missing shirt | chapter nine
『 c a t a n d d o g 』
"tashi. . . wake up." a certain cat-like male nudged his brunette friend. the sleeping boy swapped one of his hands in front of [y/n], making him form a pout on his round lips. he tried again.
"master, if you don't wake up. . we'll be late for class."
takashi's eyes shot open. "wah! [y/n], i told you not to call me that!" the neko's ears laid flat on his head, as he peeked up from the futon, eyes sparkled with admiration. "but you are my master, and i'll do anything to protect you!"
takashi faced the ceiling, a sigh passed threw his lips.
"i sometimes wonder why we're friends."
[y/n] giggled softly. "you're funny, tashi-kun!"
"yeah, whatever- wait! where's your shirt?" his eyes widened, red climbing his neck and cheeks. [y/n] tilted his head to the side, eyes closed, smiling big. "don't you remember what happened last night?" takashi shook his head. "n-no. . i must have been really tired to remember."
the cat-like male decided to sit on top of takashi, making the brunette gasp for air from the sudden weight added to his abdomen. "oh, well i'll tell you then!"
takashi cheeks were the color of rose petals.
"o-okay." was all he could say.
the [hair color(s)] male twist and turned in his sleep. his eyes shot open, quickly getting up from his futon and turning on the lights. "tashi! i need to go pee!" he whispered loudly. the brunette didn't budge, only small mumbling came from his mouth.
"Tashi!" the cat hybrid said, doing a little dance as of some way to distract him from going to the loo on himself. takashi still didn't move. [y/n] stomped a foot, hands clenched to his sides. "toono takashi. if you don't get your ass up, i'll beat you into a pulp."
the brunette quickly jumped out of his futon, eyes wider then the sun. "what! [y/n]? what did you just say?" he asked surprised.
the other tilted his head to the side. "say what? tashi, you need to get your ears check. it's not good if you can't hear anymore!"
takashi blinked his eyes multiple times.
did he just. . . or i'm i just tired? never mind.
he shook his head, getting up, following the male out of their dorm room.
they both walked down the hall in silence, looking for the restroom, before [y/n] pees himself.
a few minutes of walking they made it to the restroom. "here's the restroom. don't worry about mirrors, there's none in there." takashi said with a smile. [y/n] smiled back. "okay! you can stay here then." the brunette nodded his head.
waiting, he decided to lean his back towards the wall near the restroom door, eyes closing tiredly. after a few seconds he heard a voice coming from a distance.
he opened his eyelids, turning his head towards the voice, a dark figure walking towards him. "yes? who is there?" he asked hesitantly. the figure got closer.
"oh, yuri. did you come to use the restroom too?"
yuri nodded his head in a fast manner. "wash hands!" he said, arms up in the air. takashi nodded slowly as he realized that yuri had his sunglasses on.
"why are you wearing your glasses in the dark? you can't even see!" yuri shrugged his shoulders. "yuri likes glasses!" takashi rises a brow. "oh. . alright then." was all he could say.
the pink haired male continued to walk towards the restroom door, entering it. takashi closed his eyes again. too tired to remember why he was there in the first place.
"that's much better!" said [y/n] said with joy on his adorable face. he walked towards the sink, turning it on with the handle.
soap bubbled and fizzed on his hands, he giggled as the bubbles flowed in the air, popping near his face.
he soon finished washing his hands that now gave off a scent of roses. which he very much enjoyed to smell.
"toono-kun!" he heard a voice say. it startled him, ears and tail frizzed up as an instinct. "who is there?" he stuttered out, lips starting to quiver against his teeth.
glancing around he seen a figure in the dim light. his heart thumped out of his chest, tears prickling his eyes. "please don't hurt me." the [hair color(s)] male whimpered out. the figure came into view.
"yuri-kun! you scared me." yuri gave a smile towards [y/n]. "yuri sorry." he apologized. the other sighed, but smiled afterwards. "it's okay, yuri-senpai! i just got scared was all!"
