revolting | chapter seven
『 c a t a n d d o g 』
opening his eyes, blinking slowly to get his vision back in place. a soft yawn passed threw his round pink lips. he sits up and stretched. not how a normal person stretched, but how a cat would have. the bones under his skin crack and popped into their rightful full positions. his tail fluffing up at the sensation of his back being popped, ears buried closely against his [dark/light] hair.
getting up from his futon, he rises a hand up and balled it up to a fist rubbing his eyelid against it. he stands up as he lets his white shirt fall to his small knees; he decided to tuck in half of the shirt into his black shorts. a little smile on his lips, but drops it. he's forgotten how to smile. . a true one that is.
the door to his room rattled, it seemed alive or maybe it's just the banging coming from the other side of the dark brown door. "hey, i hope you're up already. or i'll spray your ass down with cold water again!" the door talked to him, more like shouted.
the boy bowed at the door. "yes, mo- mrs. park, i'm up." the door gave a 'tis as it spoke again. "then get your revolting ass down the stairs; sooho is waiting for his breakfast." the sound of footsteps faded away from the door.
[y/n] looked down to his small skinny legs. bruises and cuts that are covered in small bandages and bandage raps.
revolting. . he's revolting.
his parents, always called him names, but that one was the one they used the most. it was basically his name by now. he hated that word with passion. he wanted to take those words and shove down their throats, till they suffocated, desperate for air.
but, he couldn't.
the poor little five year old boy never got the chance to go to a school or even have a friend, for the least. his parents just kept him locked up in his room, till they needed him to do or get something for them.
like an obedient dog.
the boy takes a step forward, making the wooden floor creak and moan under his bare feet. he reaches the door, feeling the coldness linger in his small palm. a sigh passed through his lips, he hated this routine.
he opens the door, creaking in process. the boy takes a step forward into the dark hallway, hands gripping the wall next to his bedroom door. his legs aching in pain.
[y/n] made it down the stairs, legs trembling and shaking. he made his way to the kitchen. the smell bloomed in his nose; his ears perked up at the delicious scent.
"took you long enough."
the voice made [y/n] flinch and tremble under his skin.
"sorry mother. i promise it will not happen again!" the woman in front of him clenched her fists, lips forming a nasty snarl. "how many times do i have to tell you, never call me that?" she said through clenched teeth.
the boy's eyes widened, bowing repeatedly. "i'm sorry, i-i'm sorry!" he whimpered softly.
[y/n] immediately stops his frantic actions, he gulps down in fright. mrs. park walks up to him, placing a hand on his [hair color(s)] head, shoving it up and facing her. "here." she growled, thrusting a plate of food towards the boy's chest. "give this to sooho. . he's probably impatient already for his breakfast." the boy nods reluctantly.
he makes his way up the stairs and into the hallway again, legs still aching in bitter pain. walking in a hasty manner. he felt the pastel peach walls closing in on him, whispering. . chortling at him.
"pathetic thing."
the poor boy whimpered out a cry. he walked faster, each step hurting his small scrawny legs.
he makes it to a door, knocks, waits.
"come in." a voice muffled threw the door. [y/n] nodded and walked in the dark room.
"what took you so long? you know i don't like waiting." an older male said, eyes tearing away from his computer screen, paper work all over his desk. "i'm sorry. i'll be faster next time." he gave a 'tis. "ignorant child," he sighed.
[y/n] clenched his fists around the plate, waiting for a signal to continue walking.
"bring the plate over here." the man said. [y/n] wasted no time in waiting. the older male took the plate from the small boy's hands. he took a look at his plate. scrambled eggs, well done bacon, and to slices of toasted bread smeared with melting butter.
he looked back up, [y/n] still standing their like a lost kitten. he rolled his eyes at the boy. "what are you doing still standing here? you've already done what you're supposed to do. leave." [y/n] quickly bowed, running out of sooho's office.
once out, a voice calls out to him.
"hey, moggie! go to the store, we need stuff for the fridge!" mrs. park shouted. the boy stumbles at the loud voice, making him roll down the stairs.
the women glared at the boy's clumsy-ness.
"here." she hands him money and a list of stuff they needed. "now on you go." she shoves him out of the house.
☆ 암캐 클럽 ☆
sounds of cars and people making a bustling around the small city, [y/n] kept his gaze down to the ground. he was afraid to look up, getting stares that he wouldn't like at all.
he wrapped his tail around his waist, ears furrowed against his head. [y/n] hoped that would work.
"hey. . where's your shoes?" [y/n] stopped his aching legs, flinching at the voice. he slowly lifted his head up.
his gaze meet a pair of green swirling with brown eyes. [y/n] shrugged his shoulders, he never talked to people outside his home before, and only understand a couple of phrases in japanese.
"are you going to the grocery store, too?" the stranger asked him. [y/n] looked down to the other boy's hands, seeing a paper with words on them; he nodded hesitantly.
"oh! you can come with me if you'd like." [y/n] looked up once more. he never seen someone so kind to him. he nodded again. "great!"
"my names toono takashi, by the way. what's yours?" the boy named takashi asked.
[Y/n] gave a small stumble from the sudden question. he almost forgot his own name.
"[y/n]. . . just [y/n]."
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i know. . trashy chapter 🖐🏻😔
but uh-
enjoy this pic of lucas ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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