^.^ 29 ^.^
mark woke up to something gently poking his cheek.
he opened one eye to see what was disturbing him, but softened immediately at the sight.
haechan, in his cat form, was sat on his bed, just in front of him, and he was using his cute little paw to poke mark's cheek in order to wake him up.
as soon as the animal saw mark's eye opened, he jumped on is four legs and meowed, rubbing his head against mark's forehead before snuggling under the covers, passing with difficulty under the collar of mark's shirt to fully wake the boy up.
"haechan, what are you doing?" mark asked once the cat had settled on his tummy.
the creature replied with a meowl.
"waking you up. just as i asked him to do..." renjun said from the doorway.
mark looked at his best friend.
"seems like he's more appreciated than me..." renjun noted. "i've never seen you up with both eyes opened this quick."
"shut up." mark spat.
renjun giggled. "anyway, jaemin, jeno and i are going to the mall. do you want to come?"
"to fourth-wheel?" mark raised a brow. "i'll pass."
"jeno said you could bring someone if you want."
mark tensed, his hand that was caressing haechan's back stopping in its movements.
"do you have someone in mind?" renjun wiggled his brows.
mark gulped. "i-i don't."
renjun smirked. "okay. i'll be back around five then. surely with nono and nana."
"you even got nicknames..." mark rolled his eyes. "disgusting."
"at least i have a love life and i'm not running after a girl that had got too much pretenders to care about them." renjun fought back.
"i don't care about hina." mark yelled, his grip around haechan's body tightening.
"that's new."
"yeah, and that's the end of our conversation." mark stated, raising to his feet, carrying haechan and going to the bathroom, locking the door behind him leaving renjun dumbfounded.
"mark?" donghyuck asked the human who was busy typing something on his computer.
the male being concentrated on his school work didn't hear the hybrid who had been calling him for the past five minutes.
it was the beginning of the afternoon.
donghyuck was laying on his stomach on mark's bed, his tail swaying in the air while he was watching mark's attractive bare back.
just then, a stray cat that was living on the streets approached mark's opened window and jumped on it, almost entering mark's room.
the human, still focused on his stuff hadn't seen anything, but his hybrid had immediately noticed the intruder. donghyuck jumped on his legs and approached the window and hissed at the other cat, showing his pointy fangs to scare the cat away. immediately, the stray cat ran away, not looking back once, making donghyuck proud of himself.
donghyuck turned around, ready to go back to doing nothing on the bed, but he was surprised to find mark looking at him with curious eyes.
"what was that?" the human asked.
"a stray cat."
"i know what a stray cat is. but why did you do that?"
donghyuck shrugged. "i protect what is mine."
"what is yours...?" mark smirked.
"yeah, mine." donghyuck blushed.
"i am not yours... you are mine." mark pointed out. "well technically, you are renjun's, because he is your owner."
donghyuck stepped towards mark until there was no space left between them. he finally sat on mark's lap, straddling the boy, trying his best not to look too much at his bare torso.
"but... i don't want him to be my owner..." donghyuck pouted.
"you don't?" mark asked, putting his hands on the hybrid's waist.
donghyuck shook his head. "i want you to own me. i want to be yours only." he said, snuggling into the crook of mark's neck.
hearing those words made mark feel all sorts of things inside.
it felt good. honestly, having someone who counted on you like that was one of the best things ever. donghyuck said such cute things... it truly made mark's heart melt. how could he say no to that? not that he wanted to say no in the first place, but still...
mark pulled donghyuck out from his neck and look at him in the eyes.
"don't you- "
donghyuck couldn't finish his sentence. mark had pulled him by his nape and closed the gap between their faces so that their lips could meet once again.
they still hadn't talked about their previous kiss, but both knew that they wanted more kisses in the future.
they kissed hungrily yet messily, teeth clutching and tongues fighting for dominance. in the end, mark was leading the kiss by pulling donghyuck closer to his body, the hybrid letting out breathy moans each time mark's hands would grip his body too tight. but he wouldn't complain, he liked it.
they separated after five minutes of making out, out of breath, and a string of saliva connecting their mouths.
"does that mean that you agree to be my owner?" donghyuck asked, not looking into mark's eyes.
"yes kitten. you're mine from now on." mark replied, caressing donghyuck's abused bottom lip with his thumb.
"so... if i'm yours... are you going to take me out?!" he asked excitedly.
mark chuckled at his excited hybrid. "as you wish."
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