Chapter 4
Meanwhile, Ruby is running as fast as she can. She finally stop at a log and sat down. Ruby then look at her leg and felt the pain when she rubbed her leg. "Oww, that hurts," Ruby said, then heard foots steps heading towards her, and got out her Crescent Rose in sniper mode. "Who's there?!" Then Oscar appeared out of the bushes, which he is surprise to see Ruby, "Ruby?!" "Oscar," Ruby said, putting down her weapon and hug him. "Thank goodness, I thought your Bretha!" "Uh, why would I be Bretha? And why are you out here?" Oscar asked. Ruby then explained what happen to him, even showing him the royal family photo. "Wait, your the lost princess?!" Oscar asked Ruby. Ruby nodded, as she rub her leg, "Yeah, all I got from Brenda is that Bretha is planning something." Oscar noticed Ruby rubbing her leg, "What's wrong with your?!" "I must have hurt it, when I fall down from the roof." Ruby explained. "How about I'll take you to my home," Oscar suggested, helping Ruby up. "It's not that far." "But, Bretha's minions might be looking for me," Ruby told Oscar, worriedly while looking around. "I don't want you or your aunt to get hurt?" "Don't worry, now lets get you to my place." Oscar said, as the two walked off.
Meanwhile back at the kingdom, Yang and Blake are walking down the streets. "Yang, you sure you going to do this?" Blake asked Yang. "Positive, I failed once," Yang said, as they exited out of the kingdom. "I won't don't want to it again." "Princess," a voice said, as the two turn around to see Miles and Bonnie, who's wearing a blue cloak, a light yellow shirt, blue skirt, and pink boots. "As an guard, I'll be coming with you." "As am I." Bonnie said. "But, won't your father and brother be worry?" Blake asked. "Na, I'll be with my boyfriend," Bonnie said, then a mouse creature climb onto her shoulder. "Besides, Deddna will be with me." "Well, alright," Yang said, then the four heard a loud bang coming from the forest. "What was that?!"
The four started to run down at the path. "It's coming from that way!!!" Miles shouted, pointed towards the castle. They stop at the path and hid behind some bushes and were shocked.
Meanwhile, at the Schnee household, Weiss walked out, with her Myrtenaster. "I'll be outside training, mom!" Weiss told her mother. "Okay, be back for dinner!!!" Willow shouted. "I will," Weiss said, walking to the woods, when she heard a big boom. "Huh, that's coming from Bretha's place!!! Ruby?!" Weiss then ran to the mansion and was shocked of what she saw.
It was happening when Ruby is escaping from Bretha, as each group watches. "Hey, where do you think your going?!" Bretha shouted at Ruby, as each group watches. "I'm going to my family, that you take me away!!!" Ruby shouted. Yang looked closely at Ruby and saw the frame of her family on her little sisters birth. She widened her eyes. "Princess, you okay?" Miles asked Yang. "That's the photo of the day of my sisters birth," Yang said, in shocked, then her necklease glow and look at Ruby. "No way, Ruby?!" Then they saw Brenda fought off Bretha. "Simple," Brenda said, pointing to Ruby. "I'm rescuing the young princess, that you stole from the royal family."
When Brenda said that, and both group widened their eyes. "Wait, Ruby is the lost princess?!" Weiss said in shocked. As each group watches, Ruby jump off the roof and hurting her leg, which Yang got worried. And then each group saw Brenda turn into stone which shocked them all. "I want every minion to go in the woods and find her!!!" Bretha ordered her minions.
Yang was about to go after her sister, but Blake stop her. "Yang, wait?!" Blake said. "But, I have go after my baby sis." Yang explained. "But, Blake does have a point," Miles said, as they lead the three to the other bushes, where Weiss is. "If we go after your sister, Bretha will get to you quickly." "Oh my," Weiss said, in shocked, the four look at Weiss, who bowed. "Princess, it's an honor to meet you." "Uh, thanks." Yang said, whiles starching her head confusion. "I'm Weiss Schnee of the Schnee family." Weiss introduce herself. "Say, were with a young girl wearing a red hood early today?" Blake asked. "Yes, my friend Ruby," Weiss answered. "I was surprised when I heard that my best friend is the lost princess."
"I can't believe Brenda is turn into stone." Bonnie said, as her boyfriend rub her back. Blake look back at the mansion, "Brenda is powerful, she'll hold her own. But, it is getting dark we need to sleep for the night." "But, those minions are after my baby sister!" Yang told Blake. "I know where that part of the woods leads," Weiss added, as they look at her. "It leads to our friend Oscar's farm. You can come to my home for the night, we have plenty of room and in the morning I'll join and show you the way?" "That's very thoughtful, thank you." Miles said, as Weiss lead them to her home.
Meanwhile, Oscar took Ruby to his farm. "Woah, your place is cool!" Ruby told Oscar, with stars in her eyes. "Aunt Em, I'm back!!!" Oscar called out. Then his aunt came out out of the house, "Back so soon Oscar?" "Yeah, just run into my friend Ruby who hurt her leg." Oscar explained, helping her to sit down on the porch bench. "Oh my, I'll get the first aid!" Em said, as she rush inside the house.
Later, Em wrapped some bandaged on Ruby's leg, while Oscar brought out hot coco and handed Ruby it. "Thanks Oscar." Ruby told Oscar. Oscar blushed and rub the back of his head while smiling sheeply, "Ha, no prob." "How did you got yourself hurt and why are you out dear?" Em asked Ruby. Ruby and Oscar look at each, they knew that they reveled to his aunt that Ruby is the lost princess, she'll freak out. "I uhh, runaway from a wild animal and hurt my leg at the process." Ruby lied. "Oo, those wild animals," Em said, finishing bandaging Ruby's leg. "You know, we kept getting wild animals around here." "Aunt Em, I don't think she want to know that." Oscar told his aunt. Em put away the first aids, "You can join us for dinner if you want?" "I love to, if it's okay to ask. Can I spent the night here?" Ruby asked. "Of course, you can sleep with Oscar." Em answered. "Aunt Em!!!" Oscar shouted while blushing in embarrassed.
After dinner, Oscar show Ruby his room, Ruby place a blanket on the ground. "So, did you think that your real family will recoztion you on your birthday?" Oscar asked Ruby, laying down on his bed. "To be honest, I don't know," Ruby answered, looking at the photo that she got. "But, I don't know what Bretha's planning. But, something tells me that she's going to complete her plan soon."
Meanwhile at Bretha's mansion, Bretha is working on her spell. "It's almost done," Bretha said. "And head of schedule, I think I'll start my plan tomorrow, on the lost princess birthday." "Ma'am, no luck on finding the princess." the minions told Bretha, walked up to her. "Then keep looking for her. I need her for my plan. And once my spell is complete I'll take over the kingdom." Bretha said, as she laughter. While, stone Brenda stood there and her necklease started to glow.
(Will Yang find her sister? Can Ruby get to the kingdom in time? And why is Brenda's necklease glowing? Find out in the next chapter)
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