Chapter 2
Hiro looked down at the edge on the island to see a bottomless void, "Okay, that is a long way down-ahh!!!" Hiro then slip and fall. "Hiro!!!" Luna and Tails said, as they and Baymax ran to the edge. When they looked down, their eyes widen, expect Baymax who just blinked. Hiro then stood from the bottom of the island. "This is insane!!! This place doesn't make since!!!" Hiro said confused, as Luna pulls him up. Then Fiona heard something coming towards them, as the rest of the group check on Hiro. "Don't you worried guys," Fluttershy assure her friends. "Me, Miles, and Bonnie know things in this world. So as long as we stick together, we'll be..." "Uhh, guys? Do you hear that?" Fiona asked the group. The group became quite and carefully listen to hear what Fiona heard. "Uhh, yeah. I think I heard it." Phineas said, then a laser blast by Phineas and hitting the krang crystal. The group then turn to see some Krang bots and Normbots arrived with the Krangs having blasters in hand. "I think, we found our sound." Connie said, as the group backed up. "Krang, capture the ones who are here to stop the ones who are planning the plans." one of the Krang Bots said. "Uhh, what?" Star asked confused. Tails then grabbed Star and get behind one of the crystals as the Krang fire their blasters at them, "Get down!!!"
The Krang bots and Normbots fire their blasters at the group, as the group get behind the crystal. "What are we going to do?!" Bonnie screamed, while Miles hug her for protection. "I don't know," Hiro said, while trying to get Baymax to get down from the blasters. "Without me and Baymax armor, we have no protection!!!" "Why don't you have your guy's armor with you?!" Star yelled. "Hey, we were busy with stuff!!!" Hiro shouted. "Now is not the time!!!" Connie yelled at the two. Tails quickly look, but almost get hit by the blasters and quickly duck behind the crystal, "We have to get out of here!!!" Fluttershy then have a plan, but she knows it's crazy. "Okay, when I say 3 make a run to the edge and jump to that island!" Fluttershy told her friends, pointing to the other island, which is almost far. "What?! Are your crazy!!!" Flame princess screamed. "Just trust me," Fluttershy told Flame princess. "1." Everyone then gets ready to run. "2." Fluttershy said, as Miles got out his blastshield and Phineas got out his baseball gun. "3, run!!!" Fluttershy yelled, as the group starts running. Then the Krang bots and Normbots chased them, one of the Krang bots fire the blaster and it hit Bonnie making her trip and fell to the ground. "Bonnie!!!" Miles screamed. Fiona stopped and ran back to Bonnie and got her sword from her backpack and blocked the blasters from hitting Bonnie. "Get Bonnie out of here!!! I'll hold them off!!!" Fiona told the group, as Miles ran to his girlfriend, and he quickly help her up and they both ran back to the group. Flame princess then fire a fireball at the Normbots, then ran up to Fiona. Then Connie got out her sword, Star got out her wand (and yes, my OC did get Star her magic wand back), and Mabel got out her grabbling hook and they too ran up to Fiona and Flame princess standing by them. "You mean, we'll hold them off." Connie said. "The rest of you go!!!" Star told Fluttershy, Luna, Miles, Bonnie, Phineas, Tails, Hiro, and Baymax. "We have to move now!" Fluttershy told the rest of her friends, as she grabbed Baymax hand, and the rest of the group start to jump to the floating island, and they kept running.
Later, once the reminder of the group are far away from the bots, they stop at some crystal, and they take a breather. Hiro sat down while breathing, with Baymax standing by, "What are those?!" "The bots with the brain in them are the Krang," Fluttershy told Hiro, while taking a breath. "But I have no idea what those other bots are?" Phineas still taking a breath and look at the group, "Those other bots are the Normbots. Their from the 2nd dimension where 2nd Doof used to rule." "Wait, there's a 2nd dimension?" Luna asked. "Yeah, but I thought we took care of 2nd Doof?" Bonnie asked confused. Then Hiro's Vulpix came out of its Pokémon ball. "Vulp!" Vulpix said. "Vulpix! What are you doing out?" Hiro asked his Pokémon partner. "Aww, who's this little on?" Fluttershy asked, as she and Luna awwing over Vulpix. "That's Hiro Pokémon partner, Vulpix." Baymax explained. "Aww, it's so cute!" Luna said, while she is petting Vulpix. "Vulp!" Vulpix said, enjoying the pet.
Miles looked at Vulpix, "I never knew that you had a Pokémon, Hiro. When did you get it?" "It's a long story." Hiro explained. "We'll explain it, next time." Bonnie added. Vulpix then sniff around, noticed the scent, and ran off in the direction of the scent. "Vulpix, wait?!" Hiro called out to his Pokémon, as he chases his Pokémon and everyone else followed, but Baymax walks slowly, till Tails grab his robo-hand and ran fast. Later, Vulpix kept running to follow the scent, until it stops in front of a huge crystal and stare at it. "Vulpix," Hiro said, as he and everyone else ran up to it. "Don't ran off like that!" "Vul! Vulpix!" Vulpix said, pointing its paw at the crystal. Everyone then looked at the huge crystal. "Wooah, that's one huge crystal, dudes." Luna commented. "Scanners indicted, that there's a person in that crystal." Baymax said. "Wait, really?" Phineas asked. Both Fluttershy and Hiro looked very closely at the crystal and saw someone inside. "Baymax is right. I think I see someone." Fluttershy replied. Hiro looked closely and widened his eyes to see who it is, "Brenda?"
(Here is the second chapter, and what a twist at the end. What happens next? Stay tune for the next chapter. The part that Hiro was surprised by dimension X gravity is from TMNT 2012 season 2 episode 23 where Donnie was surprised about the gravity too)
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