"oh, good. you had me worried there for a second." [y/n's] eyes widened, and smiled ever so big. "woah. . i didn't know you learned to speak properly." his ears flapped up and down as his tail thrashed said-to-side. yuri's cheeks tinted pink.
h-he's too cute!
he thought.
"you know what you deserve? an reward!" [y/n] said happily. yuri stood there for a second, processing at what the cat-like male had said. "a reward you say?" an idea popped in his head. he started to walk around [y/n]. "what kind of reward exactly?" the neko put a finger to his chin and thought. "anything that you'd like!"
yuri stopped behind him. "anything i'd like?" [y/n] nodded, smiling. yuri nodded as well. understanding clearly now. he slowly wrapped his arms around [y/n], feeling warmth consume him.
"well. . . how about a kiss?"
[y/n] turned his body around, facing yuri. "oh, you mean like on the cheek?" yuri shook his head. "nope. i mean right here." he rises his hand up, pointing a finger to [y/n's] pink round lips.
"oh, i never had one there before. i didn't even know you could kiss there!"
he has too much innocents. . it's adorable but it won't stay with him forever; he'll lose it eventually. yuri thought as he took off his sunglasses.
or if he's just faking the personality.
"your eyes are so pretty, yuri-kun!" the pink haired male chuckled softly. his pink eyes trailed up to [y/n's] lips, he thought they were the perfect size for kissing. "now how about that reward?" [y/n] stopped his rant of how pretty yuri's eyes were. "oh, right. sorry!" yuri smiled at his adorable-ness, as he slowly started to leaned towards [y/n's] lips.
he pressed his lips onto the others rounded ones, he assumed right. they are soft to the touch. he paused for a moment. "kiss back." he mumbled through both of their lips. the [hair color(s)] male instantly obeyed, yuri smirked against their lips.
they kissed till his brain spun, until [y/n's] limbs felt loose and soft and open, until the moon hid its face behind a veil of clouds. he raised his hands onto yuri's hair, clenching his hair with his fists, and sighed, and breathed the other males name.
before they could continued, they pulled away, catching their breaths in the air. [y/n] smiled ever so widely. "yuri! your lips felt so warm!" he said, cheeks pink as sakuras. yuri held in a laugh, making him exhale through his mouth. "you're too cute for your own good."
[y/n] closed his eyes with a smile. "and so are you!" yuri smiled once more. "thanks for the shirt." he said, holding a white t-shirt in his clenched hand. [y/n] looked down seeing that he didn't have his shirt on anymore. "hey. . how did you get that?" he looked back up for an answer, but he seen no yuri in site.
"where did he go?" he pouted out.
"and that's how my shirt went missing!" the cat-like smiled. he didn't hear a response and frowned, realizing that takashi had gone back to sleep. "tashi!" takashi sat up, bumping heads with [y/n]. they both hissed in pain. "ow, [y/n]. ."
"sorry! but you didn't listen to my story." he gave a pout, crossing his arms over his bare chest.
takashi instantly remembered that [y/n] wasn't wearing a shirt. "what happened to your shirt!" the neko furrowed his eyebrows, whacking takashi on the head. "tashi! i just told you, but you fell asleep. now i have to tell you again!"
[y/n] hopped off of takashi, who groaned in pain once more. "i'll have to tell you later, after we take the test today." takashi got up from his futon. narrowing eyes at his friend. "wait. the test is today?"
"yup!" better hurry up and change. we might be late for class." the brunette whipped his head to the clock that they had on the wall. his eyes widened like saucers. "[y/n]! class starts in five minutes!"
"oh. . guess i forgot how to tell time." said [y/n] with tinted cheeks.
takashi lightly chuckled, "what am i going to do with you?"
"you're funny, baka-tashi!"
[y-y/n]! don't call me that!"
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yeah. . this chapter still kinda trashy ✨🧍♂️✨
but, i published an alice in borderland book !
so if you wanna check it out-
just saying. . dori hit different in them episodes-
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