^.^ 14 ^.^
mark was seated on the bus that was supposed to bring them to the place they would spend one week at the mountain. the trip would last four hours, but for the moment, the bus hadn't started driving as all the students hadn't arrived yet.
mark had already settled, at the middle of the bus, next to the window. the seat next to him was free.
"are you sure you don't want me to put your bag up there?" his teacher asked, eying mark strangely.
the boy only tightened his grip on the object protectively and shook his head. "thank you, but i'll need it."
the teacher shrugged before walking to the back of the bus where other students had called him.
a minute after, another person asked him about his bag.
"is this bag your baby? why don't you put it up?"
"i just need what's in it!" mark replied pissed, but he regretted it as soon as he met the eyes of the person who talked to him. "oh, hina?"
"you are funny mark." she chuckled.
mark rubbed his nape shyly.
"can i sit with you? or is your bag going to need one full seat?" she raised a brow.
"oh no! come and sit." mark patted the space next to him.
hina smiled and sat down.
three hours later, they were still in the bus, however, this time, the bus was in movement. most of the students had fallen asleep not to feel sick due to all the movements of the bus, but mark had stayed awoken, listening to some music.
hina had dozed off, her head resting on mark's shoulder.
mark heard a small whimpering sound, making him take off one of his earphones. another sound coming from his lap made him realised what was happening.
he carefully removed hina's head from his shoulder and stood up, picking his bag up carefully.
"where are you going?" jaemin, who was sitting on the seat in front of mark, asked him.
"toilets." yeah, they had a bus which had toilets on.
"with your bag? are you on your periods?"
"shut up." mark said before going to the toilets.
he entered the small space, closed the door and opened his bag.
"what's happening?" he asked, picking up the whimpering cat from his bag and putting it next to the sink.
the cat immediately bent over and emptied his stomach there.
"woah." mark widened his eyes. "thanks for having warned me i guess..."
the cat weakly fell after, mark catching him before he broke something.
"have some water." mark said, taking a bottle of water out of his bag.
he poured some in his hand and made haechan drink some. when the cat finished, mark cleaned the mess the cat had made.
"we're almost there, okay? one hour only. and then i'll turn you into donghyuck again." mark said, petting the cat's head.
"woah!" jaemin exclaimed as soon as he stepped a foot out of the bus.
"the scenery is magical." hina giggled.
they were on top of a mountain, surrounded by other hills and mountains either snowy or not on which were built little villages.
"come on kids! let's go!" their teacher said, leading them towards the place they would sleep.
they handed out the keys of the rooms and then, the students were allowed to go chill in their rooms for the whole afternoon. they had to meet to have dinner altogether at 7:00p.m. though, which let them four hours to do whatever they wanted inside the hotel.
thankfully, jaemin and jeno had been assigned a room together, and mark was supposed to be with renjun, but, as he couldn't come because he was in china, he had a whole room for him – well, for him and donghyuck.
"finally!" mark sighed, plopping on the bed as soon as he entered his room.
"meow!" his bag meowed.
mark quickly opened his bag and let haechan get out.
"don't you dare throw up on the bed." he warned.
the cat only walked in the bag again and got out wile pulling something. mark helped him, realising it was the bottle of milk. "oh... you want to transform."
mark opened the milk, drank some and poured a bit in the cap to make the cat drink.
donghyuck appeared in an instant.
"i absolutely hate car rides." he said with a yawn, allowing mark to see his pointy teeth.
"yeah, and i guess being in a bag doesn't help."
"it doesn't." donghyuck scratched his fluffy ear before looking in the bag again. "i saw some interesting things in there." he said, his tail straightening up in interest.
"it's all the things i brought four you."
"did you bring my mouse plushie?" he asked with big eyes.
"shit." mark cursed.
donghyuck's face fell. "you didn't?"
"i didn't even bring your basket..." mark hit his head.
"that's not a problem. you're comfortable anyways." donghyuck shrugged before looking back into the back and picking the cat food, not looking at mark's flushed face.
"MARK!" the door of the room suddenly opened, revealing an excited jeno and jaemin.
donghyuck didn't wait a second and shoved the whole pack of cat food inside his mouth, making him transform instantly and attracting all the attention on him.
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