05 | neuralgia
"The hierarchy of wealth and status never diminished in Westshire, but then again did it really anywhere in the world. We live in an illusion of progression and change, when really the capitalists still run the world." Kenna paused to shove some fries in her mouth, chewed for a moment and went back to rambling on. " I mean, all the brain dead wankers really believe the state and the capitalist market are separate, they're gravely mistaken."
"Jesus, would someone shut her up?" Elizabeth rubbed her temples trying to relieve a headache storming on inside her.
"This is influence from her time in the colonies, land of the freeeee," Chuck
Kenna had spent time as a foreign exchange student in America for her junior year.
Kenna threw a fry at him, "it's not a joke, maybe if you read a book once in your life Chuck you'd know."
Elizabeth put her head down on the table, the cold and hard table. Maybe she needed a nap. Elizabeth groaned in response to a little voice in her brain nagged on how she couldn't complain of her headache 'because that's what happens when you drink until two in the morning'.
"It's true," Kenna pointed out. Elizabeth lifted her head up and looked at Kenna confusedly, then she realized the little voice in her head was just Penny speaking to her. Sometimes Elizabeth wished Penny would sew her own lips shut. Kenna continued her rant on Her eyes shifted behind Penny and her eyes locked on the back of a head full of dark, curly hair. She followed his silhouette down to his neck, down his arms, down his back. Theo sat alone on a table, his headphones covering his ears.
Something came into her view, she looked up to see Robbie, with his arms crossed over his chest. "Have you decided to stop being a bitch?" Kenna and Chuck paused and looked over at them, Elizabeth opened her mouth to reply but Kenna interjected.
"Only if you've stopped being a pansy little bitch yourself, Robert."
"And who asked your lesbian ass Kenna?" Robbie slid into an empty seat beside Chuck, who threw an arm over Robbie's shoulder. Elizabeth's head pounded harder than ever now.
"I don't want to talk to you and in case you didn't get it yesterday, we're done." Elizabeth grabbed her bag and got up off the table.
Robbie grabbed her hand, stopping her from leaving, "I think you're forgetting something. You think Mrs. Castle will be okay with this? Because my father will definitely hear about it and he won't think it's too good for business."
Elizabeth tried to pull away from him. "Get your head out of your ass Robbie, this isn't the medieval ages, I'm not a sell out for my parents' business deals." The pounding got louder in her head, blood pumping through her.
"Robbie, stop being a dick and let her go!" Kenna threw her fry at him.
Yeah, but everyone knows only I put up with your constant drinking and how you act like-"
"Like what? Try me Robbie," Elizabeth stared at Robbie. He opened his mouth. "Fucking try me." Before he could say anything else, Elizabeth pushed passed Robbie. She could hear Kenna yelling something at him, but her eyes had caught Theo, who was glancing at her behind his shoulder.
Out in the football field, a curly blonde adjusted his camera lens, preparing to take pictures of the practising football team. Elizabeth climbed the stands, her head still pounding as if someone were hitting her repeatedly with a rubber mallet. She made her way to the blonde boy, Owen Stanton, Westshire High's photographer and kindest smile.
She plopped down on the seat next to him, watching him concentrate to get the perfect angle. He pulled away from his camera and smiled down at Elizabeth.
"This is absolutely mad. Elizabeth Castle, gracing me with her presence?" His blue eyes glistened in the afternoon sun.
"That's right peasant, now entertain me," Elizabeth waved her hand bored. Owen chuckled, shaking his head. He took a seat beside her.
"You've been quite busy being
"Got to keep busy, Owen. Or some other bitch will think she's good enough for my place." Elizabeth looked down, frowning.
Owen snorted, "of course, Elizabeth Castle is the only worthy one for the throne. She's so up there, she's got no time for others-"
"Yeah alright, get a good laugh."
"Oh but the best bit, she can't give love and neither can she have it." Owen's face was unreadable. By his straight face, Elizabeth couldn't tell whether or not he was joking with her. But she knew deep down this was a taunt, an insult, and even a form of retaliation.
Elizabeth nodded, pressing her lips together. She fumbled through her bag and pulled out a cigarette. This gave her an excuse to stay quiet, she feared talking would let out the tears, which were on the brink of falling. So Elizabeth lit her cigarette and they both sat in silence, as Owen took a few more shots.
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