Once upon a time, in the kingdom full of happy people. There live a king name Taiyang, He love his people and care for them. He also have an relationship with a young maiden name Raven . They have an affair, Raven is pregnant and given birth to a princess, Yang the heir of the thorn. Raven decided to stop having a relationship due the fact that her tribe needs her, but her twin brother Qrow decided to stay for his niece.
After Raven left, Taiyang fell in love with a commander name Summer. They fell in love and married, making Summer the queen of the kingdom and stepmother to Yang. Then the king and queen have an affair, Summer is pregnant and given birth to a another princess, Ruby.
The royal family celebrated by planting roses and having a massive party to celebrate their new addition. While at the party, a young girl wizard, name Brenda give a special gift to the two princesses, a special neckleases so their special bond will always be with each other.
Later that evening, while the family was asleep. A unknow figured entered the princesses room and took the newborn Ruby. Yang noticed this and try to stop the figured while screaming. Which alerted the king and Queen, they entered quickly, and to their horried saw their oldest daughter on the floor and the figured heading out the window with their new born daughter.
In the woods, in a stone mansion, a witch name Bretha was the one who kidnapped the newborn princess Ruby, and have one of her minions care for her, until the young princess started to do maid duties. But once in awhile, the minions took the young princess to market to get supplies at the kingdom.
The king and queen, ordered that on Ruby's birthday everyone in the kingdom to plant a rose in the center of the kingdom, in hopping that one day their lost princess return.
(Here's a special story focus on Ruby Rose in a dimension that she is a lost princess who was taken from birth by Bretha. I based this on Tangled only a little bit different.)
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