^.^ 12 ^.^
"come on! haechan, get out of here!" mark pleaded, crouched in front of a cupboard under which haechan had hidden in his cat form. "i swear i won't force you to drink milk..."
haechan had been hiding for the past three days. since mark had discovered cat food could turn donghyuck back into haechan, haechan had disappeared from his sight. he was only showing at eating hours, and he wouldn't even drink the milk mark gave him.
mark had even tried putting a bit of milk in haechan's bowl of water to turn him into donghyuck, but haechan hadn't been fooled, and he had peed on mark's bed to take his revenge.
"come out haechan, i need to clean your cuts and change your bandages." mark said, holding out his hand to reach for the cat, but he only received a bite. "ouch! haechan, don't do that!"
"i promise i won't try to hurt you." mark gave puppy eyes to the white animal. "the vet told me i needed to check on your injuries. it's important. i'm sorry about what i did before..."
haechan hesitantly walked out of his hiding spot, his head poking out from under the wooden furniture.
"come here." mark told, walking towards the living room.
arriving there, he displayed all the creams and products elizabeth had given him on the table and signalled the cat to hop on.
reading the labels on the different creams, he used the healing creams for the rather small cuts – that were slowly disappearing – on the cat's head and paws.
then, he unwrapped the old bandages that were around the cat's body and threw them aside, revealing the ugly cut. it was a bit bloody because of all the movements haechan had made, it probably had scraped against the fabric and made the cut bleed again.
mark used the disinfectant first, careful not to hurt the cat, and then, he tried applying the healing solution on the cut.
"fuck, that's impossible..." he mumbled. "stop moving around, haechan! you have hairs everywhere, i can't see anything." mark groaned. "can't you eat more and have a fatter tummy? at least i would have been able to see what i would be doing better!" mark added, trying to push the hairs away.
he then tried to wrap the bandages around the cat's body, but, even if he had perfectly memorised the way elizabeth had done her bandage, he couldn't reproduce it well.
"stop whining! i'm trying my best, okay!" mark yelled at the cat, starting the bandage from the beginning again. "and couldn't she show me how to wrap it around?!" mark groaned again, trying to remember everything elizabeth had told him.
and something came back to his mind.
"when you'll need to change his bandages, you'll need space! remember, the bigger the body, the easier it is!"
of course! he could turn haechan into donghyuck! and then everything would be easier!
"haechan, don't move, i'm coming back in a second." mark said, putting the cat on the table and coming back a second after with a glass of milk.
the cat shook his head as no, looking at mark with tears in his eyes.
"you have to! elizabeth told me it would be easier for me to work if your body was bigger. i need you to be in your human form. just as i work on your injuries. please."
the cat eventually accepted and drank a bit of milk, transforming into donghyuck in an instant.
the boy was sitting on the table, his white tail swaying from left to right behind him.
"take off your shirt." mark ordered, making donghyuck flush.
thankfully, when donghyuck transformed, he always transformed with a white sweater and white sweatpants. mark didn't know how or why, but he was thankful that he didn't have to deal with a naked donghyuck every time the cat drank milk.
"w-what? no!" the hybrid protested, his tail wrapping around his torso.
"i need to see your wounds to treat them..." mark sighed. "hurry, i don't have all my life." mark tugged the hem of the cat-person's shirt.
donghyuck shyly put his hands up and let mark pull his sweater off, revealing his thin figure.
"at least you're not hairy." mark mumbled. "lay on your back."
donghyuck did as he was told, closing his eyes.
mark worked on the wounds in silence, applying ointments again and finally bandaging them the right way, because it was way easier on a human body. as mark finished quickly, he took some time to study donghyuck's visuals. the boy had his eyes closed, so he didn't see mark checking him out.
donghyuck's body was petite and very thin but agile. surely because he was a cat. his white and fluffy tail was swaying on the side naturally and his two pointy ears were slightly flinching at every little noise. they were nestled in a mass of honey curls that were hiding his forehead and sometimes even his big brown eyes. he had mesmerizing eyes. they were closed right now, but each time donghyuck – or haechan actually – looked at him with his head tilted and his doe eyes, mark felt strange. just like he had the urge to do what the cat wanted him to do. another mesmerizing detail about this cat person was his mouth, and more particularly his canine teeth. hidden in between the row of human teeth, two little pointy fangs were poking out whenever the boy would be pouting. and sometimes mark found himself wondering if having donghyuck biting him the same way haechan does would hurt more because of their pointiness.
"huh? m-mark?" donghyuck's eyes fluttered open, falling directly into mark's ones and blushing at their close proximity.
mark had been too immersed in his contemplation that he hadn't noticed he was straddling donghyuck, on the table, his hand just beside donghyuck's head and their faces centimetres apart.
"s-sorry." mark said before rising to his feet. "i'll give you some cat food. i hid it so that you wouldn't escape from my grasp." he added before leaving.
"i-i think i'll stay in my human form." donghyuck answered with a blush.
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