incessant crying, mark ended up falling asleep around six in the morning, when the sun was rising.
but he didn't care.
he didn't have any reason to wake up anymore...
"mark... mark..." someone woke him up from his sleep by shaking his shoulder gently.
mark opened his eyes slowly, looking for his clock to know what time it was.
his eyes were puffy red.
his head was hurting.
his nose was running.
in two words, he was in a bad state.
mark acknowledged renjun's presence the third time his best friend called him.
"yes?" he replied, sitting on his bed.
"t-the girl... elizabeth... she called me." renjun said, sadness visible in his eyes.
mark didn't say a word, he just looked at renjun, expectant for what his best friend would tell.
"s-she... h-haechan d-died. j-just n-now." renjun whispered, his voice trembling at each word he pronounced.
mark stiffened at renjun's words.
even though they were almost inaudible, he heard them very clearly, and almost instantly, tears fell like a cascade from his eyes.
"i'm sorry mark." renjun continued, his voice breaking at the end because of a flow of tears.
renjun started crying as well and threw himself in mark's arms.
his best friend opened his arms and tightened his embrace to cry on renjun's shoulder.
both boys cried for long minutes in each other's embrace remembering about the white cat.
more than the white cat, mark cried because he had lost his boyfriend, the one he loved.
sure, they hadn't been together for long, but the bond that they had tied was strong.
renjun was sad because he was attached to his cat, that's a fact, but he had also lost a friend. now that he knew that haechan and donghyuck were one person, losing haechan meant losing donghyuck. and that meant that mark had lost his lover, which had made renjun feel worst.
motivation had disappeared from mark and renjun's lives.
the two boys were dull.
they seemed lifeless.
as if someone had taken all their will to live.
"what do you want to eat tonight?" renjun asked nonchalantly.
him and mark were sprawled out on the couch, eyes glued on the tv, without watching it since the middle of the afternoon.
"nothing." mark replied.
"we have to eat something." renjun said.
"donghyuck will never eat anymore. why would I?"
renjun hummed and got back to not-watching the tv.
after a few minutes, the doorbell rang, startling both boys.
as mark didn't intend to move, it's renjun who rose to his feet and walked to the door.
the chinese opened the door nonchalantly, wondering who the hell could come at that time knowing they weren't expecting anyone.
"renjun?" mark asked as his best friend wasn't moving in the doorway. "who is at the door?"
and before he could give any answer, renjun fell on the floor.
four more chapters before the end of this book
i will miss it a lot honestly <3<3
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