Harry opens his eyes.
The room around him is comfortingly familiar, but it's strange that he has no memories of the people within it.
With a chill, he gets ready as fast as he can and heads down for breakfast.
By the time Harry reaches the Gryffindor table, he's already had a thousand questions thrown at him. Apparently word travels fast, and everyone knows.
The blonde boy from yesterday is sitting at the Slytherin table, and something twists in Harry's stomach at the sight. He decides to sit next to a nice-looking boy at the Gryffindor table, who shoots him a bright white smile the second he sits down.
"Don't mind them, Harry," he says sweetly. "I'm Dean, before you ask. Dean Thomas. We've been friends since first year."
"I'm sorry that I-"
"Nah, not your fault. Apple juice?"
And just like that, Harry relaxes. The boy-Dean- grabs the juice and a cup and shoves them Harry's way before turning to the boy next to him and asking for bacon.
"So, do you remember what Quidditch is?" Dean says conversationally, yanking the bacon plate away from the laughing sandy-haired boy to his right.
"I do. I used to be a Seeker."
"That you did. There's a game on Thursday, wanna go?"
"Sure. Ravenclaw and Slytherin, right? The Slytherins are gonna get demolished."
Dean looks delighted to hear that he still knows those things. "Do you remember football?" he asks in a low voice, and before Harry can nod, the boy on Dean's right shoves Dean, hard.
"You wanker, no one cares about football!" he exclaims, laughing and throwing one arm onto Dean's shoulder. "Harry, I'm Seamus, and the only sport that matters is Quidditch, no matter what this idiot tells you."
"You know I still remember what football is, right?" Harry laughs. "Bunch of people on teams kicking a ball around, I'm not stupid, Seamus."
"Damn," Seamus swears, grabbing the bacon back from Dean before he can take another piece, drawing a shout of protest from the other boy. "I was hoping I could condition you early."
Immediately, Seamus looks worried that he's said something he shouldn't, but Harry just laughs.
He catches the redheaded boy's gaze, and he's frowning at him with a confused look in his eyes. The girl next to him is just staring at Harry.
Harry chooses to ignore them in favor of his (sort of) new friends.
Harry learns from Dean and Seamus about Hermione and Ron and Neville and Luna and they tell him those are his main friends. When Harry asks about the blonde boy, Dean gives him a funny look.
"His name is Draco Malfoy. You guys have been at each other's throats since first year."
Draco hadn't seemed at Harry's throat when he had run into him in the hallway, but he chooses not to mention that.
"Do you know if I'm dating anyone?" he asks. Both boys shake their heads.
"Don't think so," Seamus says casually, and then they go to play cards in the Common Room.
Harry knows they're wrong, but it worries him.
If his relationship is such a secret to his friends, what's so terrible about it?
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