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"where is my kitty?!" renjun yelled as soon as he entered the house.
mark flinched at the loudness of the voice as the white animal's ears perked up at the loud sound and he jumped off his armchair to get to the door.
"aw! look at how cute he is!" chenle cooed from behind renjun.
the two males entered the house and closed the door behind them so that the cat couldn't leave.
renjun immediately picked him up in his arms. "look at my baby, lele. have you seen how cute he is?"
chenle patted the cat's head, enjoying how the cat purred when he touched it.
"hina found his name." mark said, not detaching his eyes from the tv that was playing a basketball match.
"oh?" renjun looked at mark.
"yeah, he got a tattoo in his hear that says 'haechan' or something like that. we searched on the internet and it means 'fullsun' so i guess it could be his name..." mark explained. "the magnifying glass is here if you don't believe me." mark pointed at an object on the table.
chenle and renjun giggled. "so... i guess we have to keep him then... if hina found him cute."
"yeah." mark rolled his eyes.
"welcome to the family, little haechan!" renjun giggled, kissing the kitten's head.
"renjun!" mark yelled from his bedroom. "come here!"
renjun entered the room after a second after only to find mark standing on his bed, eyes glued on a white hair ball that was looking at him head tilted.
"take this thing out of my room!"
"it's just a cat mark..." renjun rolled his eyes, picking up haechan to bring him to the living room with him.
"renjun!" mark stomped his feet to his best friend's room, one of his favourite shirts in his hands.
"yes mark?" the chinese diverted his attention from the kitten to the fuming male in the doorway.
"look what this monster did to my favourite shirt!" he said, showing the back of his shirt that had now plenty scratches and holes.
"oh... i-i'm sorry mark..." renjun lowered his head.
"it's this stupid cat's fault." mark groaned before slamming the door shut.
the kitten flinched at the loud noise before being cuddled in renjun's arms. "don't do that again haechannie... or mark will be very mad..."
"ah!" mark let out a loud shriek when the white cat dropped a dead bird on the kitchen counter, just next to his cereal bowl. "renjun! your cat is an assassin!" mark exclaimed leaving his cereal soaking in his milk.
renjun looked at what had put mark in such a state and rolled his eyes. "he just wants to show you his talents and his love for you mark!" renjun yelled back, pushing the dead bird in the bin and cleaning the counter, not forgetting to congratulate his cat for his hunt.
"huang renjun!" mark growled, face turning red. "why the hell did your cat sit on my fucking chair again? there are four chairs around this table. four! and every night, he manages to sit on the chair i pick!"
renjun listened to his best friend's bickering while he was helping himself some rice. "aren't you the one who sits on his chair if he's already here when you arrive?"
"don't play smarty pants with me!" mark groaned, grabbing the chair and shaking it to make the cat fall. however, the cat, was holding onto the chair as if his life depended on it.
"take another chair mark..."
"i want this one." mark groaned, shaking it with more force, making the white cat hiss.
renjun looked at the two, holding himself back from laughing. after a while, he gave in, laughing out loud, making mark stop shaking the chair and look at him. the cat looked at renjun with the same look mark had on.
"what is so funny?"
"you two looks like those cat fights videos on the internet..." renjun wiped the tears of laugher that were falling of his eyes. "except that he's a cat, and you're a human!" renjun laughed even more, clutching on his stomach.
"so funny." mark said, exchanging a look with the cat, as if it was something casual to do.
as the cat wasn't paying attention anymore, mark pushed him from the chair, making him fall from it but land safely on his paws. mark sat on the chair, smiling in victory and pulling out his tongue looking at the cat who scratched his ankle using his small claws.
"ouch! you fucker!"
"mark!" renjun said sternly. "don't talk like that to haechan." he said as the cat rubbed against the chinese's leg.
"anyway." renjun shook his head. "i wanted to tell you... my grandmother is sick so i have to go to china for a while."
mark stopped glaring at the cat and looked at his friend, worry evident in his eyes. "is she okay?"
"she's not going to die... normally. well, i should go because she needs the support from the family, you know. it has been long since i saw her."
mark nodded. renjun lived in korea since young and he was pretty sure he hadn't seen his grandmother since he was 10.
"when do you leave?"
renjun lowered his eyes. "tomorrow morning."
"this soon?!"
"yeah..." renjun said picking the cat that was passing by from the ground to sit him on his lap. "can you promise me something mark?"
"yes, tell me."
"take care of haechan for me." he said, caressing the white fur of the cat.
he remembered the day he had found him. he looked so small and so scared. now, haechan was much taller, he looked more like a cat, not an adult yet, but an adolescent at least.
"you're not taking him with you?" mark asked confused.
"i won't be able to take good care of him. but i'm sure you will." renjun told.
mark nodded. "how long will you go?" he asked per curiosity.
"one month."
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